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Page 63

by Douglas E Roff

  “I do now. But I’m glad you shared that with me because, on my own, whew! Right over my head. I’m dense that way.”

  “So, you need me, is that what you’re really saying?”

  “More than ever and more each passing day. I didn’t know what I was missing. Why don’t you wander over this way, so I can grab your luscious ass and kiss you?”

  “You know just how to sweet talk a girl, don’t you?”

  “No, but I know how to talk dirty to you. The rest of your gender is irrelevant.”

  “You’re better at this than you think.”

  “God, I hope so. Don’t know what twist of fate brought us together but I’m going to work very hard to make sure you are happy here with me. Still love me?”

  “I have always loved you Adam St. James. It’s a sickness. And I’m not taking the cure.”


  “Did you make her the offer, Edward?” asked Maria, as she fiddled with lunch.

  “Yes, just as you asked, and she accepted. Easier than I thought but not without its unique challenges.”

  “Good. Now those kids can focus on getting married and starting a family. I didn’t think you had any chance of making this happen but now you have. Agustin and I are very happy for the kids and for you. Seems like you have finally got all your pieces in place now. What’s next?”

  “Hannah goes to London, selects her team and awaits the results of our little Watergate break in. Then we crank this little project up and get to the bottom of the whole mess. Did you hear back from the Vatican?”

  “I did. They want to know what you know, how you know it and agree to share whatever you discover. Then, and only then, will they share with us.”

  “Fat chance of that. They just want us to go first so they can tell if we’re just whistling in the wind or have some serious and pertinent information. I love this Pope but honestly the rest of them cannot be trusted. Especially the College of Cardinals and that weasel Bellinelli.”

  “Our little project has nothing to do with this Pope and he’ll not even factor in here. This is from the College of Cardinals and they are rightly seen by you as a different breed altogether.”

  “Tougher than the Jesuits?”

  “Hardly, but these are ‘Old Christians’, cristianos viejos, and you know what that means.”

  “I wish I didn’t.”


  “Yes, Mom? What have I done? You have that tone and it always makes me feel like a kid who just got caught doing something bad.”

  “You discussed the Hannah situation with Misti, correct?”

  “I did.”

  “And she agreed to behave then? Correct?”

  “She did.”

  “You stressed the importance of her word being given, right?”

  “I did, Maria. I made her swear to her commitment and informed her that this was a demand, not a request. She has always understood the difference, at least when it’s coming from me. Hannah will live a long life and a happy one. I’m sure of that.”

  He wasn’t sure at all, but Edward was certain the threat wouldn’t come from Misti. Elsewhere yes, but not Misti Alarcon. Not this time.

  Maria continued, “And you promised me that you won’t put her, Adam or Hannah in any danger, correct?”

  “Yes. And no. I won’t put them in any more danger than we are all already in. That I promise. But all of us, you and Agustin, and Rod and Cindy and even the girls are in some danger. The Vatican has confirmed what I needed to know by failing to tell us we’re bat shit crazy. They believe in this tall tale too and they’ve been at entanglements and intrigue a lot longer than we have. Even so, Misti is still way safer with us in this spot of bother than if she was out in the work force beating the crap out of men in bars on weekend for giggles.”

  “Is there anything else you want to tell me Edward? Now before we all move on?”

  “So many things, Maria. But I love this family more than the truth, so I’ll just continue to dissemble as per usual and hope that you all continue to love me.”

  “You know Cindy and Misti both call you the ‘vile old man’ and a whole host of other despicable names. They question your capacity for veracity.”

  “What’s not to love about that? I admit I have an image problem.”

  “Just sayin’.”

  Chapter 60

  “Hannah?” The voice on the other end was very familiar.

  “What’s up Edward? You don’t usually call me at night at home. Something wrong?”

  “Are you packed?” he asked curtly. Edward sounded cross, a subtle combination of “annoyed” and “distracted”.

  “You said be ready to go on a moment’s notice. So, yes, we’re ready to go,” was her equally curt response. “Everything we need is packed and Vera and I are all set.”

  “Good. Then you leave tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 pm for London. Gather Vera and your things and come up to Seattle. Tonight, if you wish. I’ll meet you at SeaTac in the International Terminal at the British Airways counter at noon to brief you on your contacts when you arrive at Heathrow. You’ll be picked up, then taken directly to your new home in Knightsbridge. I’ll have your briefing papers, which you can read on the plane, and a new computer with additional data you should review when you get to your new home. You’ll have a month or so before your first meet and greet and a month after that to make your final cut. Then you travel.”

  “Why the sudden change? Can’t I do more of the preliminary stuff here in Portland? As we discussed?”

  “No. I want you out of the country ASAP and getting comfortable with your new surroundings in the UK. No use putting this off any longer. Something might go wrong, so better to be safe than sorry, don’t you think? Murphy’s law.”

  “What I think, old man, is that you’re probably up to no good. And likely holding something back you don’t want to tell me. But you also pay me a lot of cayshish not to ask why the things that are about to happen, are about to happen anyway. So sure, we’ll go tomorrow, no questions asked.”

  Hannah paused.

  “I was going to call Adam and say goodbye. Or say something. I thought I owed him that much.”

  “And, at the same time, explain who you’re now with, what you’re doing and who you’re now working for? And that you may never see him again? We’ve been over this Hannah. It’s a bad idea and you know it. So, send him a Dear John letter if you feel the need to explain yourself and say your final goodbyes. Better yet, just leave and don’t tell him anything. You’ve made your decisions and you have a new and happy life. And, he’s not a part of it. Leave it be.”

  “This can only get worse for you, Edward. I hope you know that. You know how Adam feels about the litter of family secrets and being kept in the dark.”

  “I know what I’m doing, and this is what has to be done.” Edward now sounded vaguely perturbed and slightly petulant, just like his son. He continued, brusquely, “This way is the only way. I’ll see you tomorrow at noon sharp. Don’t be late.” The phone clicked off and Edward was gone.

  Hannah knew Edward was dissembling. She couldn’t imagine the reasons for the sudden change of plans and what all the rush was about. Hannah, however, didn’t dwell on matters she couldn’t affect or change. She tossed her cell phone into her overlarge handbag and glided effortlessly into the room where Vera was already in bed reading.

  “That was Edward. We leave tomorrow afternoon for London. From Seattle. Edward said we can drive up tonight, if we want.”

  Vera looked up and smiled bravely but inside she was suddenly dreadfully anxious. She adored her new intimate and although she hated the idea of leaving behind her big bed in her big condo for a new life in a new country, she hated the prospect of being away from Hannah even more.

  “Do we have to go tonight?” Vera asked. “Can’t we have one more night alone together here before the real world finally intrudes on our personal life?”

; Hannah smiled back, equally brave and equally anxious. Her anxiety, however, did not mirror Vera’s. She wondered if this plan was still such a good idea and whether she should abandon her plans to bring Vera. Their decision to go together, thus potentially putting Vera in harm’s way, was suddenly seeming not to be the great adventure it had been a month ago. She had grown to love Vera very deeply and her priorities were now different. She felt protective and responsible for Vera; she wondered if she had been completely honest about the dangers.

  “Do you still want to come? It isn’t too late to change your mind. There might be … dangers ahead for us.” Hannah looked down, momentarily, not wanting to betray her clouded and vacillating mind.

  Vera looked up at Hannah and their eyes met. She gathered her courage and said, “What I want is you. Wherever you are and with whatever danger that entails.” Vera paused, then continued, “My daddy showed me how to shoot a gun you know. I’m not totally helpless.” Vera wasn’t even remotely convincing; even less so to herself. But she remained calm and brave in the face of a new reality she suddenly realized she could no longer predict or control. The fun of a dangerous and exciting future had turned into a glum and pressing reality.

  Vera didn’t warm up to the chaos of the unknown like Hannah; she would become a lot unhappier soon before things would begin to finally turn around for her. But, in the end, she would plumb and find the depth of her courage. It would be an amazing transformation; Vera’s days as an ultra-feminine girly girl were soon to be over.

  “I love you.” Vera said quietly, tears beginning to glisten in the corner of her eyes.

  “I know.” Hannah said softly. She looked at her friend protectively, with a tenderness and affection she had never before felt. Hannah smiled and said, “Let’s have one more night in the big bed then. Before everything changes tomorrow.”

  “Come here then. Hold me.”

  Hannah climbed into bed, still dressed and put her arms around her lover. Sometime after midnight they fell asleep peacefully in each other’s arms.

  In the early morning hours, they drove to Seattle and began a new life. Together.

  Chapter 61

  “Good morning, Mrs. St. James.” Adam was up bright and early on the Sunday following their quickie Las Vegas wedding the previous morning. They had celebrated all day and a good part of the night, but it was now the morning after and Adam’s happiness still couldn’t be contained. He realized this was something he desired far more than Misti and a second wedding, a proper wedding, was the next order of family business. He eagerly anticipated their more public nuptials and had offered to help with planning if Misti was so inclined.

  “It’s not that I don’t need or want your help. It isn’t that. It’s just that in our family the planning may involve the men, but all the decisions will be made by the ladies. This is more about family and friends wanting to be with us on our big day to express their love, support and approval. So, if you don’t mind, just let the tias do their work. They’ve been planning this wedding for so many years anyway, I just think we should just let them do this for us.”

  “But if you do need my help, you’ll ask?”

  “You’re sweet but the answer is still no. Let me do this and deal with the tias so everyone has a role, and no one gets left out. This wedding is not about who does the work. It’s about letting the people who love us give us a special day.”

  Adam was a little perturbed by this turn of events and really did want to do his part in the grand extravaganza. He thought this was just about him and Misti and a huge bash, but he was wrong. It was about everyone in the Eight Families and, truth be told, Misti simply didn’t think Adam could be any real help anyway. Better to instruct him and the rest of the men than to expect them to do things right in the first place. If they showed up on time and stayed sober until the reception, Misti would be delighted.

  Adam would be sober throughout, as would all the family from Barrows Bay. Nobody drank alcohol in the family anymore except Rod and Cindy who would only occasionally have a beer or a glass of wine. Adam enjoyed other diversions more and detested the way he felt the next day after a hard night of partying. Booze was just never his thing.

  Adam rejoined the now awake Misti St. James in bed, as she was admiring the rock that her newly minted husband had slipped on her ring finger following the brief but legal ceremony. “It’s pretty, isn’t it? I love it and I’m glad I’m your wife. Second thoughts?”

  “Hardly. You’re a keeper and I’m a very lucky man. You?”

  “Well, there was a cute guy in the lobby yesterday. He was flirting.”

  “No news there love. I’m not the jealous type anyway. Go ahead and flirt back as hard as you like. Dad once told me my birth mom Anna used to tell him that it didn’t matter how he worked up his appetite as long as he came home for dinner. I had no idea what he was talking about at the time, but Dad laughed so hard when he told me that story about mom that I filed it away for later consideration.”

  “Your mom was smart. And probably wicked to boot.”

  “Eeewww. That’s my mother you’re talking about. I can’t have that visual in my head.”

  “Parents fuck. Get a grip.”

  “No thanks. I’m happy just being ignorant.”

  “So, what are we doing when we get home? What’s the plan and who can we tell?”

  “Good question. My immediate thought is that we should go slow and decide who needs to know. I’m thinking that this should never leak out; the tias would go ape shit, as would everyone else. So, who do we need to tell?”

  “I guess that would be everyone in Barrows and maybe Papa. But maybe the most correct answer is probably no one.”

  “You prepared to take off the rock?”

  “Hell no, are you crazy? That never comes off. It doubles as my engagement ring until further notice.”

  “Do I buy you another stone for the wedding? Should we do something different?”

  “Anything you wish, sweetie. That’s one thing you can do to help and then you can surprise me. Will it be bigger and shinier?”

  “None of your business, missy. Let me handle this.”

  “So, again, who do we tell?”

  “Just Dad. Everyone else needs to be kept clueless so we can be fair to everyone. It’s bound to get out, and then the hurt feelings begin to rise to the surface.”

  “OK. But we need to have an announcement dinner in Barrows when we do tell everyone we’re engaged and then let the family in Seattle know. When should we do that?”

  “Whenever you want. Any time really, now that we’re legal and hitched. I don’t think it matters. Soon though, so we distract away from the fact we are already married. Secrets never stay buried for long, and our family can be very nosey.”

  Misti lay next to her hubby, head nestled comfortably on his chest, feeling all the warmth and strength that Adam possessed. She was happy, happier than she could ever remember and feeling loved, secure and satisfied by her choice of mate. She was mindful of a talk she had had with Adam who wanted her to be certain that she was in love with him and not just in love with the idea of being in love with an old fantasy. All history aside, the commitment he was going to make to her was real, serious and, to him, forever. Though they had only been together for less than a year, Adam fully understood how deeply and passionately he had fallen in love with Misti and the thought of even a brief separation was too painful to even consider. Adam was not clingy, exactly, at least not in the way that hurts couples; he was just clear that his life and future happiness was all wrapped up in this relationship, which even he assumed was not going to be smooth.

  Adam gave Misti a little squeeze and said, “You know how much I love you, don’t you?”

  “The entire universe, plus infinity times infinity?”

  “Not even close.”

  Chapter 62

  By Monday morning they were back in Barrows Bay and already answering questions about
why they chose Vegas for a little getaway. Their cover story was that Adam had popped the question and Misti had said yes. The wedding was on!

  Maria was on the phone to Aurelia instantly and the I-5 internet was cranked up. Congratulations poured in all day and the tias went right to work planning. Adam and Misti were invited down to Seattle for a little engagement soiree and the bachelor and bachelorette parties were being planned for late May. The wedding, of course, would be in June whenever the Church was available. The tias would make all the arrangements.

  That afternoon, Misti and Adam found themselves parked in Edward’s office, unannounced. Since Edward had been suspicious all along, he didn’t seem particularly over anxious when they arrived. He had expected some sort of announcement and the engagement was plausible. He did not believe it, of course, but then Edward had his sources none of whom had any more information than he did.

  “I can’t remember the last time you were here in my office, Adam, without me being in trouble for something. Am I in trouble?”

  Misti answered, “No, not this time anyway. And you two need to put all bad thoughts away and leave them buried. We start all over again, like from the beginning. Commencing immediately. Understood?”

  Adam and Edward eyed each other a grumbled something about “yes” and “we’ll try” and “we promise”. That was insufficient for Misti and she told them so. “It changes today Edward. I’m your daughter now and if you love me as much as I think you do, you’ll do exactly what I ask this time. No dissembling. I need you to promise me that we will all change our ways and do better today and every day afterwards. Promise?”

  “I do. But you’re not my daughter yet, are you? I mean we still have some time before the wedding.”

  “What’s your point, old man?”

  “Nothing. Really, I was just asking a question.”

  “Liar. You’re fishing for something, just like you always do. So rather than go through this charade, we came over to talk to you first and talk to you about something we need to discuss.”


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