Fallen Memories: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Forbidden Truths Duet Book 1)

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Fallen Memories: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Forbidden Truths Duet Book 1) Page 11

by Amber Nicole

  My phone vibrating on the bathroom tile wakes me sometime later. Sitting up I notice the water has a slight chill now. Hitting the button to drain the water I stand—grabbing my towel—then bend down to check my phone. There’s multiple texts and missed calls, all from Ash. I send him a quick text back saying I'm not feeling well and I love him then I turn my phone completely off, and crawl into my bed in just a towel before passing out.

  Two weeks have passed with no response from the doctor so I just decide it was a bug or something. The nausea seems to be gone, and the dizzy spells have decreased. I put it out of my head for now and move on with school. I also spend as much time with Ash as I can while still keeping our relationship secret. Graduation needs to hurry up and get here. I want to be able to hold his hand in the hallway and kiss him at my locker. It was fun to begin with, now it’s just getting old.



  Something is going on with Gracie. She's distant, and really moody. I’m starting to get worried. Things were so good that month she lived with me, but since returning home she's always busy. She answers maybe fifty percent of my calls and texts. Even Hope commented that she seemed off. I can’t lose her again. I asked her if anything was wrong, if I did anything to upset her. She says no she's just busy. I’ve noticed the Bitches are still being mean to her. I’m ready to just announce to everyone we are back together but I feel like that will just add more stress for her. I have plans in the next coming months for us. Plans for our future. Maybe a date night is needed. Or a weekend away just us. I grab my phone and send her a quick text.

  ASH: Hey beautiful, any plans this weekend? I’ve been missing you, and I was thinking we could sneak away to the mountains like we used to?

  Now just have to wait and see if she decides to reply to this one. Realizing I've been staring at my phone like a little bitch for the past five minutes waiting for her to reply, I shut it off and throw it on my bed. So much for that plan. I get up, jump in the shower, and get dressed before I make my way to the kitchen. Someone’s muttering under their breath. “What are you doing here?” I shout at Bianca. She’s standing in front of the fridge in nothing but lacy lingerie. She yelps at the sound of my voice and drops whatever was in her hand. Turning to face me, she places her hand over her chest and bats her eyelashes.

  “Ash, you startled me. I was going to surprise you, but I guess the kitchen will work.” She bends down and grabs a can of whipped cream off the floor, moving closer to me. Fuck no this can’t be happening.

  “Bianca I don’t know how you got in here. Why you would think I would want you here? You need to leave right now!” I snap at her. I grab her elbow tight and pull her towards the door making her drop the can again. I bend down, grab her clothes and shoes then shove them at her chest.

  “But … Ash … stop,” she cries, fighting me to let her go. “Baby it’s been months, I need you, I miss you.”

  Stopping I throw the door open and face her. “You’re right it has been months, you’d think you would get the hint. I don’t want your skank ass anywhere near me. Now get the hell out. And Bianca, don’t come back, and if you know what's good for you, you won’t mention this little failed seduction attempt to anyone.”

  “Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you’ve been looking at that little slut again!”

  I’m not in the mood for her bullshit. I shove her out the entryway and slam the door in her face clicking the lock. I will be contacting a locksmith tomorrow and having these changed. She slams her fists on the door, and screams “YOU WILL REGRET THIS ASHTON TRISTAN DANIELS!!!! YOU ARE MINE! YOU HEAR ME ASSHOLE, MINE!!”

  Wow talk about psycho. I have never, and will never be hers. Only one girl owns me and her name sure as hell ain’t Bianca Marie Edwards. I lean back against the door, run my hand over my face and sigh, I need a drink. Walking back towards the kitchen I pick up the can of whipped cream tossing it right into the trash can. I close the fridge and switch the coffee maker on. So much drama before I’ve even been caffeinated. I stand there staring out the glass doors facing the gardens and outdoor pool. I can’t wait to leave this place for good. I honestly don't think I have more than five happy memories in this place excluding the month Gracie was here. She always makes things better, but this place is full of lies, and secrets. My own parents avoid this house filled with ghosts from the past. The machine beeps telling me my coffee is done, so I grab a mug then head back to my room. It's been at least an hour since I messaged Gracie maybe she's finally responded. I set the cup on the nightstand table and grab my phone, seven texts. Scrolling through them I see five are from Bianca reaming me out, one from Dom saying Bianca is blowing up his phone, and one from Gracie. I open hers and sigh with defeat.

  DOLL: I would love that Ash but I can't. I’m sorry I’m really struggling with keeping up with classes, and all my appointments. IMU2. Maybe next week we can hang out just us. ILY <3

  ASH: ILY2, still able to go meet my recruiter with me? Maybe we can grab some lunch after? It’s tomorrow after school in case you forgot?

  Two weeks ago since Gracie was ‘busy’ I made my appointment to talk to an Air Force recruiter. I wanted her to go with me, she said she would but she never responded to the text I sent her last night, and I haven’t been able to catch her today. She missed English class, Hope said she was with the nurse dealing with a headache, and during lunch she was in the counselor’s office. Fuck it I guess I’ll just do this alone. Pushing out from the front doors to the parking lot I hear someone calling my name.

  “Ash, bro wait up.”

  Looking over my shoulder I see Dom. “Hey man I have to go, it's an hour drive, and I can’t be late. I’ll call you after okay?”

  Grabbing my arm he spins me to look at him. “No Gracie still?”

  Not wanting him to see the devastation on my face I look at his shoes. “No, she’s been busy, schools been hard with her recovery.”

  “Brother look at me. I know she's been acting off lately. Hope has also been complaining about it. So you know what let’s go. I'm coming with you. I’m so proud of you following your dreams Ash. You’re going to rock this interview.”

  Feeling myself getting emotional at his support I just nod my head yes and head to the driver’s side. Starting the engine I wait till Dom is buckled in, then put it in reverse. I stare out the window waiting and hoping she will show up. Letting out a sigh I continue backing out from my spot and head towards the recruiter’s office. Dom is silent—which I appreciate—just letting me think and get my thoughts in order. She never even texted to tell me she couldn’t come.

  I think it went well. He set me up for a physical and I took my Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test (ASVAB) and now I’m just waiting on the results so I can see what I’m going to be doing for the rest of my life. Dom stops me on the way to the car and gives me a hug slamming his hand on my back. “Told you man you got this! If I wasn’t planning on college, and joining the police force I’d be signing up with you.”

  “Ahhhh, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, man. This is the first step to starting my future. I’m hoping Gracie will be joining me wherever I’m stationed though. I was also planning on asking her to marry me again, but things are so up in the air right now I don't know what to think.”

  Getting into the car Dom sighs, “I don’t know man, but what I do know is that Gracie loves you. I have never seen a love like yours. Things will work out. Maybe we should swing by that Italian place you guys love and grab some food? Then drop me off at Hope’s and surprise your girl. Get to the bottom of whatever's going on.”

  “Thanks man, that's a great idea. Can you call and place an order for two alfredos, and their cheesecake. Get whatever for you and Hope on me. Fuck, thanks for coming with me today. I couldn't tell my dad, and I haven't seen mom since Mia’s funeral.”

  “No sweat Ash, honestly I was a little hurt you never asked me to go in the first place. I know Gracie is back in your lif
e but I miss hanging with you bro. Just don’t forget me when you go off and marry your dream girl okay?”

  “Never Dom. You will always be in my life. Now let’s get that food ordered. I'm starving.” Perfect timing for my stomach rumbles causing us to bust out laughing. He’s right though I have been neglectful to him and my teammates. Having Gracie back has been incredible but keeping it from everyone makes it hard to do things in public.

  “All ordered, now let's talk about this re-proposal you mentioned? What are you thinking? How can I help? And I better be your best man.” I laugh at his antics and just give him a shrug.

  “I have no clue man, Valentine's Day is coming up but that's so cliche. I was thinking maybe doing it in the maze again, but this time at night and something fast since it's freezing out. Maybe hang some of those fairy lights in the center, have a bucket of champagne to celebrate. Maybe you and Hope could hide and secretly record it or at least take pictures. Now with her memories coming back she remembers the first time, but I don't want to just assume we're still getting married I want to ask her again. Then plan a wedding as soon as possible.” I pull up at the restaurant and give Dom my credit card to get the food. I hope this works. Besides random times at school. I haven't seen my girl in three weeks.

  I drop Dom off at Hope’s with his three bags of food and he gives me a fist bump. “Thanks for the free date night man. I’ll talk with Hope about the proposal and see what we can come up with. You know girls love that shit.”

  I laugh with him “I appreciate it, wish me luck.”

  Giving me a thumbs up like the nut he is, he slams my door then jogs to Hope who’s waving at me from the front porch. I give a quick wave back then head to Gracie’s. It’s time we talked.



  The doorbell rings, I roll my eyes and leave my mom in mid rant. “Gracelyn Nicole we are not done discussing this. Do not walk away from me young lady!”

  I move towards the door and she grabs my elbow hard.

  “If it’s that boy you can just tell him to leave, he is not welcome in this house! His whole family are lying, manipulative whores. You need to stay away from him. I will not have another Daniels ruin this family.”

  I seriously don’t know what she is talking about. Ever since I came home after the holidays she’s been a completely different person. She’s cruel, and hurtful. The things she’s been saying to me make me just want to leave and never come back. Hearing the doorbell ring again she snaps, “Do something useful Gracie, move your fat ass and go answer the fucking door, it’s giving me a migraine.”

  Moving to the door once again I open it slowly to an excited smiling grin. Ash oh no this won’t be good. Before I can tell him this isn't a good time mother grabs the door with the fakest smile I ever seen grace her face. “Oh if it isn't the little whore now. What do you want? Come to ruin another part of my life? Whatever, she’s all yours you can have the little slut.” Getting down to my ear she whispers, “You should try and tie him down now before he dumps you again. No one is going to want a fat ass like you.” She stumbles away, giggling. Once I see she's left the area I turn back towards Ash who looks pissed. “What is going on Gracie? What the hell was that all about? Is she drunk? It’s not even five pm.”

  “Yea, I’m sorry Ash, she's been drinking a lot lately and saying things like I'm supposed to know what she's talking about, but just ignore her. What’s in the bag?”

  “Well you didn't come with me today so I figured I would pick us up some dinner and we could celebrate here.”

  “Oh no the interview. I am so sorry Ash. You must hate me. I’m the worst girlfriend ever.” Stepping inside he shuts the door then takes me into his arms.

  “Hush it’s okay, but I am starving and I brought your favorite pasta so how about we take this upstairs and watch a movie?”

  I nod my head, take his hand and lead him to my room.

  Sitting on the bed eating delicious food and talking is just what I needed. Things have been really stressful with school, and my mom. I’ve missed Ash, and Hope I know I need to give her a call.

  The next few days at school are a lot better. I’m still being teased because it wouldn't be a normal day if I wasn't, but my migraines are starting to lighten up and I’m not so far behind on my work. Actually walking to the gym I have a smile on my face. Today has been a good day if only it could have remained.

  Entering the locker room before practice I start to feel lightheaded, nauseous, and the room starts spinning as well. Grabbing on to the wall to steady myself I hear the Bitches gossiping. Obviously about me, I mean why not, they have nothing better in their lives to discuss anymore.

  “Have you noticed she's getting so fat I mean seriously we do not allow fat cheerleaders on this team. Plus she's turning into such a little bitch, I knew that sweet and innocent demeanor was all an act.” I hear what sounds like Queen B say.

  Feeling like I can walk forward without falling flat on my face I let go of the wall. Only to be shoved backwards by a super happy Ash. Before I can say anything he grabs my throat and kisses me hard. Causing my body to heat to a dangerous level. When the shock wears off and I start to really get into his kiss he pulls back letting me go with a megawatt smile on his face.

  “What was that for? Not that I’m complaining, but I thought we were keeping this just between us?” I say in a whisper, making sure the girls around the corner don't catch us.

  “Just happy, really happy. I got my girl back.”

  “Shhhhh Ash I haven't told anyone I have some of my memories back yet, and it’s still not everything,” I quickly reply covering his mouth before he can continue. He licks my hand, eww, so immature. Releasing his mouth I wipe saliva on his practice uniform.

  “As I was saying, I got some awesome news just now, and I can’t wait to tell you. Can we go out tonight? Somewhere special? Do you have therapy or anything after practice today?” he says excitedly.

  Seeing him so happy after being in so much pain how could I tell him no? Not even thinking about an answer.

  “Yes, I would love to Ash, I can't wait to hear your big news. Now go before we are caught and you make me late.” I push him away towards the door, but he grabs my hand pulling me into another kiss filled with so much love and passion I don't want to ever lose this feeling. I should have known things were going too well lately.

  Continuing to my locker to get changed I feel my pocket vibrating. Smiling thinking it's Ash I quickly pull it out of my back pocket, not looking to see who it is, I answer.

  “You literally just walked away from me, miss me already?”

  “Um Ms. Rose? This is Sherry, the receptionist from Dr. Lawry's office. You came in here a few weeks ago for a few tests? There was some inconclusive data so we had to run your blood work twice, that's why it took so long for us to get back to you. Well I have your results in. I just need you to verify your date of birth please?”

  My hands get clammy, and I can feel a panic attack coming. I forgot about those tests. It was almost three weeks ago and after not hearing back I figured they were negative.

  “Are you there Gracelyn?” Sherry asks.

  “Am I pregnant?” I respond shakily.

  “I need you to verify your date of birth then I can give you your results, hon.”

  “May 20, 2002.”

  “Okay great, let’s see what these results say, shall we? Yes your pregnancy results did come back positive. According to your last menstrual cycle date you have listed here. I would estimate you’re between fourteen to sixteen weeks along. Congratulations Gracie. Now let's talk scheduling. I know Dr. Lawry will want to see you as soon as possible. So how's next Monday after school at three-fifteen pm sound?”

  I don’t remember most of the conversation after that I think I agreed, then she told me some do’s and don'ts before hanging up.

  Pregnant, I’m pregnant. This changes so many things. I finish getting dressed in a daze then I walk out to the hall heading to the pr
actice gym, but before I can make it, Bianca steps in front of me snapping me out of the fog.

  Hands on her hips with a gleeful look on her face. Instantly putting me on edge.

  “Always knew you were a slut,” she says before continuing.

  "Mia always said she thought you were going around behind Ash's back. Ha this is perfect now Ash won't ever want you back. Fucking skank."

  Omg Ash, I need to tell him before she does. I must have said that out loud because Bianca snaps, "Why the fuck you need to talk to Ash? It's not like he's going to care. He despises your fat ass and I can't wait till he finds out about this. Maybe then he can move on."

  Feeling on the verge of passing out. I grab my phone from inside my shell top and try to call Ash. It rings before I hear his voicemail. Duh he’s in the weight room, why did I think he would answer?

  Looking up I see Bianca is still standing there watching me with an evil glint in her eyes.

  “You honestly can’t be saying Ash is the father?” She sneers, laughing maniacally. “We’ll just see about that,” she says as she walks away.

  Maybe if I had been more focused I would have noticed the psychopathic smile she was wearing.

  Collapsing to the floor on my knees trying to prevent my pending panic attack, I start thinking about the future. We always talked about having kids but not until, I think he mentioned twenty-one. He wanted us to enjoy being able to go out legally and drink without having to worry about a babysitter. Well, hate to say we're about four years early.


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