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His Marriage Demand

Page 11

by Fiona Murphy

As one of them looks near fainting, I think they need a moment, too. I’m looking at the contract shaking my head when it disappears from view. I look up to see Drake shaking his head.

  “Fuck the prenup, you aren’t signing a prenup.”

  “Drake, how can you say that after the way your first marriage ended?”

  Coming around the desk, he picks me up and puts me on the desk. “Are you ever going to get pregnant to try and pass it off as mine?” My gasp of shock is his answer. He kisses me hot and deep and I’m dizzy when he pulls away. “You aren’t going to be a vicious bitch if something goes wrong. I don’t need the prenup.”

  “I should warn you now, right this second, if you ever cheat on me then I will be a vicious bitch. I would do my best to hurt you as badly as you hurt me.” I’m dead serious. He sees the look in my eyes and nods.

  “Duly warned, my love. I told you, I’m never going to let anyone hurt you that includes me. I’m pretty sure I’d be willing to cut off my cock before I cheated on you.”

  “There’s no need to go that far, I rather love your cock.” I whisper into his mouth.

  It takes a few minutes to remember the waiting lawyers. Drake politely tells them nothing further is needed for the day. There wouldn’t be a prenup and thanked them for coming. One of them left smiling, the other looking stunned. The smiling one assures Drake the adoption papers would be ready and waiting for us to sign on our wedding day. It would be best to only do them once, after we are legally married.

  “I love that you put Justin in the prenup and are adding him to the family trust, even if it doesn’t feel quite right.”

  “Justin will legally be my son, I have a responsibility to him. I’ve missed out on important milestones with him so far. I will be here for the others. I’ll be the one to teach him how to drive, I’ll be there with you when we take him to MIT for the first day. I’ll be worrying with you the first time he brings a girl home and wondering if she’s right or she’s going to break his heart. I also get to watch him walk across a stage to get his, no doubt, first of many diplomas. Those things, I’ll be there for, and there will be a time when I can’t be. That time is what the family trust is for, to take care of our family after we are gone.”

  “Okay, I know Meredith is making lunch, but you have to make love to me within the next two minutes or I’m going to lose my mind. And stop holding my hand, it feels too good, though not nearly as good as your cock inside me.” I taunt him as I run for the stairs and he’s right behind me.

  He catches me at the top of the stairs and picks me up over his shoulder, carrying me to our room. I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe when he tosses me on the bed and I land with a thump. Following me down our mouths find each other and cling. My hands are pulling at his shirt and his hand slides up my skirt. Yanking my panties to the side, he finds me wet for him. Two thick fingers push inside me and I’m straining to meet them.

  “That’s it, baby. Fuck my fingers, so fucking tight. I’m going to need you to come for me because I’m not going to be able to last inside your tight pussy.”

  Catching my nipple in his hot mouth he sucks hard then bites down. I scream from the pleasure-pain. I slam down on his fingers and he thrusts them to meet me. I’m frantic for him to be inside me. I’m begging but he isn’t moving his hands and I hit my orgasm, my body straining against him. Lost in the trembling and shaking of my body, I don’t even feel Drake moving until his cock is pressing into me. I’m boneless as he moves me on him and for the first time he is on his back and I’m on top of him. It feels so different, he’s so deep, filling me up completely, it’s almost overwhelming.

  His hands move me on him and I’m shuddering from the feeling. My hands go down to his chest to keep me upright. It doesn’t matter that I’m on top, Drake controls me. I love it so much I simply go limp when he pulls me to his chest and begins to pound up inside me. So good, god, it feels so good. I’m drowning in him. Then, my climax swallows me whole and I’m breaking apart and shimmering into tiny pieces. I hear him shout my name as I feel him coming inside me. It draws out my climax until I wonder if I can still breathe. Below my cheek, the deep bellows of air he draws in has me matching him and finally I take in air.

  Burying my face in his chest, I savor the feeling of him buried deep inside me. “I love the feeling of you inside me this way.” I murmur against the silk of his chest.

  Still gasping for air, he nods, “I’m glad, because you feel so damned good this way, we’re going to be doing this often. I was worried that I’d be too big and it wouldn’t be comfortable for you.”

  “I love it. More times like this please.”

  “Yes, my love, as you wish.”


  “I think you’re right, no hand holding ever.”

  We’re barely dressed before Justin comes home. Once we sit down to dinner Drake brings up the adoption. We had discussed it while dressing, it was time to talk about Justin about the plans we were making and to make sure he felt he had a say in them.

  “Justin, I wanted to make sure you knew once Ria and I get married we’ll be filing for adoption of you. We’ll be putting a legal stamp on what’s basically been in place. We wanted to make sure you were good with all of this. Legally, you’ll get my name, it’s up to you if you want to use it. I’ll also be adding you to the family trust as a way of providing for you if something should happen to me.”

  “So how much did she get out of you?” Justin asks with a smile.

  With a heavy sigh, “Fifteen thousand.”

  “Drake!” I can’t believe he said it out loud.

  “Ria, he has a right to know. Besides, things like this have a way of coming out. Lying or prevaricating would only make it worse.”

  “You really are a dragon. Fifteen thousand, when you would have been willing to go up to more. She must have been way hard up. One time she found us and stole all the money out of Ria’s purse and my piggy bank. I mean, who the hell steals money from a five-year old’s piggy bank? Ugh, then another time when Ria found her, she came to see me at school and said Ria had given her money for me. I wasn’t worth much to Ria, but she’d take what she could get. I knew she’d come around again once the pictures of you two hit the papers. This time she’d be looking for a much bigger payout.”

  “Yes, she has warrants out for her arrest. She was looking at serious time. I didn’t give her much choice, take the money and walk out. If she didn’t, then she’d walk into jail, we’d still get you legally; it would just take a little longer.

  You’re right, I was willing to go to two million. My lawyer advised the fees would run to about that much in the year he thought it would take to show her as an unfit parent. When they found the warrants, I knew it wasn’t going to be necessary. She had signed that legal guardianship for you years ago, and while it wasn’t worth anything, it would help the case.”

  “Two million dollars, for me? You really would have paid that? I was thinking like fifty grand or something. Are you really that rich?”

  “Yes, and you’re worth more than that to Ria and to me.”

  “Cool, thanks Drake. I’m glad you love Ria enough to think so. I’d be happy to go by Hawthorne, it’s better than going by her last name.”

  “I’m glad you said that. I was hoping you would. Ria and I are trying to have a baby and I would like all my children to have the same last name.”

  “It’s been really obvious how much you guys are trying to have a baby and I’m pretty sure it won’t take long. I was thinking you guys were going to tell me that tonight when you got all serious. But I don’t have to change dirty diapers, do I?”

  I’m so embarrassed I can’t look up as Drake tells him no, he wasn’t expected to change dirty diapers.

  We settle into the movie room and Justin climbs onto the couch beside Drake. I try not to be jealous I’m not the one in the middle, it fades as Drake pulls me close. Okay, maybe snuggling on the couch isn’t so bad, but I’m still drawing the lin
e at holding hands.

  Chapter Eleven

  I’m woken by the sound of the bathtub filling, to see Meredith come out of the bathroom. On the bedside table there’s a tray of toast and coffee.

  “Good morning, Ria, I hope you slept well. Drake wanted to make sure you had time for a relaxing soak before Carla came to do your makeup. Your friend Latisha called, she’ll be here within the hour.”

  “Thank you, Meredith.” With a smile she closes the door behind her. I sigh as I melt back into bed. Rolling over, I inhale the scent of Drake on his pillow. Last night he had sent me to bed not long after dinner—alone. I’d argued against it but he’d held fast. Lying in bed, I’d cursed him long and hard, until he snuck in. At first he’d been hungry and we’d both been breathless for long minutes. Then he’d made love to me, gently and slowly, and with so much love I cried as he held me close. With a kiss, he’d let me go and pointed to the clock. It was just before midnight when he closed the door and I slept deeply and happily.

  Humming as I bathe, I’m relieved Drake handled the planning so well. Our vows are at eleven and we’re being married by a local judge. Then lunch would be immediately served. He was positive we would be able to kick people out by six. Then we would be on the jet for Boston by seven and in bed in our suite for the night before we were tired. I’m still hesitant about leaving Justin with Meredith and Enrico. Justin, however, had pleaded not to be taken on a honeymoon where he would have to be around us being all loving. He was content to allow us to pick out the house and not visit MIT until we moved. For now, we are planning on at least a week, Drake is trying to persuade me to two weeks. I’m pretty sure he’s going to get it but I haven’t told him that yet.

  Drying off, I pull on a silky robe and go into the walk-in closet. Picking out the underwear I had chosen for the day, I lay it out on the bed. A visit to the store where I’d bought the negligee had resulted in the perfect set. It was achingly beautiful, more importantly, something Drake hadn’t seen me in. There’s a knock on the door and I slide the robe back on. I open the door to Latisha.

  With a squeal, she hugs me tight. “Girl, I’m so happy for you. Finally!”

  I laugh, leaning against the bed. “Yes, I was stupid letting us both go so long. Please don’t remind me, Drake does it often enough.”

  “Is this it?” She’s at the black carrier bag delivered and hidden from Drake weeks ago. I had tried it on when it was first ready. It had been perfect, but I hadn’t even dared look at it again.

  “Yep, that’s it. Go ahead and open it. You’re going to have to help me with all the buttons.”

  Unzipping it, she gasps. I understand, I did the same thing when it had been presented to me. The bodice is an intricate pattern of lace and pearls and crystals that glittered. It’s sleeveless, an over the shoulder design with a slip of perfectly shimmering white that went underneath and peeked out from the waist down. The shoes are, thankfully, not that tall in a discreet satin white.

  “Wow, this is the kind of dress you see a princess in.” Latisha reaches out a hand, then pulls it back without touching it. “Girl, I’m afraid to touch it. Let me go wash my hands first.”

  There is a quick knock at the door before Carla comes in with a wave. Then she sees the dress and she’s gasping, too. Latisha comes back and they’re both pulling the dress out.

  Snatching up the underwear, I run for the bathroom to put it on. I can hear them both talking in excited, hushed tones over the dress. The bra is a beautiful white in tulle net, lace, and satin with matching panties. My fingers are trembling as I pull up the panties and I slide a hand over my abdomen. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and know what my wedding gift will be to Drake.

  As I step out of the bathroom Latisha squeals with joy. “Girl, you are so beautiful. Now we need to get this dress on you. I can’t wait to see you in it.”

  Seeing it on, everything becomes sharper. The sweet haze I’ve been in since the night Drake demanded I marry him is gone. I’m no longer in the clouds, I’m on firm ground, solid and hard beneath my feet. Emotions flood through me, they have me shaking and Latisha’s arms go around me.

  “It’s okay, girl, take a deep breath.”

  “For two years, I wasted so much time.” I whisper the words and she nods.

  “Girl, you did what you had to do. Who’s to say you two would have gotten to this day any quicker if you’d gone the other way around. You both are some hard-headed fools. None of that matters, today matters, and that’s what you need to remember. So if you gonna cry, you need to hurry so we can get you back to normal and Carla can do her thing.”

  “I’m not going to cry.” I exhale with a shaky breath.

  Carla is sighing with relief. She goes to work and she’s grumbling over her orders from Drake to go light on the makeup.

  A piercing whistle comes from the bedroom, Latisha had found the pictures of Drake. “Damn girl, he looks so fucking fine. Can I have a picture?”

  “Absolutely not. Your gift is on the dresser.” Her shout of happiness makes it clears she’s found it.

  “Girl, for real, these earrings are for me?”

  “As they have your name on them, then that would be a yes. I’m sorry, I wanted to go bigger. Except the bigger they were, the more obvious it was that they were quality. Drake and I were worried about getting you mugged.”

  “They are gorgeous, thank you. Wow, I’m wearing these today. Thank you again, for letting me pick my dress. I love this, the last time I was in a wedding the dress was so ugly I thought I was gonna throw up on it. This dress will have me balling or working it down low or up high.”

  “I’m glad you found one you liked. When we went shopping I thought I was going to kill you. You tried on, like, twenty dresses.”

  “Girl, wasn’t no one gonna be waiting on me like they was waiting on me when I was with you. I was taking advantage of the treatment.”

  “Okay, Ria, I’ll be right back for the pins to put your hair up and attach the veil. Two minutes.”

  I nod, when she comes back with a case. I’m not even paying attention until Latisha gasps, then I look and Carla’s coming toward me with it. I’m not really surprised by the sight of it. When Drake gave me a tour of the house, I had seen the portrait of Drake’s grandparents on their wedding day. I was stunned by the sight of his grandmother wearing a tiara rivalling ones I had seen on royalty. Drake simply shrugged, saying his grandfather had stated he was marrying his queen and wanted the world to know it. My legs are weak as I edge back onto the chair. Carla settles it on my head, using pins to keep it on. Once it’s on, she attaches the lace veil.

  “Girl, you so pretty you making me want to cry.” Latisha is sniffling as I stand.

  “No crying, not until after the pictures. Go down now, Graham is doing the pictures, he’ll be getting them of Justin and Drake. I’m doing my pictures with Drake after the vows, right before we have lunch.”

  Sniffling, she goes. I eye the clock with a sigh. Carla is looking at me with a smile.

  “You really do look like a princess. I can’t wait to see his face when he sees you.” She leaves and I’m alone.

  I watch the clock tick down and close my eyes for a moment. Justin would be waiting by Drake. I would be walking down the aisle on the lawn behind the house on my own. Opening my eyes, I look and it’s time.

  I’m proud of how calm I am. As I make my way down to the stairs Meredith comes toward me with my bouquet. Patting my hand, she tells me I’m beautiful, and thanking her, I turn toward the door. Walking out of the back door onto a deep purple runner, I see Drake. He looks up from his tightly clenched hands and sees me moving toward him. I see nothing, hear nothing but him. The look on his face is everything I have hoped for.

  When I reach him, his hands clutch mine in a vise grip. Everything becomes a blur from the moment I repeat the vows and firmly say, I do. His voice vibrates through me when he responds. Finally, his mouth is on mine. Pressing his lips hard against mine, he seals
our promise, and the fire I see in his eyes burns me. I shudder with longing. Too soon, he pulls away and his arm comes around me as the judge introduces us. Hearing my name with Drake’s fills me with so much emotion I bite my cheek to keep it back.

  Long hours later, I’m doing my best to pay attention to Justin, except my eyes are only on Drake. He’s talking with Latisha and he’s laughing at something she says. Feeling my eyes on him, sapphire glitters. Latisha notices his eyes on me, she looks at me and laughs. Minutes later Drake is pulling me into his arms on the dance floor.

  “Drake, I’m dying here.” I whisper as my arms go around his neck.

  “I know, I’m working on it. Latisha is helping out, hopefully within the next few minutes people will get the hint and start leaving.”

  “We have to wait for people to start leaving?”

  “That’s the polite thing to do.” He groans.

  “Drake, I know that you are trying not to be the whole commanding and arrogant thing I complain about. Right this minute, I really wish you wouldn’t.” I moan into his ear.

  “Thank fucking god.” He picks me up and walks me toward the house. Shock sends me still in his arms. Blushing like mad, I bury my face in his neck. He doesn’t stop walking until we’re in our room and he’s kicking the door closed behind him.

  “Drake! I can’t believe you did that!”

  “Can’t have it both ways, Mrs. Hawthorne. You asked and I gave it to you.” He’s pushing off his jacket and undoing his vest as he backs me up against the bed. My hands are already at his shirt while he’s kicking off his shoes. “Turn around. This dress was perfect, you are perfect.”

  Turning around, I feel his hands fumbling with the buttons and his excitement has me shivering. “Thank you for this day, it’s been amazing. What makes it even better is now you can stop calling me your fiancée, now you can call me your wife.”

  “You noticed how much I liked calling you that, huh? What can I say, just in case someone missed the ring, I didn’t want it to go unnoticed.”


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