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Broken Wing (Arthur Academy Book 1)

Page 6

by Kathleen Mareé

  “What the hell is she doing here?”

  The tense spell between us is broken, as Ambers voice pierces the still night and the world around me suddenly comes back full force. And despite our surroundings becoming clear – there is an eerie silence that is suddenly upon us. The music, the chatter, even Tucker who is still standing awkwardly beside me. Everyone is fixated on our little threesome here and it’s definitely not the kind of threesome that was going on in the hot tub. When she shoves between us, I realise how close we were actually standing to one another and how it must’ve looked. I can’t help the flush to my cheek, or the fact that my eyes fall shamelessly to the floor.

  “You don’t actually think you have the right to be here do you? Like anyone here would actually want you here?”

  “Leave it alone Amber,” Tucker sheepishly states, causing a flirty smile to take over her face. She leans toward him, running a finger down his cheek suggestively, earning a lick of the lip from Tucker before she snatches my glasses off my face and darts a step away before I even have the chance to realise she took them.

  “Really? You’re going to be that juvenile as to take my glasses?” I ask, throwing my hands up in the air frustrated. I didn’t need the glasses to see. They were a cover at best. I felt protected behind them. I felt like it hid my truths somehow. Like it gave me a little piece of armour to still hide behind.

  Her eyes roam over my outfit from head to toe, and whilst someone like her wouldn’t be jealous by what I was wearing – as it didn’t compare to her tighter than tight short red dress – she definitely didn’t like what she saw either; but I refused to cross my arms over my chest in an attempt to hide from her. I wouldn’t be intimidated by someone like her.

  “You know what? You want to play with the big leagues, let her play with big leagues.” Her eyes move to him sinisterly, and I don’t miss the slight tenseness of his chest. A chest, her fingers trail across confidently, slowly, trying to claim something I had no interest of taking from her.

  “What do you say new girl? Are you in?”

  “What makes you think I’m interested in anything you want me to be part of?”

  “Oh sweetheart. We see girls like you here all the time. Lost little lambs thinking we are their ticket out of their pathetic lives. But you see, you will never be like us. It doesn’t matter what degree you leave here with, or what friend you think you make here – you. Will never matter like one of us in the world. Ever.”

  My breathing becomes shallow, as I try not to let her words affect me. Yeah, to her I was probably a cliché. But there was no part in this that would see me go back to my old world. I wouldn’t survive it a second time if I did. I’d rather save the pain and die before I let that happen.

  “And what will me doing anything you want, prove to you? That I’m worthy?” I balk sarcastically, earning a hysterical laugh from her.

  “Oh honey, hell no. Nothing can achieve that here. It’s more about entertaining us. The more you keep us entertained, the more we won’t force you to leave. You’ll become useful you see.”

  I didn’t think I could hate a person’s soul more, than the one I loathed more than anything. But the way her eyes seemed to light from within at the prospect of trying to humiliate me, was enough to churn my stomach. I take a deep breath, and narrow my gaze as I step slowly toward her.

  “I don’t care what you do to me. Humiliate me, call me names, whatever you have. I’m not leaving. And I’m sure as hell not taking part in some kind of entertainment you see fit.”

  I could feel more than hear the gasps around me, as I simultaneously saw the steam bellowing from her flared nostrils. It wasn’t like I was trying to antagonize her, but I won’t let her push me around either. I won’t let anyone here do that to me.

  “Really? You know we could make you. What do you say Paxy? Should we toss her scrawny ass in the hot tub and let them have her way with her?” she asks, fluttering her eyelashes at him innocently. Surely, he wouldn’t fall for her fake-ness would he? But when I force my gaze to Paxton, his eyes are not on her. They are on most definitely on me. Fiery, intense, and all too consuming.

  “I’m not sure they would know what to do with her,” he grinds, causing Amber to laugh hysterically.

  “Oh, that’s too cruel. What an insult to you, that even those sex fiends couldn’t work with you in there? If that’s not an insult, I don’t know what is. And between us girls...” she goads as she leans toward me to whisper in my ear. “The fact that Paxton Reed has just made that statement in public about you, means no one, not even precious little Tucker here would want to touch you.”

  She pulls back, looking pleased with herself, but before I could comment further on her remark, she’s tugged away forcefully by the beast beside her.

  “I’m bored. Can you start using your mouth for something that will benefit the both of us!” he snaps; his eyes still locked on mine.

  I try not to let his crude words or biting tone get to me, but the fact that his gaze continues to burn right through me, even after she wraps her arms around his neck and all but licks him from throat to jaw, do I shake myself out of the haze he seems to pull over me.

  “Can you take me to find Lucy?” I turn and mutter to Tucker. He responds by taking my hand in his, and giving me a gentle smile. I glance up at the king and queen stalking away, and can’t help but notice the fists that lie stiff beside him, or the tension between his shoulders as he exits. But one things for sure. At least the devil has a name now, and I’m pretty sure that Paxton Reed is someone I need to steer clear of.

  I just hope he stays away from me.

  Chapter Eight


  “Paxton, again!” Coach hollers at me, as I jog back into formation ready to run through the play again. He’s been riding me all morning, that I swear he’s forgotten who he’s talking to, but if he doesn’t watch it – I’ll be forced to remind him.

  “You good brother? You seem tense this morning,” Austin mutters as he jogs back beside me.

  I rub my hands down my shorts, not really knowing how to answer that. I did my best to get some sleep the last two nights, but I couldn’t shake a certain pair of pulsing hazel eyes that seem to ignite something inside me. I need to shake it off, but in the same token, I am resisting shaking it too.

  “I’m fine,” I mumble. “Team hutt!” I shout, telling Austin that I’ve ended that conversation.

  After running through the play another dozen times, I’m so close to snapping Coach in two pieces when he finally lets us hit the showers.

  “So, did Amber not do her job properly Monday night?” Banks goads, as he hangs over my shoulder.

  “What?” I snap.

  “Amber? The girl you had suck your cock after the party? You shouldn’t be this tense if she’s as good as everyone says she is.” I toss my helmet in my bag, and heave it over my shoulder, trying to shake Banks off me. I honestly wasn’t in the mood for anyone, especially if he’s talking about the girl who I didn’t even come close to touching the other night. “Come on, I didn’t mean to piss you off, but you know she’s done the rounds brother,” Banks continues as he follows me into the showers, with Austin hot on his tail.

  “I couldn’t give a fuck who she spreads her legs for. It’s definitely not me. This isn’t about her.”

  I strip off and get under the hot, scolding water, praying it eases some of the tension running through me in waves. To be honest, I don’t know why I’m so fucking tense. It all started when I saw Tucker with the new girl, and ended with Tucker taking her hand in his like he was claiming her or something. Tucker doesn’t deserve that girls spark. Her fire. But I’m not sure what I can do about it either. I don’t deserve it either, not that I want it or could have it anyway...

  “Banks, let it go. Coach has ridden us for the last two hours and I haven’t had my morning coffee yet,” Austin mutters, smacking Banks on the side of the head as he showers in the cubicle beside us.

�re right Aus. But tell me, how was little Lucy after the party? Heard she was pretty wasted.”

  At the mention of Lucy, I couldn’t help but have the entire night start flash-framing in my head again. And the small girl with the thick black braid, was all it seemed to start and end with.

  “She’s fine,” Austin bites, causing me to glance over at him. “Like I told Pax, I got her cleaned up and dropped her at the dorms. That’s it.”

  “Yeah, that better be it,” I mumble, scrubbing my face and trying to shake another image that now began appearing.

  “You know what was interesting though, who was waiting outside the dorms when we got there. A certain new girl with her chaperone. A chaperone who’s been hanging off her the past few days.”

  I didn’t miss the way Austin changed the subject, or more importantly, how he seemed to imply that I’d care about who Hendrix was with. But like the asshole he is, he knew he would get a reaction out of me. It’s one of those things we hide well in public, but not from each other. We never were good at hiding things from one another.

  “And was Tucker keeping his hands to himself?” I bite. I almost want to punch the tiles in front of me for even thinking about his hands on her. I know I’m a worthless piece of shit - I know that. But Tucker? He thinks he isn’t one, when the truth is, he’s the worst of us all.

  Austin laughs, “Pax you should see how wound up you are right now. Don’t tell me you like her?”

  “Like who? New girl?” Banks squawks, like he’s only just started listening again, a towel wrapped around his shoulders and his junk out for all to see.

  “I don’t like anyone,” I huff, shutting off the water and shoving my face in my towel.

  “Oh, my fucking lord. You like her!”

  “Shut the fuck up Austin. You know we don’t have time for that shit. Two years. I have two fucking years of football left before the life I want is over. This is all I have right now. I don’t fucking like anyone.” I’m half-dressed to find them beside me, with shit-eating grins on their faces.

  “So, you wouldn’t mind me having a go then?” Banks asks cockily, his head tilted to the side.

  I do my best to school an indifferent look on my face, shrugging, “If you think charity pussy is worth it. Go for it.” I grab my bag and stalk out of the lockers, before I even think about punching something. I needed to get myself in control, and all that shit about liking her was sending me off balance.

  Like her?

  I haven’t had a girlfriend since prep school, and even then, I barely tolerated her. Girls are only good for a distraction. That may change one day if I can ever live a life away from the one my father wants me to. A life I know I will hate. But for now at least, it’s not even on my radar. Banks, Austin, River and I – would never get to choose our partners. Like my father says, it’s just a business deal anyway. Her doe-eyes flash in my head once again. Maybe I need to just have her once and get her out of my system. Maybe then, I can stop this torment my mind seems to want to pull over me. But even that thought feels like bullshit to me. I make it outside and start heading to the main building, desperate to shake any thought of her out of me, when I hear the banter and laughter behind me.

  “So, just to be sure…” Banks laughs, causing me to stop and face him resigned. “If Tucker was to have a go at her, you wouldn’t have a problem right?”

  Fuck no, I’d have a problem.

  “It’s not about her. It’s about Tucker and how he’s an asshole.” Banks raises his brow, causing me to add, “Well, more of an asshole than we are.”

  “So then, I’d be an acceptable asshole to have a go?”

  I sigh dramatically, not knowing where I can go with this. Either way I’m setting myself up to be a target when it comes to her, or even worse, I’d be setting her up to be one more than she is too. But before I can answer, Banks add, “I guess we don’t have to worry about me right now anyway, because Tucker seems to be shadowing her like a lost puppy.”

  My eyes narrow as I turn to where Banks has his gaze set, and sure enough, there Tucker stands, a little too close to Hendrix. I’ve managed to avoid this for the last few days, but I don’t even realise how much it pisses me off seeing it - until I’ve stomped all the way over to them.

  Well, this should be interesting….

  Chapter Nine


  “So, despite my state the other night, I can’t help but notice who’s kindly been hanging around. So, you and Tucker huh? He likes you,” Lucy states as she finishes her eye makeup in her elaborate mirror.

  I roll over and sit up in bed, a.k.a. her two-seater sofa, still dressed in last nights’ clothes feeling like a complete and utter mess, whilst Lucy looks like a goddess who just walked a fashion show. After the biggest party of the year my first day, and another two freshman events, this has been the only room I’ve slept in since I started here.

  “How is it you were hung over as hell last night, and this morning you look like that?” I mutter, raising my hand in the air toward her.

  “It’s a skill,” she shrugs, propping her Prada backpack on her back. “And besides, I’m never too drunk to notice Tuckers eyes on you all the time. He’s a nice guy Hendrix, and at least he shows he’s interested which is more than I can say about most of the other dicks here.”

  A look of sadness crosses her face, but within a blink she shakes it off and replaces it with much more fire. I can see there’s a story there, but I respect those who want to keep their secrets. Who was I to judge when I kept one most of my life? Who still does.

  “Well if he does, I’m flattered, but I’m not really wanting to pursue any kind of relationship right now. I just want to keep my head down and focus on my classes.”

  She turns off her makeup light, and tugs her waif-like arms inside her Academy blazer. “Well, it looks like you’ve caught more than just Tuckers eye in the short time you’ve been here.”

  At the mention of catching attention, my thoughts instantly go to a certain blonde-bombshell who couldn’t wait to draw more attention to me the other night. I couldn’t believe she carried on the way she does and she’s actually older than me? Is this what happens to people when they have the entire world at their feet? Not to mention, I’ll now need to work out how I’m going to get myself a new pair of glasses. I mean, I wasn’t blind. But reading and doing school work is going to be challenging without them, which is has been the last few days. I shake my head, irritated. “I don’t even know why Amber is so hell-bent on making her dislike of me so known. I’m honestly not remotely threatening to her at all, so I really don’t understand what she gets out of it.”

  “Trust me, she gets so much happiness out of making others feel less than her. Its like she just has to prove to herself that she’s the queen around here. I mean, I know she’s like that with all the newbies - scholarships especially but….”

  “Yeah I know. I shouldn’t take it personally,” I interrupt, resigned, when I feel a pillow tossed in my direction accompanied by Lucys’ slight squeal.

  “No-the-hell way Hendrix! It’s totally personal! Yes, she’s like that with all of them but with you, I’m sorry to say that it’s going to get way worse before it gets better.”

  I shake my head. “But why? What have I done to her?” I couldn’t understand it. It irritated me, but also made me sad. I came here for a new start, and somehow I’ve already got someone gunning for me. And someone with so much status here too. It was bringing down what was supposed to be my fresh start! But when I feel the sofa dip beside me, I glance up as Lucy takes a seat beside me.

  “You haven’t done anything, but be yourself. Aaaaaaand in the process it seems you have caught Paxtons attention so I’m assuming that’s what got her trashy-thong in a twist.”

  “Paxton?” I ask unbelievably, before scoffing out, “I highly doubt it.”

  “Girl, trust me. You forget, I’ve been around these people my whole life. He approached you on Monday night, and it’s not his style
to approach someone just to tear them down. That’s always been Ambers style not his. And now, he’s been avoiding you. Nu-uh. He wanted to see you, and now you have him off-balance. I’m actually super interested to see what he does next actually.”

  I shake my head again, trying to get my thoughts to catch up with what Lucy was saying. Flashes of Paxtons intense gaze, and dominating presence assaulting me. But none of it makes any sense. Why would a guy like him – an elite no less – be interested in someone as damaged as me? That’s easy. Lucy has it wrong and he doesn’t.

  “Well, I’m hoping he does nothing next, because nothing has happened, will happen or is happening okay. And besides, it’s not worth getting the attention of anyone in that group if it means a girl like Amber will be on my case for the rest of the year. Seriously, I just need to do well in my classes. That’s the only reason I came here.”

  Lucy sneaks a look at me with a contemplative smile, before standing and grabbing her designer backpack. I take a deep breath, and toss the blanket off me as I stand.

  “I need to go and get ready for classes anyway. I’ll see you at lunch?” I ask, as I scramble to the door, grabbing my docs and bag on my way. But when I see Lucy dangle her keys right beside me, I pause mid-step.

  “How about we go to your floor, I’ll help you get ready, and then we can walk to classes together?”

  I shake my head, smiling, completely at a loss on how nice she’s been to me.

  “You’re not used to people are you girl?”

  How on the money she is...

  “But don’t worry, you can’t get rid of me that easily. Ooh, but don’t forget these!” she yelps, before scrambling to her coffee table that rests beside the sofa I just crashed on. “I don’t want to have to catch you if you can’t see all day. I may be your friend, but I’m no guide-dog.” She places my black-framed glasses in my hand, and it takes me a few seconds to process what she handed me. Or more specifically, how they got here.


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