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Page 62

by Douglas E Roff

  “So why are we having this discussion, anyway. Do you want me to talk to Adam and change his mind? You know I can’t and won’t do that. This dispute is another in a long line of ‘father/son’ issues. I have no desire to be in the middle of this one. Besides, you know Adam. And if you do, you know I can’t change his mind when his mind is made up.”

  Edward chuckled. “No, you misunderstand. I don’t want you to plead my case. I want you to come to work for me. In the project. Tell Adam whatever you wish. Tell him everything. Just come to work for me and help me get to the truth. Even Adam can’t object to that.”

  Misti hesitated, just for a split second. “What’s the pay?”

  “That’s my girl.”

  Chapter 58

  “What is it exactly that you want me to do?” Misti had brought some green grapes in a baggie, her favorite snack when doing nothing but thinking.

  “That’s tricky but let me try to explain. Then you can decide how to handle telling the world, including Adam, given what’s at stake.”

  “Wow, Edward, could you possibly be any more obtuse and even less clear?”

  “Probably, but I’m not trying to be obtuse or unclear. I’ll tell you about the job, what we know and my views on the possible implications of that knowledge. I will also give you my opinion about what it means to all of us and how we should proceed generally. Beyond that, you will have wide discretion in discussing the project among the various people and organizations involved, within limits.”


  “There will be a written contract describing generally the project and what you are to do. How you do that job is up to you but, unlike other projects you have done for me in the past, this project is highly collaborative. You will be doing an important piece, but only a piece. You will work with a diverse group of people and you may not like some of those involved. You may not harm any of the team, even when they piss you off. I need your word on that.”

  “You have it.” Unless you don’t, old man, Misti thought. We’d have to see what that means and which of her boyfriend’s values conflict with Edward’s full agenda.

  “I hope the ease with which that commitment was uttered isn’t indicative of any lack of actual commitment to the underlying promise.”

  “Stop your psycho babbling Edward and get to the point. I understand that I’m family now in the narrowest sense of the term and I’m going to have to tow the family line and behave. I get it. I’m a bright girl or I wouldn’t be here. So, please, let’s just move this along.”

  Edward gave Misti the entire background of the project, how it came about and what they knew to date. This was quick and dirty, as they both understood she was already aware of most of it.

  “So, in terms of project development, there are certain personnel associated with certain tasks. It should come as no surprise that the only people on the team are family, close associates and bright people, most of whom have no idea what they are working on. You will be provided a full list of everyone taking part, where they are located and what specific task or tasks they are responsible for. You should study each person and each task, in case something comes up and I’m not available.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that I’m going to share with you something that I haven’t, and will not, share with anyone else on the team. That includes all our family and even the other key participants who broadly know some or even all of what we’re doing. Many participants have limited roles on specific and very narrow tasks. They will never be provided any of the ‘big picture’ information; they just don’t need it to do their jobs. Then there are those who closely support our key participants, who will know what the job is, but not necessarily why they are doing it. In these cases, you need to fully understand the lines of demarcation between them doing the job and them understanding why they are doing the job. Do not ever, and I do mean ever, cross that line and say more than you must.

  “Finally, there are a limited number of people who have the big picture. All of those are on this Island, plus three more people: two in Portland and one who will soon be in London.”

  “And Adam is one of them?”

  “He is. He isn’t helping, at least not directly yet. But he is aware of the project as much as anyone could be and has access to all the materials we have collected. Whether he reads the materials I send him or not, isn’t something I presently know.”

  He paused waiting for a reaction from Misti. She looked back at him impassively.

  Misti paused her grape munching momentarily. “Since you have been known to parse your words, does this mean Adam has been helping you out indirectly – perhaps unaware of his own contribution?”

  “Yes and no. He has contributed indirectly to several tasks without being told what the task is related to. Before you get testy with me, this is a completely normal way of working with Adam. He doesn’t like long explanations about underlying purposes of projects; he prefers to understand the specific bit of the problem that he is attempting to resolve. I’m happy to give you details if you need them. Nothing nefarious here. Most of the work he does is related in some way to the DataLab Project or his Mom’s engineering projects. But he occasionally gets involved in my archeology assignments. But most of his time is spent on the many and varied tasks of designing significant advances in software engineering for the DL Main.”

  “I know something about that project, but I’d like to know more.”

  “Then you need to ask Adam about that. I’m the wrong principal.”

  “Technically, you’re in charge of the overall project management; at least that is my understanding from Adam anyway. So, why don’t I just ask you and we can all save a lot of time here.”

  “Because while I am the named Joint Director of Operations, or some such nonsense, I don’t actually run the project operationally. Adam comes to me with non-software and non-technical issues and I then allocate resources to fix whatever isn’t working or whatever is annoying him. Adam’s job is to make advances in functionality, which he does often and with regularity. Taking him away from his core competencies is not a good use of his time. Besides he hates anything that isn’t fun. Or at least his idea of fun.”

  “I hope I’m fun.”

  “I think you’re the most fun ever. Never seen Adam happier, so if you’re happy, then everyone in the Eight Families is happy. Life couldn’t be better.”

  “So, you won’t tell me about the DataLab Project?”

  “Yep and nope. Feel free to tell Adam I’m totally OK with you knowing everything. And I do mean anything and everything, once you sign our NDA and employment contract, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “Just a formality.”

  “And if it wasn’t? You’d be sure to tell me, right?” Misti loved the old man but always listened hard to his choice of words. She could never be totally sure what he was up to or what he wasn’t saying that was important. She didn’t want to agree to commit too broadly to a project based solely on the limited information she already knew. If there was more to know, she wanted to know it.

  “I’m trying to be honest with you here Misti. Please don’t assume I’m deceiving you every time I speak, as Adam thinks.”

  “I don’t Edward, I just wish I didn’t have to assume anything. I would prefer to simply know you are being as honest as the situation demands in every situation that arises, which, I get, isn’t always full disclosure. I get that there is a ‘need to know’ aspect of the family business, especially around the government contracting bit. But beyond that, your rep isn’t always golden in the Eight Families. Hell, you freak Papa out, which isn’t easy to do. That’s usually the way people react to him.”

  “As this job demands transparency, I will be totally transparent with you. That I can absolutely promise.”

  “Can I get that in writing?” Misti laughed.

  “You could. But the signature on the document would be
written in invisible ink. You’re right to think the rules don’t always apply to me. They don’t. They may not apply to you that much either, for that matter.”

  Misti thought about that for a moment and sat back in her chair. What Edward was offering wasn’t just a job, it was an amazing career. And much more than an amazing career, it was power. The kind of power she had long imagined he possessed and would never give up. At least not willingly. But share? He might do that. In time anyway. Her decision was reflexive and immediate.

  “What would you have me do? I’m in so long as this never jeopardizes my relationship with Adam. In the contract, or out, doesn’t matter. But you need to internalize this most important caveat.”

  Edward opened a desk drawer and pulled out of document from a large sealed envelope marked “Top Secret”.

  “There are seven copies here and nothing is negotiable. Sign all seven copies and we can get started on your new position.”

  “I’m not agreeing to do porn, am I?”

  Edward chuckled, already familiar with Misti’s unique brand of humor. Not unlike Adam’s, come to think.

  “Heaven’s no. That would be between you and Adam.” Edward chuckled.

  Misti signed all seven copies and turned them back to Edward. “Now, what exactly am I supposed to do?”

  “You are now my administrative assistant and chief translator on all my archeological programs.”

  “And since that can’t really be my job, what am I actually doing?”

  “You will in fact oversee all translations of ancient manuscripts in ancient languages related to the Gens Project. There are many and some we don’t even recognize. You will be assisted whenever you need additional help on non-sensitive translations.

  “You will also oversee, but not responsible for, all cryptographic operations: encrypting and decrypting documents and chatter. You will be responsible for all field personnel related thereto as well as the order and priority of their assignments.

  “You will coordinate and follow up on assignments that others undertake and give me progress reports. Every project participant will be responsible in some form or fashion to you, as they are to me and will cooperate with you on any task you assign. That includes your husband, although that order may better come in the form of a request. From you, of course.”

  Edward continued. “You are, along with me, the absolute dictator when it comes to this project. I encourage a collegial and congenial atmosphere but not excuses. Work will be done, done on time and said work will be superlative. You are stuck with family; everyone else can be replaced, no matter how essential we feel some skills to be. There is one exception and I will tell you about her now.”


  “Hannah Parker. She will be handling foreign ops and project anthro and you will be working closely with her. You may do so anonymously if you think you can or you can fly to London to meet her. Up to you. You will meet her eventually, anyway, so get yourself mentally prepared. I know you irrationally want to delete her from the Book of Life but please don’t do so. She is important on so many levels but mostly we cannot function abroad without her.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “You’ll do better than that,’ he snapped. “Please try to understand the distinction between what I suggest and what I demand. This thing with Hannah will never be an issue. Never. That is a demand, not a suggestion.”

  Misti’s temper could and often did flare when challenged or annoyed. She didn’t like Edward’s tone or the substance of the demand. “Then why are you asking me to do this. Why me?”

  “Because you are family and I love you and appreciate all of your many and varied skills. Before this is over, you and your skills will be tested and stretched. You will begin to understand things in ways that had never occurred to you. You will grow immensely as a woman, an intellect and as a person. You will begin to appreciate the all talents at your disposal as well as the ones you have yet to discover. You will become even more remarkable than you are now, and you are a formidable at present.”

  Misti relaxed. “Oh that? Anything else while we’re on the subject?”

  “Yes. You are the only person on this planet who can work with both me and Adam. Successfully, I mean. You need to understand just how important this is. You will be translating a lot more important stuff than languages, that’s for sure.”

  “There’s that.”

  “And you’re just as darkly disturbed as we both are.”

  “And, there’s that too. Edward?”


  “You’re sure I can’t dispose of Hannah Parker?”

  “Correct. She’s untouchable, as are you.”

  “When do I start?”

  Chapter 59

  When Misti arrived home after her meeting with Edward, and the astounding offer he had made, Adam was sitting in their living room reading a manuscript. He noted Misti’s presence and almost absently asked how her day had gone. Her answer seized his attention immediately.

  “Funny you should ask. I got a call from your Dad this morning to have a cup of coffee at his office and discuss a matter he had been considering since my move here to the Island. We had an interesting talk, and he made an even more interesting offer.”

  Adam stopped reading, mid-sentence. “My Dad is full of surprises; I will give him that. What did that crazy old fuck want this time?” Adam was suspicious immediately and wanted to grill Misti on the entire episode from beginning to end but decided it would be best to just let Misti answer in her own way.

  Misti was his sweetheart but she was not a girl to fuck with. Adam both admired and feared what Misti could do and was fully aware of her basest instincts. It was better to tread lightly around her; waking the dragon was not always a wise choice, even for him.

  “Well the old demon spawn made me an offer I couldn’t refuse, so I took it.” There was a finality in her voice around the “what” and the “what response”, so there would be no use in going over and analyzing a decision that had already been made. He could only now listen to what pitch had been made, the reason for Misti’s response and then decide on his level of aggravation.

  Misti continued, “So, what are you thinking Dr. St. James? Curious about your old man and his vile intentions?”

  “Well, when you put it that way, I’m certain the decision you reached was a good one and that you agreed to whatever it is he wants with eyes wide open. Dad loves you, but you know he can’t be totally trusted. So, what was he offering and what price will we have to pay?”

  “You know you’re a lot like your Dad, don’t you?” Misti meant her statement as a compliment but knew it wouldn’t be seen that way by Adam.

  “What? Mentally ill? A consummate liar? Worse?”

  “Those, maybe. But he also said something to me that may be true. I don’t think your Dad said it to be sweet but still it was a sweet thing to say.”

  “Which was?”

  “That he thought I was the only person in the world who could work with both you and him. Successfully, that is.”

  Adam thought, then said, “It could be nothing more than a statement of an obvious fact and meant nothing. But Dad doesn’t do ‘obvious’, so I suspect that he was genuinely appreciating the positive contribution you have already made to both world and family peace.”

  “Really?” Misti hoped she understood her boyfriend’s mind but knew she did not. Her understanding of his thought patterns was still largely aspirational.

  “Yeah, really. I realize that since we have been here on the Island together, I personally feel way less stressed and don’t want to throttle my Dad every time we talk. The tension and anger is … less. So, I think he sees that as a plus, as I’m sure we all do, and that he really wants is for us all to be happy, busy and working on his projects whether we want to or not.”

  “You love me, don’t you? C’mon, admit it. If I stay here and work for the old man, you think you’re g
oing to get lucky – a lot.”

  “I already got lucky and if you want to work for him, I’m even happier. It means we can stay here together and we can work on cool shit that makes us even happier. I’d say it was a good move. A very good move, in fact. And the pay?”

  “A lot. Way better than entry level but it is still an entry level job.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Translations of old dialects, administrative and scut work, gopher duty and general follow up and nag responsibilities. He wants me to learn how to help him run the Empire.”

  “I like it. And, don’t take this wrong but better you than me. Or Cindy or Rod. He doesn’t seem to annoy you the way he can the rest of the family here in Paradise. This is a great opportunity for you to learn how he does what he does. Then you can tell the rest of us what exactly he’s up to. You’re our inside girl.”

  “Well it’s nice to be needed and I am very happy that he is confident enough to let me get that close to the center of all deception. Plus, I may even learn some real forensic anthropology which, would be a real plus.”

  “Who else knows about this?”

  “So far, just you and me. I think anyway. Maybe Maria too. I assume the I-5 internet will get the news flash soon enough. Pressure’s on though Adam. Hope you’re ready for all the calls, hints and reminders.”


  “When we are getting married, silly. Try to think like you’re in this family. I am living in Barrows Bay with you and I’m going to work in the family business. That can only mean one thing to the tias and primas – when are we setting the date and who’s going to be invited? You get this, right?”


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