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His Favorite Toy

Page 7

by Nicole Trinity

  "Ah-p!" She screamed against his hand.

  "What's that, babe? I can't hear you."

  He pulled the blade up, the material of her dress and underwear falling away from her side, the second buckle joining the first one. Her skin chilled as he shredded her dress, half the material falling away from her body. She was sobbing uncontrollably and her breath trapped in her lungs as a panic attack set in.


  He flipped the blade closed and put it back in his pocket. He thrusted his hips into her, a yelp of pain bubbling up her throat. He kissed her neck a few more times, ending at her ear before speaking to her.

  "You ever wear something like this in public again, I'll chain you to the bed and never let you leave."

  His threat made a shiver run down her spine. She nodded her head to show she would listen to him. He moved his hand from her mouth and set her back down on her feet. She grabbed at her tattered dress and held the side together to stop it from exposing her even more. Her legs were so shaky they felt like they were made of Jell-O. Her tears slowed as she took in deep breaths.

  "Go take a shower and change. I have to take care of something. I want you in bed when I get back." He waited for her to nod, then left her apartment.


  Aurora's heart wouldn't calm down, she allowed herself to sink to the floor. Her tears had stopped but her cheeks were streaked with wet trails. She turned her head to the side and spotted the once decorative buckles on the floor. Her fingers rubbed the ruined material of her dress, the dress that had cost her a small fortune. Suddenly, his words came back to her. She forced herself off the ground and kicked off her heels. Her small feet carried her through her room and into the bathroom where she pulled off her dress, her thong falling with it, and unhooked her bra. Stepping into the shower, she turned the water on and waited for it to start steaming.

  She welcomed the heat as she stepped under the stream. The water completely soaked her after a few minutes, but she remained where she was. The hot water calming her down. She reached for her shampoo, rinsing her hair quickly then coating it in conditioner. She hadn't realized how much she was spacing out until the water turned cold and rapidly cooled her skin. She washed the conditioner from her hair, turned off the shower and grabbed her towel to dry off. She caught her reflection in the mirror as she wrapped her towel around her body. She now at two hickeys on one side of her neck from that morning and another on the other side. She sighed softly, her fingers tracing over the newest one. Part of her wondered if she should give into him, like she always had, but another part of her didn't want to. She wanted to prove to herself, and him, that he didn't control her.

  She left the bathroom and headed to her dresser to find something to where. She groaned when she was reminded that she needed to do laundry. She put on underwear first, then a tank top. She started searching her room for the shorts she wore the other night when she heard her front door open. She started frantically trying to find her shorts. She found them in the corner of her room and bent down to grab them. As her hand closed around them, two large hands landed on her hips.

  "I thought I told you to be in bed."

  She was thankful he didn't sound angry, if anything it was playful. She straightened her body, his hands remaining on her hips. He leaned down and rested his chin on her shoulder, his warm breath hitting her skin.

  "I couldn't find my shorts."

  "Don't wear 'em." He nuzzled into her neck, breathing in the scent of her conditioner.


  "Why did you wear that dress tonight? I don’t get it Aurora. I thought you didn't like that stuff."

  "I-" His question caught her off guard. "Tristan picked it out for me."

  "Tristan?" Anger exploding in his voice. "Who the fuck is Tristan? You said you didn't have a boyfriend."

  "I don't have a boyfriend!" Her voice regaining some strength. "He's my gay friend, the blonde guy that came with Harper earlier today."

  She noticed him calm down, but only a tiny bit. She tried to move away from him, but he only allowed her to turn around. His body trapping her in the corner, her shorts hanging loosely in her hand.

  "Why would you agree to something like that?"

  "He's pretty convincing." She averted her eyes, her hands twisting the material of the shorts.

  "I don't believe you."

  "We made a deal." She sighed heavily.

  "And?" He raised an eyebrow at her, obviously wanting more information.

  "He likes to pick out a whole new wardrobe for me when we shop, but I can't afford that. We made a deal, I only had to buy a dress but I had to wear whatever dress he picked out."

  "Why the fuck would he pick out something like that?" He glared down at her.

  "He-" She swallowed hard. "He wants me to get laid." She spoke quietly, afraid of his response.

  "Why the fuck didn't you come to me?" He snapped.

  "Why would I do that?" Her eyes flicking up to his.

  "You're fucking mine! How many times do I have to say it?" He growled. "I'm not joking about that, Aurora. You wanna be fucked so bad, then I'll fuck you."

  He tightened his grip and lifted her off the floor. Her hands on his shoulders and her legs kicking spastically to get him to drop her.

  "Put me down!"

  "You'd let a stranger fuck you but not me?"

  "It-It's not that- I-I didn’t say I wanted-"

  He turned and tossed her onto her bed. He yanked his shirt off, his eyes on her the entire time. She sat up but was forced back down as he crawled on top of her. He grabbed her jaw and his lips crashed into hers. He pushed his hips between her legs, his body lowered onto hers. She could feel his member pressing firmly into her core, making her gasp.


  He pushed his tongue into her mouth, groaning softly as he enjoyed her taste. He placed a hand on her breast, her back aching when he started kneading it gently. He bit her bottom lip as his hand traveled down her side and to the waistband of her underwear. She could feel how aroused she was, but she couldn't let this be her first time. She broke their kiss by turning her head from him, her breathing heavy as she steadied herself. She assumed he allowed it, considering his hand was still on her jaw. He planted kisses on her collar bone and continued going lowered. She hadn't been playing attention to his hand until she felt a finger drag across her wet opening. She gasped loudly, her hands pressing to his chest.


  His finger entered her before she had a chance to fully speak. She gasped loudly, the feeling so foreign to her. She couldn't help the moan that ripped through her, her back arching into him again. He began pumping in and out, her teeth sinking into her lip as her head began to spin.

  "Stop!" She felt a few tears trailed down her cheeks, his tongue lapping one of them up as it fell.

  "Why?" He groaned, his hand keeping its pace.

  "I've- I've never, um-" She swallowed hard, her face heating. "I've never done this before."

  Theo completely stopped, his hand pulling away from her immediately. She wondered if he would be uninterested in her because she was inexperienced. He stared down at her, his eyes searching her blue ones for the truth. His bulge continued to poke into her, his body never lifting from her.

  "You're a virgin?" He spoke in disbelief.

  "Yes." She whispered.

  "You wanted a stranger to be your first time?" He glared down at her.

  "No." She mumbled. "I-I wasn't trying to."

  "You said that dress was to attract guys, to get you laid."

  "That's what Tristan wanted." She couldn't face him, she sounded pathetic.

  "Why did you go along with it?"

  "You should know better than anyone. I just give in."

  "From now on." He forced her to look back at him. "You only give in to me." His green eyes boring into hers.

  She nodded her head in agreement, she didn't want to anger him anymore tonight. He la

id down next to her, his hands undoing his pants and kicking them off. She could see the large bulge through his boxers, making her blush deeply and turn away from him. She heard his pants hit the floor, then felt his arms wrap around her. She squirmed when she felt him poking at her back side.

  "Stop doing that." He growled into her ear.

  "Your thing-"

  "Needs to calm down, but it can't when your grinding you ass against it." He couldn't help but chuckle lightly.

  Her eyes widened and she stopped moving. She'd have to trust him that he wasn't going to do anything. Earlier had been his idea of a lesson. This time, he could have continued but didn't. It made her happy to know he wouldn't force her, even though his actions were rather abrasive. She let her body relax and mold to his. She closed her eyes, but then snapped them back open when she realized she hadn't said anything to Harper or Tristan. She squirmed in his grip, his arms pulling her tighter into him.

  "What did I say about moving like that?"

  "My friends, I have to tell them where I am."

  "I already did."

  "You- What? How?"

  "I took your phone and texted Harper.”


  "Go to bed, babe." He kissed her neck a couple times, slipping back into sleep shortly after.

  Aurora felt some relief, at least they wouldn't be looking for her and she was sure they loved that she was with him. She'd have to make it up to them. For now, she snuggled in and enjoyed the warmth that was Theo.


  When Aurora woke up the next morning the first thing she noticed was that she was cold and alone in her bed. She looked around her room, the door to her room wide open and no sounds coming from anywhere in her apartment. What was normally comfortable to her was now strange. In the short time, Theo had barged back into her life and made so many changes. She rubbed her eyes, then rolled out of bed. She really need to do laundry and clean, she had let her chores slip to the point that things were getting gross. She found the shorts she was going to wear last night and slipped them on, then found a hair tie in her bathroom and pulled her hair into a messy bun.

  She decided to clean first, then shower to get everything off her body. She started in the bathroom, cleaning everything and emptying the small garbage can she had. Next was her room, then the kitchen followed by the living room. Thankfully, everything fit into one garbage bag that she left by the front door. Feeling completely filthy, she headed to the bathroom for a shower. She scrubbed herself from head to toe, she stepped out and dried off. She pulled her hair back into a messy bun and dressed in a pair of sweat pants and comfy shirt. She wasn’t sure she could carry the garbage and her laundry at the same time, so she grabbed the garbage and brought it downstairs to the apartment dumpster. On her way inside, she wondered what Theo was doing and why he was gone before she woke up. He hadn’t even told her he was leaving. She wasn’t sure why it bothered her, she kept telling herself she wasn’t going to be with him. As she stepped into the elevator, she noticed a red-head walking toward her. Aurora held open the doors to let her in.

  “Thanks.” She replied shortly, her long fingernail hitting the number 3.

  Aurora let her eyes look over the women while trying not to look obvious. Her wavy hair fell to her shoulders, her lips painted a bright red that matched her nails. She wore a tight black shirt, a skimpy black skirt, and a pair of red stilettos. Aurora couldn’t remember ever seeing a woman like her before, not that she talked to her neighbors but she would have remembered someone who looked like her. The elevator stopped, the doors releasing and a ding ringing in her ears. She let the women exit first, her curiosity getting the best of her. The farther the woman walked, the higher Aurora’s anxiety rose. It wasn’t until the woman walked straight into Theo’s apartment that her stomach dropped.

  She knew it. She was just a game to him. He didn’t care, he didn’t really want her. She pushed open the door to her apartment, tears forming in her eyes. She wiped them away, denying them the chance to fall. She knew this was what would happen, she hadn’t even wanted to be his. Her heart squeezed in her chest, her hand raising soothe it. Maybe she had liked him, had hoped that he really wanted her as much as he made it seem. He had declared her to be his yet again last night. Had dragged her away from the club for fear another man who take interest in her. She didn’t understand. Except that maybe he didn’t want an inexperienced woman and that his teasing had gone far enough last night.

  She bit into her lip, sucked in a large breath of air, then grabbed her basket of laundry. Most of the day was already gone, she needed to get her laundry done before it got dark. There always seemed to be trouble late at night in this neighborhood. It was a 10-minute walk to the laundry mat. Her purse slung over her shoulder and a bag of quarters inside. She dropped her basket next to the nearest wash machine, the muscles in her arm sore from carrying it for so long. She took a couple of minutes to regain feeling in her arms, then placed a load into two of the machines. There was only one other person washing their clothes today, she was sure it would be fine if she used two. She sat down in one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs and waited for her laundry to finish.

  Her mind wondered back to the red-haired woman. Her chest squeezing painfully at the memory of her walking into Theo’s apartment. She should be happy, he was going to leave her alone now. But she wasn’t happy, she was far from it. She was upset and angry. Her hand unconsciously raised to her neck, her finger tips running over one of the hickeys he had given her. Time flew by, her laundry finished washing and she switched each load to a dryer. More quarters emptying from her stash. After they dried, she folded them and piled everything back into her basket. The sun hadn’t set yet but if she didn’t hurry, it would be dark before she got back. She walked as quickly as she could, her arms aching at the weight of her laundry. She groaned, angry at herself for taking so long. As she came up to her building, she noticed Theo’s Viper parked out front, the engine idling. She froze when she saw the woman from before walking out the front door and getting into his car.

  She really wished she hadn’t seen that. Her eyes burned with unshed tears and waited for him to speed off before heading inside. She stepped into the elevator, her tears finally falling and dripping onto her freshly cleaned laundry. She didn’t mind that he was with someone else, what bothered her is how he pushed her, teased her, made her think that he actually wanted her. She bit deeply into her lip, a whimper ripping through her throat as she drew blood. The doors opened, her feet dragging as she carried herself to her apartment. She locked her door, dropped her laundry basket in her room, and fell onto her bed. She wanted today to be over, she couldn’t handle anymore.


  Aurora shifted in her bed, her body warm and cozy as she snuggled deeper. She felt arms tighten around her, her eyelids popping open. Her eyes stared at Theo’s naked chest, his breathing shallow. She had to rub her eyes and pinch herself a few times to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Five pinches to her arm later, she was shoving Theo out of her bed.

  “Mmm, go back to bed, babe.”

  “Ge-Get out!” She shrieked, pushing harder to no avail.

  “What the hell is wrong?” He finally opened his eyes, a glare setting in.

  “What’s wrong?” She couldn’t believe him. “Why don’t you go lay in bed with that red-head!”

  “Oh. You saw her.” His voice calm.

  “Wha- Yes, I saw her!” Her eyes tearing up and she pushed herself into a sitting position.

  “Aw, are you jealous?” He smirked, rolling over to his back as he looked up at her.

  “No, I am not jealous.” Her voice cracking.

  “Wait, Aurora. Are you crying?” He shot up, his smirk gone and his arms reaching out for her.

  “Do-Don’t touch me, Theo. I’ve had enough of your games. I’m not a toy you can play with when you’re bored.”

  “What are you talking about? I didn’t fuck that girl, if that’s what you thi

  “You don’t need to lie to me. I don’t care if you want to be with her but stop leading me on.”


  “Just stop!” She covered her ears, afraid to hear that he had to say.

  “Listen to me.” He grabbed her wrists and pulled them away from her head. “She’s a buddy’s girlfriend. She needed a place to say for a little.”


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