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The Beginning: In the Families Footsteps (A Terri Walker Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Robert Segulin

  After a few minutes I began to walk away, as I did, I noticed in the reflection from the window, another reason to stop there, and saw a young very well groomed, attractive and seemingly fit man staring at me. I didn’t make any notice that I noticed him and because of that he went back to his phone.

  But after I walked passed a boutique’s window and started to stop but shook my head to show any one looking that I thought the prices were much to high. When I did that the young man then made a direct approach towards me and stopped about three feet away.

  He said nothing, so I turned and gave him a smile then said, “way to pricey for me here. I am a school teacher trying to get my Doctorate, so I could be a professor at some college, then I will be able to shop here. But sadly, I will only be here about a year and then off to another school to teach or be that professor that I and my family have worked so hard for me to be. Sorry to bore you with my dreams.” And again, a smile.

  He responded in a very thick but understandable accent, sounded as if he was from somewhere like the Ukraine or Russia. “a beautiful woman as yourself deserves to be dressed in such beautiful clothes.”

  I smiled and gave a girlish giggle then said, “are you trying to pick me up or something with that statement?”

  He smiled and nodded with a yes and said, “I was that obvious, was I? Are you upset that I said that to you or do you not mind the kind but true words?”

  I thought a second and knew that I just met my first criminal here in this building, and if I play it slow but constant gleaming of my eyes on him, I may just meet a whole lot more.

  I responded with, “sir I have to say that with your extremely good looks and that heart throbbing accent, your words have made my day if not my year, thank you.”

  He smiled again this time reach out his hand and said, “my name is Mikhail Petrov.”

  I took his hand and before I gave him my name I said, “so Mikhail which is god like and Petrov meaning stone, you are name of a strong and solid god like person.”

  He shook his head and said, “you know of the Russian language and heritage?”

  I have been going to school for a long time and have picked up areas of minor expertise of different countries around the world. And I am ashamed to say that my name has none of the flare that yours does, which is, Terri Walker, school teacher.”

  “Well, Miss or Mrs. Terri Walker, you have a beautiful and strong name also.” He said with a slight smile.

  I shook my head and said, “again Mikhail very smooth but extremely obvious again too. And it is Miss, never married no time with going after my future the way that I have been.”

  I knew that I was about to stay to long, so I made the excuse that I need to get things ready for tomorrow, because I am registering for my classes at ULA College. And I am not to sure how to get there from my motel.”

  He responded with, “what motel are you staying at? Because then I may be able to give you good directions to get there. Also, maybe even take you there for your first day, so you won’t be nervous and take a wrong road, and not even get there.”

  I answered him with, “the motel is only temporary, the reason I was looking here for a more permanent place to live while I am in school, but with the price of renting a condo here for a month, I could live in an apartment back home for four months. But still the same the motel is Sierra Motel close to the airport, since I had no idea where to stay, I choose being close to the airport then I will go around and find a cheap but nice place.”

  He rubbed his face and said, “no, no, not there, it simply will not do to have such a young and beautiful woman stay in a not so good place. I am being kind when I say not so good, other wise I just may scare you away from this whole state, and before we had a chance to get to know each other better.”

  I responded with, “what you can do for me if you don’t mind is put together a list of places that I could live that is safer, and remember cheap, but not to cheap. My Uncle is paying for the college and my mother the place that I will live, but within reason. I have some savings but that is for eating and a little bit of fun while I am here.”

  Mikhail then smiled and said, “so I guess you have already accepted my offer to drive you to school tomorrow? I will pick you up in the morning and take you to school on your first day that way you will know how to get there and hopefully I will have a list of places also.”

  I tilted my head a bit then said, “OK, Mr. Petrov, I will accept your ride tomorrow, but first a look at your drivers license before we make it final. And you don’t have to search all night for a place for me.”

  He said, “first I will not search, I will have someone that works for me do it. Second it is Mikhail not Mr. Petrov. You will be safe with me, I assure you.”

  “I thank you ahead of time Mikhail, and I will give you my number, so you can call when you get to my motel. Then I will also have your number after you call me. I have to be at school by 11:00 a.m. if that is ok with you?”

  “No problem and I could just give you my number now if you wish, give me your phone and I shall put it in for you.” He said with a grin.

  I knew why he wanted to do that because that way he would have a quick look at my contacts and see who I may know that is of importance to him, like police, FBI, etc. Checking me out but not my body only who I am. I am sure that he will have his employee do a indebt search of me before he even leaves his home tomorrow.

  I gave him the phone and slightly turned towards a store front then quickly back. I didn’t want him to think that I wanted him to look through my phone by looking away for a minute, so I made it be normal actions, but not to obvious.

  He gave me my phone back and said, “I will pick you up at 10:00 a.m. even though it does not take that long to get there, I think we could drive past a few of the places that my employee finds for you, OK.”

  I nodded with a yes and we parted both looking back as we walked away from each other. I thought that I either just hooked him or he hooked me, like he may have done to Laurie. She is a beautiful fit woman and I know that he noticed her when she would go around this complex.

  Chapter 18

  I woke up at six to take a little run around the area, that way I would have a good idea of where I am at. Besides that, I could see if any of his employees are sitting in a car or van watching me and anyone who may visit. I know if I am correct, he will also have some type of cell wave interceptor and monitor any call that I may get or make. Basic he has a I don’t trust you yet syndrome, just like me. I already sent off an email to my mother, to let her know that I just met a remarkable man and that he is Russian, and his name is Mikhail Petrov plus is what I could tell a respectable business man of some type and very handsome and kind. My mother of course was General Kelly, and he has switched any calls or emails, text that I make to my mother go straight to him.

  As I was making my way around the corner where I was staying, I noticed a car with two men in it. They tried to not look to conspicuous but trust me even a novice at what I do could pick them out. Now, am I supposed to see them or are they that bad at what they do. I am going with supposed to see them.

  When I got to the corner, I decided to let them see more. I stretched and as I did my 9mm was exposed that was in a holster on my back. Now my turn to be sure that they see it and become curious of why I had a gun. Especially in a no gun zone as I am in.

  If Mikhail was just checking up on me or was, he truly interested in me I will find out later when he picks me up. Or he could just be very protective of his newly acquired woman in his life, or what he may feel will be his new conquest.

  Silly men, some feel that just because they are successful and good looking that all women want them. Well some, like me want a real honest man, not a syndicate criminal.

  I finished my run and went back into my motel room. I put my gun back into the safe and took a shower. Dressed and waiting for my ride, I peeked out the window to see if my watchers were still there. They were, along with a few mo
re cars at different spots around the area. Now I think with my gun show my new friends may just be worried about me alone with their boss.

  I will have to end their suspicions quickly and make sure they feel comfortable with me and the boss.

  A few minutes later pulling up to my motels entrance was a Mercedes-Maybach. The luxury of luxury of a Mercedes. If I am correct that vehicle would cost somewhere around 170 to 180 thousand. The vehicle is to be driven by a driver while the owner sits in back doing business. I thought that he is either a show off or has protection issues.

  But what I can gather by the way the vehicle is sitting, distance from the bottom of the car to the ground, it must be very well armored. So, protection and a little bit of ego too.

  I didn’t run right out to his car but instead waited to see if either he would come up or send an employee. Or be very tacky and call to tell me to come to his car. Then a call came in on my phone, I shook my head thinking that he wants me to come down, oh well he is not a boyfriend but a mark. But I still would like a little chivalry from him.

  I answered the phone and immediately he said, “sorry Terri, I know that I am a bit early to be here, but I was anxious to see you again. So, I thought that I better call to be sure that you are ready before I come to your door to escort you back to my car.”

  Wow! I thought, if this guy wasn’t a crook, I could get into him very easily. But I don’t want him for romance but to see if he has any knowledge of Laurie’s where about, and to get inside his circle of crime bosses which was the mission of Laurie.

  I responded with, “I am ready, but you don’t have to come to my door to escort me, a kind gesture though, but I will just be down in a second, OK?”

  He said, “I would rather come to your door to be sure that you are not accosted by any of the residence that live here and around the motel. I told you that I didn’t like the idea of a beautiful woman as yourself be staying here. So, I have a list of places that are safer and, well closer to mine.”

  I answered with, “Ok, come on up, but to see me back down to your car and not a quickie in my room before we go.”

  He laughed and said, “Terri, I have to much respect for you. I also have a great deal of respect for all women. My mother did raise me right in that area, now in business, that is all my father. I will be up in a minute.”

  I thought that it was nice that he said that he had respect for women, but when it comes to business, women are a nonessential part in business, whether it be a woman or a man there is no difference. They both would be dealt with the same. Lifted in praise or killed and disposed of.

  I heard a knock at my door and went to it and opened the door. When I did there was Mikhail with a smile on his face and asked me if he could come in. I paused a second then smiled back and motioned him in. I then said, “remember, no funny stuff, OK?”

  He then said, “no funny stuff, but just want to see if you are a neat freak or a sloppy person. Not that it matters but one must always be prepared for the worst.”

  Sorry but I am a neat freak, as you can see, I haven’t even taken all my items out of the suitcases. I am prepared to leave as soon as I find a place that is safer than here.”

  He then responded with, “I will show you some on the way to the college and more after your registration is done. I agree with the area, it is not the greatest for anyone, a man, or a woman.”

  I then saw him look around and gave a look at the safe in the wall. I chuckled and said, “that safe is for all my expensive jewelry that I brought with me.”

  He gave me a look and then I said, “I have nothing of value in the safe except my 9mm pistol.”

  As I said that about a gun, I studied his face for any expression of shock or that of I already know about your gun.

  He said, “a gun, I would never have imagined you having one. Or needing one.”

  I responded with, “well, I am a single female who as you see has not much resources to have a good place to stay, and when I am walking or running around what ever area that I am in, I need protection. Just like today, as I was talking an early morning run, I saw two men in a car across the street from here and that Mikhail is why I have a gun. Even though I know that this is a no gun zone. I will worry about the law after my assailant is down.”

  He shook his head and then said, “first Terri I do want to apologize of something that I have done. I hope that you understand of my reasons of doing it after I tell you. But, those two men in the car across the street work for me. I had them stay there because I worried about you staying here and did not want to have found you and lost you in the same day. So again, I am sorry. Do you understand, and forgive me for me being overly protective?”

  I saw his face filled with apprehension of what my response will be, so I didn’t make him wait to long. “Mikhail what you are saying is that you hired two body guards for me so that I would be safe here last night. And I have only one statement to make about what you have done.”

  I paused then continued with, “Oh Boy! Will my mother be happy that a man hired me body guards? She was so worried about me being here alone and now she will feel some comfort. And I will not have to break the law today and carry my gun, it will stay locked up in the safe and hopefully the need for it will be after I leave California next year.”

  He smiled and said, “or it can stay locked away for a very long time if you don’t leave this state.”

  I looked confused at what he said even though I darn well know what he meant. “Mikhail what do you mean by me not leaving this state?”

  He responded and said, “Terri, what I mean is that you may get a professors position after your year in school, or, maybe something or someone will have you want to stay longer, if not forever.”

  I smiled and said, “you my dear man are something else. Sweep a woman off her feet much?”

  We both laughed at that and then headed down to his car. When approaching his car, the driver got out and opened a door, and at the same time the two cars across the street were now in the parking lot with us. One car was in front of his and the other behind it. I now knew that my gut was right, and I am with one of the new Crime Syndicate Bosses, if not possibly thee boss, of the new form of a cartel. A cartel that has included every know criminal element in the world, and all together here in the U.S.A.

  Chapter 19

  Now at the college, I was finishing up with what I came here to do, and Mikhail was sitting in the waiting area patiently. I was amazed at how he has taken to me. Either he is crazy about me or as they say, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

  As I am sure that he is cautious about me, I am the same about him. Getting to close can lead to leaving your guard down and that, well will make you dead. Which I do hope is not what happened to Laurie. She could have encountered this man and as I have found out can be a very charismatic person. If she became to close to him, then that could be why she disappeared. But hopefully if it was by his doing, he follows what his mother has taught him, not his father.

  When I came out of the registration office, I chuckled and said, “Mikhail, you could have gone, and I would have either called you to come back and get me or took a cab or some other form of transportation back to my motel.”

  He smiled and said, “I told you that I would drive you here and, on the way, look at some possible places that you can move to, and after you were done, finish the tour and have lunch.”

  I walked up to him as he stood up and gave him a hug and thanked him. I said, “not many men would sit in a lobby waiting for a girl that he just met. And to do what you have done already for me. Get places for me to look at, which on my own would have taken weeks to do. And to actual have people watch me so that you would know that I was safe. Ok, lets finish the tour and have lunch. But can I pay for lunch so that I won’t feel like a leach and am taking advantage of you.”

  “Terri, you make me feel good, and I don’t care if you are wanting to take advantage of me, because you are, well, uh, a
very special woman and I want to get to know you better and have you around me for a long time.” He said as he hugged me back and didn’t seem to want to let go of me either.

  Mikhail drove past many nice places, but I kept saying the same thing with each one we looked at. “Way too much for me, sorry but if you could have who ever did this nice work searching out a place for me to live to lower the price range a little. I don’t mind struggling a little to be comfortable, but I like to eat too.”

  With a sheepish grin he said, “if you possibly stay in my condo all your worries of cost would be gone. I do have a three bedroom, so you would have your own room. It is close to the college and I have maid service and security. So, you would be comfortable living with me. Uh, I mean in my condo.”

  I gave him a look of amazement and responded with, “well aren’t we moving a bit fast today. You know if we were friends for a longer time that possibility would be nice. But just as you probably are with your employees, a 90-day period working to see if they will work out. Not that you will be fired after that time limit, but maybe sooner or longer and we may become closer. Remember it is up to the both of us, just because you feel that we are at a better place, it may be that I am not, or visa versa. So, what I am saying is, let us take it slow and see what develops in this new relationship that we have started.”

  He nodded in agreement and then we stopped at a restaurant to have lunch. The whole time that we were eating, he seemed to be very quiet. I asked him if something is wrong, and he said, “I am troubled now, I feel that by saying that I wanted you to move into my place you may not want to associate with me any longer. And you never once asked me what I do for a living, which makes me feel that you may not be that interested in me.”


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