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Bound By Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 8)

Page 22

by Vella Day

  Most of her family was seated around the twenty-person table—all except the usual suspects, like her brother Ramsey, who never was willing to leave his lab, and her cousin Camden who was just as bad. Naturally, her sister wasn’t there since Kaleena and her mate, Finn, were busy having a baby. Tory didn’t see her dad and that worried her. Of late, he’d participated less and less in the Guardian meetings.

  “We’ve had four suicides in the last two weeks—all by slitting their own throats.” Anderson held up a hand. “I know that’s not something we usually deal with, but these deaths are different.”

  “How so?” Her brother Thane was possibly the most intense member of the group, and the one who was always ready to do battle.

  “My men have investigated all four cases. As you know, suicide usually occurs in those who are depressed or who have experienced some recent traumatic event. In each of these four cases, the people were successful and happy, at least according to their loved ones. One had just received a scholarship to college, another had been given a big promotion at work, the third had completed his residency at Edendale Medical, and the fourth had retired after a long and successful career in business.”

  That made no sense. While some rogue shifters had gone on killing sprees over the years, none had been able to make it look like suicide.

  “What are you saying?” her uncle asked. “That these weren’t suicides but rather murders?”

  “I’m here to ask for your help in figuring out exactly what happened. When we autopsied the bodies, they all had the same unknown chemical inside their bloodstream. That hints at a connection between the deceased, even though none of the family members believe they knew each other.”

  “What type of drug was it?” Thane asked.

  “Unfortunately, we can’t identify it, which means we don’t know where it came from. Even if we did find its origin, we would have to prove someone was responsible for drugging these people right before their deaths. I’m thinking this chemical caused some kind of psychotic break that made them take their life.”

  Laird whistled. “What can we do?”

  Anderson inhaled. “I need your ears to the ground. Talk to anyone who might know if there is a chemical that would trigger suicide.”

  “Was it a kind of paralytic or a different scheduled drug?” her brother Declan asked.

  “The composition isn’t consistent with a paralytic or anything else, which is the scary part.”

  “I’m wondering if someone slit their throats after they were incapacitated.”

  “From the angle of the cut and the direction of the blood spatter on the victim’s hand and arm, the victim did the deed himself. Plus, they all were standing at the time of their death. Before you ask, we don’t believe anyone was holding their arm either.” He turned to Thane. “I’m thinking Angelique might be able to help.”

  “Angelique? How?”

  “Your mate is from a different realm and has dealt with dark entities. Maybe this unknown substance comes from there.”

  Greer grabbed Tory’s wrist and squeezed hard. Her cousin’s mate had been possessed by a dark entity for a short while, and the thought of another one like him roaming around Edendale had Tory’s pulse soaring.

  “Angelique’s realm isn’t like ours. It’s not like they even have buildings where they can manufacture anything. Remember, these entities don’t have bodies until they are released,” Thane said.

  More talking and buzzing erupted, but this time her family settled down quickly. Greer piped up. “Dark entities have escaped before. Could an escapee be inhabiting that person’s body for a while and then cut his own throat before exiting?”

  Anderson planted his hands on the table and leaned forward. “I actually had considered that, but none of the bodies had any burn marks on them, like they had when you were involved with such a malevolent creature—or rather when your mate was taken over by one.”

  Tory had arrived dead tired this morning, but the horror of it all had her on full alert now. “Do you have any clues or ideas where we should look?” she asked her cousin.

  “None, other than my money is on the perpetrator being from a different realm. As I said, ask around.”

  Either Anderson was right and the killer was from another realm or else this person was some expert chemist who had injected the person with some homemade concoction. Though that would be the best-case scenario. The worst would be if it were indeed an entity from another realm. The Guardians were the ultimate fighters, in part because they trained constantly and could cloak themselves when needed. Their particular kind of magic made it difficult for another dragon to attack what they couldn’t see. But other world creatures were a whole different story. Tory and her family had learned the hard way how difficult it was to battle even one dark entity. If it hadn’t been for Angelique who was a light entity, Greer would not have a mate.

  Her uncle looked around. “You are positive suicide wasn’t the cause of death?”

  “Pretty much, but if we can’t find the source of this drug, we might have to tell the family we can’t be sure how they died, and that won’t bring any closure to them.”

  “I take it there were no needle marks on the body?” Tory asked.

  “None that the coroner found, but I’ll ask him to do another sweep.” Anderson pushed back his chair and stood. “Thank you for your help.”

  Camden might be able to figure something out. Her cousin was a genius when it came to analyzing poisons and unique chemicals. Even though he was a dragon shifter, he preferred to do research rather than go into battle. The sad part, at least to her, was that Camden might be one of the most talented fighters in the group. Her cousin possessed a sixth sense about what his opposition was about to do before he did it.

  “What a minute,” Tory called, remembering what had almost killed her a month ago. Anderson and the rest stopped.

  “What is it?” her cousin asked as he turned around.

  “What about a dark Fey? Malpan was able to do mind control. He even convinced about twenty men to work in his mine for free. He was powerful enough to take me out for a while.”

  Griffin shook his head. “Good thought, but it can’t be Malpan, because Kenton Forrester sent him back to his realm where his darkness was removed.”

  “I know that, but I was thinking there could be other dark Feys here. Didn’t your mate mention a man by the name of Balkin who worked for Malpan? He could have been one.”

  Her brother’s brows pinched as he studied her. “She did, but even if this Balkin guy is one, why would he compel strangers to kill themselves? What would be his end game?”

  Tory looked around, waiting for someone to come up with an answer, but no one did. “I don’t know.”

  “For the sake of argument,” Anderson said, “let’s say your theory is correct, and the victims were being told what to do. How would you explain the identical chemical in all of their bodies? Is that something a dark Fey would do?”

  Why would he think she’d know? “I have no clue, but we could ask one of the Forresters. Since a few of them are Feys, they should be able to tell us.”

  Anderson’s shoulders seemed to relax. “That’s a great idea, Tory. Ask them.”

  Not her. She’d speak with Griffin about being the one to contact the family. After all, he dealt with them most recently. “I will.”

  As soon as Anderson left, Greer pushed back her chair, stood, and then clasped Tory’s arm before she had a chance to go after Griffin. “Do you really think it’s a dark Fey? I have to admit it makes a lot of sense.”

  “It could be. What bugs me is that these deaths seem so purposeless. I understood why Malpan would want to control his workers, but these victims died. They can’t help anyone.” Tory brushed some wisps away from her face. “Ugh. This whole thing is sad and creepy at the same time.”

  “No kidding.”

  Tory snapped her fingers. “I should have asked Anderson for the chemical composition of this drug.”<
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  “What good will that do?”

  “Since locating the Forresters is no easy chore, I want to see if Camden can do a deep dive on the structure of the chemical. He might be able to figure out what it’s made from and where it was made.”

  “That’s smart, but let’s hope it’s not made from the killer’s own body.”

  “That is a really scary thought,” Tory said.

  “No kidding.” Greer checked her watch. “Hey, I have to open the store. Do you plan to investigate this mess today?”

  “Probably not. I’m too exhausted to be of much good to anyone. I haven’t slept in a couple of days worrying about Kaleena. Before Anderson called this gathering, I had planned to visit her in the hospital to make sure she’s okay and then take a nap. After that? We’ll see how I feel.”

  “I take it your sister hadn’t gone into labor yet?”

  “No. There have been two false alarms. Finn and Angelique are with her now. Kaleena’s only in the hospital, because the doctor is worried about her high blood pressure.” To Tory’s knowledge, no dragon shifter had ever had that issue. She just hoped Kaleena’s dragon was up to the task of delivering this baby.

  “She’ll be fine.” Greer squeezed Tory’s hand. “If you need to take tomorrow off so you can be with her, I’ll be happy to cover for you.”

  Greer truly understood what a special twin bond Tory and Kaleena shared. “You are the best. Thank you. I’m hoping she delivers today. I’m so ready to be an aunt.”

  “You’re already an aunt.”

  Tory’s mind was fuzzed from lack of sleep. Chelsea, Declan’s mate, had delivered a month ago. “I meant I want to be an aunt again.”

  Greer placed a hand over hers. “Then go, and make sure you are.”

  After a quick hug, Tory rushed out. Greer stayed behind. She always was the one to volunteer to help clean up the conference room since the Guardians were a rather messy lot when it came to leaving empty coffee cups on the table.

  Tory had planned to speak with Griffin, but she wanted to see Kaleena first. She had walked at most a block when a sharp cramp in her stomach nearly made her knees buckle. It must have come from their twin link. Tory would be feeling what Kaleena felt—only on a smaller scale. Hold on, Kaleena. I’m coming.

  Normally, Tory couldn’t communicate telepathically with anyone, but when she wore their special necklace, they could. For privacy purposes, she didn’t wear it often.

  The intensity of that jolt had been more than either of the two before it, implying her twin might even be in labor—for real this time. Because of the quick onslaught of pain, Tory had to stop to catch her breath. While she took several deep breaths, she studied the traffic. Thankfully, it was a Saturday, and the streets weren’t very crowded. The hospital was only about a mile away, and Tory believed she could drive there safely. Walking was a possibility, but that would take too long. Her last option was to fly. The problem was that other than landing on the helicopter pad on top of the hospital, there was little space around the hospital to safely set down. So drive it was. Tory just hoped the cramps didn’t incapacitate her. She retrieved her keys from her purse so she could rest once she reached her car.

  As she neared, a man with light brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing jeans and a white peasant shirt seemed to have appeared out of thin air right in front of her. Had his body not blocked the sunlight, she might have run into him.

  “I’m sorry,” Tory said, as she tried to walk around him.

  “Are you alright?” he asked, his voice full of sympathy.

  Tory stopped. “Yes. I should have watched where I was going. Excuse me, I’m on my way to the hospital to check on my sister.” When she tried to stand up straighter, her breath caught again, and her palm automatically went to her stomach.

  “Let me help you.”

  Tory was born and bred to be independent. “I can manage myself, thank you.”

  Just then another stabbing pain doubled her over. Without asking permission, the man wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Where is your car?”

  Normally, she would have shrugged out of his grasp, but the waves of warmth that seemed to come from his embrace erased all of her discomfort, allowing her to actually stand upright. That was strange. Or had Kaleena had a short contraction, and it had ended as suddenly as it came?

  Tory pretended to look around for her vehicle, while trying to decide her next move.


  What the heck. He wasn’t a shifter, so how much harm could he cause? “It’s the blue car at the end of the block.”

  “Good. Come on.”

  Tory could only hope she wasn’t making a mistake.

  For the full version, click here.


  Awakened By Flames (book 1)

  Seduced By Flames (book 2)

  Kissed By Flames (book 3)

  Destiny In Flames (book 4)

  Box Set (books 1-4)

  Passionate Flames (book 5)

  Ignited By Flames (book 6)

  Touched By Flames (book 7)

  Box Set (books 5-7)

  Bound By Flames (book 8)

  Fueled By Flames (book 9)


  Poppy (book 1)

  Primrose (book 2)

  Acacia (book 3)

  Magnolia (book 4)

  Box Set (books 1-4)

  Jace (book 5)

  Tanner (book 6)


  A Magical Shift (book 1)

  Catching Her Bear (book 2)

  Surge of Magic (book 3)

  The Bear’s Forbidden Wolf (book 4)

  Her Reluctant Bear (book 5)

  Freeing His Tiger (book 6)

  Protecting His Wolf (book 7)

  Waking His Bear (book 8)

  Melting Her Wolf’s Heart (book 9)

  Her Wolf’s Guarded Heart (book 10)

  His Rogue Bear (book 11)

  Box Set (books 1-4)

  Box Set (books 5-8)

  Awakening Their Bears (book 12)

  Her Wolf’s Warlock(book 13)

  PACK WARS (Paranormal)

  Training Their Mate (book 1)

  Claiming Their Mate (book 2)

  Rescuing Their Virgin Mate (book 3)

  Box Set (books 1-3)

  Loving Their Vixen Mate (book 4)

  Fighting For Their Mate (book 5)

  Enticing Their Mate (book 6)

  Box Set (books 1-4)

  Complete Box Set (books 1-6)


  An Unexpected Diversion (book 1)

  Bare Instincts (book 2)

  Shifting Destinies (book 3)

  Embracing Fate (book 4)

  Promises Unbroken (book 5)

  Bare ’N Dirty (book 6)

  Hidden Hills Shifters Complete Box Set (books 1-6)

  MONTANA PROMISES (Full length contemporary)

  Promises of Mercy (book 1)

  Foundations For Three (book 2)

  Montana Fire (book 3)

  Montana Promises Box Set (books 1-3)

  Hart To Hart (Book 4)

  Burning Seduction (Book 5)

  Montana Promises Complete Box Set (books 1-5)

  ROCK HARD, MONTANA (contemporary novellas)

  Montana Desire (book 1)

  Awakening Passions (book 2)

  PLEDGED TO PROTECT (contemporary romantic suspense)

  From Panic To Passion (book 1)

  From Danger To Desire (book 2)

  From Terror To Temptation (book 3)

  Pledged To Protect Box Set (books 1-3)

  BURIED SERIES (contemporary romantic suspense)

  Buried Alive (book 1)

  Buried Secrets (book 2)

  Buried Deep (book 3)

  The Buried Series Complete Box Set (books 1-3)

  A NASH MYSTERY (Contemporary) />
  Sidearms and Silk(book 1)

  Black Ops and Lingerie(book 2)

  A Nash Mystery Box Set (books 1-2)




  Author Bio

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  Not only do I love to read, write, and dream, I’m an extrovert. I enjoy being around people and am always trying to understand what makes them tick. Not only must my books have a happily ever after, I need characters I can relate to. My men are wonderful, dynamic, smart, strong, and the best lovers in the world (of course).

  I believe I am the luckiest woman. I do what I love and I have a wonderful, supportive husband, who happens to be hot!

  Fun facts about me

  (1) I’m a math nerd who loves spreadsheets. Give me numbers and I’ll find a pattern.

  (2) I live on a Costa Rica beach!

  (3) I also like to exercise. Yes, I know I’m odd.

  I love hearing from readers either on FB or via email (hint, hint).

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