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Rebel Rook: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 15

by Ren Alexander

  When they stop at Doris’s podium, I spin around and fly to the counter, where Verna is watching Marilou make coffee. Stopping next to them, I say, “You’re up, Verna.”

  “Up for what?”

  I grit my teeth and side nod. “Your first customers. There’s no time like the present.”

  “Will you be with me?”

  “Nope, but I’ll be here if you need me. Sergeant Lynn Taggart is family to me. She’ll go easy on you.”

  She glances at them as they’re sitting down at their usual table, and her concern instantly morphs into a bright smile. “Ooh-la-la. Who is that stud?”

  Marilou says, “Oh, that’s Officer McGrath. He’s as single as they come.”

  I gasp at Marilou’s statement and shoot daggers at her face, yet she grins, which infuriates me further. Verna squeals, rubbing her hands together. “Thank you, God!”

  Crossing her arms, thoroughly amused at my expense but doesn’t show it, Marilou asks, “So how will you wrangle this one?”

  “I don’t know, but my lady parts are tingling,” she whispers happily.

  “It’s probably an STD,” I seethe, but if Marilou heard me, she ignores it, honed in on Verna’s plan to fertilize her eggs.

  “I vow to make him mine, and he’ll father my children in no time.” I think the fuck not.

  “Maybe I should take the table,” I relent, even if I’m not ready to face Dylan. However, Marilou shoos me off as she pushes Verna toward the end of the counter so she can go to the table.

  “Grab your frog before he hops away.”

  “Right!” Verna says, giving her a thumbs-up and me a raging migraine.

  Grabbing Marilou’s arm, I yank her closer. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “My, my. The green-eyed monster is holding you hostage.”

  “I’m not jealous,” I insist with a lie. Stealing from Lynn’s playbook, I add, “I need her to focus and not chase…”

  Marilou whispers, “Unavailable dick?”

  I smack her arm but agree with her wholeheartedly. “She shouldn’t chase after any…at work.” Or ever.

  “Mm-hmm.” Marilou’s lazy smile irritates the hell out of me.

  “Just mind your business, for once.”

  “Now, if I did that, who would you thank when you finally drag your head out of your butt?”

  From that statement and from the sight before me, I cringe as I watch Verna at their table. If Verna thinks she’s roping Dylan, that bitch has another thing coming.

  Strike that.

  If Verna wants to start a family with someone, who am I to judge or stop her from doing so? She has every right, even if I almost fucked the potential father of her children and get off to him every night since he walked into my life. Thinking of him with another woman makes me want to do stupid and desperate things to win him over. Though I shouldn’t be in the running, I’ll hike up my skirt and finger my clit in front of him. I’ll get on my knees and suck his cock dry. I’ll sit on his face and writhe and scream as Dylan eats his way to my orgasm in front of Verna.

  Now I’m a wretched bitch with an immoral obsession—beyond filthy and beyond help.

  Chapter 13

  Laying on my bed in my new bedroom, I answer my ringing phone when I see who it is. “Hey, Jay. What’s up?”

  “Where. Have. You. Been? I’ve texted you for two damn days now, but I get radio silence! Don’t jerk me around!”

  “Sorry. I’ve been working, and I moved.”

  “Moved? Are you back in Richmond? If so, I’m staying the night and beating your ass for not telling me sooner.”

  I laugh. “No. Sorry again. Still here.”

  “In Joy Hell?” Sighing, I laugh somewhat, and Jordan asks, “What’s wrong? You sound way off, McGrath.”

  “I miss you. It’s lonely out here sometimes.”

  “Did you go out with Miss No Name?”

  “No, but...”

  “Oh, sweet Jesus! You fucked her, didn’t you?”

  “No comment.”

  Jordan’s end rattles, and I hear her squealing, which she then does into my ear. “Dylan! Are you serious?”

  “I said no comment.”

  “Fuck you. Was it doggy style?”

  “Shut the hell up.”

  “Okay. Okay. So, you slept with her. That’s a...start.”

  “Then she dumped me.”

  “Again, are you fucking serious? She bumped and dumped?”

  “Who in the hell says that?”

  “Um, I just did. Where does this bitch live? I’ll send her a bag of dog shit.”

  “No, Jordan. Just leave it alone.”

  “What is it with you finding crummy women to fall in love with? Maybe you should try men.” When I sigh, Jordan adds, “Holy fucking shit, Dylan McGrath. You fell in love with her, didn’t you?”

  “Jay, stop. It was only a one-night stand. End of story.” Half-night, really.

  “You let her see your six-pack and nightstick? And then she used you like a beach towel, rubbing her ass all over you, and then tossed you over a balcony railing?” That’s about accurate.

  “I’m going to sleep. I’ll talk to you later.”

  But she keeps talking. “I’m insanely jealous she got to see your six-pack. Damn it. Who is this bitch, anyway?”

  “Don’t call her that. You don’t need to know more right now.”

  “I’m sorry she did that to you. But Dylan, you’ve got to stop falling so fast. Invest in a human bubble or a parachute. Doesn’t your cousin-in-law Emerson have one for you to use—parachute, not a bubble?”

  “I didn’t fall, Jordan. I’m more careful after...”

  She irritably sighs. “You’re walking a thin line, Dylan. I just hope you don’t stagger and fail the test. I love you, but I’m not there to help you back up with this one.”

  “I’m fine. Promise.”

  Telling her goodnight, I toss my phone next to me on the bed and lean my head against the headboard. In training, I learned how to sniff out lies.

  Thank God, Jordan can’t.

  Following Taggart through the entrance, we stop at Doris’s podium, as usual. I covertly scan the dining room, looking for Talia but don’t see her. Since the employees park in the back, I don’t know if her car is outside or not.

  When Doris laughs, I reluctantly tune into what she’s saying while not giving her my attention. “You’re right, Lynn. He’s in outer space. How does he perform a traffic stop or make an arrest here on earth if he’s a space cadet?”

  Giving the room one last look, I turn to her with a certifiable cocky smirk. “This space cadet has ways.”

  “Well!” she huffs, shooting an annoyed look to Taggart. “Will your student unfairly target me now?”

  Provoked by that, I snap, “Like you’d know what that’s like.”

  Again, she addresses Taggart, “You need to get a better hold of this trainee, don’t you think, Lynn?”

  Taggart says, “Officer McGrath, I believe you owe Doris an apology.”

  “With all due respect to you, sergeant, thank you for the suggestion, but no.”

  With a glare, Doris sticks her nose higher in the air, threatening, “Maybe I should speak to your supervisor.”

  I grin and nod to Taggart. “Go ahead. I think she’s free.”

  Taggart growls, “McGrath.”

  Doris purses her lips and stiffly nods to the side. “You won’t make it far, officer, no matter if you’re a Malone. Third on the left.”

  “Okay.” I grin, and Taggart pushes past me. I’m surprised when we go to the opposite side of our usual seats.

  When we sit, Taggart leans forward, seething, “Officer McGrath, what the hell was that back there? Have you lost the last two marbles you have clicking together in that brain of yours? I told you to watch your step and to keep your mouth shut.”

  “I got it, sergeant. Listen, I don’t know about you, but I’m also a citizen here. I won’t tolerate her throwing false claims a
bout something she will never experience. If that’s a problem, maybe you should bring up the subject to someone who worries about that daily. I think Marilou is available.” I avoid bringing Talia into this since merely saying her name might give me away.

  “Your mouth got you into trouble with Officer Patton, or do you forget?”

  “Officer Patton often ignored things he shouldn’t have and escalated others out of spite. I called him out on it. He didn’t like it, so he had me reassigned. I was happy. The end.”

  “Why didn’t you file a report?”

  “Because he could easily have me fired. I want to be here and do the right thing, but I’m learning what that is because sometimes I’m not sure what that means to others.”

  She puckers her lips and looks around our section, which allows me to do so too.

  “Hi, there.” Taggart and I both turn to see a red-headed server grinning way too fucking much, even for this city. I politely smile, but Taggart takes the words out of my mouth when she spouts, “Who are you? Where’s Natalia?”

  “I think she’s in the kitchen. I’m your server—”

  “What? Oh, no, no, no. I need to talk to her…” she squints at the woman’s name tag, “Verna.”

  I squeeze my hands into fists on the bench seat, unable to speak or react.

  Verna’s smile remains, and it’s fucking ridiculous. “Sure. First, what can I get for you?”


  Verna glances at me, and I’m close to shoving her out of the way. “Officer?”

  I blink away my preoccupation. “I’ll wait for Natalia.”

  Verna’s shiny, bright disposition wavers, and she pivots, marching to the kitchen. Why the fuck is Talia avoiding me? She hates me that much? Glancing out the window, I watch people dodging raindrops as the clouds darken like my mood.

  “Um, hello, Lynn.” I immediately look at the voice I heard moaning my name in a hotel room while my mouth swallowed her tit and her pussy tormented my dick.

  “First, you switch sections, and now you refuse to see me for lunch?” Taggart bitches, ignoring Talia’s greeting.

  I note Talia’s sudden awkwardness as she pretends I’m not here. “I’m sorry, Lynn. I’m hoping to have another job soon, so I’ve been training new employees. I let them do their job and observe behind the counter.”

  “You decided this overnight? I don’t buy it.”

  “It’s not overnight. I’ve wanted to leave for a while now.”

  “I understand that, honey, but why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I’ll still be around, just” Talia raises her chin as she shifts from foot to foot. My eyes burn through her. There were moments I swore she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

  Taggart gives me a pointed look, but she’s fucking insane if she thinks I’m leaving. “I think it’s time for me to move on. I want more.”

  “I know you do. You’re so driven. You deserve the best. Do you plan to leave Joy Springs?”

  At this point, I don’t give a fuck if I’m staring at Talia. Knowing she sees me no matter how hard she tries not to, she clears her throat and says, “Yes.”

  Taggart points at her. “Don’t leave here without saying goodbye.”

  “I won’t.” Her voice is shakier as she says, “I’ll get your drinks. The usual Lynn?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Talia’s eyes close briefly before she turns to me, not meeting my eyes. “Officer McGrath? Iced tea?”

  “Yes. No matter what flavor or when it was made,” I say, hoping she gets my message, covert or not.

  Talia nods, not outwardly reacting but still unable to look at me. She stutters, “Okay.”

  Taggart watches us, so I tread that fucking line of nonchalance and exigence. When Talia leaves, I observe Taggart for clues that the small interaction piqued her suspicions. However, Taggart gives no hint. “Try not to irritate me further, officer.”

  I mumble, “Sure,” not meaning it.

  As Taggart goes for her phone call, I watch the kitchen, waiting for Talia to reappear. Instead, red hair emerges, heading for my table. So, Talia’s avoiding me. I don’t fucking think so.

  Verna delivers our drinks with a refreshed smile. “Your sandwiches are almost ready. Can I get you anything else, officer?”

  “Yes. Natalia.”

  Verna sighs. “Why is she so popular? I’ve been here a week, and police officers love her.”

  “There are others?”

  Verna nods. “They’re partners. I believe one is Officer Dellinger.”

  “And the other is Officer Prescott,” I say, unable to disguise my disdain.

  “Yes. I think Natalia is friends with them.”

  “Officer Taggart and I have known her longer,” I say, not caring if I’m petty. I don’t give a flying fuck.

  “She’s not the only friendly one here.” Verna’s smile changes as her eyes take in more than my badge. Her pinched features and upturned nose irritate me because they’re in front of me, and Talia isn’t, but I may have to fight fire with fire.

  Seeing Talia emerge from the kitchen to help a customer at the counter, I look at vacantly Verna while my mind buzzes through scenarios. I force a smile for Verna and say, “You’re right. Are you from Joy Springs or Sunnyville?”

  Verna nearly jumps onto my lap as she props her hand on the pillar next to my head. “No. I’m new here. I’m from Wichita. Totally out of my element in California. How about you?”

  I pretend to stretch, subtly glancing at the counter and see Talia still moving but slower. Hoping I have her interest, I swallow as I angle more toward Verna, solely attentive. “California, born and raised.”

  “Really?” Verna touches my arm, and I grin, feeling sick. I flirted with Talia because I was attracted to her. I’ve never flirted with a woman I have no interest in for the hell of it.

  “Yep.” I crook my finger to her, inviting her closer, and I say, “There’s more plastic and sun here, but it’s all the same.” Not true, but I need to feed her bullshit to keep it going for a minute longer.

  Verna giggles, and I genuinely laugh because it’s a high-pitched funny sound. She flips her hair over her shoulder and says, “Maybe you can show me around since you’re an expert?”

  I shrug. “I’ll get back to you on that.”

  She smiles, and I notice Talia isn’t at the counter anymore. So, this charade was shit.

  When I’m alone, Taggart returns, grumpier than she left. She snaps her fingers toward Verna. When Verna dutifully returns to our table, grinning at me, she asks, “Can I get you anything, Sergeant Taggart?”

  “Yeah. Our lunch. But I want Natalia to bring it.”

  “Oh. Okay. Sure,” Verna says with disappointment evident, and she looks at me like I’m supposed to do something about it. I can’t and won’t.

  When Verna leaves to go to the kitchen, Taggart irritably sighs. “Eat and run. We’re not spending all day here, officer.”

  “Uh, is there something wrong?”

  She shifts in her seat. “I don’t want to be here.” Then she rolls her eyes, which is odd for Taggart. “If you must know, I need to submit my speech for my award by tomorrow.”

  “Sounds fun,” I say, hating she’s making me go.

  “Don’t give me that horse pucky. You couldn’t care less.” She’s right, yet I have to suffer through this damn speech, live and in color.

  “Did you remember to get a tux?”

  “Not yet.”

  “If you want to pass my training, you’d better get cracking. Show some team spirit, for Pete’s sake. These are your colleagues winning these awards. You may owe your life to one of them someday.”

  “Let’s hope not.”

  “Fine. Then bleed out in a gutter.”

  “Well, shit.”

  “If you survive the training and this career, maybe when you’re around forty-five, you’ll receive an accolade for doing a mediocre job. Until then, show up, clap your hands, and shut
your mouth. You’ll be at the banquet.”

  “The awards banquet?” Talia asks, setting down Taggart’s sandwich with a smile and then mine with a hard clatter, nearly bouncing my club onto the floor. I restrain my smile, knowing she saw me with Verna and maybe she’s jealous. I hope so.

  “Yes. Did you reconsider going as my plus one?”

  Talia shakes her head. “No. I’m still going with Officer Prescott.”

  “So, you’re sticking to that?” Taggart shakes her head, seemingly disappointed. She can take a number.

  Talia shrugs. “I’m giving him a chance.”

  Taggart glances at me, practically taunting, as I grip the bench seat, so I don’t fly out of here and throw Tristan to the ground before I kick his ass. However, I keep my emotions in check and try to appear bored, regardless of the fury raging inside me.

  Taggart’s phone buzzes and she picks it up to look at the screen. I glare at Talia, who briefly glances at me. Bending as if I’m scratching my leg, I grab her thigh underneath her skirt and slowly drag my fingers along her skin. Her audible gasp distracts Taggart from her phone as I straighten and give Talia a questioning look, feigning cluelessness.

  “What’s the matter, Natalia?” Taggart asks, but Talia swiftly shakes her head.

  “Nothing. I’ll see you Saturday night.”

  “Will do, and you’d better be there, young lady.”

  “I will be.” When Talia leaves, I notice her go to the counter, leave her tray, and head down the hallway toward the restrooms.

  I give Talia a few minutes and then watch her through the door next to the restroom, which I happen to know is a supply room. I clear my throat. “I’ll be back.”

  “Let’s not take all day.”

  Taggart’s phone rings, and she answers it, possibly giving me extra time. I go to the hallway, look around, and push open the heavy wooden door. Talia jumps but then tries to leave. I grab her arm, asking, “Do you know how ridiculous it is that you’re going out with him?”

  “Apparently, I don’t.”

  “Oh, so you’re fucking him now?”

  “I’m done here, officer.” She pushes against my chest but makes no genuine effort to move me. We stare at each other, and knowingly or subconsciously, Talia heaves her chest toward me, and her nipples carve into my chest.


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