Book Read Free

Bad Advice

Page 19

by S M Mala

  ‘Yes, I’ll be careful,’ the woman laughed. ‘Where are you off to now?’

  ‘I have to buy chicken nuggets on the way home. Glamorous life or what?’

  Slowly she walked towards Diane’s office and noticed she picked up the phone. Ruby turned around and headed out, realising her friend wasn’t actually speaking to anyone. Diane obviously didn’t want to talk.

  ‘Probably bonkers like her Nana Gwen,’ she mumbled to herself, smiling at the thought of the old lady.

  Just as she was going to turn the corner, she heard her name being called and turned to see Diane marching at full speed towards her, then stopping abruptly.

  ‘Hello!’ Ruby said brightly and was met with a frown. ‘Okay, what have I done?’

  ‘Can we go for a coffee?’ Diane said firmly.


  They went into the local coffee house and Ruby could see Diane had something on her mind as they got their drinks. Sitting in a corner, she watched the large woman frown for a moment.

  ‘Am I getting the sack?’ Ruby asked quietly.

  Diane shook her head from side to side in response.

  ‘What’s going on between you and Scottie?’ she hissed, taking a deep breath as if trying to calm her nerves. ‘It seems you met my Nana Gwen a few weeks ago.’

  ‘Ah,’ Ruby said, letting out a sigh and sinking into her seat. ‘Did he tell you?’

  ‘He certainly did not! Nana Gwen told me. You slept with him only matter of hours beforehand and he’s taking you round to meet her? That’s pretty fast for anyone, including Scottie!’

  ‘You see Diane,’ she said gulping hard. ‘I’m in love with him.’

  ‘Oh my god! That’s really fast!’

  ‘No… let me explain.’

  And so she did, for ten minutes, watching her friend’s face change from annoyance, to surprise, eventually landing on concern then changing to sympathy. All Ruby did was omit the bit where Helen Trott had slept with Hugh, as she wasn’t sure what the reaction would be.

  ‘So his boss was your step father’s wife?’ asked Diane, shaking her head. ‘And you worked on the team exposing the corruption in the Met about five years ago plus you’re in love with my cousin?’

  ‘When I was ready to tell the world, firstly by getting the kids to meet, he told me he didn’t need me in his life. He said what he told me about being in love, he didn’t mean,’ she said, still getting upset saying it out loud. ‘Then we didn’t see each other for a few months and he came back into my life a fortnight ago.’

  ‘And you took him back, like that?’ she said, unable to hide her astonishment.

  ‘No I didn’t but we have a mutual friend who tried to help. Scottie told me he made a mistake and he loved me. I wasn’t sure but when I saw him, I was. That was the day we went to see Nana Gwen. We’re not rushing into anything. We’re taking it really slowly, just in case.’

  ‘Just in case what?’

  ‘He changes his mind.’

  ‘From my knowledge, he never tells his lady friends he loves them for months so this is a first. You know, he didn’t tell his own parents about Katya until she was six months old, so he must be very serious about you. And meeting Nana Gwen? He’s never done that before,’ frowned Diane. ‘But it’s complicated with his boss woman. And she hates you? Are you sure?’

  ‘I’m perfectly sure.’

  Sixty six

  ‘Ladies,’ Scottie said seeing Katya’s mother, Miriam, then Riley’s mother, Lorraine, standing at his front door on Saturday afternoon. ‘Good to see you both.’

  The women glanced at each other out of politeness then walked into his home. He could see there was no love lost between them.

  Miriam was kitted out in her designer casuals as Lorraine was dressed in her Primark bargains.

  If ever two women were chalk and cheese, it was them. Miriam was tall, blonde, thin and willowy. She was handsome but not pretty. Scottie could never describe her as that. There was a posh, haughty look, which he didn’t think was endearing especially as she got older.

  Lorraine, on the other hand, was medium height, plump with a short afro. You could definitely say she was very pretty, though lacked the elegance of Miriam.

  ‘Can I offer you both a drink?’ he asked, seeing Miriam glance around his house.

  Lorraine starting picking up Riley’s strewn toys on the floor.

  ‘No thanks love, we’ve got to go. Kevin’s parents are coming round so I have to cook. Riley can you hurry up?’ Lorraine said, smiling brightly at her son, who was playing a game on the consul.

  ‘But mum, I can’t save it when it’s on this bit I have-.’

  ‘Riley!’ she said firmly. Scottie tried not to smile. ‘Now!’

  His son immediately turned it off and walked towards his mother, who bent down and hugged him fiercely. Then he noticed Katya was ready to go as Miriam stared at him, frowning.

  ‘We need to talk,’ she said quietly. He noticed Lorraine raise her eyebrows in his direction. ‘About Katya?’

  ‘Sure,’ he replied, knowing it was probably about money. His daughter frowned when he walked towards her. ‘See you in a few weeks.’

  ‘Might not be able to,’ said his daughter in her cut glass posh accent. ‘A friend’s having a party and-.’

  ‘That’s okay,’ he said, gently kissing her on the cheek. ‘I’ll see you when you can. We can always meet up for lunch instead of you staying here the night. You’re a young woman so probably want to hang out with your friends.’

  Suddenly his daughter’s eyes sprung open. She hugged him. He’d hit the nail on the head. Katya was growing up and wanted to spend time with her mates, not her old man.

  ‘It’s okay, I won’t get upset,’ Scottie whispered into her ear, seeing Miriam glare.

  ‘Katya, please go to the car and I’ll be there in a moment,’ said her mother sternly.

  Lorraine and Riley walked up the stairs, knowing to keep out of the way.

  ‘What’s up?’ he asked, seeing Miriam take a deep breath.

  ‘We’re going away for half term in October for ten days. I think you should contribute to the trip,’ she smiled. ‘That’s the least you can do.’

  ‘Where are you going?’


  ‘Where else?’ he replied, knowing it could never be Centre Parks. ‘How much do you want?’

  ‘At least half of the cost for the fare and accommodation.’

  ‘As long as it’s just for my daughter, I’m happy to oblige. Send me the details and I’ll transfer it over.’

  ‘And you’re not going to put up a fight?’ she said, looking pissed off he was agreeing.

  ‘Do you want me to?’ He grinned. ‘Will she be back in time for my fortieth birthday party? 5th November or have you forgotten?’

  ‘I never forgot your birthday,’ she hissed. ‘Only you could be born on a day when they celebrate it with fireworks!’

  ‘I know and I always thought it was all for me.’

  He knew she wanted some sort of reaction but he was in a good mood and couldn’t be bothered, so playing nice was the only way forward.

  ‘See you soon. Have a nice weekend,’ he chirpily replied as she stormed out.

  Shaking his head, he saw Lorraine and Riley walk down the stairs.

  ‘Yeah and she’s stuck up,’ moaned Riley. Lorraine gave him a warning glare. ‘She just talks about herself all the time and she’s so boring.’

  ‘She’s your half-sister,’ his mother replied firmly.

  ‘I don’t even like her!’ protested Riley and glanced at Scottie. ‘Why does she have to come when I see you? Can’t she stay another time?’

  He started to laugh at his son’s grumpy face while Lorraine smiled sympathetically.

  ‘She’s not like Trey and Missy. They’re my nice half-brother and sister.’

  ‘That’s because they spoil you,’ his mother laughed. ‘Not everyone is the same.’

  ‘Riley, next time we’ll ma
ke sure it’s just you and me,’ Scottie said gently. ‘She’s a teenager and you know they’re difficult.’

  ‘Don’t care, I still don’t like her,’ the little boy grumbled as he walked towards him. Scottie picked the kid up. ‘I’d prefer Charlie to come round, at least he’s nice!’

  ‘Well I love her and I love you,’ he said, kissing his son’s face.

  ‘We’ll see you in a couple of weeks then,’ Lorraine smiled.

  He put down Riley and they walked to the door.

  ‘Sure,’ he replied, feeling sad to see Riley go.

  ‘And you know why Miriam acts like that when she’s around?’ whispered his ex. ‘She’s still in love with you and hopes, one day, you’ll realise. And I hope you never do.’

  ‘Lorraine!’ he laughed out.

  ‘And the looks that cheeky cow gives me. I mean. Don’t go falling for her crap.’

  ‘I won’t,’ he replied, seeing Riley was walking towards the car. ‘Thing is, I’ve met someone.’

  ‘Really?’ she said, looking genuinely happy. ‘I’m pleased for you. Next time I come round, I’ll stay a little longer and we can catch up. I noticed you looked happy but I thought that was the promotion as it’s all you ever wanted.’

  ‘That’s not true,’ he said bashfully.

  ‘My love, you’re ambitious, I know that and so do you. Does your lady know work comes first and love comes second?’

  ‘This is different,’ Scottie replied, sighing for a moment. ‘Really very different and I want her to come first.’

  ‘Oh my sweet boy!’ laughed out Lorraine. ‘You’re in love, aren’t you?’

  ‘Am I that transparent?’

  A few minutes later, he was tidying up when there was knock on the door.

  Rushing forward, he saw Ruby standing on the step.

  ‘Hello stranger!’ he said, pulling her in and giving her a massive kiss but noticed her lips were pursed. ‘Is everything alright?’

  ‘I just ran into your baby mothers,’ she replied, looking a little flushed. ‘I saw the blonde one coming out then saw Katya’s hair, realising she was your daughter, so I hid. Then when they’d gone, I was coming in and noticed Riley. Anyone left in the house?’

  ‘Oh no! That’s all the mothers in London,’ he laughed out loudly. ‘Were you scared?’

  ‘A bit,’ she replied, pulling him down. ‘Hello Scottie.’

  ‘Hello.’ She kissed him gently on the lips. He delved his tongue deeply into her mouth. Then she pulled away. ‘I’m pleased you’re early.’

  ‘Well, you’re lucky. That bloody ex was giving me a drill about where I was going, who I was seeing. He says, even when he was away, he kept hearing what was going on. Is it true the words written on their lips say the same thing? ‘Bad Advice’.’

  ‘How did you know?’ he said, surprised at that piece of information as he took a step back. ‘We’ve not released that to anyone and it’s certainly not in the press.’

  ‘Well unless I’m the killer then I’ve slipped up. You’ll have to arrest me or the fact I know someone who knows someone. It’s true then?’ Ruby grinned up at him.

  ‘I think I’ll have to arrest you, just in case.’

  Sixty seven

  ‘What happens if there’s a fire?’ she asked.

  ‘I’ve got the key in a safe place,’ he mumbled into her neck.

  Scottie started to place small kisses over her breasts and down her stomach. He had handcuffed her to the top of the bed. She wasn’t quite sure if she liked the feeling of being partially held hostage.

  ‘Have you ever done this to someone you’ve arrested?’ Ruby mumbled, closing her eyes and feeling turned on by his soft lips kissing her skin.

  ‘All the major criminals and the big burly ones love it. And I’m talking about the blokes,’ Scottie laughed, looking up at her. ‘I thought you wanted to do this a few weeks ago?’

  ‘I also thought three weeks ago you were going to tell me how we could keep on seeing each other, with the added knowledge of my relationship to your boss. Any ideas, clever cop?’

  He stopped in mid pucker and sighed, shaking his head.

  ‘I love spending time with you. I want to be with you,’ he said quietly. ‘But some things you have to think harder about.’

  ‘God help us all if that’s what you do when working on a case,’ she laughed out. ‘I don’t want us to stop seeing each other.’ He seemed pained when he glanced up. ‘I don’t want it to end.’

  ‘I know.’

  Scottie then kissed her stomach and put his tongue in her belly button as she giggled. Then he headed straight back up to look at her.

  ‘And I’m very wary about your children’s mothers, but seeing it in the reality is far scarier than I thought. What if they don’t like or approve of me spending time with their kids?’

  ‘I don’t think handcuffs and you are well suited,’ he grinned, reaching under the pillow to get the key and undoing them. ‘You tend to get distracted when the idea is to turn you on.’

  ‘Maybe I’m just unsuitable for bondage,’ Ruby sighed as he threw them to the side and smiled. ‘We have until tomorrow afternoon.’

  Ruby examined his face close up, the few days’ growth of beard, blue eyes, full pink lips and his smile that would melt her heart. It crossed her mind he was vying for time, knowing that being with her would jeopardise his career, so this was as far as it could go.

  ‘What are you thinking?’ he asked, rubbing his nose against hers.

  ‘I’m thinking you’re a lovely man.’

  ‘I’m thinking I’m in love and I don’t know what to do.’

  She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his face as he pushed his tongue through her lips. Ruby was lost for a moment. His taste and feel taking over her mouth and body. Slowly he caressed her, pushing his hand between her thighs and she let out a little sigh realising he wanted to tease her, slowly.

  ‘Just do what you’re doing and that’s fine,’ she whispered while Scottie grinned.

  He didn’t take long as she gasped, getting turned on by his touch. Scottie was gently massaging her. All the while, he kissed her face as Ruby tried her hardest to hold on, realising he’d positioned his hips to make contact.

  ‘Is it okay?’ he said.

  ‘Yes,’ she gasped. ‘Oh yes!’

  She felt the tightening around her hole and his finger as her womb combusted. Her body involuntarily shuddered with delight. An orgasm belted through her at high speed, then he slipped in after two thrusts and slowly moved, filling her up. Ruby bent her knees, wanting to feel every bit of him inside her.

  ‘Oh god,’ she groaned some more, holding onto his shoulders, kissing and licking his skin, stroking his back.

  He was pulling out as far as he could before pushing quickly back in, until she was enveloped with such pleasure. Then he picked up speed and she looked down to see him move in and out, their eyes met. He kissed her gently. Eyes half closed, he started to groan louder then he shook and moaned out, balancing on his elbows as he humped away until she noticed he could just about swallow.

  ‘Oh yes, that’s a good thing to do on a Saturday afternoon,’ she gulped, trying to control her breathing for a moment.

  Scottie gently lowered himself on top of her. Ruby pushed her fingers through his soft hair and noticed he was grinning. He closed his eyes.

  ‘I think you’re wonderful, do you know that?’ she said, seeing his eyes half open for a moment. ‘With all the kids and the mothers plus working shifts, how do you manage it all? I can just about remember to pick up Theo sometimes.’ Ruby laughed and he smiled again. ‘Scottie, you have to tell me what you think we should do. I don’t want to wreck your career.’

  ‘I’ve not even pulled out and you’re asking. Aren’t we supposed to say something romantic instead of discussing my domestic set up plus very complicated work and love life?’

  ‘Stay there and I promise not to speak.’

  ‘Good,’ he laughed and she wra
pped her arms around Scottie, kissing his face.

  Eventually he lay back on the bed and she let out a massive sigh, turning to look at him, then bit her lip, knowing she wanted to talk but he didn’t.

  ‘Diane is speaking to me again,’ he said quietly. ‘I think she’s just about forgiven me for not telling her about us a few months back.’

  ‘Did you tell off Nana Gwen?’

  ‘Would you like to try?’


  ‘Which is leading up to the next thing,’ Scottie said, propping his head up on his elbow as she frowned in anticipation. ‘Don’t look like that. You don’t know what I’m going to say.’

  ‘Go on, what?’

  ‘It my mum’s birthday and she’s having people round this evening. I said I’d drop in,’ he mumbled.

  Ruby realised he seemed a little guilty.

  ‘That’s okay. I can wait here until you get back. I love Saturday night television. We know each other very well. It’s kept my company for a few good years now.’

  ‘Actually, you’re coming with me.’

  ‘I can’t go!’ she exclaimed, sitting up and feeling her heart race. ‘You go!’

  ‘There’s no point going if you’re not coming with me and then my mum will be upset. Anyway I said I was bringing you, so you have to come.’

  ‘I haven’t got anything to wear and … oh no! Were they at Diane’s party? Oh god Scottie, they’re going to think I’m some loose woman who picks up men!’

  ‘Well you are and you did.’

  ‘Jonathan Scott I’m not going to meet your parents,’ Ruby huffed and pulled the sheet up to cover her breasts. ‘That’s far too soon considering what happened with us. We go slowly. Very slowly. And I’m not dressed for it.’

  ‘I agree, you certainly can’t see them naked,’ he grinned. ‘You look fine.’

  ‘We’ve just had sex. Of course you think I’m fine. I thought we could go for a meal to your local Indian and chill out.’

  ‘We can do that later. Why are you getting upset?’

  ‘Because!’ she replied.

  Jumping out of bed and immediately heading towards the bathroom, she didn’t want to get to know his family, not I if it was all going to end abruptly, again.


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