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Broken Wing (Arthur Academy Book 1)

Page 5

by Kathleen Mareé

  It was almost 8.30pm by the time I stomped my doc-marten-covered feet across campus, following Lucy and Mercedes to this party. Where we were going, I wasn’t sure, but when we arrive at the North Wing, I seem to agree with my initial idea that this was a terrible one.

  “I thought they said the North Wing is off limits,” I hiss, worried this was going to get me in trouble. And on my first day no less, but the girls just laughed.

  “Hendrix just relax. Trust us. We have your back,” Mercedes says, as Lucy links her arm with mine easily. “What she means is, technically, no one is allowed over here at the North Wing except for the people who actually live in the North Wing. But unless they tattle on you for being here – which they won’t, because it’s their party - then it’s absolutely okay.”

  I glance at Lucy who gets distracted by her phone and hastily unlinks her arm with mine before frantically typing away, causing my gaze to move to the overwhelming building before us. The North Wing looks like its own mansion. It’s not a light-brick facade like the rest of the buildings either, but a dark brown-black instead. The cast-iron lights hanging on the front wall, cast an eerie yellow glow in the night sky, and the light-pulse of music streaming inside seems to vibrate through the still air.

  “So, who lives here?”

  “Who else do you think would have their very own castle? Just like the kings they think they are.” Mercedes rolls her tongue over the words with a kind of sarcasm, which makes me think this place could only reside a certain group of elites. The thought of one in particular causing an involuntarily shiver to ripple down my arm. My eyes roam the outside of the overwhelming façade again, a second shudder rolling through me in preparation of what I could be walking into. I wasn’t sure ofcourse, as this was so far beyond any normal I was used to – but like that sixth sense I had today, I knew anything was a possibility.

  As we neared the steps, the base of the music melted out into the night and only seemed to get louder as we navigated them. And when we found ourselves facing the front door, it suddenly swung open revealing two stumbling guys going at it, which made everything even more suffocating.

  “Let’s go!” Lucy squealed, grabbing our hands and pulling us into the crowded house.

  “Wow….” I mumble. House was not a word I could use for this place. I don’t even think mansion was sufficient. It’s a freaking palace. Decadent woods, a masculine scent, surreal art pieces on the mantles and on the surrounding walls. And only four college guys lived here? This just seems too strange. I barely notice us passing the mass of bodies, as I’m too enthralled by my surroundings, until we stop in the brightly-lit kitchen, where Lucy and Mercedes help themselves to some drinks.

  “Hendrix? What’s your poison?” Mercedes asks perkily, like underage drinking for them was so normal.

  “I’ll just have water thanks.”

  Lucy and Mercedes glance at each other with a raised brow, but they don’t question my choice. After what I grew up with, all I saw was that alcohol equalled poison. Poison that caused men to turn into unthinkable monsters who caused nothing but pain and havoc. She opens the fridge like she owns the place and passes me a bottle of water.

  “Make sure you don’t take drinks from anyone else okay, and only drink the water if its bottled.”

  And that isn’t a little shady at all….


  The girls grab my hands and we sway our way outside to the beat of the music. There is a huge rectangular pool in the centre of the yard surrounded by lush-green grass, a hot tub to the right, and a makeshift margarita bar straight ahead with the DJ responsible for the music we were moving to. There were people everywhere. Like, I don’t think there is spot out here where there isn’t someone residing. Some of them naked, most of them definitely half-naked, and I’m pretty sure there is some kind of orgy going on in the hot tub. And whilst the scene doesn’t bother me, I overt my eyes just trying to take everything in.

  “So good right?” Lucy yells, downing her drink and smiling happily, whilst Mercedes does the same. She seems like her earlier mood has sorted itself out, which is good. The smile really suits her.

  “Let’s dance.”

  I let Lucy and Mercedes grab my hands and after a few minutes I start to loosen up. I wasn’t raised to think much of myself, but I was always a natural dancer. If I didn’t have to show as much skin, and had the money to afford the costumes, I would have loved to pursue it when I was younger. But there was no way my parents would risk letting me do it, in order to keep those secrets safe for them; but as I scan my surroundings once more, I realise the chance of Amber, her friends or the Arthur Elite actually seeing me here – would be slim.

  I let myself get lost in the beat, finally starting to feel like that normal life I was so desperate for – might actually be possible here after all.

  Chapter Six


  The party was in full swing as I sat on the balcony of my room and gazed down upon the masses. My room took up half of this third floor, and the balcony overlooked the entire yard. The moans of the girls getting fucked in the hot tub seemed to float up above the music, and I swear Banks’s loud voice could be heard from just about anywhere in this place. He was throwing some sophomores in the pool, just hoping their bikini tops fell off in the process. It was his thing. If that didn’t earn him a suck on his cock, then he’d be likely joining the hot tub ganger later in the night.

  I envied him sometimes. Banks was the one in the group who seemed to accept our life the best out of all of us. He just accepted it without question. He was careless sure, and he fucked around a lot too, but he didn’t let it consume him like we did. I don’t know the extent of how Austin and River dealt with it, but they held it as a heavier burden similar to the way I did. River had messed around with drugs to numb that pain, and Austin…. Well, he dealt with it in a similar way that I did. And as I find myself mindlessly glancing out at the sea of crazy below – it’s more apparent than ever that I am just so fucking over it. Not having control and being able to plan my life the way I wanted to. Having to just tolerate all this madness and be silent – it was fucking killing me now. If I didn’t have football these last two years and my boys at my back, I don’t know how I’d even cope. The girls used to pass the time when it was a rush knowing I had them at my beck and call – but it grows old fast. And the booze…? It’s only good when I’m not training, as I care way too much about football to be fucking that up by mixing in drugs and alcohol. But it’s an empty existence and I can literally feel the empty hollowing away my soul. Well, whatever was left of it anyway.

  “What you doing up here? Waiting for your booty call?” I hear Austin snidely comment before I feel him plonk down beside me, our converse-clad feet dangling over the edge.

  “Fuck no, you know those bitches don’t come anywhere near my room.”

  “Oh, so it’s just me then,” he jokes, grappling me around the neck.

  “Get your dirty fucking hands off me, I don’t know where they’ve been. Other than up Mercedes ass.”

  His playfulness halts instantly, and he lets go of my shoulder. He’s been getting hell-pissed every time I mention Mercedes which makes me wonder why he’s acting this way about a fucking hook-up. It never really bothered him before, so I can’t say it doesn’t intrigue me why it does now.

  “Okay, what’s the deal with her? I know you don’t like her but every time I mention it, you look like you sucked a lemon!”

  He squirms beside me, before shaking his head. “It’s nothing Pax. I just, I’m over it. I can’t even remember fucking her, like how fucked up is that.”

  I shrug. “She’s a cool girl though. She doesn’t seem like a clinger type, so I’m not sure what your problem is. You fucked her. She enjoyed it. End of story.” I can’t take watching Austin squirming beside me much longer, because it’s obvious he feels sick about something but doesn’t want to say. I can’t take on his issues if he’s not willing to talk to me. I glance back
down to the party, and my eyes fall on her. The new scholarship girl. Hendrix. Fucking Hendrix. That girl with a back-bone, who looks all innocent in her shapeless clothes and hides those sexy fucking eyes, behind those big ass glasses. I don’t know what her deal is, but so far, she hasn’t been predictable like the rest of them have been. She hasn’t tried to cosy up to Amber and her crew, and align herself with the elites here. It’s almost like she doesn’t give a fucking shit about all of that. Which is something that more than intrigues me. What’s her deal? Why would she leave a warm, normal life to come and live amongst the lions if she isn’t wanting to join them….? It’s like that ill-fitting dress she had on earlier, that screams innocence, but her boot-clad feet? That scream don’t fuck with me. She was a contradiction; and as I continued watching her I realised that nothing about her was expected. Like tonight. She’s not in those shapeless clothes she arrived in. Fuck no. Tonight, she’s in jeans that show the slight curve in her petite ass, and a tight tank that shows off her tiny waist. She’s definitely not in shapeless stuff now, which has definitely gotten someone elses attention too. But this is what’s intriguing with her. I couldn’t work out what it was about her today that had me interested, but it’s this. It’s like she’s trying to show us she’s a good prairie girl on the outside, when she’s a fucking vixen beneath that exterior if her moves are anything to go by. Most girls use that to their advantage, but I can tell she fights it with everything she has. And that makes her so damn interesting to me. I continue to watch her sway her hips to the beat, her knees bend and she grinds her ass up like she knows how to work it just right. My eyes tracking her every movement, to the way her narrow waist cuts into the curve of those tight jeans, until it starts doing something to me. Something, I really don’t want it to be doing. Especially not for her.

  “Hey isn’t that Lucy down there?” Austin asks, breaking the secret stare I had on Hendrix. My eyes narrow on the other two girls with her, surprised to realise I hadn’t noticed anyone but her.

  “Yeah, and you forgot Mercedes too man,” I snicker. I know I’m an asshole. I can’t help myself. But I’ll keep poking until he tells me what’s going on.

  “And isn’t that the charity case? Man, Banks’ right, she’s got balls coming here. Especially if Amber sees her.”

  The thought of Amber touching her again, sends my pulse racing and I’m not sure whether it’s because I’m keen to see her reaction to something, or if it’s to protect her from it. Before I have time to ask why, I jump up from the edge, and grab Austin by the back of his neck.

  “Then let’s get there before she does.” I grin sinisterly, even though I have no fucking clue what I’m about to do.

  Chapter Seven


  We’d been dancing for hours, and I was feeling so free and happy, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face if I tried. We were swaying to the music, laughing and singing – it felt good to feel a part of something. To feel like I fit somewhere. A feeling I don’t ever remember having before.

  “Hey stranger.”

  A deep voice whispers in my ear, at the same time two hands grip my hips from behind. I squirm uneasily, my past defences going up instantly, but I take a breath and turn, relieved to see Tuckers face beside mine.

  “Tucker, right?” I question playfully, discreetly moving his hands from my hips.

  “Oh, you’re so popular you’ve forgotten me already?” He laughs, slinging his arm around my shoulder.

  “Tuck! You made it!” Lucy squeals, shaking her booty with a margarita in her hand.

  “Yeah Tuck, you’ve never come to North Wing parties, what gives?” Mercedes questions.

  “I knew I wouldn’t want to miss this one,” he states, looking confidently at me as he answers. I swallow roughly, feeling like the bubble I was just in was about to burst. I keep my head down so as not to look directly at him this close to me, because the last thing I want was for him to try and kiss me or something. Not that I think he would or anything. But I wasn’t sure of his motives and like I said, I needed to stay focused around these people. As nice as they have been so far, I have never been around a lot of people before. And I mean, I barely knew Tucker. And from what I knew so far, I liked him as a potential friend but I wasn’t into him another way.

  “And what do we have here?”

  The goose bumps that appear on my skin have nothing to do with the question and everything to do with the masculine voice who’s asking it. I could never forget that voice from the hall this afternoon, or the fierce eyes that looked straight through me either.

  “Oh, look who it is, one of the big bad four. Come to tell us how awesome you are o-mighty one?” Lucy drawls confidently, taking a swig of her drink.

  “And someone’s drunk,” he snaps, but instead of looking annoyed he looks disappointed.

  “Well if the elite are paying, then I’m not buying,” she mutters, giggling uncontrollably.

  “Austin,” Mercedes murmurs, causing the brunette god beside her to shuffle uncomfortably.

  “Mercedes,” he replies curtly, not even bothering to look at her. My gaze runs between an awkward Austin, who is all bronzed and buff, and the annoyed Mercedes, who appears to be shooting sombre daggers at him before my eyes automatically find those dark brown eyes terrorizing me. I gulp.

  “I’m getting a drink,” Mercedes scoffs, shoving past Austin and heading straight back inside. Lucy calls after her, but forgets at the same time and keeps dancing. My eyes are still being held victim by him, and it’s not until I see his fist ball that I start to become a little concerned.

  “Tucker, what the fuck are you doing here? I don’t remember inviting you?” he grinds angrily.

  “Hendrix invited me.” My eyes snap to Tuckers surprised, whilst he does nothing but smirks arrogantly at him.

  “Did she now? That’s funny, because she isn’t on the list either.”

  As I glance back at him, I notice Austin gazing worryingly toward Lucy, who is still drunkenly swaying to the music beside us.

  “I came with Lucy, she invited me.” I’m surprised by my confidence, and give Tucker a slight nudge so he drops his arm. He should be thankful I didn’t throw him under the bus just now for saying to this guy that I invited him when I didn’t.

  “Well Lucy is in no position to be bringing a plus one. In any form,” he adds, as his intense gaze runs down the length of my body too slowly. And when his eyes meet mine, the upward tug of his upper lip, is almost daring me to question him. Like the mere fact that I don’t would be almost disappointing. Having not been around these kinds people ever in my life, I can’t help but feel the self-righteousness rising in my chest. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t be pushed around anymore; by anyone. And before I could stop it, the words just trickle out of my mouth.

  “What the hell is your people’s problem with me anyway? Are you that unsure of yourself that you feel good to knock the charity case down a peg or two? Because trust me, you can’t knock someone down who has already been to the very bottom.”

  My breath heaves out heavily. But when his teeth take his bottom lip into his mouth, I suddenly become aware of how much personal information I just blurted out. He was rattling me and I couldn’t let him get to me. Thankfully Lucy stumbles in between us, breaking whatever tense standoff we had, poking her manicured nail into his chest boldly.

  “Don’t listen to him Hendrix. He may have these people fooled, but you don’t have to do a damn thing he says. And I, don’t have to do a damn thing he says.” Lucy spits, getting right in his face. She seems to be the only person I’ve seen who’s not scared of this guy. A guy, whose name I still don’t know.

  “Luce, quit bitching before you embarrass yourself,” he sighs, rubbing his hands down his face.

  “Embarrass myself? I’m just here dancing with my friend, and I….” she hooks her arm around my shoulder, before she takes a slight stumble backwards.

  “And I…. think I might be sick.”

>   She scurries away into the house before I can even think to chase after her. “I should go check on her,” I mutter, mainly looking at the lesser of the two evils before me for a direction to the bathroom. Austin glances at his friend, before smiling cockily. “I’ll go. We wouldn’t want Amber and her crew catching you alone now would we?”

  He jogs off, suddenly much peppier than before, which instantly has my heckles up. “Your friend better not take advantage of Lucy you know. She’s not in the right mind to be okay with that.”

  “And you know her so well after a whole day, do you? How do you know what she is and isn’t in the mind for?”

  The cocky, smug, son-of-a…

  “I don’t. But that doesn’t mean I won’t assume she doesn’t until she can physically say otherwise. Can you tell me where I can find her in there so I can check on her?”

  “And what about you?”

  I shake my head, confused. “What about me?”

  He takes a confident step forward until we are almost chest to chest. My neck straining to look up at his overwhelming face.

  “What are you in the right mind for?”

  My heart stops, when I feel the heat radiate from his chest to mine. Like he was blanketing me with some weird sense of protection or something. It was a feeling I wasn’t familiar with, and I was smarter than to trust one of these rich-over privileged guys who thought they had the rights to everything. He didn’t have any rights over me. Noone did anymore.

  “Nothing you have to offer, that’s for damn sure,” I bite calmly. Almost too calm that I’m quietly impressed with my confidence.

  His head tilts to the side, as his gaze roams over me once more. I do everything I can to pretend like his stare doesn’t leave a blazing trail all over me, and make a point to narrow my eyes on his when they return.

  “I knew it. There you are….” he drawls, an almost-smile touching his face. His hand raises too slowly, and gently pushes my glasses up my nose, the simple touch – setting me on fire. “I’m beginning to think that you may have more than I thought you did.” I can’t be sure I heard the words right, because they were almost whispered through his throat. And the slight surprise on his face, means he wasn’t even sure he said them out loud either.


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