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Mafias Embrace (Lethal Beauty & Smoking Steel Book 2)

Page 14

by Darcy Ray

  Jumping in her seat, she looks at me wide-eyed and stutters her reply. "S-Selene, I didn't see you come in. I'm sorry, you're right, love. It's just been a long time since I've had to dig up these memories. So forgive me if I don't seem like myself."

  Leaning back in the booth, I wave off her worry and voice my concerns. "No reason to apologize Doris. I really don't mean to put you through this, but I have to get answers. I have so many questions, and with Dominik no longer here to answer them, I have to go to my next option—Doyle and you."

  Letting out a snort, she shakes her head and reaches for her coffee."That man needs to find a new profession. I'm surprised he is still staying afloat. After all, Dominik was his only client."

  I can't help but nod in understanding. The one and only time I went to his office, I thought I was at an abandoned building. "Well, I guess he will be around for a little bit longer. I took over Dom’s account with him since Doyle knows all the ins and outs." My mind races on a million ways I can start this conversation. I don’t want to cause Doris any distress because she has been nothing but nice to me, but there are too many unanswered questions. "Doris . . ."

  "Good morning, ma'am! Sorry for taking so long, I didn't realize anyone came inside. What can I get you on this fine morning?" Standing with the brightest smile and her notepad ready to go is a perky, middle-aged brunette. Everything about her is so happy and chipper, from her bright yellow nail polish to her perfectly pinned-up hair. With a quick glance, I scope out her name. Gloria.

  Well shit, her spunky personality has me feeling all chipper already. Shooting our server a grin, I order my breakfast and get Doris's as well. Boiled eggs and chicken for me and bacon, lettuce, tomato, and egg sandwich for Doris. After the server bounces away, I look back to Doris and continue where I left off. "Doris, did you and Dominik have a child together? Is that why he was so quick with taking me in? Because she would have looked like me?"

  Dropping her head with a sigh, she begins to twiddle her fingers and then looks up to me and utters in a broken voice, "Yes, we did. Her name was Jelena, and she was our world. Dominik loved her more than life and was even going to give up the lifestyle he lived for her." The silence between us is definitely needed. For me to absorb what she just said and for Doris to collect her thoughts, but the silence didn't last long. "She was only ten when it happened. The car just came out of nowhere and collided with us. The cops said it was a drunk driver, but we knew different. He was aiming for us head-on. Since that night, Dominik dove headfirst into the world you know and quickly rose to the top. Fueled by anger and hatred for everyone. That is, until he met you."

  Tears threaten to spill out her aged eyes, the worry line more prominent now than before, and her thinned lips quiver from all the emotion she is holding in. I have no words for what she just told me, I mean, I'm shocked for sure. I would never have imagined Dominik leaving the business, let alone him having a child. "So what happened between you and him? I mean, y'all had a child together. Yet, he never mentioned you or Jelena in all the years I knew him." I know losing a child could be hard for parents, but why separate? I just don't get it.

  Her lips thin at my question but with a prolonged sigh, she answers, "I left because I couldn't handle all the violence. Dominik went on a killing spree until he could find the man responsible for our tragedy. Though I'm grateful that the bastard suffered, I don't have a mean bone in my body, so supporting his ways was not something I could do. As for why he never mentioned us, well that's simple. I made him swear not to. I wanted a peaceful life away from it all, and I didn’t want our daughter’s name to be dragged through the filth that he worked with."

  "That's completely reasonable. I know he loved you, though. He might not have said it to me, but the way he looked when I mentioned him to you, well it was one of a man in love." Doris smiles at me with a grin full of love and happiness. Nothing about it is fake and knowing that Dominik loved her, makes me believe she still loves him. Almost like true love.

  The server chooses that moment to bring out food and thank god she did. I don't know how much longer I can go without chowing down. We wait until the server drops our food off and enters into the staff only door before we say another word. “We knew each other since college. He just came over from Russia and was in one of my classes. It was like instalove. We couldn't get enough of each other, but as time went on, he started to change. I will always love him, regardless if we were together or not, and he knew that.” With every word, her voice cracked, and I knew the battle to hold the tears in was a losing one. Reaching over, I grab some napkins and hand them to her.

  Once her tears are dry, she continues. “You know Jelena was the reason he took you in under his wings. She looked just like you—from your thick, wavy hair to your freckle-covered cheeks, and hell, even your resilient attitude. Part of me thinks it’s because he pretended you were her.”

  “God, I hope not! As much as that would mean to me, I don't think he would want his daughter working as an escort.” I’ve lived a fucked-up life, and I don't regret anything about it, but I know damn well if I ever have kids, I would do anything possible for them not to be like me.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Dominik thought highly of you and respected you. He knew he wasn't your father and he couldn't tell you what to do in that aspect, but you also have to remember, he was the boss of over thousands of people. He couldn't show any sympathy or favoritism toward you. There were too many things that could happen if he did.” Clasping her hands, she looks out the window and toward the brilliant blue sky. “You know, he came here nearly every week to talk about you with me. Those moments helped me live without our baby, a balm if you will.”

  Staring down at my plate, I push around the bits of food that's left and fumble with what to say next. “I mean . . . you’re welcome? I don't know what to say to all this. Of course, I had some inclination that there something going on, from the photo to the gravestone. I guess I needed to hear it myself. Like I said before, he was like a father to me.”

  “You . . . You have a picture? Can I see?” The pleading look in Doris’s eyes makes me feel bad for not mentioning it earlier. Pulling the envelope out of my purse, I hand it over and watch as she grabs it with shaky hands. Her nimble fingers slide it open and gently pull both the clipping and photo out. With the envelope forgotten, she covers her mouth and gasps, “Oh my gosh! I thought these were lost so long ago! Please, oh please, Selene, can I have them?” Tears streak down her cheeks in a steady stream, marring her makeup and dripping to her white blouse.

  “Who am I to say no to you? They belong to you anyways, so please, take them. They were in a secret compartment in Dominik’s desk, and as I was cleaning it out, I discovered them. Oh, the cemetery where both Jelena and Dominik are buried are well taken care of. The caretaker will look over them for as long as he can.” Doris doesn't look at me while I'm talking to her; instead, she stares at the picture with the look of pure joy on her face.

  Pushing my plate to the side, I fold my arms on the table and bathe in the feeling of accomplishment. The chime sounds as someone enters the diner, so out of automatic response, I flick my eyes over to check out whoever it was. With one glance, I go on high alert. The guy is hunched over, dressed in all black with something bulky underneath his coat. Ever since the mall incident, I became more aware of what's going on around me, and getting shot is not something I was to deal with. This blip on my radar darts his eyes all over the place, making sure not to stare at one place for too long. After a few seconds, he makes his way to the bathrooms and disappears.

  My gut is yelling at me that something is fishy about the whole situation, so I pull my phone out and send an urgent text to my guys. My body becomes itchy with the need to leave, my foot starts to tap uncontrollably, and my fingers tap in quick succession on the hard tabletop. A hand waving in my peripheral catch my attention, so I jerk to see who it is. "Selene, are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost." Concern laces Doris's voice as if she can sens
e my inner turmoil.

  With the guy still hidden in the bathroom and the diner empty except for Doris and me, I decide to make my move. "Doris, we need to leave. Don't ask questions, don't look back, just get your ass out of here." Her eyes widen with shock, but without missing a beat, she quickly gathers her stuff and power walks out. Standing from the booth, I toss a hundred on the table and start to exit the diner, but before I can reach the exit, the man emerges, holding a blazing glass bottle. A fucking Molotov.

  It seems as if the world slows down to a minuscule crawl when I spot the bottle. Everything that can happen flashes before my eyes and my brain starts to misfire on what to do next. RUN! RUN! RUN! No matter how much I scream at myself to move, I can't. The man has pure evil all over his face, and the grin he has intensifies everything which makes fear run through me. Shit, I'm going to die. My brain switches focus from the flame to the movement in his arm, which is rearing back for him to toss the bomb. Even as his Molotov welding arm starts to fly forward, I can't get myself to move. But as I watch his fingers slide off of the glass bottle and the bomb becomes airborne, everything speeds up to normal pace. With no time to spare, I fling myself behind the reception desk and duck behind the wooden podium.

  The bottle explodes and a scorching inferno envelopes me. The heat from the fire burns my skin, and my body’s natural defense kicks in, causing sweat to pour off of me. Thankfully, whatever accelerant this fucker used burned up quickly and with the help of the fire alarm and the diner's sprinkler system, it was put out just as fast. Pulling my gun from my holster, I peek around the charred podium to spot the bomber loading yet another bomb. There's no way in hell I can withstand another blast!

  With three steadying breathes, I roll out from my cover and get to my knee. After all the time I spent with Frank practicing my aim, now is the time it comes into play. Like muscle memory, I aim and pull the trigger. My shot waivers a little to the left and hits the man in the arm, making him drop the lighter that was in hand and without waiting for him to surrender, I continue to shoot. My main objection was to secure my safety, but now, I will fucking kill him.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The AC from the back of the ambulance cools my skin from the irritating scorch obtained from the bombing, and the burn cream the paramedics gave me is now slathered on the blisters with the hopes to reduce them. They wanted to take me to the hospital, but I flat out refused to go, though. But with Director Devoy approaching me with such a pissy look, I might just change my mind. As he gets closer, he waves the medics away and ensures there aren't any prying ears.

  His wrinkled eyes give me a once-over, and once he sees that I'm okay, he shakes his head and pulls out his notebook. With a click of his pen, he begins his interrogation. "Miss Selene, or should I say, Missus?" His eyes signal down to the glistening diamond band on my finger with speculation, so to sidestep any further questions, I cross my stiff arms and hide the ring.

  "It’s Miss, for now. So are you here to take my statement and send me on my merry way?" With pursed lips, he flips open his notepad and takes down all of my recounted details. By the time he gets done, he is left with more questions than I care to answer. "Remember, Devoy; your fancy car over there wouldn't be possible without me, so make sure that statement is all pretty and airtight."

  With stiff movements, Devoy closes his notepad and crosses his arms, almost like he is a defiant toddler. Arching a brow, I wait for him to throw a hissy fit and right on cue, he does. "And you need to remember the chat we had not even two hours ago! Selene, there have been too many incidents so close together. There's only so much fudging I can do before someone else gets wind of it and comes down here to investigate. You need to get your shit together!"

  With all the pain forgotten, I jump off the back of the ambulance and get all up in his bubble. "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, Devoy! I may not be Dominik or a man, but they are, and they will fuck you up without question." Every word is a snarl and a close attempt to knock Devoy flat on his ass; however, when I mention them, he jerks his attention behind me and stumbles. Frank, Joe, Viktor, Godfrey, and Jaime all standing side by side with matching menacing grin. Add their muscles straining against their shirts, and they look even more intense.

  Balling his hands into fists, he turns back to me and says, "I will not let this continue. I want out. No more. I can’t run my unit properly with this guilt on my conscious. From here on out, we are done. No worries though, I will keep Dominik’s promise. Everything that happened prior to now is nonexistent. But that's it! You have done nothing but cause chaos left and right. Murders, arson, drug cartels, and so much fucking more." I watch as the vein in his forehead bulges and his face contorts into a malicious gleam. "I'll be watching you, Selene. Remember that." With his threat, he turns back around and marches toward my men and pushes his way through them.

  My blood is boiling with anger and the need to make him fucking pay. He would be six feet deep by now if all these fucking people weren’t here. Shaking my head in frustration, I walk over to Godfrey. "You will watch him. I want his lines tapped and someone monitoring his web usage. I will not be played. Oh and Godfrey, you are NOT to kill him. I need him alive and with the shit that's going down, he will come crawling back."

  Godfrey stares down at me with rage burning in his eyes, I know he is nearly bursting at the seems to get some blood on his hands, but I can't let him. I arch a brow waiting for him to object, but instead, he grips my neck, pulls me closer to him, and slams his mouth to mine. Everything about our kiss is savage, from the biting of the lips to the thrashing on his tongue. With a slight adjustment of his hand, he places his forefinger and his thumb over both of my carotids, blocking the blood flow. My mind starts to get foggy, and as my knees start to buckle, he releases my neck. With his arm wrapped around my waist, he holds me up while my head starts to clear.

  With my bearings back to normal, I straighten myself up and push away from Godfrey. I start to smile at him, but a sharp pain makes me wince. Darting my tongue out, I realize I have a busted lip that was fine before Godfrey got ahold of me. "Now was that called for?"

  "It will remind you to stay out of trouble and to behave yourself. We don't like finding out that you not only snuck out of the house, but also went somewhere unsupervised, and were attacked on top of it. Let’s not forget you promised to take someone with you. You lied." Well shit, now I feel bad for not waking someone. Dropping my gaze, I stare at the ground and lace my fingers together. Godfrey’s hand runs down my arm and grasps my left hand. I freeze as he brings the engagement ring into view. I know Frank said they all approve, but hurting others is not something I want.

  Hesitantly, I raise my gaze to look up at Godfrey, and what I find makes me instantly relax. The murderous gaze is pushed aside for one of love, and his smile is quirked to the side, which makes his dimple pop. I watch as he raises my hand to his lips and lingers just above it. His words are barely a whisper, but before he places a gentle kiss on the diamond band, he says, "Soon, my love." My heart stutters and my soul swoons with his words, but before I can say anything to him, our moment is interrupted.

  "Oh, Selene! You crazy girl, what were you thinking?! You could have died!" Doris's frantic shouting has me turning toward her to apologize, but when I see her, I choke on my words. The loving woman looks like she is about to tear me a new one, and once I spot the shoe she is waving in her hand, I clench my butt in anticipation of being spanked. I look toward my guys for help, but they just glare, showing me that they are on her side. Looking over my shoulder for Godfrey, I notice him backing away to leave the scene. The paramedics shake their heads and hop back into the ambulance, and the cops only give me a glance and return to their interview and investigation. Shit.

  "Doris, I’m . . ." The words are halted, and my jaw slams closed as she wraps her loving arms around me and squeezes me to her motherly bosom. I nearly fall because of our height difference, but her strong grip on me tightens, so I don't. With no sign of he
r letting go, I wrap my arms around her. Her plump body shakes, and with all the strength I can muster, I look up to her face. Tears stream down her cheeks and my heart breaks for her.

  Breaking out of her hold, I pull her to my chest and try to calm her down. "Shh, Doris; it’s fine. I had to get you out. I swear, I’m fine. Just a little scald from the explosion."

  "It's not okay! You're just like him, always putting yourself in danger for everyone else. You're not a superhero, Selene, and I'm not looking forward to going to another funeral anytime soon!" Her tears soak my shirt, and her words knock me down to the deepest recesses of my mind. She’s right. Fuck, everyone is right. I was lucky I that I got away with just minor burns. These past few months have had too many close calls for me. I'm not ready to leave this world yet either. I got five men I want to spend the rest of my life with.

  With my chin resting on her unruly silver waves, I look over to my men who are all huddled in a circle and then slide my gaze over to the frantic waitress and line cook, who are being questioned by the police. As if pushing away the sadness from losing Dominik wasn’t hard enough, now I need to find me a cup of man the fuck up and become the savage that’s needed to eliminate the threats. "Doris, I'm not going to promise you that I won’t have close calls like this again, but I will promise you that I will never purposely put myself in the line of fire again. But you need to know, I am like Dominik. I won't back down and let these fuckers run me down."

  The woman in my arms stills. Raising her red, puffy eyes, she looks at me with lifelong sorrow. Her lips thin and her worn hands rise to brace by face. "I may not like what you're saying, but I will be there for you until the very end." I fear that she will resent me for the things I have to do and knowing she couldn't be around Dom because of this lifestyle, adds a certain level of fear. This woman has been kind to me, and with our few interactions, she has shown me the kind of love a mother would show her own.


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