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Mafias Embrace (Lethal Beauty & Smoking Steel Book 2)

Page 15

by Darcy Ray

  Giving her one last hug, I separate from her and head over to where Frank, Viktor, and Joe are standing. My gaze darts for my missing love, but I don’t see him. Seeing my concern, Joe answers my silent question. "Jaime got a call and had to leave."

  "Was it the agency?"

  "He didn't say; he couldn't even give a time on when he would be back." Pulling me to his side, Joe kisses the top of my head, and then I’m tugged to the next. Each one of them pulls me into their arms and makes some kind of connection with me. I guess the events from today shook them more than I thought.

  I don't fight their need to have me close, and after Frank lets me go, I look them all over and start to plan how I'm going to get my retribution. What I do know is that at this moment, the crime scene is full of people, and the reporters are starting to show. But anything I have to say to them has to wait until we get somewhere safe. "Frank, check with the head investigator and tell him we are leaving. We need to talk. All of us." With the nod of understanding from the three of them, I head over to where their SUV is with Joe and Vik trailing behind me.

  An hour later, we are all huddled in my office except for Jaime and Godfrey, both of which will be caught up when they are done with whatever they are doing. My office chair swivels and creaks slightly under my weight as I recline back and mindlessly rotate myself side to side. Frank, Viktor, and Joe are scattered around the office, either sitting, leaning against the wall, or browsing the array of books on the shelves behind me. We have been in this soundproof room for nearly five minutes, and no one has made a sound.

  Sighing, I lean forward and rest my arms on the desk and decide to lay my plan out. "So there's going to be some changes. We can’t let people like the one who attacked me in our territory. I know it’s next to impossible to know who is working for who, but preventative measures must be made. We all know this is only going to get worse the closer we get to the end of the two weeks that fucking bastard gave me. So first things first, I want Octavia sent somewhere safe. She has too much post-traumatic stress as it is, and any more attacks will only make it worse. I want someone to find an 'in' for the traffic center, more specifically where the street cameras are being monitored. I want surveillance put out for Giovanni Moretti. I want to know where he eats, where he shits, and who his inside people are. His suppliers need to be found, and they either need to be brought over to use or destroyed. That's the only option they have.”

  "Find his weak spots, whatever will break him. I don't care what it is. We need to bring him down, and we need to do it fast. I will not risk Dominik’s livelihood being destroyed within the first fucking year! While I'm thinking of it, I want Sasha brought in. Give him a fucking raise if we have to. But I want him on our side when this shit blows up, and it will blow up. Let’s not pretend it won't." Every word that comes from me is with the authority I demand, but with the respect my men deserve. We are a team, so having them at my side during these trying times is crucial.

  I look out to my men and watch them take in what I said, and with each passing second, my gut twists more, making me even more nauseous than I was from the adrenaline caused by the bombing. Frank’s hand slides onto my shoulder and gives me a squeeze. Turning my attention to him, I wait for him to say something and when he does, it strikes true and understanding. "Selene, you are not only the woman who we wish to spend the rest of our lives with but the woman who runs the organization that brought us all together. When we all joined, we knew this wasn't going to be about saving puppies and helping old women cross the street. So everything you are asking of us, is something we are willing to do without a question and if there is ever a time what you're saying doesn't make sense, we will let you know. So trust us when we say we got you and shit will get done."

  Pushing off the wall he was leaning on, Joe approaches the desk and says, "I called Godfrey and relayed the message to him so he can get started on the tech side. As for me, I'm sure I have a worker who can get the inside scoop at the traffic center."

  "While he does that, I'll call Sasha. I'm sure he won't be hard to get full-time, not with you being the one who is asking." I can't help but roll my eyes at Viktor’s undeniably truthful statement, and as much as I want to deny it, knowing that I’m going to see Sasha again sends tingles through me. He is like the forbidden fruit, one that is pretty to look at but that's about it.

  With everyone on board and giving me all the support I could ever ask for, I rise from my desk, grasp Frank’s hand with my engagement ring on full display and say, "I love each and every one of you, so knowing that you guys are going to stick by me in this chaos, is something that I can never thank you enough. But now that we all have our own personal missions, let's get this shit going. We have a fucking slimy meatball to hunt down and demolish.”

  Chapter Twenty

  The past week has been nothing but chaos and headaches. Ever since the bombing, there has been some kind of attack nearly every day, ranging from drive-by shootings, loiterings, multiple overdoses, and increased murders. Not only has the crime increased, but the police activity has also. I've spotted Devoy patrolling in his black Mercedes and lingering outside the club a few times but never once has he gotten out of his vehicle to approach me. With his recent appearances, I bet on one of the two things are going to happen: either he is going to make his move soon and try to make an arrest, or he is going to come crawling back, begging for mercy to return the funds that he is used to living off. The question is, when will either option take place.

  "Ma'am, your drink." The courteous voice brings me back from wandering thoughts, and as I turn toward the owner of it, I blink away my dazed expression. Standing in only white leather chaps is one of the newer servers that I recently hired to work at Sub Rosa. He's a pretty boy which makes him easy on the eyes, but what makes him one of the top tipped already, is the fact all the cougars go crazy over him. Hell, I'm not even thirty, and he has me flustered with the way he rolls his tongue when he talks.

  Looking over to the tray in his hand, I notice two shot glasses with clear liquid, a salt shaker, and a bowl of lemon wedges. "Just put them on the stand and remove the other ones. Go ahead and get me another round." I've already downed four shots, what’s four more. Hell, it’s not like I have anything else to do tonight besides be here since I'm hosting this fucking event. An event that was planned by Dominik before he passed so canceling it didn't sit right with me. Tonight's theme is Cowboys and Corsets. Hence why server boy is baring his ass in those fucking chaps and why I'm this old western white lace saloon dress.

  The server does what I ask, and I quickly down the shots. The burn disappeared after the second shot, and so did my care for looking ladylike left by the third. With the last one downed, I use the back of my hand to wipe away the excess and then look over toward my men. To my surprise, I spot Viktor and Joe engaged in a passionate kiss in the dark corner. I get lost in watching the way they grind against each other and the way Joe throws his head back as Viktor begins to stroke Joe’s dick through his jeans. The sight that I’m devouring makes desire swell inside of me and with the alcohol flowing through my system, everything starts to tingle.

  With the tingles zinging straight to my core, I begin to shift in my throne with the hopes to alleviate some of the sensations, but the friction only does the opposite and makes it worse. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as Frank takes notice of what's going on. Grabbing the water bottle beside him, he throws it at Vik and Joe. The bottle thunks right at their feet, and they both jump from the startling sound. They both look around to see the person responsible, and when their gaze lands on Frank, he does the hand signal showing cut it out. They nod their heads in understanding and straighten their clothes, both having to rearrange themselves to hide their bulging dicks.

  Leaning back in the throne, I start to pout that my show was cut short and a brilliant idea pops in my head. Jumping up from my perch, I briskly walk over to Vik and Joe and grab their hands. "Come on, guys, dance with me!" Without giving t
hem a chance to refuse, I drag them down two sets of stairs and straight onto the dance floor. With our luck, a great song was playing so we quickly got lost to the music. Stepping in between them, I become the center of their attention. My hips gyrate in beat with the music, and as the jam slows down to a more sensual one, I begin to grind against both of them. Their tucked-away dicks harden back to their impressive lengths and press against me in the most delicious ways.

  Raising my arms, I wrap them around Joe who stands behind me and press against him even harder, earning me a throaty groan. His hands grip my hips as he grinds his length against me, and then Viktor closes the distance between us and slides his hand up my dress finds his way into my drenched pussy. A moan escapes me as he adds another digit and begins to thrust his long fingers, making sure to brush against that soft spot deep inside. Looking up at my two men that have me sandwiched between them, I can only envision the way they were not too long ago. "Kiss him, take his mouth like your finger is taking my pussy!"

  With my command, they do as I say and slam their mouths together just above me. Vik’s fingers only falter for a second and then he beings to finger-fuck me with the same intensity that he savages Joe's mouth with. His fingers are like the outlet of the desire and passion that is overflowing between them, which makes me climb to the peak and with a swipe of his thumb on my clit, I explode. My channel clenches around his fingers that are still pumping inside of me and my clit throbs underneath his thumb as he continues to swirl it unrelentingly.

  Arching my back against Joe, I try to pull off of Vik’s hand, but he only presses closer, which allows Vik to push even deeper. Leaning forward, I bury my face in his chest to muffle the moans he is ripping from me. The orgasm I was trying to fight off builds with such intensity, thanks to the alcohol behind it, and only seconds after my first orgasm, I explode again. Behind me, Joe tenses as his dick starts to twitch between us and a groan mixed from both of them sounds.

  Without missing a beat to the music, Viktor withdraws his fingers from my quivering pussy and then slides his drenched fingers into his mouth, sucking both of them clean. Not caring if anyone saw what we did, we continue to dance the night way, jizzed pants and all.

  The rest of the night speeds by courtesy of tequila shots and lots of dancing. After the first couple of songs, Viktor and Joe traded spots with Frank, and as the night went on, they all took turns dancing with me. Of course, during the night, Frank kept making me drink water, which was annoying at the moment, but I know I will appreciate later. After the club closed, I sobered up enough to head to the second floor and help my girls clean up the mess. The time spent with them allowed me to catch up and listen to any of their complaints. Luckily, they all think I'm doing a wonderful job and will support me with whatever I ask of them.

  Back on the top floor, I grab another water bottle and point out to my guys. "So who’s driving me home? Even with almost an ocean’s worth of water in me, I know I'm still drunk."

  Viktor hops up as soon as the question leaves me and volunteers. "I got you, babe." Walking over to Godfrey, he whispers something to him, and with Godfrey’s nod, they exchange keys, and then he walks over to me. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he leads me toward the stairs.

  Looking over my shoulder, I see all three of them grinning as if they know a secret. Shooting a questioning glare at Vik, I start to pry. "What's going on?"

  "I don't know what you're talking about, love." Squinting my eyes, I notice the twitch in his cheek like he is fighting back a smile. Damn it, I knew it. He's definitely up to something.

  Shaking my head, I decide not to fight it because the energy I got left in me isn't enough to barter with. "Whatever you say, let's just get home and pass out." The rest of the way outside, Viktor doesn't say anything, but he doesn't have to. The damn shit-eating grin on his face yells it for him. As we exit the back doors, I start toward my truck, but Vik pulls me in the opposite direction. Looking at where we are going, I notice Godfrey’s matte black motorcycle propped up and ready to go. Whatever lingering effect from the alcohol that I had is now gone. Now wide awake, I stare at the bike with pure excitement.

  Viktor slings his leg over the side and straddles the beast between his legs. With the bike balanced between his legs, he starts the bike and pulls the throttle. The roar that comes from the beast makes me so giddy I begin to bounce on my toes. Kicking off my heels, I grasp them in one hand and climb onto the back, making sure to grip Viktor’s waist as tight as I can. Once I'm settled, Vik kicks the kickstand up and starts for the road. With it being just after four in the morning, there is no one on the road; so with no mind on the street lights or stop signs, we start to soar down the street.

  With the wind destroying my updo, I reach up and toss all the bobby pins out, letting my wavy locks down. My turquoise waves billow out behind me, causing the most freeing feeling ever. Resting my head on Viktor’s back, I let the wind blow away the world, leaving only us behind. After what feels like forever, we finally start slowing down.

  With my eyes now open, I notice we aren't in the city anymore; instead, we are in the country driving up to a field full of flowers. Stopping at the rickety wooden gate, Vik lowers the kickstand and cuts the engine. After I successfully climb off the bike without busting my ass, I walk over to the fence and use it to balance against as I slide my shoes back on. "What are we doing out here?"

  "Trust me, babe, just climb through the fence and come with me. We got to hurry." Listening to Vik’s instructions, I duck in between the wooden beams and join him on the other side. Placing my handing in his outstretched one, I stumble as he hustles his way to the top of the hill. With it still dark outside, I nearly trip over a couple of stones and after my last near-fall, Vik scoops me up like a bride and carries me the rest of the way.

  With the surprising lift, I start to giggle like a little school girl, but as we reach the top of the hill, I quiet. The scene in front of me is absolutely breathtaking. On the other side of the hill, there is completely still lake. The crickets and owls have their own orchestra that fills the early morning with a beautiful sound, and the way the moon shines is brighter than I have ever seen before. I nearly tumble out of Viktor’s arms so I can stand on my own two feet. Once I'm safely down, I take a couple of steps closer to get a better view. In this field, there is a sparse amount of trees which allows me to get a clear view of the horizon and the slight hue of the rising sun.

  After a few minutes, my patient waiting paid off. The sun finally rises, filling the sky with shades of orange and pink. Beautiful arrays of color fill the horizon igniting the day with a burning flame that will fill out the sky with the brightest light. As the glorious sun inches higher in the sky, the fog begins to rise from the lake, causing a haunting effect. I go to reach over to Viktor, but I realize he's not by my side, so I spin around to find him. What I see makes me collapse to my knees right in front of him.

  My trembling hands fly to cover my gaping mouth, and the happiest tears start to slide down my cheeks. In front of me, Viktor is kneeling on one knee with a red velvet box that holds a brilliant ruby-encrusted band inside. Clearing his throat, Vik breaks the silence. "Selene, you are the sun to my world, you warm my soul and light up my life in ways I never thought imaginable. I kneel here in front of you with all my love for you fully exposed, so will you, my love, marry me?" With the emotions choking me up, I can only nod my head uncontrollably, and as I continue to nod yes, he grasps my left hand and slides the band onto my ring finger, where it fits perfectly against the ring Frank got me.

  Sliding on my knees, I close the distance between us and rasp out, "I love you, Vik, everything about you, so yes, I will marry you."

  Chapter Twenty-One

  "Selene, hurry up! They are going to leave without us!" Octavia’s plea for me to hurry makes me smile at myself in the mirror. Little does she know, I'm ready to go, I just can't stop staring at the two shiny rings on my left hand. The glistening rainbow effect is mesmerizing as the jewel
s’ radiance shines onto the walls of my bathroom. With a sigh, I stop admiring the rings and spritz myself with some perfume and exit my bathroom. Tavia, who is laying on my bed, scrolling through social media, looks over to me and rolls off the bed as she sees me ready. "Great! Let’s go! I want to have some damn fun before you ship me off."

  "You know I'm only asking this of you because I care about you, right? You're my sister, and I gotta protect you." When I first presented Tavia with my wish for her to leave town, she fought like crazy to stay, but once I told her where she would be going, well, let’s just say she packed her bags faster than I could finish telling her the details. Apparently, the Bahamas is a place she's always wanted to go.

  "Do you see me complaining? I'm okay with a little vacation. I mean, I'm going to miss the shit out of you, but it's not like I'm going to be gone forever."

  "This is true, a couple of months max, and while you're there, I'll make sure you are funded, so you're not bored."

  Waving me off, Tavia walks out of my room and into the living room where all of my men are huddled. "I'm not worried about it, Selene. I mean seriously, who is going to complain about getting sent to the Bahamas? Not me, that's for sure." Slapping her hands on the back of the couch, she urges the guys to get up. "Come on; we are waiting on you now!" With their heads shaking, they rise from the couches and head toward the front door.


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