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His Favorite Toy

Page 6

by Nicole Trinity

  "Yes." She rolled her eyes, then continued putting the dishes away.

  She walked over to him, noticing his plate was empty. She reached for it, one hand grabbing the edge. He caught her wrist, stopping her and making her blue eyes flash up to his face.

  "Do you have a boyfriend?" The thought hadn't even come to him until now.

  "You ask me after you kissed me?" Her nose scrunched up. "And slept in my bed?"

  "Aurora, answer me." His eyes darkened, his hand clenching tighter at the thought of another man touching her.

  "Ow!" Her eyes moved to her captured wrist, her other hand trying to pry his off. "No, I don't."

  "You better not." He released her hand, which she instantly pulled away to rub the sore area.

  "Why would that matter? I told you I'm not yours." She took the plate and turned around to add it to the dishwasher.

  He was off his chair and behind her in seconds. An arm curling around her waist and one loosely placed around her shoulders. He pulled her back against his chest, his head lowering to her level.

  "Yes. You are." He growled, his hand tilting her head up to reveal her neck.

  "Theo, stop."

  His lips latched onto her, sucking on her skin until he knew for sure there would be a dark mark. He moved down, then created another. She squirmed against his body, her ass grinding against him and making him groan. He pushed her into the counter, the arm around her waist finding its way up her shirt. She let out a soft moan as he gently bit her neck and let his tongue trace over the spot. He couldn’t get over the delicious taste of her skin, or the way her hair always smelled of apples. He was pulled back to reality when someone knocked on her door.

  "I-I have to get that." Her voice soft and taking on a different tone, possibly lust?

  He didn't want to let her go, he wanted to carry her into her bedroom. Hell, he'd take cuddling on the couch again if he could keep her close to him. But she wouldn't be happy with him ruining her plans. He had to pick and choose his battles, she wasn't the little girl he could push around as easily anymore. Slowly, he released her and watched her answer the door. There were two people, one was a woman with extremely short hair that had streaks of pink running through it. He recognized her, she was the one who picked Aurora up in the morning. Harper, he was pretty sure. She had a pretty face but he couldn't get over her hair, women were supposed to have long hair in his opinion. Like Aurora's. He needed something to tug on. His anger spiked when he caught a blonde-haired guy standing next to the woman. A smile on his face as he looked down at Aurora. He gritted his teeth together but stayed where he was. Attacking her so called friend right now wasn't a good idea either.

  "Theo, I'm sure you can handle leaving on your own."

  Her blue eyes connecting with his, a light blush on her cheeks. She had pulled her hair over the hickeys he had given her, making him clench his fists. She left when she realized he wasn't going to say anything, the door shutting the moment she was out. He could hear giggling as they went down the hall. He took a deep breath, his head dropping slightly. He looked at his shirt folded on the counter, decided to leave it there and went to his apartment. He texted a few of his men to keep an eye on the long haired, blue-eyed shrimp that just left building before plopping down on the couch.


  "Please tell me he took your v-card!" Tristan gushed, pushing the woman to go down the stairs


  "Are those hickeys!" Tristan pulled back her hair as they made it to the bottom of the stairs.

  "Tristan!" She squeaked, pulling her hair back over the marks.

  "Girl, that man wants you!"

  "No, he's teasing me." Although she wasn't sure that was the case anymore.

  "That's what boys do when they like a girl." He laughed at her, giving her a wink.

  She didn't want to think of Theo like that, even if it made sense. Had he liked her this entire time? She was having a hard time believing that.

  "If it makes you feel better, have a one-night stand with someone at the club tonight." Tristan spun around to leave the building. "They can take you v-card, you'll gain some experience, and then you can bang him!"

  "I don't know about that." She felt her face turn red.

  "Or just ask to suck his cock, men love that!"

  "Tristan!" She squealed again as they got closer to Harper's car.

  "Where are we going?" Harper butted in, making Aurora thankful for the change in conversation.

  "A few places, I need to find something sexy for you two to wear."

  "I can't spend too much." Aurora sighed. "And I need a new work shirt. Ruby spilled wine on me last night."

  "What a bitch!" Harper snapped.

  "I don't think it was on purpose." Aurora trailed off, trying to defend her brother’s girlfriend.

  "I highly doubt that." Harper grumbled, she's never liked Ruby and not just because she's dating Caleb.

  They were getting into Harper's car and headed to the mall. Tristan always was over the top. Revealing, expensive clothing, shoes, make-up, accessories. He could easily empty her bank account at one store and then continue to put her in debt if she let him.

  "I'll only make you get a dress but you have to get whatever one I pick out." Tristan finally agreed, bringing them both back to the topic of shopping.

  "Ok." Her word was stretched out as she said it, unsure if she should allow him to pick her dress out.

  They were gone for about 4 hours. Harper and Aurora's feet were killing them and they were begging him to stop. He told them they were pathetic but took them for lunch at Panera. Harper dropped each of them off after they ate, telling Aurora she'd be back at 6pm to get ready and they'd leave by 8pm. Aurora felt a knot in her stomach. The dress Tristan picked for her was way too tight and sexy for her liking. But he didn't make her buy new heels or make-up, which saved her a lot. However, the new shirts he picked out for work were expensive.

  She set her bags down as she got inside and kicked her heels off. She had about 2 hours before Harper would be back. She laid down on the couch and watched a movie while she waited. Harper was right on time, opening the door instead of knocking. She had her new items plus all her make-up and accessories. They had a quick snack, then started to get ready for the night. Harper started on her make-up first while Aurora started with her hair. An hour and a half later, they both had their hair and make-up finished. Harper pulled out her hot pink dressed and slipped into it. It essentially had no back but covered her front. She didn't wear a bra with it which showed off some side boob. It ended about half way down her thighs and she told Aurora she wasn't going to wear underwear tonight.

  Aurora blushed at that thought, there was no way she could do that. She had made Harper bring her a strapless bra and had bought a string thong while they were out. She refused to wear nothing underneath. Harper's bra was a tad smaller than what her size was. It made her breasts push up into perfect mounds. Her underwear fit just fine but it also made her uncomfortable. She had to wear one though because of the way her dress was. Aurora’s dress was black with only one strap, the opposite side of the dress having four diamond shape cut outs, starting from her ribs to the side of her butt. The center of the sections between the cut outs had silver buckles in the middle. Aurora looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't believe she was seeing herself. Harper hooted and hollered at her, saying Tristan would totally approve and that any man would want to snatch her up. Her mind involuntarily brought up Theo and what his reaction would be, especially after he insisted she was his. She had a feeling he wouldn't be happy that she was walking out dressed the way she was.

  "I-I don't know about this Harper." She felt her heart race and hands tremble.

  "Girl, calm down." Harper took her hands and stood in front of her. "It'll be okay, you look hot! We'll get a couple of shots when we get there to take the edge off. You'll be fine!"

  "O-Okay." She bit into her lip, praying Theo wouldn't

see her as they left.


  Theo stared at the bloody man tied to a chair in front of him. One eye swollen shut, blood leaking from a cut on his forehead. His lips cracked and his body limp.

  "I'm only going to ask one more time." Theo took a slow drag of his cigarette. "Why were you in our area?"

  The man groaned, blood dripping from his mouth as his lips parted to speak. It took him a few moments to get actual words out. He voice coming out as a croak.

  "I di-didn't know-"

  Theo put his cigarette out on the man's hand. The man screamed for him to stop, begging him. Theo didn't like when men begged. It was a show of weakness. He ground the cigarette harder into the man's skin, leaving behind a burn covered in black ash. He turned his back on the man, his phone buzzing in his pocket. It was a text message from one of his men watching Aurora. He opened it to find a picture of her and the short haired girl leaving the apartment. His eyes zeroing in on Aurora's body. The dress she was wearing clung to her, every curve on display. It was revealing a lot of skin, way too much to be in public. Yet she was off to some club, where they no doubt served liquor. He'd kill any man he found touching her.

  His teeth gnashed together and he stuffed his phone back in his pocket. He turned back to the man they had capture earlier that day and slammed his fist into his jaw. The man screamed but Theo didn't hear. His fist collided again and again until his jaw twisted in an unnatural angle. By the time Theo stopped, the man no longer made any sound. In fact, he wasn't even moving. His anger didn't subside, it was at full volume. He looked at the thick red liquid coating his hands and splashed over the front of him. He needed to wash up, he couldn't show up at a place covered in blood.


  Harper handed Aurora a shot of fireball. They hadn't found Tristan, so as promised by Harper they were downing a few shots. Aurora licked her lips, the cinnamon sweet but the alcohol burning down her throat.

  "Come on, let's go dance!" Harper shouted over the music.

  The show hadn't started yet, but Tristan always made them come early. They danced to the pounding music, Aurora's head becoming fuzzy and her stomach filled with a warm feeling. The two danced together until Tristan came on stage. He was in his alter ego, Trista Lishous. The two screamed for him, cheering him on. He was wearing a very glamorous shimmery dress. His hair done up like he had just won prom queen. He was hosting the show tonight but would also be performing later on.

  Harper grabbed another two shots for them as he introduced the first queen. She sucked it down quickly, her buzz at a nice level and it finally calmed her nerves. Aurora and Harper danced to the music that the queen on stage was lip syncing to. Aurora couldn't believe how well the performers were tonight. She had been to a few shows for Tristan but this one seemed more professional than some of his other ones. Their hair was huge, their make-up perfect, and the curves of their body's smooth. Tristan performed twice, wearing a different outfit and make-up each time while still changing back when he hosted. He had gotten so much better over the years, each performance shocking her. She wasn't sure how he would top this one but knew some how he would.

  They were almost at the end of the show when Aurora felt hands on her hips for the second time that night. She brushed them off, her eyes on the stage. The hands came back rougher, the person's fingers tips digging into her flesh. She winced, her heart beat picking up at the brute’s touch. She tried to turn around but instead was brought back against a rather tall and muscular chest. The moment she felt the tingles against her skin she knew who it was. She stopped moving, her palms sweating. She swallowed hard as his lips lowered to her ear.

  "What the fuck are you wearing?" Theo growled, making her flinch at the ferocity in his tone.

  Her words were trapped in her throat, his hand reached up and fisted her hair, making her whimper. No one seemed to noticed her panic. Everyone was either focused on the show or assumed they were dancing together.

  "You're coming with me."

  "I have to stay he-"

  "Now, Aurora." His voice speaking straight into her ear.

  His fist tightened, yanked her head back against his chest. She felt tears prickle her eyes as he turned her away from the stage and dragged her to the exit. Harper didn't even notice that she was no longer standing next to her. He let go of her hair when they got outside but kept a hand on her waist. He led her towards a black car waiting out front and opened the door for her. Instead of waiting for her this time, he pushed her inside. He bent down, his face only inches from hers.

  "Don't fucking run from me. I promise you'll regret it." He snapped, then stood up straight and slammed the door shut.

  He walked to the other side, a lit smoke already in his hand. He waited to finish it, then dropped in on the asphalt and crushed it with his shoe. He didn’t waste time when he got into the car. It was started and speeding off down the road the second he sat down. Aurora had put her seat belt on when he slammed her door, her heart going into overdrive. She'd never seen him angry like this, at least not directed toward her.

  "How did you know where I was?" She spoke quietly but received no response.

  He drove them back to their apartment complex, once again finding a spot right out front. When he got out, she felt herself trying to shrink into the seat. He pulled open her door and yanked her out of the car, his grip on her arm was unreasonably tight.

  "You're hurting me." She whined, earning her a hard yank.

  He dragged her into the elevator. He didn't say a single word, nor did he let go of her. Once on the third floor, he pulled her to her apartment and tossed her to the floor the instant the door was open. He shut and locked the door before returning his attention to her. His dark eyes watching her body shake in fear as she pushed her torso off the ground. Her legs bend next to her, her head tilted to look up at him. She swallowed hard as he stepped closer to her.

  "Why do you care what I wear?" She scouted away from him.

  "Because you're fucking mine!" He snapped. "What if someone tried to take advantage of you?"

  "No one wou-"

  "What if someone did, Aurora?" He yelled, making her flinch.

  “I can take care of myself!”

  “Really? And how would you do that?” He sneered.

  "I- I can run."

  "Run?" His voice boomed, anger seething through him. "You think it's that easy to fight off a man?"

  He closed the gap between them with one large step. His hands reached out and grabbed her upper arms, yanking her roughly to her feet.

  "Run." He growled.

  "What?" Her eyes widened, her jaw dropping slightly.

  "Run from me, Aurora!"

  She jumped, her body kicking in to gear and struggling to pull her arms from him. His eyes remained on her, his body towering over her. She whimpered when his grip tightened, his arms pulling her closer to him.

  "Let me go!"

  "That's not how it works."

  In the next moment, he had her lifted off the ground. Her legs around his waist and her hands landing on his shoulders as she steadied herself. He slammed her against the closest wall, her body pinned in place. He had an arm on each side of her, his hands flat on the wall.

  "Now what?" He growled.

  "What do you mean?" She stared up at him, her heart racing.

  "How are you going to get away?"

  "I-" She paused for a moment to think. "I would scream."

  His hand covered her mouth, his thumb on one side of her face and the rest of his fingers on the other side. The tips of each finger pressed into her cheeks. She squeezed her eyes shut as tears threatened to fall. She grabbed at his hand, her nails clawing at him.

  "Now what, Aurora!" His voice loud and furious.

  She wanted to shrink away from him, her hands pounding at his chest to get him to drop her. It didn't seem to faze him in the slightest. Instead, he leaned in and placed a kiss at the base of her neck. He started slow,
making his way up while his free hand slipping into his pocket and pulled something out.

  "You can’t run. You can't scream. You can't fight me. You're not getting away." He spoke through clenched teeth.

  Her body struggled against his, her arms growing tired from pushing against his rock-hard chest. He was halfway up her neck when he sucked gently on her skin, making her moan into his palm. Her mind blocked out the clicking noise of his pocket knife, she wasn't aware of it until it sliced through the bottom of her dress. Her eyes popping open, a few tears spilling down her cheeks and over his fingers.

  "Still think you can defend yourself?"

  She spotted a silver glint of a switch blade, her body squirming harder. The cool blade touching the skin of her thigh and slipping under the next section of her dress, cutting through it just as easily as the first time. Her tears fell quicker, the decorative metal buckle from the section clattering to the floor. He didn't stop there, the blade sliding under the middle section as well as the strap to her thong.


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