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Renegade (Ruthless Tendencies Book 2)

Page 22

by D. M. Burns

  “Nah. Rage is my good side Renegade.” She purrs. “I’m the silent, quite one that none of you, assholes suspect or anticipate. I’m well versed in fuckery. Taught and educated by each of you. Mess with my best friend anymore and you’ll get a one on one experience with my sinister side.” She pokes me in the chest while shooting me a sadistic and bone-chilling smirk. Then turns on her badass heels heading for her car. How the fuck did she trek through the woods in those?

  I feel sorry for Rage if he ever pisses her off. Fuck… That was unexpected but good info to know for future points of reference when some shit pops off. Reese will be at the top of my villain list to checkoff.

  Standing against the door frame, my eyes wash over the outline of her body while she sleeps peacefully in my bed. Funny thing is, I’ve never liked sharing my bed with anyone but seeing her curled up in my space gives me a sense of calm. Something that I haven’t felt in months. That’s where she belongs. Where she’s always belonged, in my life, with me.

  Today was an eye-opener. Asia gives off a fake façade that leads you to believe she’s incapable of hurting like a normal person. Having you to believe that if you strike out, your attempt is blocked by unfazed titanium armor. Bullshit. All of that is complete bullshit. She feels every-fucking-thing, epically. Holds onto it. Normally, she’s just quick to process the damage then tucks it away but not this. It was too much for her.

  Perhaps, this is the first time she’s found herself unable to move on. Caught up in a shitstorm from emotions delivered straight out of the depths of hell. That’s okay. We’ll figure it out, together. Turning on my heel, I head toward my kitchen and fix me a crown and coke. Heaving my ass up on my island, I swirl my ice cubes around listening to the luring sound of the clinking against the glass.

  When my phone rings, I retrieve it from the inside of my coat pocket and watch as Asia’s two pictures feather a falling pattern to the tile floor beneath my feet. I hit the speaker button and toss the phone out on the island.

  “Brother, I got your message. The building on main street is almost done. The contractor said two months at the most.” Ramp says.

  “Thanks, Ramp.” I push off the island and collect the pictures off the floor then reposition my ass back up. “You let me know if there’s anything else that comes up. I need it ready as soon as possible. Stalling is starting to cause me problems.”

  “Nah, you being a dickhead causes you problems, but I’ll see what I can work out with the contractor.” He says.

  “Alright. Appreciate it.” I cut the call and turn up my drink.

  Staring at the picture, it’s the sonogram square frame of the baby Asia lost. It looks like a white and black tiny fuzzy peanut. At the bottom of the paper-picture wrote in red worn ink it says, “Mine over Matter ♥Baby Grace♥”.

  I shuffle the other picture out from behind it to view. It’s pretty much the same thing except there are two tiny little peanut looking shapes less the years of wear and weather surrounding the newer picture. Better quality and at the bottom in fresh red ink it says, “OUR’s ♥Nothing else Matters♥”.

  My eyes zone in on the date to see this was two weeks ago and my heart stops momentarily. When the meaning comes back full circle, it snaps at the middle of my chest with a lifelike punch. Our… OUR’s… Holy fucking shit. Mine… Her… Together… Our Baby… Hell, I’m no expert but I can count. Twins. Our babies.

  Son-of-a-bitch… Asia’s pregnant. That’s what Reese was talking about. That’s why Asia wasn’t drinking at the gala. That’s why she was tired afterward and probably why she slammed the door in my face, hormone hell. Plus, she was weary of my damn bullshit altogether. Damn, my brown eyed girl…

  There’s so much that needs to be done. There’s so much shit that I’ve got to make right with her. Then I’ve got to convince her to come home, to me. Where she fucking belongs.

  One thing I know for sure is if she tells me that Deke the dickbag is the dad, he’ll end up dead. Scrubbing my hand over my face, my lips form a smile. I’m going to be a dad. Sliding down from the island, I make my way to my future babies moma. Fuck yeah, I said it. Sounds good. Feels good. All mine.

  chapter 34 - asia

  Craning my eyes open, I stare up at the twirling fan overhead wondering where the hell I’m at. This place is sterile white with rounded soft accent globes circling the outer ceiling wall overhead casting out the dark. The maple furniture is obscene in a masculine way but looks fitting for the enormous room it occupies. The windows are blanketed with a soft ruby-colored curtain that matches the bedspread perfectly.

  There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m in Renegade’s bedroom. His scent surrounds me. The details in the room are him. His personality shines out stylishly bold and eye-catching. I vaguely remember Ren carrying me out of the woods. Oh God. Reese was there too. Where are my pictures? I go to sit up quickly but stop short.

  When I feel warmth move across my stomach, I peer down. The sight of Renegade's head resting on my stomach immobilizes me. His cheek is pressed against my belly causing my heart to accelerate. I have on one of his old comfy t-shirts and I’m not sure what the hell became of my clothes. Ren smells of fresh manly soap and shampoo. It’s clear that he just got out of the shower and his signature black boxers are the only clothing on his body.

  Reaching down, I run my fingers through his beautiful whiskey-colored wet locks. I want to appreciate this time with him. Soon he’ll be back to hating me, plotting. Manipulating and pushing my buttons trying to provoke a reaction out of me that I just don’t have the energy for anymore. I hate this place that we’re at. It’s not healthy. It’s also something I can’t entertain anymore.

  “Your pictures are on the nightstand baby.” He whispers.

  His head tilts slightly then I feel his lips placing a kiss to my stomach and settling back down in place. Renegade is far from a stupid man. He saw the picture and knows I’m pregnant. I was going to tell him everything, I was. It’s just that every time I psyched myself up to talk to him, he’d come at me with some kind of Ruthless Tendencies.

  “Ren…” I focus on the ceiling while threading my fingers through his hair then continue, “Protecting you was my motivator all those years ago. I wasn’t going to allow anything to take you away, especially not because of me. You wear retaliation like a fashion model. I was afraid you’d end up killing him.” I don’t have to elaborate. He knows who I’m talking about. “Rage was already gone. You saw what that did to Reese. I couldn’t.” I gulp back the threatening tears. “Your brothers needed you. I needed you, Ren. Even if that meant knowing you were living a good life without me. As long as you had one to live, I was okay with that.”

  “I was far from okay with that Asia. If you can’t tell babe, that fucked me up. It runs deep. It never stopped. You should’ve trusted me to handle it. I’m so fucking sorry. I had no clue brown sugar.” He picks my hand up and places a kiss on the inside of my palm. “Sellers is also a worry we’ll never be bothered with again.”

  Another one of my grandpops good advice talks was about the old saying, “Less is more.” This is one of those times, huh grandpops? Gotcha. I’m no dumbass. Renegade knows exactly what happened to Jake. I’m not going to ask. That’s information I don’t need to survive.

  “I’m so sorry I hurt you,” I whisper. Hurting him was never my intention. I only ever meant to keep him safe. “But you were always Mine over Matter Ren.” He wraps his arms around me.

  “Are they mine?” He asks. My head snaps up while my mouth gapes open. I snap it shut while staring at this idiot for a beat. What the actual hell?

  “Really? The asshole caveman in you is leading the way today, huh? Just know that hormonal women don’t like that shit. Yes, there OUR babies. Should they be expecting any brothers or sisters from blowjob barbie?” I grip his hair tighter and playfully pull at his locks.

  “I tried to explain that, but you weren’t listening to me. I was there alone. Entered and left… ALONE. But you knew tha
t because you slammed your front door in my face.” He chuckles.

  “I was going to tell you last week but then you bought my other commercial property and I was too upset.” I can feel him smiling against my belly. I try to pinch him under his arm. We scuffle around and he climbs over me pinning me to the bed with his sexy body.

  “I know there my babies, brown sugar. I’m just messing with you.” He smiles wide and my heart settles a little.

  “I was on birth control. The doctor said it was probably the antibiotics he gave me for a sinus infection a few months back that was the culprit. I’m not sure Ren. I know you weren’t planning to be a father. Jesus, you can’t decide if you hate me half the time or not. But I’m keeping our babies. I’m fully prepared to do this on my own if I have to.” I’m rambling on like a lunatic at this point.

  “Baby… I asked you what your dreams where years ago. Do you remember what you told me?” Yes, word for word. I shake my head no because I want to hear his sexy rendition. “You’re a bad liar but I’ll entertain ya. You said it was to teach jujitsu in your own place but also, it was me. Us. Together and happy. Then you said that I was yours. Mine over Matter and we’d figure it out together. Does that sound about right?” Jesus, I nod my head.

  “Do you still feel that way?” He whispers across my lips.

  “Yes.” I nod my head.

  The tears are welling up in my eyes because those are my exact words. I’m caught off guard that he remembered. I thought this side of him was buried, hidden from me.

  “The only thing that’s changed since high school is the desire to live that life with you has amplified. Times two.” He rubs his hand across my stomach, and I blink through the tears. “We’re going to be parents and I’m done with the games.” God, this man is killing me. “I’ve got a lot to make up for but I’m hoping you won’t be too hard on me. We’ve already wasted enough time.” He wipes away the wet trails coating my face. “Don’t cry brown eyes. This ends well, I promise.” He winks at me while slipping the shirt over my head.

  “What are your dreams, Ren?” I asked as he works his boxers down and removes my thong.

  “To make sure yours come true. To build a family with you. I’ve already got that shit covered; results are my thing babe. Imma two for one kinda man. Exceeding expectations.” He leans in and takes my mouth only to break back and finish with, “But most of all, to love those brown sugar eyes always and I do. More than anything.” He peppers kisses along the side of my neck as he nudges his cock between my seam, sliding deep within me slowly on a low growl.

  “Mhhhh. I love you.” I grit out. “Yes. Ohhh.” I wrap my legs around him pulling him into me.

  His forehead drops to mine and he growls, “Time for you to come home to me baby; where you’ve always belonged.” He circles deep hitting that spot that drives me crazy. “No more fucking around. Tell me you’re coming home to me.” He covers my lips before I have a chance to answer him. Sinking into me, rooted and unmoving. He licks his way around my mouth then bites down on my bottom lip before locking those silver bullets on me.

  “I’m not letting you go again,” I whisper. It’s true. Never again.

  “Damn, brown sugar.” He takes his time plundering within my mouth. This is not fucking, no. This is the boy turned man that Ryice is through and through. Making love to me.

  He pulls his hips back then returns to me with a dipping stroke effect that has me gripping his ass. I’m in desperate need of this man. That beautiful masculine jaw is clenched and the chords in his neck are flexed. He’s about to lose control in a welcoming way.

  “I need more Ryice. Please.”

  “God damnit.” He grits out between clenched teeth and those eyes convey concern.

  “You won’t hurt me. Baby please.” He’s afraid he’ll harm the babies or me. My Renegade.

  “Mine. Fuck.” He lets go of control a little forging forward.

  “Ryice… Oh, God.” He grips the side of my neck and those silver bullets pierce me.

  “Say it, baby.” He growls.

  He slows the pace again on purpose until I tell him what he wants to hear. Damnit. This man knows exactly how to play my body. So, good. Building a rhythm that has me panting. Or maybe it’s the hormones. Hell, all I know is I want him in a bad way, very dirty way. I trail my hands up his sides letting my nails teasingly scrape along his ribs.

  “I’m yours, Ryice. Only you.”

  “I love you so much, brown eyes.” He lowers his mouth and kisses the middle of my chest, heart. Jesus. Then licks a path between each breast. Tweaking and pinching each until they're both tight buds. I thread my fingers in his hair.

  “There’s no fucking way in hell you’re doing anything on your own ever again.” He slides his hand between my legs and circles his thumb on my clit. Our hips meet each other thrust for thrust. “You’ll be doing good if I let you back out the front door after tonight. You belong with me.” He growls.

  “Jesus…” I hiss. He sits back on his knees taking me up with him. Ren grabs my hips and I latch onto his shoulders while he drives into me at a punishing pace. “More.”

  “Fuck baby.” He grinds out between thrusts.

  “Please,” I beg unashamed. Next thing I know, I’m flipped over on my hands and knees. He slams into me from behind. “Oh, God.” I cry out. He grips my shoulder with one hand while holding my hip in the other.

  “Am I hurting you, baby?” He rasps out.

  “Noooo.” I slam back into him. Showing him that this is exactly what I want, him. He doesn’t need any more encouragement. The Renegade takes over.

  “Fuck. I feel you tightening up. Cum on my dick baby.” He grinds into me and smacks my ass hard. I throw my head back reeling in the sensations that are about to come to the surface. I can feel them along with the tingling on my ass from that hot as fuck slap.

  “Yes, Ryice.” He pumps his hips and I cum right before he plunges deep one last time.

  “Mine.” He rumbles out as he releases deep inside of me. I feel each of his body spasms. When he falls to the side, he takes me along with him. Once he has me tucked under his arm, he grips my face while claiming my mouth.

  “Welcome home brown sugar.” He tosses the covers over us and I fall asleep listening to his heartbeat underneath my ear again, peacefully. My Renegade.

  chapter 35 - renegade

  It’s been three months since I moved my soon to be wife into our house. Well, she’s technically not my fiancé yet, but she will be after tonight. It’s long overdue. Hopefully, she won’t make me wait too long. I’ve been on pause damn near six years already for Christ's sake. Maybe she’ll cut me some slack.

  Truthfully, I’ll do whatever the fuck she wants me to do. Playing by her rules is this Renegade’s new unconventional way of life. My little brown sugar baby bakery has me wrapped and she knows it. I’ve worked hard at mending my asshole stunts that I subjected her to. Today will be the added cherry on top, so to speak.

  Our twin boys, yeah-boys-thank fuck, are perfectly healthy. The doctor said my trio is on track and everything is looking good. At first, Asia was constantly worried that she might miscarry again. After some time and the doctor’s reassurance that concern eased away.

  Personally, I tend to believe it was Jake’s psychotic twisted DNA that was hexed. It had nothing to do with my girl. Rebel put the smackdown on old Jake the Ripper’s chemical code being reproduced and rightfully so. The world’s a better place without it. Zero fucks. He’s a dead memory, period.

  Asia is the happiest she’s ever been and so am I. The woman’s a glowing ball of energy. Trying to keep up with her proves to be a challenge sometimes. You’d think with the added cargo she’d slow down a little, no. She’s really been enjoying her pregnancy though. Hell, I’m enjoying the fuck out of her hormones. The sex is phenomenal, mind-blowing. There’s something about seeing the woman you love carrying your child, or in our case, children. It has my inner caveman on the prowl for her anytime she’s ne

  Just last week, I swiped my desktop clear and tossed my little horny ninja on top for a dick test. It was balls to the wall sexual Chaos of epic sorts. Until Rage waltzed his mammoth ass right on in like he owned the place. Now that shit was priceless.

  That larger than life raging asshole proceeded to cover his fucking eyes like a pussy. Then he promptly turned on his heel with purpose in his step, hurtling his way toward the door with his eyes completely shielded. Only to miss the opening by a foot and hitting the fucking wall face first. Busted his damn nose and blacked both his eyes.

  That’s some shit you don’t see every day. After all the cage appearances throughout his career, he never carried a facial injury, ever. That was compliments of my fucking abilities, literally. Bragging rights are in order and I do. Brag a lot.

  If I hadn’t been so caught up in trying to shield my pregnant woman from his fuck sockets, I’d have recorded that shit and put it on U-Tube. That was a money-making missed opportunity if I ever saw one. The infamous badass Rage was reduced to a blundering pussy. All because he refused to knock on my god damn door. I warned him. Bet that motherfucker rethinks every doorknob he comes in contact with from here on out.

  A month ago, Serena dropped in for a pop surprise visit. I’m not about that life with my girl. Asia is all I ever wanted, period. Upsetting her is some shit that will disturb the resting warrior in me. So, I tried to explain to Serena that I was in a committed relationship and all ties were cut. I wished I could blame the shitshow on a language barrier but no.

  Apparently, Serena thought we were more even though I distinctively remember having this conversation once before, prior to my Fireball Reese’s Pieces poolside peepshow. Anyway, her French or Portuguese speaking language littered the Chaos hallways with curses. The sound wasn’t as attractive as I once found it to be.

  Rebel and Rampage heard the commotion and came out of their office. Reb simply laughed and quickly twirled his ass around closing himself back in his box. Rampage took one look at the irate chick and quirked his brow at me while chuckling.


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