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His Marriage Demand

Page 12

by Fiona Murphy

  “Drake, about your gift for today. I didn’t wrap it, I hope that’s okay.” The last of the buttons are undone and the dress comes down my shoulders. I stop it at my waist to keep it from falling down.

  “Of course it’s okay. You didn’t have to get me anything. As far as I’m concerned you’re the best damned thing out of this whole day, here, let me get you your gift so you can open it now.”

  I sit on the edge of the bed, butterflies in my stomach over him seeing his gift. I hadn’t expected him to give me his first. He hands me a small box and I assume it’s jewelry but it’s a brand new shiny cell phone. Forcing a smile I look up and murmur thanks, I hadn’t wanted jewelry, it’s simply not what I had expected at all.

  Chuckling, he shakes his head, “There are pictures already on the phone, why don’t you take a look?”

  Pressing the camera, I check the history and oh my god. Pictures of Drake very naked and very hard have me blushing and grinning. I meet his eyes and lean over to kiss him, “Much better than jewelry, thank you.”

  “You should have seen the look on your face. I knew jewelry wouldn’t impress you in the slightest.”

  “Your turn.” I stand and he moves back. I allow the dress to slide to the floor. Taking his hand, I move it to my stomach and his eyes are already there. I had Carla do it before she and Latisha helped me put the dress on. An ink drawing of an old fashioned black pram.

  He’s down on his knees, his face filled with awe as he traces the ink. “You’re sure?”

  Hearing the tremble in his voice has me smiling and I nod. “When I went into the city a few days ago, it wasn’t to check on flowers, it was to see the doctor.”

  Pressing a kiss to my still flat stomach, Drake is smiling. I run my hands through his hair. Getting to his feet, he picks me up, placing me gently on the bed. “This is the best gift I think I’ve ever gotten. Thank you, even if I’m a little annoyed you held out on me for the last few days. I’ll make you pay later.”

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have, I deserve to pay for it. You could use the largest from the kit in my ass while you fuck my pussy hard and deep with your lovely cock.”

  “Hmm, you liked that didn’t you?” Suddenly, Drake pulls away. “Wait, is that safe for the baby?”

  Damn it, I knew it. Sitting up, I try to grab his arm but he’s already off the bed pacing around the room. “Drake, you are not going to do this. I’m not about to let you wrap me up in cotton wool because I’m pregnant. Sex is fine, sex is good while I’m pregnant. I asked the doctor. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Maybe regular sex, what you asked for isn’t regular sex. Are you sure? What did you ask the doctor?”

  “Please come here, stop pacing, you’re making dizzy.”

  “Dizzy? Are you okay? You didn’t eat much today. I’ll call Meredith and have her bring up a plate.”

  “Drake, don’t you dare. You’re pacing like crazy, which would make any person dizzy. Stop it, right now and come here. God damn it, Drake, come here!” My order has him stopping and practically running for the bed. “I love you, but this isn’t going to happen. You are not going to be a nervous wreck over every little thing for the next nine months, because you will make me absolutely crazy. Everything is going to be fine. The doctor was positive, I’m very healthy and all my numbers look great. Thousands of women have babies and carry them for nine months all over the world without a single problem. I mentioned we have a very active sex life. The doctor said as long as I’m not being tied down and dealing with issues with blood flow for long periods of time it’s not a big deal. Please don’t make me beg for you.”

  “Ria, thousands of women have babies but they aren’t my wife. If anything happened to you, I wouldn’t be able to handle it. When we get to Boston we’ll find a doctor. I’ll feel better if I can talk to them about it too.”

  “Oh, Drake, don’t say things like that. I’m not going to go anywhere. I’m staying right beside you until you get sick of me. You just married me today, you aren’t getting rid of me for the next fifty years.”


  “Promise, now please make love to me, dear husband.”

  “Yes, my beautiful wife.”

  Three years later

  “Damn girl, every time I see your kids I’m jealous. Only you are lucky enough to have the two kids Drake says you can have in one go. Twins, a boy and a girl your first time out. Then on top of that, they’re gorgeous, they look like they should be in a freaking commercial or some shit. Oops, sorry, you don’t think they heard me do you?”

  “No, they’re too busy taking down their father. They love to climb on him as if they’re scaling a mountain. Besides, Justin and Drake have already dropped that bomb while we were packing. It was a little chaotic and the twins have said that and the f word more times than I care to count.”

  “That is one dang fine mountain they are scaling. I thought the grey hair would make him less fine, nope, still one fine looking man that belongs on a billboard. What was Justin cussing about? I thought he was happy you all were moving back to Chicago. I distinctly remember you calling me and crying about that.”

  “It wasn’t about us moving, it was him trying to help with the packing with the kids being underfoot. Sorry about calling so late blubbering to you. It’s just, Justin was so happy it was a bit of a blow. I had thought he’d be a little sad, you have no idea how late I stayed up torturing myself over the decision. When Drake and I set him down and told him, you would have thought we had given him the keys to a Ferrari or something. By the way I still think I have a right to be cranky about Drake giving him the Saab for his birthday. We had, supposedly, discussed it and agreed to wait until he got his first degree. Fine, he needs a car, but Norman drives him most everywhere as it is—he doesn’t need his own car.”

  “Come on girl, he’s sixteen now, he’ll be seventeen in a few months. Of course he’s happy he’s not having to answer to mom and dad for every little thing. Plus, having that big ass house all to himself is gonna be sweet.

  And like I said, you need to let it go. So Drake managed to get talked into buying Justin his own car to learn to drive in. He will never be a spoiled brat and he’s worked hard; he’ll get his degree in a few months. Drake has apologized a half dozen times, holding a grudge ain’t better than holding onto your husband.”

  “I guess, I’m glad Norman is staying with him. Norman will make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble. You’re right, I’ll let it go, I will. I have to, it’s done, me bitching about it is stupid. I’ve missed you.”

  “Of course I’m right, I missed you, too. It was nice visiting you in Boston but it wasn’t the same. Girl, he ain’t gonna be getting in trouble. It’ll be all good. Besides, now he knows he wants to work for NASA, he knows he’s gotta be clean to get clearance, so he’s gonna behave. You worry too much.”

  I snort, I can’t help it. “I’m not the worrier in this family, that’s Drake. You just don’t have to hear him and deal with him in worry mode. When he found out I was pregnant with twins I thought he was going to come unraveled. I swear I don’t think I ever walked more than the six block walk I did every day for exercise with him or Norman at my heels. I know I never got to carry anything heavier than five pounds.

  Then when the kids came he baby-proofed the house so much I couldn’t open a door or cabinet for almost a month. I swear the only reason I agreed to a nanny was so he would leave the house and he wouldn’t hover so much.

  I know Justin will be good. I was afraid he would become a nerd who was into nothing but books, and I guess it just threw me how easily he avoided that. Although that’s really MIT at work, his mentor there was clear that they have found those working in groups have more success than those working for hours on end alone. I’m glad he’s found a group of friends and he’s settled, but if it weren’t for the kids, I’d probably be wailing at the loss of someone to take care of.”

  “Yeah, the first time Denzel didn’t want to hold m
y hand I cried for hours. They grow up, they’ll still need you, just in other ways. So, what’s Drake gonna do with the properties he still has in Boston?”

  “Drake only has two houses and the small building with the rentals. Between Justin settling in, the babies, and him wanting to be hands on he never ended up working as many properties as he did here in Chicago. I think he also figured out before I did that I wasn’t happy there. I never quite settled in and it never felt like home, which is why we’re back in Chicago after only three years. He’s going to sell the houses and keep the small building like he did with the building he has here in Chicago. We’ll still be visiting Boston from time to time like we did, spending summers here.

  Thank you by the way, for working out so well in taking over the management of the building for Drake. He was saying just the other day you’ve done so well you’re due for another raise.”

  “Girl, please, I have one of the coolest jobs ever. I know you put in the word for me and I’m not going to fail you or Drake, ever. He already pays me better than I’ve ever been paid before. But I ain’t going to turn down extra money. That’s cool, I liked Boston, but yeah, it was obvious you didn’t like it there. It was way different from Chicago, a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there, either. You gonna let me tag along with you again?”

  “Of course, if you want you can come, it always felt better when you and Denzel were there.”

  “That’s so cool, I still can’t believe you all have a freaking jet so big. Now that’s the way to travel. Okay, girl, I need to be getting home. Give me a hug.”

  Griffin and Christina notice Latisha is leaving and scramble for a hug from one of their favorite people. Christina starts crying and I snuggle her close. Bedtime, I mouth to Drake. He nods and swings Griffin into his arms, Griffin immediately wants down. He’s a fiercely independent child and hates to be carried. Even if he wasn’t the spitting image of his father, it wouldn’t take a person five minutes to figure out he was Drake Hawthorne’s son.

  The next hour is a battle of wills as we go through bath time. An attempt at reading a book is quickly given up as the kids are not to be soothed by our attempts to wind them down. Griffin struggles to keep his eyes open and Drake disappears as I’m tucking Christina back into bed. Drake turns on the sound machine and they immediately droop. It’s been a life saver in the past, I sag with relief at how quickly it works.

  Pulling me behind him, Drake closes the door. Picking me up, he carries me into our room across the hall from the children.

  “Are you sure we should leave them in the same room? Maybe we should have tried harder to put them in separate rooms.”

  “Too much change right now, sweetheart, they’d hate us. Let’s give it another few months and maybe we’ll try again. You look tired, have a bath and I’ll tuck you in for an early night. I’ve got some paperwork to finish up on.” With a kiss on my forehead, he’s pushing me toward the bathroom.

  “Drake?” I stop him with a hand on his chest.

  “What’s the matter?”

  Leaning against the wall, I swallow hard, searching for the strength to look him in the eye. Embarrassed about what I’ve been thinking of saying for the last few months. I can’t believe it’s taken so long to get up the courage.

  “Hey, Ria, talk to me. What’s the matter?”

  “Do you still find me attractive? I know I’ve put on some weight with the babies. I’ve talked to Meredith and we’ve talked about the menus and I’m going to be using the gym more. I’ll take it off soon.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about? You’re sexy as fuck to me, always have been. You’ve gone up a few dress sizes, I don’t give a fuck about that. I think of you and I get hard, you don’t even have to be in the same damned room. Where in the world would you get that idea?” He seems genuinely confused and I can breathe again.

  “It just seems that I’m the only one who ever instigates us making love. It feels like it started the week I hit six months and has been that way ever since. A few times, yes early in the morning you’ll make a move but that’s it.”

  Closing his eyes, he moves closer, resting his head against mine and kisses me again on the forehead. “I am so sorry I caused you to doubt yourself. I thought I was being thoughtful. I’ve heard all these stories about kids changing a couple’s sex life and how many women don’t have the same sex drive. We have two very highly charged kids and even with the nanny they tire the both of us out. I didn’t want you to feel like I was asking for more energy than you had. That’s why I left it up to you and since you have always been so comfortable and forward with what and when you wanted me, I wasn’t going to ask for more. Sweetheart, I love you so much and find you so damned fuckable, to this day, I would love to spend all day making love to you. Don’t ever doubt the only place I ever find peace is with you and when I’m inside you.”

  Feeling him growing hard against me, I press back with a moan. Relieved and feeling like an idiot for letting my fears go so long. “Thank goodness, I’ve been so worried for the last few months. I love you, Drake and making love with you is still always going to be better to me than holding hands. The service will be sending the applicants for a nanny tomorrow afternoon. Meredith is being an angel and will be taking care of the kids tomorrow so we can sleep in. Can we both have an early night and you give me a little reassurance?”

  “Perfect, you are still absolutely perfect for me, Mrs. Hawthorne.” Drake picks me up and lays me gently down on the bed and follows me down. His kiss is hot and fierce and all my fears disappear in the fire of his passion.

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  See the blurb for my newest releasing on 7/24 on the next page

  His Fire Inside

  Okay, I know it’s crazy to hate someone you’ve never met before but Rourke Vega is not the average man. The arrogant billionaire manwhore is to blame for turning my beloved Austin from quirky, cool college town to hipster paradise.

  It’s a good thing I don’t have to deal with him while I help his mother recover from a stroke. Her, I love. Him, all right I might have this insane desire to lick the dimple in his chin. Then there’s the way from the outside he’s calm, cool, collected and in control as if nothing fazes him. It makes me want to press his buttons, to make him lose control, to see the fire he hides inside. The fire I felt all too briefly. The fire I can’t forget even as I tell myself I’m crazy because no way could a man as gorgeous as Rourke want a plus size like me.

  If my plus size doesn’t put him off my family situation will. Both of our lives are too complicated to add romance to it. Besides, he’s made it clear for the six months I’m his employee I’m off limits. Except he’s still staring at me with the heat of a volcano ready to explode. Like a fool I’m drawn to the fire even when I know it means one of us will get burned, but who?

  His on Demand

  To make my dream come true I’ll do anything, even put up with an asshole like Leandros Kaplan. Four years, five tops and I’ll have enough money saved to stop working and write full time. I know lying to him to get the job is crazy and stupid. It’s as crazy and stupid as the requirement for his new assistant to be married. I’m not married, and I’m not like his past assistants, the ones who dropped sexual innuendo daily and then
would hand him their underwear when he asked for reports. I’m a freaking virgin at thirty-one.

  I swear I never thought I would fall for him, it doesn’t matter that he’s a gorgeous Greek god billionaire, he’s also a jerk who takes pride in being ruthless and cold-blooded. He’s so out of my league we don’t even play the same game. He’s into dating double zero models. There’s no way he would ever be interested in a plus size like me.

  When he finds out I lied I’m not surprised he wants his pound of flesh, I’m surprised he wants it in the form of my flesh, naked for him. The retribution he demands is me, whenever, however, he wants my body. I’ll give it to him, everything he demands. He doesn’t want my heart or tears, only I can’t stop giving him both, and it’s slowly tearing me apart. Can he ever forgive me for lying or will that one lie be the end of us?

  His Sweetest Sin

  I can’t believe it. Christopher Baldwin, the baddest boy in baseball, wants me. Amelia Bishop...I was maybe a solid seven before an accident changed my life, leaving me fat, broken, and avoiding mirrors. If he hadn’t said it with a stare hot enough to melt brain cells, I would never have believed him when he told me my curves are what he wants.

  An arrogant a$$hole with tattoos, a diamond glinting in his ear, and a dirty mouth promising wicked things, Chris Baldwin is no boy. Chris is all man, and a lethally gorgeous one at that. With dimples flashing as he invites me to sin in a slow Southern drawl, I’m trying to remember I don’t swoon, sin, or—wait, what? I forgot not to stare directly at his dimples, and those bright blue eyes aren’t safe either. Sorry, as I was saying.

  As appealing as the idea of sinning with Chris is, there is no doubt in my mind I would fail miserably at it, even under his expert tutelage. Chris has been on a steady diet of strippers, women who have all the right moves. Me, I have no moves at all. Chris is major league; I would get laughed out of little league.

  I’m also his lawyer, at least until my brother, Ethan, comes back from vacation. Getting involved with clients is a huge no-no, no matter what primetime television might show. As gorgeous as he is, Chris isn’t worth the possibility of hurting my career or losing the hard-earned respect of my boss and brother.


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