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The Beginning: In the Families Footsteps (A Terri Walker Series Book 1)

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by Robert Segulin

  I smiled and said, “you have not done anything wrong and moving to fast, well I will just accept the fact that you are a man and most that I knew moved fast. I do care about your work but what I have learned traveling the country and some parts of Europe, some men are very secretive about what they do because they may feel that it is not important or glamorous enough. They also may just be that type of person, private in their lives until they trust a person enough to speak out about the work they do. And then there are some that brag about themselves, work, life, and any other thing that they come up with. I wait and after time if a person wants me to know their business, then they will tell. So, when you are ready, we can talk all night about work, family, anything.”

  He then said with a grin, “all night?”

  I shook my head and said, “Mikhail, will you get your thoughts straight and help me take you serious? I am going to have to keep a close eye on you.”

  Another grin, but before he could talk, I said. “Ok enough relationship talks today. We can continue another day.”

  He smiled and nodded, and I did too.

  He did say earlier that he would take me on a tour of the area, just to know what is around here.

  With that thought, we left the restaurant and had a great day touring LA.

  Chapter 20

  The next day I got up early again to take a run, but this time with no 9mm. I peeked out the window and saw my body guards sitting in the car in the same spot. I smiled because of those two watching me, but at the same time knew that having them shadow me would make it that much harder to do what I came here to do, and that was to first find out about Laurie, then the new crime group forming in the country.

  I decided to do something nice for my new security. I went to the motel office where they have coffee and Danishes. I took two cups of coffee and some cream and sugar, just in case they don’t drink it black. I also brought two cream cheese Danish.

  I walked right up to their car and as I did, I watched their reaction of me coming directly to them and not going for a run. Then they saw the coffee and a bag. The one rolled down his window and said, “good morning, miss Walker.”

  I gave them a big smile and responded with, “Terri please. I brought some coffee and Danish because I thought that you may be hungry and in need of something to wake you up.”

  They both chuckled and the one said, “thank you, Terri. We both do appreciate the kind gesture.”

  I gave a nod and said, “well off to my early morning run. I hope you two have a pleasant day.”

  They both nodded and the one again said, “Terri, I notice that you do not have your little friend strapped to your back today.”

  I said, “why do I need it when I have my new security.” Then a smiled and I ran off.

  As I was making the second turn that has me getting back to the motel, a young blonde woman was standing by the corner. I waved as I came up to her and said, “good morning!”

  She responded with, “good morning to you also Miss Walker.”

  I stopped immediately and reached behind me, then remembered I didn’t bring my gun. What a dumb mistake. I said, “how do you know me?”

  She then with a smile said, “Miss Walker, one of the men called me to go with you on your run today because they noticed you were not with your 9mm today. Mr. Petrov ordered me to be waiting around here just in case you were in trouble and when he heard that you were without your protection, well here I am. So, shall we continue our run?”

  I looked at her and could only smile and nod with a yes.

  As we ran, I asked her, “does he do this with all his girl friends?”

  She shook her head no and then said, “he was involved with a young American woman not to long ago. She and him were an item until one day she just disappeared. He looked for weeks but could not find her and he even pays the rent on her condo in hopes of her returning. So, that is why when he became close to you, he didn’t want the same to happen to you.”

  I looked with a bewildered face and asked her, “what do you mean the same thing? And by the way who was this woman?”

  She answered with, “her name was Laurie.”

  I almost stumbled when she said her name, but I did the best to stay calm.

  Then she continued with, “Mr. Petrov is a very well known, and is sometimes disliked by other business people, he felt that one of his associates or competitors may have taken her, because to get even with him or use her as a negotiating tool. But he has no proof, I think that he blames everyone for her leaving. We, his employees, feel that she may have taken off to give him a chance to settle down a bit. He was almost attached to the hip with her and gave her no space at all to do anything alone without him.”

  I took a breath and continued to run, but while I was, I thought that the first thought from Mikhail may be the correct one. Which means that he may not be directly involved with her disappearance.

  We came to the end of the run being back at the motel and she gave a wave to the men in the car and she turned to me and asked, “do you plan on running tomorrow morning? If you are let me know by calling this number and I will be here.”

  She smiled and started to walk away when I stopped her and said, “yes, I am going to run in the morning and it was nice to have someone to run with, so yes please come I enjoyed your companionship. But one thing, I never got your name?”

  She stopped and said, “my name is Lana, and yes it was nice to accompany you today, I will be here in the morning. And have a great day and please do not say anything to Mr. Petrov of what I said about the other woman.”

  I nodded with a yes and turned to go to my room. While in my room I decided that I may just let Mikhail get a little closer because that way I will be able to meet more of his friends and enemies.

  I need to have him tell me of Laurie and what he feels happened to her, that way I will have an ally to help me find her, without him knowing that he is doing just that.

  I showered, dressed and went to the college to buy my books and get my schedule.

  Chapter 21

  Driving to the college was little nerve racking, with the traffic and how so many drivers seem to not pay any attention to who is around them. But I made it, parked in visitors, until I can obtain a student parking permit.

  I decided to take a good look around the campus, so I would have a good idea of where things are at. But mainly to observe if anyone was following me around. I know that maybe one of Mikhail’s people may be, but I saw some of them and the way they dress, so that would give me some idea if any of them are following. But if they are not as well dressed as his people, then I may have another admirer.

  I continued my tour and noticed one person who happened to be just about everywhere that I have been. I did notice also that he was dressed as a sloppy student. That may be because he is and has a thing for me, or that he is trying to blend in as a student, so I would not notice him easily. I took a photo of him as I made a turn around a building. I know that he was to cross a street and would not be looking directly at me so that is when I took the picture.

  I will send it back to headquarters and keep it in case I notice him with Mikhail, then I can ask him who he is.

  I got my schedule and books and made my way back to my car. As I walked back to my car, I did notice the man following again but I didn’t let it bother me right now, maybe later it will if he keeps up and I cannot find out who he is. But when that time comes this man will find out who I am and not meaning an agent but a very formidable woman who can take care of herself.

  Sitting in the car looking over my schedule, my phone rang, and it was Mikhail’s assistant. I said, “hello.”

  Then she said, “Miss Walker this is Ivanna, Mr. Petrov’s assistant. I am calling to let you know that I have found the perfect place for you to live, while you are going to school. It has a special rate that they give to those seeking their master’s or higher. With that it is below what you told Mr. Petrov that your price range was. I wil
l text you the address and a map for directions.”

  I responded with, “wow, thank you. I cannot believe the luck of you finding this place. And I cannot help but feel that maybe a certain someone is really subsidizing this place, so I will be closer to him?”

  She gave a chuckle and said, “no, he doesn’t even know that I found this place yet. I have already taken the liberty to make you an appointment for about an hour from now. That will give you plenty of time to get there. And Miss Walker it does sound like something that Mr. Petrov would do, but I ensure you he didn’t. So, I hope you like it because it is close to your school and a bit farther than Mr. Petrov would like from his place.”

  We both chuckled at that, I thanked her again and told her that I can’t wait to meet her to thank her for all her hard work in person.

  She said back, “I cannot wait to meet the woman that has Mr. Petrov all giggly, like a young boy on his first date. You must be something. Bye.”

  Then we both hung up and I smiled to myself and thought that I need not try to get him closer, he already is. I need to now slow him down a touch.

  I drove to the location that she gave me and was shocked to see the building. I parked and then entered the magnificent building. I went into the lobby and saw that it was not too much different than the one that Mikhail lives in. Same builder or does he really have something to do with this great deal that I am supposed to get.

  I saw a sign that said condominium rental agent’s office and walked to it following the arrows of course. This place is a lot bigger then Mikhail’s and has so much more that I can see. Movie theater, gym, three restaurants, and so much more. I thought then, student discount, huh! I better be sure about that before I sign the lease.

  I went into the office and told the girl at the front desk that I had an appointment to see about living here. My name is Terri Walker, and I am just starting to finish, hopefully, my doctorate.

  The girl looked her computer screen and the pressed the intercom and said to who ever was on the other end. “miss Walker is here to look at the property.”

  Then I heard, “let her in.”

  I walked into the office and saw a tall thin woman, about in her fifties I would guess, but not sure because she seems to be in very good shape. The wrinkles on her face are how I am judging her but in the sun all the time will make a face turn into a wrinkled leather looking one.

  She greeted me as I entered her office and motioned for me to have a seat in front of her desk. I did and with a smile I said, “I cannot believe that an amazing place like this is actually in my budget. I am suspicious of how exactly I get this student discount. I just met a man and he is already trying for me to get into his building which is three times the price that you are telling me for this one.”

  She smiled and said, “it is true, a tech firm has subsidized any qualified student with the opportunity to be in a place as this. You see, they feel that if a person is working hard at advancing themselves through education, then any help would hopefully make sure that the person here will continue with their studies and possibly come to work for one of their companies that give money to the complex.”

  Then she told me, “you are very lucky. You see there was another woman that was to be here, but she has, as we have heard, gone missing. We have tried to get in touch with her but nothing.”

  As she was telling me of the other person that was in line for the unit, she glanced up at the same time she said, gone missing. That made me cringe a bit and turn in my seat. I then asked her, “so who was she?”

  She just said, “just another person who may have left town or stayed and is holding up at a different place.”

  Hold up I thought, gone missing, seems odd that I have an opportunity for such a deal with this place, and all because of a woman that has gone missing.

  She then said, “I have taken the liberty to have an exterminator go through the unit already to be sure that there are no bugs in it.”

  Again, as she mentioned about bugs, she looked up. I have a feeling that I just may know who is helping me and who this rental agent may really be.

  She then said, “how about we go to the unit that will be yours, so you can have a look at it. It is also completely furnished. I do hope you like the motif of the furniture. The company takes pride in the look of their buildings.”

  When we arrived at the door to the unit that I am to live in, she said, “this unit has a secure land line and with the tech companies that have an interest in the building, they have made sure that the internet is hack proof, and if you make a call from your phone it will be hard for another to over hear a conversation that you may have. I do suggest using our computer and phone for the utmost security to your privacy.”

  She opened the door and I thought my heart would stop from how magnificent the unit was, the décor was beautiful, and I couldn’t have picked out the furniture without help.

  When inside she then said, “the general…manager, will be pleased that you have accepted to live in this unit.” Then gave a wink.

  I now know who owns the building. The agent than gave me a list of amenities that the building has and the area around it.

  She then said with a smile, “later today the unit will be completely sound proof, just in case that you have your music up loud. I will let you take your time and look over the unit completely and when you are done stop by my office to do the paper work. Here is your key card and it cannot be copied or tampered with in any way.”

  She left, and I just looked around in amazement at how this place looked. I went to the window and pulled the blinds aside, then looked at the unbelievable view from this unit. I then thought that I do have a great benefactor. To give me the opportunity to stay here.

  I finished looking around and went down to the office to sign what ever papers that I need to. Then back to the motel and bring my stuff here and then start looking for a car for myself.

  Chapter 22

  While driving back to my motel from the new place that I just got, I noticed that my body guards were not far behind me. I have a feeling that Mikhail has had his people search ownership and if it was true about a student discount for such a nice place. I hope that he does just that and when he finds that the whole thing is legit, then he will start to trust me more and maybe even let me in on his side of the story of the disappearance of Agent Laurie Smith.

  Knowing what we know at the agency, put together with what Mikhail knows or may just think he knows, and I may come up with a reason for Laurie’s rapid disappearance, along with where she may be held or buried. Hopefully not the latter.

  As I drove back, I stopped at a used car lot not far from the college, called of all things, Campus Autos. I smiled and went in the lot and started to look around at the different cars and trucks there. Hopefully this is the one that I am supposed to be at. I was greeted by a young energetic salesperson. I told him that I just came into the area and need a reliable, cheap car. He smiled and motioned for me to follow him.

  I was shown a few different types, sizes and colors of vehicles but stopped when I saw a small blue 4-door car. I thought that it was cute to start with and should be inexpensive too.

  I asked the salesperson the price and he just started to walk to the office. I stopped him and said, “excuse me sir, but I just want a price right now, I will decide on a vehicle soon, but not possibly today.

  Then he said, “don’t worry miss, I will make sure the price is right and that the vehicle is double checked for your safety and security. I can also get you insurance with G. Kelly Insurance.” then he winked.

  So, this is the place that is under the eyes of General Kelly. Well that is great and with the car I am sure it will have a tracking device on it, just in case I or the car goes missing, or both at the same time. I feel safe already here in California, with the unit every where shadowing me, and Mikhail’s security team out to make sure nothing happens to this new girlfriend like the last one, named Laurie.

  I tol
d the salesperson, “I will be back later after I drop off my rental.”

  He nodded and then asked me, ‘so how are you going to get back here after you do that?”

  I gave a smirk and just looked in the direction of Mikhail’s men and said, “I have it worked out, those guys will drive me back, call it my secondary security force. And you know that they will check this place out thoroughly.”

  He nodded and said, “not to worry, we have a perfect background, they can do all the checking that they want to because my dad has had this place for twenty years. Ever since he left the unit.”

  I then left the lot and made my way back to my motel. I went out to my two watchers first before going into the room. I smiled at them and said, “hey guys, will you do me a favor?”

  They both nodded with a yes and then I told them what I needed from them today. I said, “I just got a place at a great condo complex near the school, Mikhail’s assistant found it for me. And on my way back here I stopped at a car lot and am buying a nice car. So, could you guys help me get my rental back and have my stuff put into your car and take me to the car lot to get my new used car then help me get my stuff up to my unit?”

  Again, they nodded yes, and one said, “so Miss Walker how long before you are ready to leave to rental, car and condo?”

  I shrugged my shoulders and said that it all happened so quick I must pack first, so maybe an hour. I will stand out front of my door when I am ready.”

  Then the one that does the talking all the time said, “not to worry here is our number, you call when you are ready, and we will get all your stuff and put it into our car and then take you to your different destinations.”

  I said, “thank guys, and I will buy you a drink or coffee when we finish.”


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