Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3

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Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3 Page 12

by Sarah Bale

  But now, I’m all hot and bothered, so I’m going to take care of me. Lying back on my bed, I imagine what it would be like for Saint to walk back into my room right now. Would he make the first move, or would he want me to beg for him? To scream his name out of need. After what just happened, I think it would be the latter.

  I unzip my pants, kicking them off, and reach for the vibe that Saint saw. Turning it on, I close my eyes and reach under my shirt. His cock is huge, I can tell by the way he carries himself. Big dick energy is a real thing, and he has it. Plus, that bulge in his pants looks like he’s packing a fucking iron pipe. A pipe I’d like to impale myself on.

  My skin tingles as I trace a path on my stomach, up to my breasts. My nipples are always sensitive and it gets me going to play with them. Slipping my hand into my bra, I rub my thumb over the peaked flesh. Goosebumps lift on my skin and my nipple pebbles. I rub it a few more times before flicking it. Air hisses though my lips, and the sensation goes right to my core. I pay attention to the other one, until the throb between my legs can’t be ignored.

  Moving my hand lower, I picture him standing at the foot of my bed, stroking himself. He likes to watch, I’m sure of it. His eyes will follow every movement I make, but he won’t say a word. Sweat beads on his chest, begging to be licked. My fingers circle my clit, rubbing until my hand is drenched.

  He won’t let me cum. Instead, he moves over me. The vibe comes to life, licking at my clit, making me moan. He says something dirty, his beard scraping against my sensitive flesh. And then the tip of his cock brushes against my opening. Spreading my legs, I work the vibe into my drenched folds slowly. My body is begging for me to go fast, but that’s not what Saint would do.

  Instead, I pull back and then do it again. My hips lift on their own accord, needing more. I do this until sweat coats my skin. He would do something naughty now and we’d truly begin to fuck. Cranking up the speed of the vibe, I fuck myself like I’d let Saint fuck me. The vibe is slippery, covered in my arousal.

  Gasping, I clamp my legs around it, while it pulses inside of me. With my free hand, I rub my clit as my orgasm builds. He’d look at me, with those eyes that haunt my dreams, and tell me to come for him. And I do. I come so hard that it takes my breath away. White sparks fire behind my eyes, and I call out his name, as if it will somehow save me. And then I ride out my pleasure until my body stops shaking.


  I come all over my hand when Olivia calls out my name and I let out a curse.

  When I left her room, I went to mine, knowing it was next to hers. I should have fucking left, but I didn’t. I never knew the walls were so fucking thin, but I learned this the hard way. When that vibe came to life and I pictured her fucking herself, I couldn’t help but to jack off, too.

  But, that’s not the worst of it. Whether she knows it or not, she has me.



  Bash and I wipe our hands with old oil rags as we leave the tiny shed that sits on the edge of our property.

  “Saint’s not going to be happy.”

  I glance at Bash. “No shit, Sherlock.”

  He shakes his head. “I’ve never seen anything like that in my fucking life.”

  I know how he’s feeling. The man we caught literally just committed suicide in front of us in the most fucked up way after saying again that the Feds were involved with the sabotaged run.

  “I didn’t know it was possible to bite through your own tongue.”

  Bash lets out a shaky laugh. “Neither did I. Which makes me wonder what in the hell he didn’t want us to know. We were close, man. I could see it in his eyes.”

  He’s right – the guy was about to tell us everything. Instead, he bit his own tongue off and choked on it. Just so he didn’t have to say anything.

  “I’m going to watch the tapes in a bit. See if we missed anything.”

  “I don’t think we did, Bash.”

  “Maybe.” He sighs. “Do you want the honors of telling Saint or do I get them?”

  “I’ll do it. You should shower.”

  There’s blood splattered across his face and clothes.

  He looks down and nods. “Yeah. That’s a good idea.”

  Bash walks away, shoulders slumped. I know the feeling. We were so close to getting answers and now we’re back to square one.

  Inside the clubhouse, I go to Saint’s office. King is sitting at the desk, his feet propped up.

  “Does Saint know you’re in here?”

  King gives me a lazy smile. “Are you my fucking mom now?”

  “No, but I’ve fucked your mom before.”

  King snorts. “You and half the club.”

  The funny thing is, neither of us are joking. King’s mom recently retired as a club whore.

  “Where’s Saint?”

  “He’s in his room. Told him he needed to rest.”

  I sit in the chair opposite of the desk and say, “The guy killed himself before we could get any answers.”



  “What’s next?”

  “Bash is going to watch the tapes and make sure we didn’t miss anything, which I’m certain we didn’t.”

  “Anything I can do?”

  “Actually, there is. Do you have any sources who knew the guy?”

  King runs his fingers through hair as he thinks. “Let me make a few calls. I’m going to think outside the box on this one.”

  “I don’t even want to know what that means.”

  “Then don’t.”

  I stand. “I’m going to grab some food and make a few calls myself. Make sure everything is still on for next week.”

  I head out of the office and go to my room. Olivia is coming from her room and her face is glowing.

  “Damn, babe. What’s putting that big ass smile on your face?”

  “Was I smiling?” She shakes her head. “Just feeling good.”

  “Wish I had something that made me feel as good.”

  “Maybe I’ll tell you my secret later tonight.”

  I swear to fucking god she moves close enough to brush against me as she passes. Damn. I thought she was hot when I first saw her, but now I’m thinking I should get to know her a little better. The guys all give me shit for having a type, and she definitely fits the bill. The only thing missing is her being as horny as me. I snort. After that little exchange, I’m starting to wonder if I brushed her aside too fast.

  But business calls, so I go to my room, unlocking the door. My room is my personal sanctuary and no one comes in here but me. King keeps saying I should get my own place, away from the clubhouse, but I don’t see that happening. Why would I leave when everything I need is here? A bed. Food. Booze. And pussy. It’s practically heaven.

  I go to my desk and log onto my laptop. There aren’t any responses from my sources, but that’s not surprising. No news is good news, in this case. Saint’s going to want to make sure everything is tight on the run next. Hell, I think we’ll all want the sense of security. Which means I need to turn over some stones and see what I come up with. The guys we’re getting the weapons from came with a good recommendation, but that’s the first place I’m going to look. Who’s to say they didn’t fuck us over to help the Inferno Bastards?

  I spend the next few hours searching and making calls. When I’m finished, I don’t like what I’m looking at. The only logical explanation is that someone from our own club leaked information. While we suspected this earlier, I didn’t want to believe it. How could one of our own do this?

  Standing, I know what I have to do. And it’s going to fucking suck.


  Saint might not have fucked me, but he helped me reach the best orgasm I’ve had in, well, a very long time. I’m still feeling the euphoric effects of it. Razor’s surprised expression during our interaction in the hallway crosses my mind and I let out a small giggle. I shouldn’t tease him like that, but it was worth it when I saw the look on his face. />
  Jas is already at the bar, getting some drinks set up.

  “Was I supposed to get here early?”

  She looks up. “No. After last night, the boys will be ready to let off some steam. Figured I’d get a few trays of shots ready.”

  She pours one and tosses it back before resuming her task.

  “Can I help?”

  “Yeah. Grab another tequila bottle and start pouring.”

  We have six trays ready when the guys start trickling in. She’s right- the mood is tense, as if one wrong move could start something. But, they all toss back drinks until laugher fills the air. Someone puts on music and it’s almost like nothing ever happened. Until Jas pulls me aside.

  “I just got a text from Mama Bear. Big E didn’t make it. She’s pretty upset. Do you mind working the bar so I can go check on her?”

  My breath hitches and I have to force my words out. “Of course not! Go! And please tell her how very sorry I am for her loss.”

  Jas grabs a bottle of whiskey and heads out. Again, I think this is may be my fault, even if Agent Hill says it’s not. I mean, I don’t know him. He could be lying to me just to get more information. And what I’m feeling right now sure feels like guilt.

  Saint, King, Razor, and Bash come into the room. Right away I know they know that Big E didn’t make it. Saint says something to Bash, who goes toward the jukebox while Saint comes toward me.

  “Hey Olivia.” He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Can you grab me four bottles of tequila? And start pouring more drinks.”

  “Sure thing.”

  I grab the bottles and he takes them from me. He looks so tired as he goes back to Razor and King. They uncap their bottles, holding them. Shit. I grab empty glasses and start pouring as fast as I can. Bash turns the jukebox off and people yell out their dislike for this.

  “Everyone listen up,” Saint says, not even raising his voice.

  The room quietens immediately, as if his tone is worse or more serious than if he were yelling.

  “I want you to hear it from me first. Big E didn’t make it.” He holds up his bottle. “Tonight, we drink to our fallen brother.”

  Looking around, I take drinks to those who don’t have one.

  When everyone has a glass, Saint says, “To Big E.”

  “To Big E!”

  Saint takes a swig from his bottle. “We’ll make sure the fuckers who did this pay. For now, we need to keep our heads on straight.”

  King adds, “Tonight we grieve. Tomorrow we kick ass.”

  Rowdy cheers fill the room and I deliver more drinks. At one point, I take whole bottles to the tables, so the guys can serve themselves, because there’s no way I can keep up with them.

  Razor saunters over to the bar and gets my attention.

  “Hey babe.”


  “Still feeling good?”

  He winks and I grin.

  “You know it.”

  “Good. We could all use a little sunshine right now, even though you’re looking a little stressed.”

  “I’m not stressed. I just want to make sure everyone is good. Jas went to be with Mama Bear.” I pause. “I’m so sorry that Big E didn’t make it.”

  “We all are. He was one of the good guys. Didn’t deserve a fucked up ending like this.”

  He takes a long sip from his bottle, but I don’t miss the tears in his eyes.

  “I wish there was something else I could do to help.”

  “Just keep the drinks coming and keep on smiling. That’s about all you can do.”

  I really hope I’m not about to overstep or make things weird.

  “I’m here if you need me, Razor.”

  “Thanks, babe. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  He walks away and I get back to work, trying not to let my guilt get to me too much. Again, I have to ask myself if I’m responsible for Big E’s death.

  I serve drinks until three in the morning. Most of the guys have either passed out or left, but a few still hang on. They’re older members who knew Big E the longest, and they share stories about him that make everyone smile in remembrance.

  “Everyone, I’m heading out. I’m leaving bottles on the counter. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I put ten bottles on the bar top and lock up the rest of the booze. One last look around, and I leave the main room. My feet ache, but I know the guys are feeling worse than me. They lost one of their own tonight. The magnitude of this can be seen by the haunted looks in their eyes even as they shared stories of their friend. They wanted to drink their sorrows away, and some wanted to fuck away their pain, which means I never saw Jas or any of the club whores for the rest of the night.

  Razor passes me, stumbling a bit. I go to his side, putting my arm around his waist to balance him.

  “Easy there. You’re going to fall if you’re not careful.”

  He gives me a lazy smile. “Making sure I don’t fall? I’m touched.”

  “Come on, big boy. I’ll help you to your room.”

  We make our way slowly down the hallway. When we get to his door, he has to enter his code twice before it opens. His room is as big as mine, but there aren’t many personal items. There are, however, enough electronics to make my head spin. He has a gaming system with two large screens that has me itching to sit and play, especially when I see an original Nintendo system.

  But Razor needs help getting to his bed right now. We cross the room and he climbs onto his massive bed, pulling me with him.

  “Hey there. What are you doing?”

  His eyes are already heavy with sleep. “Just cuddle with me. I don’t want to be alone right now.”

  He falls back into the mountain of pillows and fluffy bedding.

  “Just sleep?”

  He nods, eyes closing. I guess it won’t hurt, so I move next to him, pulling the blanket around both of us. He puts his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his body. I’m not mad, though, because this is kind of nice, even if it’s just because he’s drunk and in pain. So, I’ll just enjoy this bit of contact until he falls asleep and then I’ll go to my own room.

  Something presses between my legs and I rock closer to it, letting out a little moan when I feel a delicious friction.

  “Easy there,” Razor says in a gravelly voice. “Keep doing that and we’ll both be sorry.”

  I open my eyes and gasp. We’re wrapped around each other in an intimate way. And that thing pressing between my legs, well, I’m pretty sure it’s his morning wood.

  I say, “Sorry. I meant to go to my own room after you went to sleep. Guess your bed is just too cozy, though.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m not complaining about waking up like this. I just don’t want to come in my jeans, which I will if you keep rubbing on me like that.”

  “There’s an easy solution for that – take off your jeans.”

  The words come out before I can stop them.

  I quickly amend, “I didn’t mean it the way it came out!”

  He grins. “I like the way you think, babe.”

  He pulls back and kicks his jeans off. His woody tents his boxers, but he makes no attempt to hide it. Instead, he pulls me close again.

  “Kind of hard to act cool right now with that massive thing between us.”

  “Massive thing? Never heard it called that before.” He grins. “Know what would make you feel better?”


  “If you took your pants off, too. Had a little skin to skin contact.”

  I let out a little laugh. “That doesn’t sound like a very smart idea.”

  But, I pull back and tug my jeans off, too. Because I crave this kind of danger. His eyes roam over my lower half. The thong I’m wearing doesn’t leave much to the imagination.

  “Like what you see?”

  “Fuck yeah.”

  I move back into his embrace. His cock rubs against my lower stomach, sending a rush of desire to my core. We lie like this for a few minutes before
I decide to be bold.

  “I still think we both have too many clothes on.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  Sitting, I pull my shirt over my head and then unclasp my bra. He yanks his shirt off, tossing it to the floor.

  “Ball’s in your court, babe,” Razor says with a grin as he lies back.

  I run my hand over his smooth stomach, down to his boxers. “These need to go, too.”

  I help him tug them off. His cock is hard and rests on his stomach. Pre-cum glistens the tip and I lean down, licking it off. He watches me as I take him into my mouth, bobbing my head back and forth. When he lets out a moan, I pick up my pace. When I cup his balls, his hips rise, pushing his cock further down my throat.

  “Fuck,” he breathes out. “Don’t you have a gag reflex?”

  I meet his gaze and hum.

  “God damn.”

  I pull back and wipe the spit from my chin.

  “Not going to give me a happy ending?”

  I shake my head. “You’re going to give me one.”

  I grab one of the condoms from the nightstand and put it on him. Moving over him, I grasp his cock and settle onto it. I don’t even take my thong off. No, I just pull it aside. We both let out moans as he fills me, stretching me. Rocking my hips, I find a stride that sets both of us on fire. His fingers dig into my skin, sending sparks of pain that makes my nipples hard. Leaning forward, I capture his mouth in a kiss.

  “Fuck,” he groans out. “I’m close, babe.”

  “Me, too.”

  Reaching between us, I rub my clit until I come. I rock and grind against him, trying to savor every ounce of pleasure I can get. And then he comes, crying out my name. There’s something magical about seeing a man come undone and this is no exception. His head is titled back in bliss as he finds his release. If I were to flex my pelvic muscles, he would moan. I know this like I know the back of my hand. He surprises me by rolling over and pulling out, even though I’m certain he’s not totally finished.


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