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Bound By Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 8)

Page 21

by Vella Day

  The chatter picked up again, and he escorted his mate outside.

  Wendy looked up at him and smiled. “That wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, I enjoyed myself.”

  “I’m glad. When all of the Caspians get together, it can be a bit overwhelming. The Sinclairs are a tad more reserved.” He faced her. “If you aren’t too tired, I have a surprise for you.”

  “A surprise?”

  “I want some alone time with you. Are you up for that?”

  “Even if I’m falling asleep, I’d be up for it.”

  Logan laughed, loving life at the moment. He wasn’t surprised that his new mate would be willing to go on an adventure. The reason he wanted to drive to his parents’ house was because landing near the base of a craggy mountain at night could be tricky, and Wendy deserved to be given a few lessons before he’d feel totally comfortable letting her loose in the air.

  After she finished writing her great exposé on the drug dealer, Robert Darnell, Logan planned to teach Wendy some fighting skills. After the way she handled Becky though, he’d say his mate had a lot of promise.

  “Where are we going?” Wendy asked after he passed the road to his condo.

  “Someplace special.”

  “Ooh, I can’t wait. I hope it’s private.”

  He reached over and slid some hair behind her ear. “Very private.” Because it was dark in the car, her dragon scales flashed a yellowish-amber, like the color of warm honey. “Did you see that?” he asked.

  “See what?”

  “The color of your inner scales.”

  Wendy looked down. “Oh, my goddess. I love it.”

  He did too. “You’ll almost match your eye color when you’re excited—unless your eyes glow purple like other female dragon shifters.”

  She smiled. “Maybe I’ll have both colors.”

  “I can’t wait to find out.”

  He turned down a dirt road that ended at the base of a mountain and then parked.

  Logan pushed open his car door, walked around to Wendy’s side, and helped her out. “What is your pleasure? Do you want to try flying or would you like me to carry you?”

  “It depends. Where are we going?”

  “It’s about a half mile up that dirt path.”

  “What about shifting into our wolf form so we can run up the path? Unless of course, you don’t think you can do it.”

  He did love his mate. She was a woman who would always challenge him. “Wolf it is.”

  “You can lead since you know where we’re going,” she said.

  Logan figured if Wendy could shift into a dragon with such ease, he could shift into a wolf just as easily. She spun in front of him and was instantly in her animal form.

  I trust there’s a wolf inside me somewhere, he said to his inner wolf, hoping the two of them could communicate.

  I got this, came a voice he’d never heard before. How cool was that to have two beasts? Or maybe not. He suspected his dragon would be challenging the wolf at every turn.

  Well, I don’t like it, his dragon shot back.

  See? Did he know his dragon or what? Logan laughed. Deal with it. We’re all about to get some action, assuming you can contain your jealousy.

  When you put it that way, his dragon responded, go ahead and do your thing.

  And Logan did just that. One minute he was human and the next he became this short animal. While he wasn’t used to being this close to the ground, he would adjust. He had to admit he could see the advantage to being in both forms, especially if a battle was ensuing. Kaleena and her mate certainly seemed enthralled with that ability as did Chelsea and Declan.

  “What are you waiting for?” Wendy telepathed.

  “Just enjoying the view.”

  Being this low to the ground gave Logan the chance to really run. He had to admit this new ability thrilled him. Logan was constantly aware of whether Wendy was close behind, and to her credit, she had no trouble keeping up.

  When he came to the cave entrance, he turned and darted inside. Wendy followed. Earlier this morning while Wendy was still asleep, he’d brought up blankets, two pillows, some candles, a bottle of wine, and a special surprise. Wanting to make this as romantic as possible, Logan shifted back into his human form, and Wendy quickly followed.

  “Why are we here?” she asked.

  “You’ll see. Wait here. I need a second to do something.”

  Logan headed farther into the cave and took the second branch off to the left. While it smelled a little musty, he had taken the time to rid the area of rocks and anything else that might get in their way. All he had to do was put the flowers in a vase, light the candles, strip, and drop down onto the makeshift bed.

  “Come find me,” he telepathed as soon as he was ready. “Just follow the light.”

  Thirty seconds later, Wendy appeared, her eyes going wide. “You’re naked. On a blanket. With candles.” She glanced over at the vase. “You bought me flowers?”

  “This is our first date—sort of.” He discounted all the meals they had in Thedia. That was business.

  “Aww. You said you only buy flowers for someone special.”

  “That would be you.” Logan unfolded his arms from behind his head and sat up. “Join me. I’ll pour the wine.”

  “This is incredible.”

  “Not as incredible as you.”

  Wendy giggled. While he uncorked and then poured the wine, she stripped. As much as he wanted to do the honors, he was so horny, he couldn’t wait.

  Wendy never pictured Logan being this spontaneous—even though he clearly had thought this through. “After the week we’ve had, this is my idea of winding down,” she said.

  Logan poured two glasses and handed her one. “Have a drink and then let me warm you up.”

  She dropped to her haunches, took the glass, and drank half of it in two large gulps. Nothing tasted better—well, Logan would, but the drink did hit the spot.

  He smiled, tossed back his drink, and then set it down. Logan slipped the glass from her fingers and placed it next to his. What this man did to her. She quickly took off her clothes. Now naked herself, she straddled him and guided him onto his back. When his big cock pressed against her opening, the need to kiss him overwhelmed her.

  Wendy leaned over, planted her hands on either side of his head, and did just that. As he plunged his tongue into her mouth, his hands found her waist. He then held her still while he lifted his hips slightly, putting more pressure on both her private parts. Joy, contentment, and lust took over her body. Wanting his mouth on more than just her lips, she broke the kiss and offered him her breasts.

  Logan’s eyes glowed, and his scales flashed. She swore between the two of them, they’d created their own private light show. He cupped one breast while he suckled on the other. The act of having mated intensified every touch. Maybe it was the enclosed area that exaggerated everything, but his scent seemed different too. It smelled more like frenlen needles and fresh loam than lemons.

  Wendy ran her fingers through his hair, trying not to dig her nails into his scalp. When his teeth tugged hard on one nipple, the spikes of need soared through her so hard that she nearly came.

  “Your turn,” she panted. Not waiting for him to tell her he’d explode too soon if she licked him, she slid down, and then bent over. She didn’t have time to tease and tempt him. Instead, she drew him deep down her throat, grabbed his hard shaft, and pumped fast. With each stroke, his moans increased. When a burst of cum released, Logan grunted. Just as she was pulling away, he flipped them over with one quick move.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” he announced. He turned her around once more, lifted her to her elbows and knees, and then pressed his cock against her needy entrance.

  Waves of anticipation slickened the way. Unable to wait any longer either, she shoved her hips back just as Logan drove in. The combined movement shot her lust to levels higher than a dragon could fly, and when a cool rush of air swept into the
cave, she shivered. Logan seemed to understand what had happened, because he pressed his chest against her back and cupped her breasts, his fingers twirling her distended nipples.

  The frenzy that followed defied description. Their animals seemed to take over as he thrust into her over and over again, building her need to epic proportions. Wendy clutched the blanket and balled it up. When she lowered her head and flung her hair to the side to expose her neck, Logan leaned over and dragged his teeth against her skin. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she’d want a man to bite her, but the intensity it brought to their lovemaking was monumental.

  As he ran his rough palms over her sensitive nipples, she moaned louder and louder. The bite to her neck that followed took her to a new plane of existence. Then on his next thrust, Logan’s cock expanded. The moment he lifted his mouth, her own climax shot forth. Sparks of color burst behind her lids and waves of love and completeness filled her.

  Making love in a cave had never been on any kind of wish list, but after this romantic gesture, she just might suggest it more often.

  Exhausted, she collapsed onto the blanket. Logan rolled off of her and pulled her back against his warm chest.

  “I could stay like this forever,” he whispered.

  While a highly impractical comment, she loved the sentiment. “Me too.”

  Birds squawked outside and some kind of animals rustled in the leaves at the entrance. “We should probably dress and clean up,” Logan said, a short while later.

  “I like it here.” She rolled over so that their lips were close. “This was the perfect way to clear my head. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure. We can only hope the world will give us some peace and quiet for a few weeks at least.”

  “From your mouth to the universe’s ears.” She tapped his nose. “Did I ever mention that I love you?” she said.

  “No. Never. Do you?”

  “I think we have time for me to prove it to you once more, but only if I get to ride you like the dragon I am.”

  Logan cracked up, and Wendy fell even more in love with him.

  I hope you enjoyed reading Wendy and Logan’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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  What would you do if you found out the man who is hotter than sin has been lying to you? Find out in Fueled By Flames, Kenton and Tory’s story.

  Here is a preview of chapter one. Enjoy.

  “I can’t do this anymore.” Kenton Forrester’s anxiety was already at an all-time high, and something had to give. Considering Feys were supposed to be calm under all circumstances, this abstinence wasn’t helping his mental state.

  After his brother placed the last dish in their cupboard, he spun around. “Can’t do what?” Bevon asked, acting all innocent.

  His brother knew. Kenton had been going on and on about Tory Sinclair for weeks now. “You know what. Stay away from Tory.”

  The left side of his brother’s lips quirked upward. “I still don’t know why you’re avoiding her? She’s your mate. I say go for it, big brother.”

  “And how do you propose I do that? Teleport to the middle of her jewelry store showroom and say: Excuse me, miss. You don’t know me, but I was the one who saved your life over a month ago and then erased your memory after whisking you off to an unknown realm.”

  Bevon grinned. “That could work.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think that will endear her to me.” Kenton pointed a finger at his brother. “Then I’ll add: And did I mention I made your whole family promise to never tell you what really happened after you were infected by that dark Fey?”

  Bevon just shook his head. “Self-pity is an ugly trait as is sarcasm. Get over yourself. Do what everyone else does. Bump into her at a bar or on the street and introduce yourself. Oh wait. I forgot. You don’t go out.”

  “Shut up.” It didn’t matter that his brother made a valid point.

  Bevon moved closer. “I get it will be hard for you, but you can do this. Use your charm to get her to go out with you. And by charm, I don’t mean your magic.”

  “Easier said than done.” Kenton had no idea why this was stressing him out. He was hundreds of years old and had dated many women in his realm. On Feyrion, everyone knew he was next in line to be the king, so finding a woman to fawn over him was easy. But here? On foreign soil? Not so much.

  “Just talk to her. I’m not suggesting you lie to her about her past. Far from it. I’m merely saying not to put all of your cards on the table on the first date. Bit by bit, let her know the danger she was in after her attack. You can then tell her the lengths you had to go to save her.”

  For once, his brother made sense. “That’s actually a good idea.”

  Bevon hopped up on the kitchen counter, clearly enjoying being able to give advice for a change. “I know it is. On Feyrion, Tory seemed like a sweet girl, one who was the forgiving type.”

  “You barely saw her.”

  He shrugged. “I dropped by the Royal Castle a few times when she was healing from her deathly experience.”

  “Tory was mostly out of it.”

  “Not the last day. She was up and about. We spoke a bit. I got a good feeling about her. From what I could tell, Tory has a mind of her own, but she was kind too.”

  He’d thought the same thing. Kenton studied his brother—as in the one who had little to no restraint when it came to woman or anything else in his life. “Let me ask you this: Have you ever asked out a woman from Tarradon—one who had no idea you’re nobility?”

  “No, why would I when there are plenty of Feys and Fairies in Feyrion who want me?”

  “That’s what I thought.” His brother was a hopeless playboy and not someone Kenton should be taking any dating advice from. He pulled open the refrigerator to look for something to eat. Not that he couldn’t swipe a hand and create some gourmet masterpiece, but he was trying to learn to live in this realm, as backward as it was. “The problem is that Tory is my mate, so it’s not like I can replace her with someone from Feyrion. I didn’t plan for this to happen, you know. It just did.”

  His brother sobered. “All the more reason why you need to meet her like any other Tarradonian male would.”

  Only he wasn’t an ordinary male. He was Fey—one with extraordinary powers. Kenton closed the refrigerator door. He’d lost his appetite. “You’re right. I’ll teleport to Edendale, cloak myself, and keep a watch out for her. When the timing is right, I’ll run into her.”

  “I didn’t mean literally.”

  That made Kenton smile. “I didn’t mean literally either.”

  Bevon nodded to Kenton’s clothes. “You do know she’ll be able to see through those white harem pants you wear. The women here will find that offensive.”

  “I always wear this on Feyrion, and trust me no Fey or Fairy has ever been offended. Come to think of it, I’ve attracted many a shifter woman wearing it too.” It was Bevon who never liked the traditional royal garb. In fact, Bevon hadn’t been on Tarradon a month before he’d purchased several pairs of jeans from a store in Edendale, along with a couple of short-sleeved and long-sleeved T-shirts. Kenton thought his brother looked ridiculous, but he did blend in better than Kenton did.

  He looked down at what he was wearing. “I see nothing wrong with my attire, but if you think it will make Tory uncomfortable, I’ll change.” With a swipe of his hand, his clothes turned from white to dark blue. He checked again to see that nothing showed. Damn. While his pants were now opaque, the protrusion made it obvious that he was thinking about her. He owned underwear but rarely wore it. He didn’t like the restriction.

  “You can wear a pair of my jeans,” Bevon said with too much cheer in his voice.

  Kenton knew when he was defeated. “Fine. And thank you, I think.”

  “You know where they are.”<
br />
  If Kenton hadn’t wanted to impress Tory, he wouldn’t have bothered changing. Once in Bevon’s room, Kenton located a pair of jeans and dragged them on. They were heavy and uncomfortable, but he’d deal. His peasant style shirt looked perfectly fine though. Only the rebel, Bevon, opted to dress like these natives.

  Not particularly pleased with having to adapt, Kenton strode back into the cabin’s main area.

  His brother looked up and smiled. “You look great, though I suggest you put on shoes.”

  “I can’t please you, can I? Why don’t you just tell me to teleport back to Feyrion and forget about Tory?” Not that he ever would.

  “You know why. She’s your mate.”

  Kenton blew out a breath. “I’m glad you realize that.” He swiped a hand once more and was immediately dressed like everyone else in this realm. “Better?”

  He didn’t need his brother’s permission or acceptance, but it was polite to ask. If Kenton didn’t need to see Tory right now, he’d have asked one of his sisters for her opinion on how to dress more mainstream.

  Bevon laughed and gave him a thumbs up—a symbol Kenton thought was as dumb as it was odd.

  “Perfect. Just don’t mess this up, brother. If you do, you’ll be impossible to live with, and I’ll be forced to move into Fay’s place.” Bevon wagged a finger. “On second thought, I’d ask Meena to take me in. She’s the sweetest of the three.”

  “Even Meena won’t take you. You are too insufferable. Besides, they all live together, you goof.”

  He grinned. “There is that.”

  “I have bad news.” Tory’s cousin, Detective Anderson Caspian, was addressing the Guardians in their conference room on the fourth floor of the SinCas office building.

  Just as Tory Caspian covered her mouth to stifle a yawn, Anderson’s announcement had her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t that the Guardians weren’t used to gathering at eight in the morning to learn about some current crime spree, but the way Anderson Caspian said it had her body reacting in a not-so-good way.

  “What happened?” Tory’s Uncle Laird asked, his tone deep with concern.


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