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Love and Beyond Part 3

Page 14

by Nathan Colston

  Chapter 10

  The Morning After

  The next morning, the baby woke them up. JD said as he started getting up, “I got her.” He got up and put his pants on and walked out of the room. Britney lay there for a moment, images of what happened that night playing over in her mind as she got up to take a shower. She put a bathrobe on and went to the kitchen. JD was feeding Delana as she cleaned the table off from the night before. She put on some fresh coffee and started making breakfast. “I can do that if you want to go get cleaned up.”

  “I will after we eat.”

  There was a knock on the door. Britney said, “Must be Bobby and Gloria. They come by for breakfast some mornings. Go answer the door. I will put some water on to heat the bottles for the twins.”

  JD opened to the door. Bobby had a surprised look on his face. “Uncle JD.”

  “Come on in, boy,” he said casually as he turned to walk back to the table.

  As they walked in, Bobby said, “Did you kill her?”

  “Naw, just threw her around a little bit. Slapped and bit a few times. She lived. Before it was all said and done, I thought she was going to kill me. Believe it or not, I even thought about running.”

  Britney suppressed a laugh and grinned big. “I heard you, JD. Don’t make me bring out the chains.” “See?” JD quipped.

  “Why does he sound so serious all the time?” Gloria said really low so Jake couldn’t hear.

  “Don’t know. Never had the courage to ask him. You can if you want to.”

  “I draw the line with whips,” JD called out.

  Britney replied in a flirtatious tone, “Oh, that is not fair. I wanted you to spank me, Daddy.”

  Gloria said slightly loudly, “Yes, please. Just remember if he won’t, I will.”

  JD and Bobby looked at her. She said lower with an innocent look, “Well, I will.”

  Bobby looked at JD. “Just let me know before you start running. I might want to go with ya.”

  JD shook his head. They sat down at the kitchen table. Gloria saw the look on Britney’s face and gave her a hug. “I think we are going to take a few days off. We been going at it hard.”

  Bobby leaned forward and said real low, “Uncle JD, you remember what Grandpa used to say? You spend two years trying to eat that shit up, and the rest of your life wishing you had.” JD busted out laughing. Gloria and Britney both looked at him. That was the first time Gloria had ever heard JD laugh.

  “He sure said that, boy. Mom would knock the shit out of him when he did,” JD said while he was laughing.

  Gloria gave an inquisitive look. “Say what?”

  Britney spoke up fast. “You don’t want to know the things JD’s dad used to say. Trust me.”

  Gloria shrugged and went back to talking about what they had been. “You’re going to have to tell me all about last night.”

  “It went faster than expected. I made him tell me why he didn’t kiss me. He said what he said. I told him what I thought about what he said with a kiss. He said he would think about it. I said prove it and, God, did he. Not telling him that no more. Damn, he made it hurt so good. God, did he. He touched places inside of me I don’t even think a doctor knew were there.” Gloria snickered at the comment. Britney’s voice got somewhat serious and hopeful. “He is going to stay with me. I know he is going to say this is not a life for a family. I think this is my last year to compete. That thought has crossed my mind before last night, so don’t get no ideas.”

  Gloria thought for a moment. “We place within the top ten in the next five contests, then we can stop until New Year’s Eve. Bobby said the same thing two weeks ago. He said he was going to talk to Nicole about it this week.”

  “Well, I will tell Ivan about it. He doesn’t talk to me that much anymore. JD done something, not sure what. Neither will say a word about it.” Gloria helped Britney cook. They ate and fed the babies. JD took a shower. They spent most of the day playing card games and watching movies.

  Later, JD and Bobby had stepped out for a moment. Britney walked back into the room. Gloria was walking back from the kitchenette as Britney said, “Today has been wonderful.”

  Gloria took her by the hands. She shifted her eyes towards the door. “The things we do make it seem as if I am having an affair. I don’t invite Bobby to join us for several reasons, because I don’t look at what we have as a casual thing.” Britney looked at her as she paused for a moment. Gloria continued, “I have kept my feelings in check, not allowing us to get too close. Do I need to stop completely?”

  Britney squeezed her hand slightly as she shook her head, saying softly, “No, Gloria, I haven’t told JD about us yet. But I will. I want you to know something about last night. As you have noticed, JD is quiet most of the time. I asked why he didn’t kiss me when he gave me the answer. I said, mind if I tell you what I think about that. He said yes. I kissed him. He said I was a good thinker.”

  Gloria smiled slightly. “That you are.”

  Britney smiled. “This is how it started I told him I like being with you, and if you want to kiss me when you bring me back to my room, feel more than free to. He said, ‘I might just take you up on that.’ I said, ‘Prove it.’ He kissed me and stood. We kissed from the table all the way to the bedroom. I bet it wasn’t five minutes from our first kiss until I was naked with him rocking the hell out of my body and world.”

  Gloria grinned. “You may need to give me all the details in this. Sounds hot.”

  Britney kissed her softly. “Maybe later, but I wanted to tell you that because JD isn’t one to say very much. We will need to be very cautious. He won’t be like Bobby; walk in, say wow, can I take pics or mind if I join in. He is going to think, hell, didn’t want me in the middle of that shit, you shouldn’t have done it.”

  Gloria smiled, it reaching to her eyes. “That might be fun as hell.”

  Britney grinned slightly. “Maybe.” Her look changed, and she touched Gloria’s face. “I love you, in so many ways. We need to make sure that there is no chance he will walk in on us.”

  That night after they had made love, Britney lay with her body next to JD’s, her head on his shoulder. She started playing with the hairs on his chest. “Jake.”

  He could tell by the tone in her voice she was about to talk about something she felt was serious or a concern. “I hope you’re not disappointed.”

  She slapped his chest softly. “Don’t be silly. My God, you made me tear holes in the sheets.” She started playing with the hairs on his chest again. “I want to say this first, so you don’t get any ideas that I’m disappointed in you. I’ve been seeing someone since before we started dating. It’s a casual thing, but I love her and don’t want to give her up.”

  He leaned up and gave her a curious look. “Do what?” Shock was dominant in his voice.

  “I have a girlfriend, and she has a husband and is in love with him. We sorta play around and have fun. He knows and doesn’t care. She doesn’t invite me to her bedroom with him.”

  JD nodded. “I guess that statement Gloria made today was completely true, then.”

  Britney smiled. “Something to think about maybe.” She leaned up and kissed him. “I won’t be with another man because I’m with you. I won’t be with another woman because we are together in a sense. What I need to know from you is can I continue to see her in the way we do. Or do I need to tell her best friends is all we can be from now on. I tell you this because I want honesty between us. I don’t want you to think I’m doing things behind your back.”

  There were several moments of silence. Britney knew he was thinking of what was said and gave him all the time he wanted. “As long as it doesn’t cause problems between us, I don’t care. You were honest, and I can respect that and your feelings. I’d rather not see the more intimate things between the two of you. Not that it wouldn’t be fun to watch…”
r />   Britney smiled. “I know, Jake. Gloria and I talked about that. You up for round two?” And she placed her hand on his cock.

  The next few weeks, they placed within the top ten. Britney went home and competed in competitions close to her home. That summer, she lay out a lot, she and Gloria. She worked some at the ball dance hall in Tupelo. Gloria worked in the studio in General.

  It was early one Saturday morning and Britney was lying in the bed. JD walked in and jumped on the bed beside her. The bed shook, and she grabbed him and held him. He laughed, and she hit him. “I hate it when you do that, JD.”

  He smiled. “No you don’t.” She smiled and kissed him. “Yes I do.”

  “The rug rat is up, got breakfast made. I have something in mind. Get up, get dressed, and we going to eat and take a little trip,” he said with an amused voice.

  She gave him a strange look and said hesitantly, “O-k-a-y, I will be just a minute. Formal or normal?”

  He shrugged slightly. “Jeans shirt. Maybe some of them shorts you like to wear. I like looking at your butt. But it really doesn’t matter; just whatever you want.”

  He got up and walked out the room. She got up, got dressed, and walked into the kitchen. She smiled as she saw the table. He had a rose next to her plate. She sat down, and he gave her a cup of coffee. They ate, and he said, “Pack her bag and get things ready.”


  JD walked out of the house. She packed the diaper bag and he walked in. “No need for this thing.” He pulled Delana out of the car seat.

  Britney in a confused tone, “I thought you said we was taking a trip?”

  “We are; let’s go.” She looked at him and he was walking towards the back door. They walked out, and JD had a horse saddled. He turned and handed her the baby. He took the diaper bag and tied it to a strap. She saw a large cooler and blanket tied to another strap that was fastened to the horse. JD picked her up, setting them on the horse, then jumped up on the horse behind her. He put his arms around them, grabbed the reins, and they started riding.

  She leaned back against him. “Feeling adventurous today, are we, baby?”

  He smiled. “Today is a very special day to me. So I thought we would do something special and different.”

  “I didn’t think you had any special days,” Britney said curiously.

  “Don’t tell nobody. They might to get to thinking I am human after all.” They rode for several hours and came to a place. JD got down and tied the horse after helping Britney and the baby down. He pointed. “Take her over there. I will get the stuff out.” She walked over and stood where he pointed. A few minutes later, he came over with the blanket and laid it down on the ground. He set up the small area.

  “Picnic. Never would have guessed this one. I haven’t been here in a while. Bobby brought me here couple years ago. I see the flowers still bloom in the field. We visited his grandparents grave and his Uncle Donny’s,” Britney said. JD didn’t say anything. She continued. “You said today was a special day to you. I thought maybe you killed someone you really didn’t like. We were coming to the grave to say, see what you could have had. But now I see that wasn’t it after all.”

  JD laughed and said, “I am gonna have to start taking notes. Damn, you can be cold when you want to be.”

  She kissed him. “You just remember that, JD. Especially when you think you going to leave me.”

  “I done figured out before I tell you I am going to leave ya, shoot you first.” He paused for a moment. “Today is Momma’s birthday. Also, her and Pop’s wedding anniversary. Bobby’s uncle was named Gerald Donald; we first started calling him Jer. But he said it made him sound like a gerbil, so we called him GD. But Mom would have no part of that. So we called him Donny. That was why I named my son Donny.”

  Britney smiled. “This is the place where they met. A year later, they got married. Every year, they would bring their children here and have a picnic.”

  “Gina has come here with her family, all four husbands,” JD said. “Daniel came here with Rebecca several years after him and her got hitched. I have never been with a woman on this day. Mom and Dad were together for over sixty years. Hell, they were in their forties before they had Daniel, Gina,” he paused for a minute, “then me. Just ten months between each of us.”

  Britney sat down on the blanket. She knew he left the next to the youngest brother out. None of them talked about him. Everyone that knew him often compared Bobby to him. JD walked over, got the cooler, came back with it, took out the food, they ate, and he played with the baby until she was sleepy, and he laid her down for her nap.

  He lay down and was looking up at the leaves on the trees. Britney stood, got undressed, and walked over to the lake. He rolled over on his side and watched her. As she was walking towards the lake, he thought, “Damn, she has got an ass on her. I wonder how she keeps her tan so even all over her body. She can be a country boy’s dream and nightmare all at the same time. I don’t have a clue to how I got so damn lucky.” Britney walked out in the water and went under. She came back up, facing the shore, and threw her head back. Water came from her hair. She moved her hair back from her forehead, pushing the water away. JD thought, “Damn, she knows how to turn a man on just by being herself. I don’t think I have ever seen a more beautiful woman in my life.” She walked over and lay down beside him. As she started unbuttoning his shirt, she kissed him. She laid her head on his shoulder, started playing with the hair on his chest, and said, “You look lost in thought. Got something on your mind?”

  “Actually, I do. Several things in fact.”

  “I may regret it, but what is it?” Britney asked.

  Chapter 11

  The Prayer

  “We all know what Dad said the three things that will get you killed faster than anything. I must admit he told the truth about all three.” JD said with a smile. “Mom would always slap him when he said it. Gina would always turn red. One night she didn’t hit him. He ducked expecting to be hit. Now most of this Daniel and Gina don’t know. I have never told anyone. Daddy said I took after his grandfather.”

  Britney stopped playing with his chest and looked at his face as he said, “They say that man was so mean, the birds didn’t fly over his land. Momma said when he was on his death bed, they called for the family. Daddy went and stood with the door barely cracked and shouted, ‘Well, you son of a bitch, you never beat me again.’ Then he ran as fast as he could out the door and didn’t stop running until he couldn’t run no more.”His tone changed, and she heard a sound from him that she had never heard before. “One-night, Daddy was talking, and he ducked like I said. But Momma got all our attention when she just spoke. I was reminded about that night a few days before I came to see you and Bobby. Gina called me, Diana had called me, Rebecca had even called me.

  “But when Gina called me, that was when I remembered. Gina, Big Momma, as you call her, got herself a good ole boy. They ain’t got a lot of money. Hell, half the time, they live paycheck to paycheck. Gina is the world’s best about running a man off. I was over at the house one day. Gina was giving that man hell, I mean she was chewing his ass up one side and down the other. Finally, I got tired of it and told her, ‘Woman, shut your damn mouth. That man ain’t done shit. You were the one fucking with that printer, not him.’ She just looked at me and shut up went on about her business.

  “They got a kid that looks just like her daddy. He said she acts a lot like him too. I say thank god to that, her momma, god, she can be a bitch. But that kid is weird, god. She would make a dead man get up and carry his casket away. Never shuts up and goes a thousand miles a minute. But she has the prettiest blue eyes I ever seen. Got a heart of gold like her daddy. We were outside working on his car. He doesn’t know a spark plug from the tail pipe.

  “I said to him, ‘Man, why don’t you leave that bitch. Nobody in the family would blame you. If you are thinking I
am gonna kill ya if you do, don’t worry. I been thinking about killing you anyway just to put you out of your misery.’

  “He laughed and said, ‘Some days, I wish you would.’ I said, ‘Well, hell, slap the shit out of her, maybe she would respect you more.’ He said, ‘Takes restraint sometimes not to do that very thing.’ I said, ‘Why you stay?’ He told me, ‘Yeah, we have a lot of bad days. But we have good ones too. I know to you all this seems odd. I know you have wondered why in hell don’t you just shoot her? I have thought about it once or twice.

  “‘But the truth is, I love her. As crazy as it may sound out of all the hell she done put me through, I have put her through some too. I am not innocent. She is just better at it than me. But she completes my life. I love her. I couldn’t even imagine my life without her. She has a few pounds on her. But that is just more for me to love. I know she isn’t a beauty queen, but she is beautiful in my eyes. She may one day push me too far and I walk out. But let me tell you, I will never love anyone more than her. No one has made me feel more alive than that crazy sister of yours. If that day was to come, you can shoot me, JD, because I don’t think anyone will complete me the way she does.”

  She smiled big at him, wanting to say something. But she was afraid if she did, he would stop talking. She loved listening to him speak, something he didn’t do that often. So she remained silent as he said, “‘So now I that you think I am crazy, should I go give her a goodbye kiss and tell her I love her?’ I smiled at him and said, ‘I orta because you are out of your damn mind. But I guess the world needs some crazy.’ Then he said to me, ‘I hope you get so lucky to have feelings like that, JD. Someone that completes you the way Gina does me.’”

  “I said, ‘If she treats me the way Gina treats you, if my friends don’t kill her or me, I hope you do it for ‘em.’ He just laughed and said, ‘And take away the greatest thing in your life? No way. We can compare misery together.’ I laughed and said, ‘Hell, I’m liable shoot both of us for being crazy. I like that man.’


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