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Page 8

by Vera Sparks

  “Don’t suppose you have anything to eat?”

  Axle’s head shot up and growled at the newcomer.

  “Axle, this is Percy, relax,” I reassured Axle as his body stiffened and he readied himself to launch off the couch. As if realizing I’d allowed him in, he relaxed, but continued to watch him carefully.

  “I made you a sandwich,” I waved at the table as I turned, and had to bite my lip from gasping.

  Percy had slipped into the pants I’d given him, but he’d remained shirtless.

  But my God, he was gorgeous.

  His chiseled chest and perfect abs, his hair slicked back and his beard neatly trimmed. I wondered if he’d used my scissors in there for that. I’d better not tell him they were for trimming my lady business.

  But his body was bruised and some of his gashes were bubbling with fresh blood.

  “Oh, thank you,” he gave me a grateful smile as he strode over to the plate and bit into the sandwich while standing. “Nice dog,” he nodded at Axle as he chewed, which earned him a soft growl. He scarfed down his sandwich like a hungry wolf, and I just watched in utter amazement at his ability to eat that quickly.

  “Damn, that was amazing,” he moaned as he brushed his hands on his pants.

  “It was just a sandwich,” I raised an eyebrow. “What were they feeding you there?”

  “Dog food,” Percy stated as he surveyed my house. “Have you still got that first-aid kit?” he asked as he focused on me.

  “Yeah, I’ll grab it,” I said as I set my glass down on my coffee table and stood up. Axle jumped off the couch and stayed in step with me. He was not too keen or trusting of Percy.

  “And if it’s no drama, could I grab another sandwich, please,” he cleared his throat as he eyed Axle.

  “Sure, you can make it,” I smirked as I headed for the kitchen with my furry companion in tow.

  He rolled his eyes but followed me, and I delved into the cupboards below my sink for the first-aid kit.

  I watched Percy out the corner of my eye as he found the bread and ingredients in the fridge. Axle took the moment to carefully step towards him and sniff his legs.

  “Not much in ‘ere,” he stated the obvious as he inspected the fridge as he glanced down at Axle.

  “I don’t eat at home much,” I lied. I didn’t eat much. Period.

  “Hey boy, you can relax, I’m not going to hurt you or your mom,” Percy said softly as he knelt down. Axle sniffed his offered hand before giving a satisfactory wag of his tail.

  “Can he tell what you are?” I asked as I crouched before the cupboard.

  “Yes, dogs normally like us easy, because we’re canines too,” Percy nodded as he carefully reached out. Axle allowed him to scratch his ears and sat down contentedly to accept the affection. He wasn’t normally so quick to accept new men.Then again, I didn’t have many men in my life. Since my ‘death’, I’d had the occasional one night stand or fling, but I knew a relationship was off the cards with the way I was. And the only men who’d been here more than once now were Danny and Alex. I had no male relatives that I knew of. My parents hadn’t been close with their families, and I’d never sought any of them out after I’d lost them both. Well, lost my mom, my father just left.

  “Axle,” Percy read the name that was embroidered into his red collar. Axle lolled his tongue out in response as his tail thumped the floor. “You have gorgeous eyes. What is he? Looks like a shepherd but mixed with something.”

  “German shepherd mixed with husky, at least, that’s what I was told at the shelter.”

  “You rescued him?” Percy asked as he scratched Axle’s chin.

  “Yeah, I had a dog as a kid and at my last rental I had a yard, so I picked him up. He wasn’t even a year old at the time, too much energy for the family apparently. I was intending to get a small dog in case I moved for work, but he won my heart,” I smiled as Axle closed his eyes, enjoying the attention from Percy. I was pleased he’d taken a liking to him; it made me trust Percy slightly more. Dogs were always a good judge of character.

  “Too much energy,” Percy muttered. “You seem like a good boy to me.”

  “He was quite easy to train actually, and when I got the job with Alex, he helped me get this rental. I had to pay extra to have a dog here, but they don’t seem bothered by it since he’s potty trained.”

  “Where’s he go to the bathroom?” Percy frowned.

  “I take him for walks, and when I’m working, Maurice sometimes takes him. If she can’t he stays here and I leave the bathroom open. He’s smart, so if he needs to go and I’m not home to take him out, he goes in the shower which makes my life easy.”

  “I’ve heard cats can do that, didn’t know dogs did too,” he frowned as he gave Axle one final pat on the head before he stood up and looked around.

  “Nice place, looks expensive,” he noted as he began making his sandwich, and I couldn’t help but crack a smile as he ate slices of ham straight out of the package along the way.

  I should’t pick on him; he was probably beyond starved after eating nothing but dog food during his captivity.

  “Yeah, I pay a pretty penny for it,” I said as I stood up with the kit in hand. No need to tell him that I’d own it outright soon enough. I’d received a nice bonus from Alex after what had happened, which went straight into the mortgage I had. And this next bonus would get me close to owning it. I had a feeling Alex had helped in obtaining this apartment for such a cheaper price than was fair for this kind of apartment in Portland. But I’d had to pay extra building fees for having Axle. I owned the apartment and could do what I wanted to it, mostly. But the building owner still owned the building, so there were some rules, and pets were something he preferred not to have if possible.

  “Guess you could afford to save my life easy then,” he eyed me carefully as he sliced up the tomato.

  Axle, content that I was safe with this man, proceeded to return to the living area and pick up a chew toy from his small box on the way. He then leaped onto the couch and took up his position against the cushions as he chewed on his toy.

  “I don’t care much for money these days,” I shrugged as I set the first-aid kit down on the table.

  He finished up making his sandwich and dug into it right there while I stood beside him. I couldn’t help but take in his perfect body, his tight ass, and bulging arms.

  I tried to drag my eyes up to his face, and bit my lip when I realized he was watching me with a small smirk.

  “Well, you finished that quick,” I tried to pretend I hadn’t been caught checking him out as I opened up the kit. “Now stand still and let me get you sorted.”

  Percy did as told and leaned on the counter as I cleaned up his gashes and grazes and dabbed ointment on them. I used the Band-Aids and gauze bandages to dress his wounds, and he simply stared at me the whole time.

  I shifted uncomfortably under his hot gaze, wishing it wouldn’t have this effect on me.

  I hadn’t been laid in a while though.

  And I’d brought that gorgeous dress to find someone to spend the night with.

  I frowned as I banished the thoughts away in disgust. This man was injured and a stranger. A werewolf.

  “Thank you,” he murmured as I flattened the last gauze on his shoulder, careful not to bump any of his vicious looking bruises that marred his otherwise flawless skin.

  “It’s nothing. If you’d had the chance to save someone, I’m sure you would’ve too,” I said softly as I focused on my task and not the heat rising in my body at our closeness. Stupid body, why couldn’t it just be cool and act normal.

  “You don’t even know me,” he said, but it was an innocent statement as he eyed me carefully.

  “I know,” I stepped back, happy with my work. Something about him, the way they’d said he wasn’t a fighter; it made me believe there was more to him than met the eye.

  “Why didn’t you fight?” I asked as I crossed my arms.

  “None of us were t
here by free will. Why fight someone who doesn’t even want to be there,” he looked away, staring hard out the window at the city.

  “You could’ve died,” I frowned.

  “I fought back when I needed to, to stay alive. I wanted to kill the bastard that put me there,” Percy’s dark eyes shot back to me as he gritted his teeth.

  “So, was it Deon?” I asked.

  “Yes and no. I think my pack is being set up. We’re losing a member every few months, we assume they’re just bailing on the pack, and no one can track them down. But now I’m thinking they’re being taken for these fights,” he said as he pushed away from the counter.

  I bit my lip as he stepped closer, his eyes burning into me as his mouth curved upwards.

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Ivy. I owe you my life,” he murmured.

  “Help me find Deon and we’ll call it even,” I said, my voice level as I stared at him.

  “Are you sure there’s nothing else I can do for you?” he drawled as he raised his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

  “Alright, I don’t know how long you’ve been kept down there, but I’m not…” I looked away, trying to figure out my words. What the hell was going on. Was he hitting on me in his state?

  “You smell… different. Human but not. And one thing you should know, is ‘wolves can smell emotions like fear, panic…even arousal,” he smirked as he moved his eyes down my body suggestively. I should’ve been taken aback, completely weirded out, but I wasn’t. Damn, he was hot as hell.

  “Great,” I sighed. “You look like you’ve been hit by a bus.”

  “I’ll live, we heal fast,” he gave me a charming smile.

  “Why do you think you’re being set up?” I cleared my throat, wanting to focus on the task at hand.

  “I was tranquilized while out hunting. They would’ve had to know where I was; it wasn’t exactly a common hunting area for my pack. I chose it because barely anyone else in my pack uses it,” he said as he tore his eyes back up to my face.

  “Who would set you up?” I asked, attempting to step away from his close body but only finding myself pushed up against the counter, cornered by him. Not in a threatening manner, but it still felt… animalistic.

  “Maybe someone inside the pack,” he murmured as he stepped forward to close the small gap between us.

  “Why?” I said softly, trapped with his body practically pressed up against mine.

  “That’s what I have to find out,” he smiled as his dark eyes trailed down my body again. He was definitely undressing me this time. I knew it.

  “How does Deon factor into this?” I gulped as his eyes lingered on my breasts before he dragged them back up to lock onto mine.

  “When I came to, there were three vamps in a van with me. He was one of them. He was bragging about how many ‘wolves he’d tranq’ed in the past two days to be fighters. He was one of them. I heard another man call him Deon, and when we arrived at a warehouse to be… evaluated, I got a good look at him,” he leaned in close to my ear to say the last bit.

  “So if we take you back to your pack and find out who’s selling you out, we might be able to find him?” I said as his hot breath brushed my neck.

  “Probably,” Percy moaned as he pushed his body against mine and I quivered at the bulge that pushed against my skirt.

  “You seem horny for a guy that’s so injured,” I gasped as he kissed my neck.

  God it felt good to get this kind of attention. I knew it was wrong, but I loved it.

  “Would you believe me if I told you that sex helps fasten our healing, so when we’re injured, we get horny,” he chuckled.

  “Absolutely not, because that’s ridiculous,” I chuckled, looking up and meeting his mischievous gaze.

  “Well, it’s the truth, ask your vampire friend, you two seem to have an odd relationship going on there, I can smell the unease and more from both of you,” he grunted as he lifted me up onto the countertop despite my squeak of surprise.

  “We’re just co-workers,” I said breathlessly as he kissed my neck and worked his way down to my blouse. He slowly unbuttoned it, taking his sweet time as I throbbed with desire. My mind jumped to some naughty desires, envisioning his naked body against mine, tangled up in the bed sheets.

  I shouldn’t be doing this. He was a werewolf. I’d pushed Alex away because of what he was, knowing I couldn’t pursue a relationship with an immortal dead guy.

  But everything was different now, and I didn’t want to fight the desire inside me for Percy.

  I gently pinched his chin to pull it up to my face, and he wrapped his arms around me as I claimed his mouth.

  I’m sure Alex would roll over in his coffin if he knew what I was about to do.

  The thought made me smirk against Percy’s hot mouth as he deepened the kiss. His desire and hunger for me was thrilling and exciting, and I let myself go, enjoying the passionate kiss as he worked at removing my top.

  This would definitely be fun.

  I lay beside Percy in bed while he slept, his body heaving with his soft snoring. I stared at his bruises, amazed at how they appeared to be fading.

  Maybe he’d been telling the truth.

  I enjoyed his arm thrown over my waist and holding my naked body close. It was sweet.

  But considering I didn’t sleep, it was also annoying.

  I reached for my phone on the bedside table, careful not to wake Percy as he nuzzled my back gently in his sleep.

  I could get used to having this ‘wolf in my bed. He sure knew how to please a woman, and he could last a fair while. Not to mention he was a great size.

  I smiled at my phone in the dark as I opened up a message to write to Alex.

  ‘Do werewolves get horny when they’re injured?’

  I tried to contain my slight chuckle as I pressed send, the thought of his reaction filling me with glee. Would he scowl and curse at the phone?

  I was amazed at the quick response.

  ‘Shit. Yes, when around women. Sex helps them heal.’

  I bit my lip as I tapped in my response on the touchscreen.

  ‘So he was telling the truth then. Huh.’

  A vibration resounded almost instantly in my hand as his response popped up.

  ‘Did he try to sleep with you?’

  “Bit more than try,” I murmured softly as Percy pulled me against his body.

  ‘I’ll handle it. Was just curious.’

  Barely a moment had passed before my phone started buzzing, Alex’s name lighting up the screen.

  “I gotta take this,” I murmured as I slid out of Percy’s arms.

  He mumbled and rolled over as I tiptoed out of the room.

  “What’s up?” I answered the phone with a gleeful grin.

  “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” Alex’s voice was strained.

  “No, he didn’t hurt me,” I rolled my eyes.

  “I completely forgot about that, they’re more animalistic in a lot of ways. They fuck when they’re angry, hurt, and God knows what else sets them off,” Alex sighed, and I could practically see him massaging his temples.

  “It’s fine. I was just curious because he brought it up,” I said as I held one arm against my bare chest, as if shielding them from unseen eyes. It was instinct really.

  “He brought it up?” Alex fell silent for a moment. “Did he…” Alex breathed into the receiver in exasperation.

  “To be honest, it’s not really your business. Anyway, he gave me some information,” I continued.

  Alex was silent, and I bit my lip as I waited for his reply.

  “You’re right, it’s none of my business,” his tone had changed; it was darker and emotionless now.

  I swallowed as I shivered. I had been expecting something else, and the dismay that filled me confused me. Had I wanted something different? A different reaction from him perhaps?

  “What did he tell you?” Alex got down to business, but I could hear the underlying anger and annoyance.r />
  I’d hurt his feelings.

  Well, it wasn’t like we were anything. I was a single woman, and also a dead woman thanks to him. If I wanted to sleep with Percy then it was none of his damn business.

  But still, I felt like I’d betrayed him somehow, and I couldn’t shake it.

  “He said that his pack might have someone betraying them. Selling them out to the vamps to be fighters. Deon is the main shooter for them, tranquilizing the weres’,” I relayed the information.

  “It’s possible. I guess our best bet is to head to his pack and see what we can dig up. We can leave now,” Alex said bluntly.

  “Percy’s sleeping, and I think he needs it,” I scowled.

  “Well, wake him up,” Alex growled into the phone.

  “No, I’ll wait until morning and go with him to his pack. I’ll text you the address and you can join us at nightfall,” I retorted.

  “You could run into trouble. You could use my help,” he said.

  “I’m dead, what the hell is going to happen to me?” I reminded him.

  Silence greeted me and I clenched my teeth.

  He just didn’t want me alone with Percy anymore.

  “Fine, whatever. Text me the address. I’ll see you tomorrow night,” he muttered.

  I blinked in astonishment as the phone clicked off.

  He’d hung up on me.

  I’d really pissed him off.

  I sighed as I locked my phone and headed back to the bedroom.

  He had no right to be annoyed at me.

  I glanced at Percy as I gathered up some of my clothes from the floor. The rest had been left in a trail from the kitchen. He was sound asleep, and I doubted he’d wake any time soon.

  When I went out into the living room after partially dressing, Axle was asleep on his bed with his bright red chew toy and stuffed elephant next to him. A purple elephant I’d gotten for him when I first got him. It was ragged and worn from his love, but he was always careful with it, never chewed on it, only carried it around. I smiled at him. I wouldn’t wake him for a trip outside for the toilet, I’d worry about that when I got back.

  Besides, I’d left the bedroom door open now and the ensuite was open if he needed to go. I picked up my top and bra from the floor near the kitchen.


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