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Rebel Rook: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 16

by Ren Alexander

  With my hands on her hips, I say, “Please tell me you’re not sleeping with him.”

  Her breath is shaky. “I’ll do what I want.” Talia’s gaze then falls from mine, and I know I must convince her we belong together. I slide my hands up her sides. She whispers, “I don’t want you.”

  “You could’ve fooled me last night. We can try again; I’ll be more prepared this time.”

  “No.” Belying her denial, she thrusts her hips toward me, searching for friction. I move closer, pinning her to the wall and rubbing my hardened dick against her skirt. She whimpers, and I push against her again.

  “You’re lying to yourself and me.”

  She shakes her head but pushes her hips against mine, making me groan this time. “No, we’re not together. I’m with Tristan.”

  “You can’t be. You said he was nothing to you.”

  “Maybe I lied. Maybe he’s a better person than I thought. Maybe…”

  “Maybe he’s a nice guy who isn’t using you to get back at me?”

  Talia pushes my chest more forcefully this time. “This isn’t about you! I don’t even know you!”

  “You know me better than you know him! I don’t have ulterior motives! He’ll toss you aside when he’s done. I promise you that.”

  As she regains her composure, she looks like she might bolt. “Stop it! I don’t fucking want you! Stay away from me, Officer McGrath, or I’ll tell Lynn and Tristan. One of them will arrest you.”

  My hand falls as I take in her threat. “Are you kidding? Talia, you still want me, but you don’t want to admit it and not give a fuck about everything else.”

  “You just don’t want the rejection.”

  “That’s not it! I want more with you. We don’t have to tell anyone about us.”

  “No fucking way. I don’t want you. Get it through your thick, fucking skull. I shouldn’t have to tell you this repeatedly, but apparently, you’re like every other asshole cop who says they care, but…You know the rest.”

  “That’s not…I care. A lot.”

  “Only that you get your way. Do I need to file a restraining order against you too?”

  “Jesus. No.”

  “This my final warning. If this happens again, your law enforcement and freedom are over. Done. Taggart will make sure of it. Understand?”

  Not finding any cracks in her demeanor, I step back and nod. “I got it. I’m sorry.”

  “I told you to stay the hell away from me, but you refuse to listen.” Tears form in her eyes, and she quickly leaps to the door.

  She exits the storage room, and I give her a few seconds before I leave. When I reach the table, Taggart bitches, “What took so long? You fall in?”

  Unable to summon a smirk, I say, “I’m ready if you are.”

  “Aren’t you eating?”

  I pick up my sandwich, take a bite, and throw it back down. “Done.”

  “Whatever your problem is, get rid of it. I’m in no mood.” Like she ever is.

  Following her out of the diner, I don’t bother looking for Talia, finally accepting that she doesn’t want me. Pain squeezes my chest, and I try to breathe it away, but nothing helps. I thought maybe— deep down—she wanted me, but maybe I only saw what I wanted to see. I haven’t felt like this since Audrey. I need to forget about Natalia Welch.

  If only it were that easy.

  Chapter 14

  “But not after I set fire to the Washington Monument.”

  I sit down in the booth, shaking the rain off my jacket as I remove it. “Say what?”

  “You’ve been moping since Monday. Okay, McGrath. Spill it.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She shakes her gray-haired head. “Find a date yet in your little black book?”

  “There’s no such thing. I think that went out with the eighties.”

  “Watch your mouth.”

  They should award me with a medal at the banquet for not freely responding with a fuck you. “Why do I need a date?”

  “Officer McGrath is going stag?” Taggart chuckles. Is she amused or proud?

  “Well, who’s your date?”

  “If you must know, my husband, Gerald, isn’t into public appearances. He lost his legs in an accident years ago, so he keeps to himself. I’m not forcing him to do something he doesn’t want to do.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry.”

  “No one asked you to be.”


  “If you don’t have a date, you can escort me.”

  “Uh, I…It’s not…”

  She shrugs. “You won’t be pouting in the back of the room. You’ll sit front and center.”

  “I have a date,” I mindlessly blurt to save myself.

  “Really? Flavor of the month?”

  As I frown, her phone rings, and she picks it up, leaving the table. How do I get myself out of this mess? Not only do I have to go to a boring dinner, watching strangers accept plastic awards and spout lame bullshit, but I’ll be forced to watch Talia fawning over Officer Douchebag.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Looking up, I see Verna smiling so much it annoys me tomorrow.

  “Just…Thinking,” I mutter as I inhale, so I don’t dismally sigh in her face. “I need a tux.”

  “Oh. Are you going to the awards banquet?”

  “How do you know about that?”

  “I heard Natalia talking about needing the night off at her other job. Officers Prescott and Dellinger also mentioned it. Did you know Natalia is dating Officer Prescott?”

  “Cool,” I flatly reply as I catch a glimpse of Talia, bending and stretching as she drags a dishcloth over the counter. Even with mundane tasks, she’s graceful and a fucking turn-on. However, she made it crystal clear she doesn’t want me. No matter the reason, I need to respect that. God. I fucking hate having ethics.

  “You can get a tux at the Dress Factory on Mason Avenue.”

  “I thought you weren’t from around here?”

  “I live near there. I remember things.”


  Leaning against the table, Verna crosses her arms. “So, do you have a date?”

  “Well, um, I didn’t think I needed one.”

  “You do, silly. I’m not doing anything. No pressure. I’m just putting that out there.” Verna grins, and my stomach flops.

  Glancing toward the counter, I catch Talia’s eye before she turns away in a rush. Again, I quietly sigh before asking, “Can you find a dress before, then?”

  Verna grins with a bounce, shrieking, “Absolutely!” What the hell did I just do?

  “I’ll even get my hair and nails done, so I look extra fancy as your arm candy.”

  “You don’t need to go to all of that trouble.”

  “I want to. This will be my first date since moving here. And with a police officer.” She again squeals, and I frown at the attention she’s drawing.

  “What’s going on here?” Doris asks, stopping at my table. Fucking day gets better and better.

  Verna excitedly says, “Officer McGrath just asked me to go to the police banquet with him!”

  Doris’s frown is prompt. “There are other police officers in this town. Officer Dellinger is always in here.”

  I say, “I doubt his wife is into threesomes.”

  Gasping, Doris throws out a hand. “Officer McGrath, that is inappropriate to say. I’m telling Lynn.”

  “You do that. I doubt she’d advocate it, either.”

  Doris marches back to her post, and Verna whispers, “I can’t believe you said that. She’s so mad.”

  I shrug with a satisfied smirk. “Not scared. She’s an obtuse woman with a woe-as-me outlook.”

  Verna giggles, which sounds like someone stepping on a squeaky toy. As her laughter dies, she says, “I’ll get your lunch.” Verna fast-walks to the counter, giddily announcing our date, which is a good and bad thing. Good if it makes Talia jealous. Bad if she doesn’t give a fuck.

; Marilou shoots me a look from the counter while Talia does everything in her power not to acknowledge my existence. Hearing Verna’s news, Talia abruptly stops what she’s doing and disappears into the kitchen.

  “I thought I told you to keep your mouth zipped?” Taggart snaps as she returns.


  “Doris complained that—”

  “She assumed something sexually inappropriate about one of my fellow officers. I corrected her.”

  “She what?”

  “I’d rather not repeat it.” Please don’t make me.

  Taggart shakes her head. “I can’t leave you alone for five minutes without finding trouble.”

  “It found me this time.”

  “Here you go, Sergeant Taggart. Dylan,” Verna announces, delivering our drinks. “Did Officer McGrath tell you his news?”

  “Which headline?”

  “He asked me at the banquet. Isn’t that great?”

  Taggart cocks an eyebrow. “It’s a surprise. I hope he remembers what I told him about focus.”

  I frown. “You told me to find a date. It’s not like I’ll be writing citations or arresting people at the banquet, so I won’t need to focus.”

  Taggart doesn’t argue more about it, which is refreshing. Verna giggles and I notice Talia frowning toward my table. I make sure I’m the first to look away, as difficult as that is.

  “Well, look who’s here,” a familiar voice announces from the next row, beyond the half-wall separating the sections.

  Anger fills my every cell as I glare at Tristan, who smirks. Hayes nods a hello to me, but I don't return the gesture since I’m not sure if he’s enjoying the taunting.

  “Officers,” Taggart greets. “Are you ready for Saturday?”

  “Looking forward to it,” Tristan says, smiling toward the counter, where Talia’s smile falters at first, but then she beams when she sees me watching.

  Verna announces, “I’ll be there too. Officer McGrath asked me to go with him.”

  Tristan grins, but it’s nowhere cordial. “Did he, now? That’s adorable. Don’t go running off, getting married afterward.” Verna shrieks, and I actively work to not tell her to shut the fuck up. Tristan loudly says, “I’m glad you finally found a date, McGrath. I wouldn’t want you to steal mine.”

  Taggart laughs. “Not on my watch. He knows better.” Fuck you too.

  “Maybe we should all sit together or carpool.”

  “That sounds fun,” Verna excitedly says. If I weren’t a police officer, I would have hidden her body by now.

  Clearing my throat, I say, “Sorry. Can’t. I have things to do before it starts, and I heard we have assigned seats there.” I hope to God we do.

  “Too bad,” Tristan says with a douchey grin, and I look out the window before I do something Taggart would frown upon, like bash his head through it.

  Verna touches my shoulder, and when Taggart says something to Officer Dellinger, Verna whispers, “I can’t wait to spend the night with you.”

  There’s no way in hell I’m fucking her. Unless I’m drunk or see Talia willingly kiss Tristan.

  Who am I kidding? There’s an excellent chance I’ll be doing that.

  Sitting down on the couch after a shower, I reach for my phone and notice a new text. Thinking it’s Jordan, I see it isn’t.

  Dylan, how are you? I hope you’re ok. You never responded to my texts last year. So, here I am, texting you again. I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I realize how much I miss you. I miss…us. I wish you were back home. Richmond isn’t the same without you. Please don’t ignore me this time, even if you tell me you’ve moved on. I need to know. I want you to respond. Please.

  “I can’t do this,” I mutter, feeling both sick and exhilarated, which leaves me confused as fuck. I’ve tried so hard to get over Audrey, and right when I thought I have, she pops up out of nowhere. I thought Tristan had blocked her number for me. I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that he didn’t.

  Taking the phone with me as I lean back, I stare at the screen, rereading her words a thousand times, unsure if I should reply. Jordan would kill me. Still…

  I’m here. Not ignoring you. Just don’t know what to say since we said all of it in front of the law firm. You gutted me, Audrey, but I’ve learned from it, so breaking my heart wasn’t a total waste. The truth is I miss you too. We were each other’s first everything. Now we’re on opposite coasts, living different lives. I hope yours is happy. I wish I could say the same about mine.

  As the screen blurs, I wipe my eyes, not realizing she’s affected me this much. God. If I were still in Richmond, I’d run back to her. No doubt about that. I thought I was over her.

  I go to block her number, but I can’t do it. I need the connection, no matter how severed it is.

  By Saturday night, I’m restless and pissed off that I have to spend the evening with a woman I can’t stand, a woman I almost fell for, a woman who’s pining for me across the country, and a woman I have zero interest in dating. Since she took the rest of the week off, I haven’t seen Talia. I’m trying not to miss her. She doesn’t want me, no matter how hard I try to change her mind. Or mine.

  Sitting in the cruiser and waiting for Taggart, who’s inside the precinct doing some last-minute shit before tonight’s banquet, I pull out my phone to see a response from Audrey. My heart slams into my chest, and I lose my breath. I’m not sure why, since it isn’t as much of a surprise this time. Still, my last text two days ago went unanswered, so I thought I scared her off again.

  Dylan, I want to see you. When are you coming home? Can I call you sometime? Facetime, maybe? I want you in my life again. I made a huge mistake when I broke up with you. This past year has been miserable. I miss your smile, your hugs, your kisses, and your love.

  Shaking, I look up and see Taggart exiting the building and heading toward me. Blinking fast to clear my eyes, I shove my phone into my pocket and try to act as casual as possible.

  “What’re you up to?” Taggart accuses me as she gets into the car.

  I mutter, “Nothing. Just thinking about the tux I can’t wait to wear.”

  “People would like you a lot more if you stopped whining.”

  “I never whine, and who doesn’t like me?” I ask, genuinely curious. Besides Taggart. And Doris. And Tristan. And now, Talia. Well, shit.

  By lunch, I’m ready to respond to Audrey but can’t do it with Taggart watching me like a drugstore shoplifter. As soon as she leaves for her phone call, I pull out my phone, only to be interrupted. “Are you excited about tonight?”

  Frowning at my phone, I shift to a mild smile as I look up at Verna. “Somewhat.” Zilch.

  She clasps her hands together, showing off shiny, bubblegum-pink fingernails. “I’m leaving here in an hour to get my hair done. I hope you’ll like it.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Don’t care. It’s not a prom or a wedding. Fuck. I hope she’s not getting any ideas.

  “Will there be champagne?”

  I make a face, not expecting that question. “Uh, I don’t know. Why?”

  “I love it, silly!”

  “Are you even old enough to drink? I mean, you’ll be in a room full of police officers, so…” I inwardly cringe at the thought she may get the wrong impression and think I’ll slap a set of cuffs on her.

  She giggles, and I swear dogs come running. “Yes! I’m twenty-three! Do you need to see my ID?” An older woman. This is fucked up.

  “No, I believe you.” Unfortunately.

  “Oh! Do I need to wear my dancing shoes?”

  Instead of answering with fuck, no, I shrug. “I doubt that, and I’m not much into dancing.” Or you.

  “What time are you picking me up?” Christ.

  “I figured we could meet each other there?” And not acknowledge each other’s presence.

  Taggart swoops in, snapping, “Well, that’s not very chivalrous, Officer McGrath.”

  With Taggart glaring at me, I turn to
Verna, still in my face. “I’ll pick you up at a quarter to seven.”

  “It’ll have to be earlier than that,” Taggart advises. “They want group pictures of all the officers in attendance.” They can shove that up their asses too.

  “I’m not good at pictures.”

  “Get good,” Taggart mocks with a condescending smirk. God, I hate my life.

  Verna squeals, “Pictures? Maybe we can get one together for my nightstand.” Holy fuck.

  “I don’t think—”

  “Of course, they’ll take one for you,” Taggart tells Verna. Maybe I should break Taggart’s jaw on accident.

  When Verna skips away for our drinks, I say, “I’m not her boyfriend.”

  Taggart shakes her head. “Could’ve fooled nobody here.”

  “Says who? She’s the only one who thinks that. I don’t think she knows my first name.”

  “And then you’ll move on to your next target.”

  “Why would you assume that’s what I’m like?”

  “Hey, there, Rook,” a snide voice says from the other side of the wall.

  Without looking, I mumble, “Yo.”

  “Eager to go stag tonight?”

  Taggart laughs. “Oh, no. McGrath is escorting the red-headed waitress over there.”

  Tristan looks to the counter and laughs. “Score one for you. It’s about time you put yourself out there. Don’t be shy. She could rock your world.”

  I ignore his teasing, but it’s impossible when Verna returns. Tristan props his arms on the wall overlooking my table. “You dating Rook?”

  Her face scrunches, nearly making her nose disappear. “Who?”

  From the corner of my eye, I see him nod toward me. “McGrath.”

  She giggles, and I concentrate on the table’s wood grain, which serves as white noise to block them out. It’s not working.

  Tristan laughs. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll soon be Mrs. McGrath.” Fuck, he didn’t.

  I glare at him. “Don’t choke on your lunch over there, Prescott.”

  “I sure won’t. Like you with Verna,” he smiles at her, and I want to ensure he chokes. “I have a hot date tonight.”

  Taggart says, “You be good to Natalia, or you’ll deal with me.”


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