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Love and Beyond Part 3

Page 15

by Nathan Colston

  “But anyway, I thought about that last night and what Momma said one night.” Britney leaned up slightly, looking at his face. “Poppa said pussy would get a man killed faster than anything.” Britney shook her head as he said, “Momma said, ‘I wish you would tell the truth just once. Pussy will not get a man killed faster than anything. Down the road, there are five sisters that would give most of the county all the pussy they wanted. Do you think anyone would kill somebody because of their meow?

  “‘Love is what will get a man killed faster than anything. Not pussy. The meow just so happens to be attached to what they love. Men try and think with their little head to much. But if you ask me, neither head has a lick of sense when it comes to women. But you see, even those tramps down the road want love.

  “‘Love is what makes the world go around. Most people are too blind to see when they have love.’ Then she looked at me and said, ‘You will find someone to love you, JD, and you will love her, son, I know you will. You may be just like your grandpa, but someone loved him. Or that thang sitting at the end of the table wouldn’t be here. Plenty of women out there that likes mean, rough and rowdy boys. Some change because of love others well they don’t. When you find love. You going to know it, son.’”

  He stopped for a moment, a look on his face that Britney couldn’t explain. He said, “Then she said something we all have thought of several times over the years. She said ‘JD, one of these days, your family is really, really going to need you, son. You’re going to hear a strange story. When you hear that story on that day, you are going to see just how much your family does love you. And they are going to see just how much they truly do need you, son.

  “‘ They are going to place their hearts and trust in your hands, son. You going to meet someone very special, JD. Very special.’ She paused as if her mind was in a distant place. I could feel the eyes of everyone shifting between Momma and me. I didn’t take my eyes off Momma. Her words frightened me. I was only becoming the man I am now. If she was saying that it must really be bad. She said, ‘That is all I am gonna say for right now. I love you, son. You stay close to your brother now, you hear.’ Dad just looked at her and didn’t say nothing. Momma was worried. Momma was a good woman. A Christian woman. She raised us kids the best she could.

  “When Momma sat down and started talking soft, the whole family listened. I had done killed several people. Thought myself to be cold then. Momma knew it. I went to Momma that night. Her and Poppa slept in separate beds. A soft bed hurt Poppa’s back. A hard bed hurt Momma’s back. So they slept apart many years. They would come together to make love or talk in the same bed. But most nights, they slept alone. What she said worried me.”

  Britney leaned up slightly more, looking at him more intently, hanging on his every word.

  He said, “I went to her room and said, ‘Momma, I have never questioned you before. But I got to know why you think the family is going to need me? What’s this crazy story you are talking about?’ She said to me ‘I don’t know, JD, I can’t figure it out. I had a strange dream. A real strange dream, son.’ The look of fear on Momma’s face has haunted me many times over the years. She said ‘I know it ain’t going to be in my lifetime. You going to hear a horrible tale about your family.

  “‘And at same time, you going to hear something about love. I don’t know if you going to be able to pick love or horror. I just don’t understand it. But, son, your family is going to need you. Some things, JD, are just beyond my knowledge. I been praying to the good lord to give me understanding. But I know you are going to be with a very beautiful woman. JD, when some women give a man their body, they give him more than just pussy son. I hate that word. I hope that you are smart enough to know that. There is hope for you yet son. Poor Cindy, she still has nightmares about the way you asked her out.’ I said, ‘The gun wasn’t loaded, Momma.’ She laughed slightly like you do when you don’t believe I said what I said. She said, ‘I know, son, I know.’ Then her voice got very serious again, and she said ‘JD, you mind your manners now. When your family needs you, I want you to mind your manners. I know you going to be cold and mean. But you can be cold and mean and polite at the same time. You hear me, JD. You better make sure your brother stays that way.” I said ‘I will, Momma. I promise.’ She said, ‘You get on outta here now. Time for bed. Don’t you go sneaking out tonight, you hear me, boy?’ Momma was nearly in tears she didn’t understand what she had dreamed. She was frightened. I said, ‘I won’t, Momma.’ I walked out the room and shut the door behind me. I stood there for a moment. I knew there was a lot Momma wasn’t telling me. I turned to walk back in to ask more questions. I had just barely cracked the door. What I heard sent chills down my back. Momma was on her knees beside her bed, resting her arms on the bed.”

  His voice saddened. “I won’t ever forget hearing my Momma beg God. She was crying, and she said ‘Oh Lord, help my boy, JD, Lord, please, God, help him. Lord, they say he is a mean man, a cold man, a killer. But so was Saul. You used him, Lord. There are plenty men in the Bible that killed. That you used for your namesake. You sent them to do your bidding and they killed .

  “‘I am not questioning your word, Lord. I don’t understand many things about the Bible. But some day, you will tell, and I will understand all, Lord. They fought wars for you. My family needs him. They need the man he is, they need him, Lord. Please, my God, please, my God. Help him, Lord, watch over him, so he can watch over us.

  “‘Them babies are going to need him. They good babies, Lord, they can be a fine addition to our family and serve wholeheartedly like I have. Please my God please let this be in your will. I don’t know what to do. I can’t understand give wisdom. They will grow to be good babies and they will show your glory in many ways, Lord. I seen it. Lord, help them. Help them. I know my boy ain’t going to do anything to show your glory. But no one knows the future like you. In generations to come, Lord, the things he does can be for your glory.

  “If you just use him, Lord. He is a good man on the inside. You know it too, Lord. We both know his heart, Lord. He just needs guidance, Lord; she will guide him, Lord, please my God, show mercy to my family, please my God. I can’t handle this, so it’s in your hands now with all my love and faith. I just hope it strong enough my God. Amen.” She stood up and her face was at peace, but tears rolled down the side of her face. She looked at the door and said, “God I place them in your hands I hope that you place them in his hands, Lord.

  “‘They will be safe if you do that, Lord. He will be a good man, Lord, I know it. He has his momma in him to, Lord. He is my boy and I am so proud you gave him to me, Lord. She will love him, I know she will. She will change him. I know she will , Lord. Help him to choose, Lord, help him. I would still be on my knees but my back. You know, Lord, I have served you with all my heart the very best I can. Help them to turn this family around, Lord.

  “‘Maybe they will have the others to look up to you like we once did. These dreams frighten me, Lord. But I know he will walk that valley of the shadow of death without fear, Lord. He will walk out the other side. They will turn to you, Lord. Like many has done in times of fear and pain. Sometimes we must be brought to our knees to see who it is that gives us strength to stand, my God.”

  He looked into Britney’s eyes and said, “As she prayed herself to sleep, I swore I saw a glow coming from her body. I said a prayer that night. ‘If ever my family needs me, God, let me there for them. For her, Lord.’ I shut the door and I had tears in my eyes. I never told anyone the prayers that night. I still don’t know what it was that made my momma so frightened. But I will say this. She didn’t lie that night. You have changed me. You and that boy. When Diana called me, then Daniel, then Rebecca, I knew Momma’s prayer and dream was coming true. Momma was right; the family did need me.”

  He looked back up. “Her and Bobby share the same gift of dreams. I didn’t think I would have a woman like you.” He touched her hand and
turned her ring on her finger and said, “Bobby told me a few days ago that just before he met Gloria. He had dream about meeting the love of his life. That you would find the love of your life as well. The two of you would find them by dancing. He told you the dream and the next week the two of you went to a school dance. I know he was the better man. If I could save you that pain, let him be the one that holds you. Let that baby call him Daddy. I would, Britney. I am not saying you loved him more. I am not saying he could love you more than me.

  “I know he was the better man for you. I find myself hoping I can be half the father he would have been.”

  Britney shook her head. “No, JD, I don’t love him more than you. The two of you are different people. In some ways, he was the better man, but in many ways, you are the better man. You were the first man I have ever been with. Not the first person, but the first man.”

  “If you have never been with a man, then how did you get pregnant? I know damn well a woman didn’t get you pregnant.”

  She kissed him. “At the hospital, Gloria had some sperm taken. I had a doctor inject it in me. I don’t want to change subjects. Stanley said he wanted to make sure that someday I would be with the man I wanted to be with and he would be the first. If what happened hadn’t happened, my life would have been different.

  “I would be with him. But things happened the way they did. I am happy to be with you. I can’t change what could have been with what is. But this I know, JD. I hate that things happened the way they did. But so glad he did what he did, when it comes to me, because I don’t ever want to be with another man.

  “If tomorrow was to come, he was alive, and I knew everything I know now, I would have one hell of a choice to make. I love you. He wouldn’t be the better in everything. JD, Delana would want to call you Daddy just like she would him. She would have the best of both worlds. JD, don’t ever say that again. I love you very much and I am very happy with you. I do regret what happened to him. But when it comes to you JD, I don’t have no regrets at all.

  “Every relationship is different. Each has its good and its bad. When it comes to lovers in my life, I have had two, and they both are the finest men I have ever met. Very different people.” She rolled over on top of him. “But in no way could any man love me more or better than them. I do not think it is possible for me to love anyone more than I love you.” She kissed him and he placed his hands on her butt and looked into her blue eyes. He kissed her nose. He didn’t have to say a word; the way he was looking at her said it all. Many thoughts came to her mind as she looked at him.

  After they made love and the baby woke up, JD said, “Start packing things up.” He grabbed his pants, put them on, then his shoes. As he started walking away, her heart broke as she saw his hand go up to his eyes. Most of the Colemans were a dangerous and rowdy bunch. But they did have family values and took care of their own. It was said that Donny died in a fight because he needed money. He had gotten a girl pregnant. JD was sixteen at the time. He killed seventeen people that night avenging the death of his brother. It was said that Daniel beat the man to death that talked Donny into fighting.

  JD stood looking at the graves. He thought about the tears his momma cried as she prayed and wiped the tears away. He laughed slightly and said, “You the only woman that can make me cry, Momma.” He let out a sigh and thought, ‘You were right, Momma, she did change me. I held my tongue and temper. Those people that wanted to hurt your babies have talked to your god. Love you Momma, Pops.’ Looking at the third grave that was older than his parents. “If I make it to where you are in the afterlife, I am going to kick your ass. They never were the same after you died. It’s funny my boy Donny looks a lot like you. But Dan’s boy Bobby acts just like you; he even has the same medical condition you had.” He went silent and stood for a moment then walked away.

  Chapter 12


  That evening, Britney walked into the office, opened the safe, pulled out a heart-shaped wooden jewelry box, and pulled the engagement ring off. She looked up. “This will be her sixteenth birthday present from her father. An heirloom that she can pass to her daughter. I can say I miss you and I love you. I found happiness and love.” She kissed the ring. “I will never forget you, Stanley.” She placed the engagement ring next to the wedding band, closed the lid, and kissed the box as she started to place it back in the safe. She walked out of the room. A feeling that had been holding on went away as she got in the bed with JD. She kissed him. “JD, I want to tell you something. I took Bobby to the dance after he told me the dream to prove that he was full of crap. We were horrible at dancing.”

  She held her hand up. “I was wrong about not finding love on the dance floor. I have been holding on to something that I will never have again. This finger feels naked now. But I am ready to move forward with my life if someone wants to move forward with me. I wouldn’t complain. Just so you know, your family still does need you. But needing you can come in many ways, JD, not just the blood and guts part.” She kissed him again and he held her tight.

  The next morning, he went to store and bought her an engagement ring and placed it on her finger. The following weekend, they went to the justice of the peace and got married. They went to Jamaica for their honeymoon.

  William Chandler sat in a building that didn’t have any power on at a table with a battery-operated lantern. Sam Bluefield sat across from him. William was surprised to see him in as good of shape as he was in for his age. Sam had grey hair and his face resembled someone in their forties, twenty years younger than what Sam was. He was tall and slim and in great physical shape. “I know you didn’t do all of this so you could see my dick, so let’s get to the point. I’ve got a class in an hour,” Sam said.

  William nodded and told Sam everything Gloria had told him from the time she was high on drugs, then told him what he discovered as he searched for her, ending it with the dream he had. Sam sat in silence, taking mental notes of everything that was said. After several moments of silence, Sam said, “You say she is getting worse?”

  William nodded. “I have her place wired and hear nearly everything they say. I’m not stalking her or mean to use anything against her. I want to help her, Sam.”

  “As long as she doesn’t know, you will be okay. After everything you said, I can’t say I blame you in the least,” Sam said and let out an exasperated breath. “You do know everything you said could be explained by her losing her fucking mind.” He leaned back and crossed his arms across his chest.

  William nodded. “Yes, that thought has crossed my mind.”

  Sam leaned forward, placing his arms on the table. “But being the things you said goes along with the events that she said to you, for the moment, I’m going to entertain the thought that something could possibly be going on. The dreams inside a dream is stretching things a bit far. I can’t say I would rule it out completely, though.” He washed his hand across his face. “If that was the case, then the faction would be on alert. Because all the heavy hitters, so to speak, would be present. A very powerful presentation would be needed to carry the magic over into the next eternity. You could just bet Dunkar would be causing quite a stir within the faction for sure. The twins would also be released. Does anyone close to them have a twin?”

  William shook his head. “Not that I know of. I have done a background check on each of them. Nothing exhaustive. I didn’t have a reason to dig any deeper into it.”

  “I am going to say a couple realms are close by this one. What she is feeling is a connection to them based off of her connection to Stanley. That is what is more likely and practical. We break the connection and she should return back to the same woman she was before all of this happened. But I can’t waltz back into her life without a reason.”

  “I’ve got that covered,” William stated. “She contacted me a while back asking if I knew someone that could help her train her students. Bobby, Nicole, Britney, and
Ivan. I didn’t give her your name because I was still gathering the information I just gave you. I will give her the information on how to contact you later today.” Sam nodded and didn’t say anything.

  Elizabeth opened the door and smiled at her nephew. “Come in, Cody. I’m so glad you could see me on such short notice.”

  Cody walked in. “No problem. You said it was urgent and for me not to tell anyone you called or that we met. I did as you instructed and left my cellphone in the hotel. That’s the reason I showed up unannounced.”

  Elizabeth closed the door behind him. “That’s quite all right, Cody. I’ve been expecting you, so I have everything set up in the dining room at the table.”

  “Aunt Elizabeth, why did you want me to leave my cellphone in the hotel?” Cody asked with a curious tone.

  “Most people live under the assumption that things can be made private. But with the technology of today, very few things are actually private. Government agencies can access most any electronical device. Phone, laptop, desktop, smart TVs. The people just don’t know it. They say it is for public safety, but something else people don’t realize is they very seldom do it for the safety of the public. More often, it is for personal and security that the public doesn’t know the actual truth behind government dealings. Other organizations hack the government the same way. Without the devices, our conversation will actually be secure and private.” She pointed at a seat. “Please sit down,” she said as she sat across from him. Cody noticed the voice recorders sitting on the table. She said as she lifted one up and pressed record, “Private archive with me is my nephew Cody Dewayne Thomas. This will be his first entry within the archives.”

  She sat the recorder down as Cody narrowed his eyes at her. “What’s going on?”


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