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Dandies, Inc

Page 5

by G. R. Lyons

  Dirk tossed the lube to Jayden and dug into a box for a condom. By the time his fumbling fingers managed to grab one, he turned to find Jayden lying on his front, two lube-slick fingers already stretching his own hole.

  “Fuck,” Dirk gasped. He ripped open the wrapper and rolled the condom on, snatching up the lube bottle and slicking himself. He climbed onto the bed, straddling Jayden's legs. “Let me know when you're ready.”

  “Fuck it.” Jayden pulled his fingers out. “I'm ready. Do it.”

  Dirk almost asked if Jayden was sure but he was too desperate, and Jayden looked just as needy. He threw himself on top of Jayden, flattening him into the mattress, and wriggled a hand down between them, grabbing his cock and dragging the head between Jayden's cheeks until he found Jayden's hole. Lining up, he pushed all the way inside in one long, slow thrust.

  Jayden moaned. “Yes. Dirk. Gods. Fuck me. Need it. Fuck me. Dirk…”

  Dirk had just enough presence of mind to draw back slowly and give one more easy thrust, making sure Jayden was really ready, then he lost all control, resuming the frantic pace from the shower, slamming into Jayden in short, rapid jabs, hips slapping against Jayden's ass so fast, the sound almost matched his frantic heartbeat.

  Jayden squeezed his eyes shut. “Oh gods. Don't stop,” he gasped.

  Dirk grabbed Jayden's shoulders, trying to give himself more leverage, sucking in ragged breaths while he kept up the brutal pace.

  But no matter how good it felt, he still couldn't reach the edge.

  “Fuck!” Dirk snapped, slowing his thrusts until he came to a stop, his cock buried deep inside of Jayden while he tried to catch his breath.

  He felt Jayden relax slightly beneath him, but not in a good way. “You, too?” Jayden asked.

  Dirk rested his forehead against Jayden's temple and nodded.

  They lay there in silence for a long moment, both of them still hard and needy. Maybe it was a lost cause, though. They were both wound up and confused over what had happened. Maybe even angry? Jealous? Dirk had no idea, too many thoughts and feelings tumbling inside him. He slowly pushed up onto his forearms, getting ready to pull out so they could just go to bed. Maybe they could start over fresh tomorrow after a night of sleep.

  But before he could reach down to hold the condom in place, he paused at the sight of Jayden chewing on his lip.


  Jayden's glance flicked back over his shoulder at him, then focused somewhere across the room. “It was so hot watching him kiss you,” he said in a tone that indicated he was admitting something he wasn't sure he should.

  Dirk's cock twitched. “Yeah?” When Jayden nodded shyly, Dirk cursed. “It was hot watching him kiss you, too.”

  Jayden looked back at him again. “It was?”

  Dirk nodded. “I feel like I should be jealous–”

  “Right? Me, too, but–”

  “But I didn't want it to stop,” Dirk admitted, and he saw Jayden nod in agreement.

  “Me neither,” Jayden gasped. “Gods, his voice.” He moaned. “I swear, I would have done anything he wanted–”

  “I never knew he had that in him,” Dirk admitted, then gasped as a bolt of pleasure shot through him. He looked down, watching his hips slowly roll. He hadn't even realized he'd started moving again.

  Jayden hissed and tilted his hips up to meet Dirk's slow thrusts. “Can you imagine if he were here right now?”

  Dirk moaned a curse. “Telling us what to do?” he suggested, his thrusts slowly picking up speed.

  “Fuck. Dirk…”

  “I want to watch him fuck you,” Dirk admitted.

  Jayden gasped, his eyes flashing with heat. “You'd let him fuck me?”

  “You'd want that?”

  Jayden moaned. “Oh gods…”

  Dirk trapped Jayden beneath him again, hips snapping as he murmured right in Jayden's ear, “Maybe he could fuck you while you suck on my cock–”

  Jayden cried out, jerking and bucking beneath him, his hole clamping down around Dirk's length. It finally pushed Dirk over the edge, and he barked out a curse as he slammed fully into Jayden one last time, holding himself as deep inside that amazing ass as he could get as he shot into the condom for what felt like hours.

  Dirk collapsed on top of Jayden, lying there for a few seconds before he managed to push himself up on shaky arms, hold the condom in place, and gently pull out. He stripped off the condom, tied it, and tossed it over the side of the bed as he flopped over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling while he tried to make sense of what just happened.

  Jayden slowly turned over beside him, mimicking his posture and reaching up to run his hands back through his hair.

  A heavy silence fell over the room as they caught their breaths, until Jayden murmured, “He's what we've been missing, isn't he?”

  Dirk felt himself blush as a hint of guilt started to settle in his stomach, but then he looked over at Jayden and saw nothing but earnestness and need in the young man's eyes.

  “Yeah,” Dirk admitted, his voice coming out ragged. “Yeah, I think he is.”

  Chapter 6

  SPENCER STEPPED off the elevator and paused in the silent and empty hallway, closing his eyes and taking a deep, bracing breath. He puffed up his cheeks and exhaled heavily, then opened his eyes, drew himself up, and made what might be the final walk to the desk that felt like home.

  Rey had pestered him all day yesterday, asking why he was so unsettled. Spencer had told him it was a work problem that he was trying to figure out, which wasn't entirely untrue. He just didn't have the heart to tell his brother that he was probably going to be coming home early today. Way early. Unemployed. Once Dirk came to his senses, there was no way he was going to let Spencer continue to work there, and even if he did, it would be too awkward, which meant Spencer was going to have to follow through on resigning.

  Spencer cringed. Why in all seven hells did he have to step in and stop that argument like he had? Couples fought all the time. And it wasn't any of his business. Still, it was like he hadn't been able to stop himself, knowing exactly what those two men had needed. And it had worked.

  A little too well.

  Shoving aside the memory of that incredible, heated moment, Spencer continued down the hall.

  He found the door to Dirk's office standing open as he approached. Spencer paused. He normally made sure that door was shut when he left each night. But the other night hadn't exactly been normal. It was one of the very few times he'd actually gone home before his boss. Dirk or Jayden must have left it open.

  Spencer shook off the unease and continued toward his desk, then came up short when he spotted Dirk already in his office, pacing the floor and checking his watch every few seconds.

  Dirk spotted him and jerked to a stop.

  Spencer froze. “Mr. Cameron.” He checked his own watch. “Am I late? I thought I left on time, but–”

  “No,” Dirk murmured, sounding far less upset than Spencer had expected. He took a few steps closer. “I got here early. I wanted to make sure we had time to talk before things got crazy.”

  Spencer swallowed hard as his heartbeat picked up speed. Did that mean he wasn't fired? Or maybe Dirk was just going to give him notice. Clutching his bag tightly in one hand, Spencer reached into the outside pocket with the other and drew out his letter of resignation, wanting it ready just in case. “Mr. Cameron–”

  Dirk held up a hand. “If I crossed a line the other day–”

  Spencer blinked. “What?”

  Dirk took another step closer. “Though I'm really hoping I didn't,” he said, his eyes earnest as he held Spencer's gaze. He took another step, then glanced down at Spencer's hands. “What's that?”

  Spencer hesitated, then held out the folded sheet of paper. “My letter of resignation. In case–”

  Dirk's eyes went wide, and he snatched the letter out of Spencer's hand, flipping it open and quickly scanning the lines. When he got to the bottom, he slowly looked
up, his expression barely masking a look of hurt. Or maybe Spencer was imagining it.

  Father's love, he hoped he was imagining it.

  “Do you want to leave?” Dirk asked.

  “No,” Spencer gasped. “Gods, no. But–”

  Dirk sighed. “Thank gods.” He turned the letter on its side and tore it in half.

  Spencer stared, watching the two halves get crumpled in Dirk's fists before Dirk tossed the wad of paper into the trash can. He looked back up at Dirk, holding utterly still. “Are you sure?”

  Dirk smiled softly, though his brow was still furrowed with concern as he took another tiny step toward him, leaving only a few inches between them. “I need you here,” he murmured. Gently prying Spencer's bag out of his hands, he set it aside, then took Spencer's hands in his. “And I need you,” he added, giving Spencer's hands a squeeze.

  Spencer's pulse thudded in his ears. There was no way he was hearing all that correctly. “But–”

  “We talked about it,” Dirk interrupted him. “Jay and I. We've known right from the start that something was missing from our relationship.” He paused. “And you're it.”

  Spencer slowly shook his head, staring down at their joined hands. Father's love. Just the fact that Dirk was touching him—even in such a small, simple way—made his entire body thrum with desire. “But I can't–”

  Dirk tensed, his gaze turning cautious. “Can't?”

  Spencer swallowed hard. “What if it ruins this?” he asked, nodding at the office. “Or what you and Jayden have? What if–”

  “Do you have any idea,” Dirk murmured, inching forward until the toes of their shoes bumped together, “how long I've wanted you?”

  Spencer's eyes went wide. “What?” he gasped.

  Dirk gave a slow, uncertain nod. “But I was always so sure you were straight…or at least uninterested.” He paused. “But then that kiss…”

  Spencer couldn't stop the little whimper that escaped him as he swayed toward Dirk. “Gods, I wanted you, too,” he blurted out.

  Dirk frowned, his eyes looking hurt and confused. “Then why didn't you ever say anything?”

  Spencer looked down, tightening his grasp on Dirk's hands. “I had a bad experience with interoffice dating before.” Which was putting it lightly. He looked back up and gave a shrug. “And I didn't want to ruin what we had. I love my job. I love being part of this place. And even if you did want me—which I didn't think you would—I didn't want to ruin this or make things complicated.”

  Dirk slowly released his hands and took a step back. “So we can't have both?” He turned away, a thoughtful look on his face as he slowly paced his office.

  Spencer stepped farther into the room, watching him. Gods, the man was beautiful. Powerful, confident, and dominant, which wasn't the type of guy Spencer normally went for, but he never could seem to shake this attraction no matter how hard he tried.

  “Did I ever tell you why I wanted this job?” Spencer asked.

  Dirk paused, then turned to sit on the edge of his desk, stretching his legs out in front of him. “No,” he said, almost sounding surprised.

  Spencer took a step toward him, then stopped and put his hands in his pockets. “My little brother is in a wheelchair,” he began. When Dirk's eyebrows went up, Spencer decided to back up and explain: “He got addicted to stimulants when he was a teenager. Eight years ago, our parents were driving him to rehab—again—when they lost control of the car. Rey wasn't wearing his restraint, so he got ejected before the car went over a cliff.” Spencer paused. “Our parents were killed instantly, or so we were told–”

  “I'm so sorry,” Dirk murmured.

  Spencer gave him a fleeting smile of thanks, then went on: “Rey got paralyzed from the waist down. They tried a surgery that's been around for a hundred years—something to do with injecting nanorobots to perform targeted repairs to damaged tissue—but it didn't take, so Rey's confined to the chair for the rest of his life.” Spencer paused again, shifting his stance. “Even once the grief passed, Rey was heavily depressed. He felt useless, unattractive, unwanted. His girlfriend left him. He couldn't get a job. He's actually done very well at staying away from the drugs, though that was mostly because he felt responsible for our parents' deaths.”

  Dirk grimaced and gave a nod of understanding.

  “But then,” Spencer continued, brightening at the memory, “one day, I saw a smile on his face for the first time since the accident. A real smile. The one I remembered from our childhood. One that was really Rey. He was flipping through this new magazine he'd found, all excited, babbling about the pictures.” Spencer paused. “The very first issue of your magazine.”

  Dirk's eyes widened, and a look of dawning realization swept over his face. “Spring of '12, with Joe Gibson on the cover.”

  Spencer smiled. “Yeah. His pictures and his interview gave Rey hope again.” He chuckled. “Rey kept saying, 'Look! I can look like this! I can do something like this!' He said he didn't think it was possible for him to be remotely attractive again until he saw a man wearing a suit and sitting in a wheelchair on the cover of your magazine.” Spencer paused again, his smile twisting into a grimace. “He's never actually followed through, to be honest, but I see him pull out that issue every once in a while and talk about all the things he's going to do.” Spencer cleared his throat and straightened up, not wanting to dwell on the bad things. “But seeing him light up that way—seeing the fact that a fashion magazine so blatantly and openly portrayed something other than a typical fashion model—I had to know more. And when I saw your other issues—the bald men, the husky men, the amputee, the guy with tattoos, all of them looking dapper and powerful and proud—I had to be part of it. So when I saw the job opening, I studied everything I could about you and your magazine. I was determined to get this job.”

  A tiny smile showed on Dirk's face, his eyes softening as he held Spencer's gaze. “I'm so glad you did.”

  Spencer blushed.

  Dirk pushed off the desk and slowly approached him. “I want this,” he murmured. “Jay and I both want this.” He started to reach out, but Spencer shot out a hand, stopping him, and even took a step back.

  “Mr. Cameron–”

  Dirk smirked at him. “I think you can call me Dirk now that you've had your tongue in my mouth.”

  Spencer's blush heated exponentially. He looked away, coughed, tried so hard not to think about how amazing that kiss was, then rapidly shook his head and looked up at Dirk again. “This isn't a good idea.”

  Dirk had started to take another step closer, then paused. “Because you had a bad experience before?”

  Spencer nodded.

  Dirk stuck his hands into his pockets, fidgeting with whatever keys or coins he had in there, like he often did. “How bad was it?”

  Spencer shrugged and shifted his weight as he took a slight step back. “Bad. I was crazy about him. Thought he was it for me. Hells, I was ready to propose. But then I overheard him talking to some of our coworkers while on break.” Spencer paused, wondering what Dirk would think of it all. “He was mocking something I'd said to him in a private moment, something I'd thought was sweet and intimate.” A jealous, possessive look flashed across Dirk's eyes. “And then he started openly joking about how I wanted to be his daddy. He had everyone rolling with laughter.”

  Dirk winced in sympathy as a stab of pain tightened Spencer's chest. It wasn't nearly as intense as it had been years ago, but the betrayal still stung.

  “I pretty much gave up the lifestyle because of him,” Spencer admitted. “What if he was right? What if I wasn't good enough?” He paused, then whispered, “What if no one ever needed me?”

  Dirk stared at him for a second, then closed the distance between them and hauled Spencer into his arms before Spencer had a chance to protest or back away.

  “You're good enough,” Dirk murmured, pressed so close that Spencer felt the rumble of his words all through his chest. “You're more than good enough.” Di
rk traced his fingertips down either side of Spencer's face. “Jay wants a daddy so bad, and I can't be that for him. And I honestly don't know that I'm the kind of guy who needs a daddy myself, but…” He paused, then breathed a laugh. “Well, you do take awfully good care of me here.”

  Spencer whimpered. “Dirk…”

  “Please,” Dirk begged, whispering the words right over Spencer's lips. “I need you. We need you.”

  Spencer gasped, heart racing in his chest in response to those words and the raw pleading in Dirk's voice. He closed his eyes and leaned in.

  The elevator dinged down the hall, followed by a chorus of laughing voices. Spencer jumped back, chest heaving. He stared at Dirk, then looked all around.

  Dirk watched him for a moment, then calmly strode over and shut his office door before returning to stand right in front of him, giving him a determined look. “I don't care if they find out, but we can keep this a secret if you need it to be.”

  Spencer inwardly groaned. “Dirk–”

  “Please say you'll be with us,” Dirk murmured.

  Spencer's glance darted back and forth between Dirk's eyes, seeing nothing but earnestness and need there. He let out a sigh. “I'll think about it.”

  Dirk looked like he might protest for a moment, then he gave a nod instead. He glanced at the crumpled letter in the garbage can, and asked, “Will you stay?”

  Spencer looked at the closed door, picturing his desk just on the other side while a mixture of relief and dread washed through him. He loved his job. He didn't want to lose it. But he also wanted Dirk. Six years of dreaming might finally become his reality.

  And, apparently, he also wanted Jayden.

  But he wasn't yet convinced he could have it all without utter disaster.

  “Yes,” he finally said, hearing more footsteps and voices and phone lines starting to ring. “I'll stay.” Before Dirk could say anything, he held up a hand. “And I'll think about the rest.”

  Dirk gave a nod. “Thank you.”


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