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Dandies, Inc

Page 8

by G. R. Lyons

  “Fuck,” Spencer gasped, reaching out and grabbing Jayden's thighs. He rubbed small circles with his thumbs, inching closer and closer to the creases at Jayden's hips. “Alright,” he agreed.

  Dirk's eyes went wide, as did Jayden's. They shared a look between them over Spencer's shoulder before Jayden surged forward and grabbed Spencer's head, dragging him down for a kiss.

  Then Jayden tried to move Dirk's hands aside so he could get to the buttons on Spencer's jacket.

  Spencer hissed. “Wait.”

  Jayden pouted. “But you said–”

  “I know,” Spencer said, nodding. “But not right now. I can't right now.”

  Jayden dropped his hands to his sides, and Dirk slowly stepped back, letting go of Spencer and moving to his side so they could all see each other's faces.

  “Spence?” Dirk asked.

  Spencer not-so-subtly adjusted himself, then cleared his throat. “I do want this,” he said, looking from one to the other. “I feel like I shouldn't, but I do.”

  “So then let's–” Jayden began, reaching for Spencer's jacket again.

  Spencer caught Jayden's wrists and gently pushed his hands away. “Not here. And not now. I have to get home to Rey.” He checked his watch. “Irene will be leaving soon, so I need to get back before she goes.”

  “Irene?” Jayden asked.

  “Rey's nurse. She stays with him during the day while I'm at work.”

  “Then tonight,” Jayden insisted. “You can come over to my place. Or Dirk's.”

  Spencer shook his head. “I can't leave him home alone.”

  “Tomorrow night, then,” Jayden suggested.

  Spencer kept shaking his head. “I'd need to arrange to have Irene stay late one night so I could get away for a few hours, but that'll be tricky.”

  “A few hours?” Jayden scoffed. “That's it? You couldn't stay the whole night with us?” He looked at Dirk. “Don't you remember how nice it was, that first time we woke up together?”

  Dirk smiled and reached out to brush his thumb across Jayden's bottom lip. “Really nice,” he agreed, then lowered his hand to his side.

  “And we want that with you,” Jayden insisted to Spencer.

  Spencer sighed. “I want it, too,” he said in the tone of a man admitting to something he thought he shouldn't. “But I just can't. Rey can be temperamental, and Irene is the first nurse who's actually stayed. She's really good at her job, thank gods, but it's costing me. I can't–” He broke off, a fresh blush coloring his cheeks.

  “Can't what?” Jayden asked.

  Spencer grimaced. “I can't afford to pay her for an overnight.” He paused for a beat, then quickly added, “And what if this doesn't work out between us? I can't lose this job, but if things go sour–”

  “Spence,” Dirk interrupted. He frowned, cocking his head to one side. “How bad is it?”

  Jayden gave him a curious look, but thankfully didn't say anything.

  Spencer blushed. “I'm managing,” he said. Dirk raised an eyebrow, and Spencer gave a little gasp, holding out his hands. “Don't get me wrong, you pay me very well for this job. It's just…” He paused. “Our parents left a lot of debt behind when they died, and when it was time for Rey to come home from the hospital after the crash, my apartment was too small for us both, and his wheelchair wouldn't fit down the hallways in our parents' house. I broke the lease on my apartment and we sold the house—at a loss, unfortunately—and all the apartment buildings with handicap accessibility were occupied, so I had to buy the place we're in now. Between that and Rey's treatments and medications, plus Irene's salary–”


  Spencer held up a hand. “I'm managing,” he insisted. “A few more years, and all the debt should be gone. I just have to make it until then.”

  “No, you don't,” Jayden insisted. He scooted forward, sitting on the edge of the table and kicking his legs back and forth. “I've got millions in my trust fund. I barely spend the interest it earns each year.”

  Dirk raised his eyebrows.

  “What? I'm serious,” Jayden insisted, then looked at Spencer again. “I could pay off the debt for you, or at least–”

  “I can't take your money,” Spencer insisted, firmly shaking his head.

  “But if it would help–”

  Dirk held up a hand. “Sometimes a man's pride is more important,” he told the young man.

  Spencer shot him a grateful look.

  Jayden whined. “Then what about us?”

  They all fell silent for a moment, looking at each other and all around the room.

  Then Jayden gasped. “Wait.” Dirk and Spencer both looked at him. “What if we do it at your house?” he asked Spencer.

  Spencer blinked. “My house?”

  “Yeah,” Jayden said, a grin lighting up his face. “That way, your brother won't be alone, and we can all be there if you need help with anything.” He paused, then added in a murmur, “And we can all spend the night together. Wake up together.”

  Dirk grinned at the idea, watching Spencer's eyes light up only to dim again as he frowned.

  “I don't want to throw that in Rey's face,” he said. “He's been so lonely since the accident.”

  “You could ask him?” Jayden suggested.

  Spencer looked as though he might argue, so Dirk cut in: “It's been a long day,” he said, then smirked at Jayden as he added, “for those of us who actually had to work.”

  Jayden stuck his tongue out at him.

  Dirk chuckled, then turned to Spencer, reaching out and brushing his fingertips through the hair along his temple. “Take your time,” he murmured. “Whatever you decide.”

  Spencer nodded, then started to step back, only to dart forward and give Dirk a kiss. He bent and gave the same to Jayden, then blushed and smiled as he whirled around and hurried out of the room.

  As soon as the door shut behind him, Jayden flopped back on the table. “Fuck.”

  Dirk chuckled. “Come on, brat. I've got a meeting first thing in the morning, so I need an early night.”

  Jayden lifted his head and looked at Dirk with a pout. “No spending the night?”

  “Not tonight,” he said, looking around the room. He spotted an overcoat draped over a chair and went to grab it. At least Jayden hadn't actually walked into the building wearing only what he had on.

  Jayden whined as Dirk returned to stand in front of him, holding out the coat. “Can't I at least suck your cock before we go? I'm so fucking horny.”

  Dirk cocked an eyebrow. “You gonna come inside that jock? Go home all messy and sticky?”

  “Fuck,” Jayden gasped, dropping right to his knees at Dirk's feet and scrambling to unzip Dirk's pants.

  Dirk tossed the coat onto the table as Jayden freed his cock, then he grabbed Jayden's head with both hands and fucked into his perfect little mouth.

  It was only a matter of minutes before they were both coming, Dirk into Jayden's mouth and Jayden inside his jock, just as Dirk had said. Dirk tucked himself away, helped the young man to his feet, got him into his coat, then gave Jayden's softening cock a squeeze right through the jock before he did up the coat buttons and stepped back with a smirk.

  Jayden let out a happy sigh, then checked his coat pockets and looked around. He paused, blushing as he glanced at the table. “Shit,” he laughed, pointing at the imprints of where his ass had been. “I should clean that off.”

  “Leave it,” Dirk said, slinging an arm around Jayden's shoulders and steering him out of the room. “It'll make tomorrow's meeting more interesting.”

  “Oh, you're bad,” Jayden teased. He gave Dirk a kiss, then fluttered his fingers and strutted off in those ridiculous boots, the coat covering everything else so he looked completely presentable.

  Dirk smirked to himself, knowing what lay beneath.

  Now if only he could know Spencer just as intimately.

  He didn't have to wait anywhere near as long as he expected.

very next day, after Spencer got back from his lunch break, he walked into Dirk's office with a fresh cup of coffee, the latest summary from Human Resources, and a receipt from a clinic, time-stamped just half an hour ago.

  Dirk's eyes went wide as he read it over, seeing Spencer's negative test results all down the line. He looked up. “Does this mean–”

  “I talked to Rey last night,” Spencer said, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. “I knew I'd lose my nerve if I waited, and he took it better than I thought. He actually wants me to be with someone.” He shook his head like he couldn't believe it.

  Dirk reached out, grabbed Spencer's hand, and gave it a squeeze. “This is gonna be amazing,” he assured him.

  Spencer's blush spread, and he nodded.

  As soon as Spencer went back to his desk to get back to work, Dirk pulled out his phone and texted Jayden, telling him the good news.

  They settled on a date, picking a night when they'd all be free and had no plans the next day. Jayden talked about turning the whole thing into a weekend-long, belated birthday party for Dirk—saying he was going to fly in Dirk's family so they could be part of the fun—but it was too much on too short notice. Dirk appreciated the gesture, but since he had his annual trip home coming up in just a couple months anyway, he figured he could wait until then to see them all.

  For now, he had a night with both his men to look forward to.

  He couldn't wait.

  Chapter 10

  SPENCER CHECKED his watch again as he pulled back the covers on Rey's bed. He'd finally gotten Rey to take his nightly medications—after Rey had screwed around for almost an hour, dragging out the process—and now Spencer just wanted Rey settled in for the night before Dirk and Jayden arrived.

  At least Rey was already in his pajamas. Thank gods for Irene. Spencer turned around and bent down, slipping his arms around Rey's shoulders and under his knees, only for the doorbell to ring.

  “Father's love,” he muttered.

  “I think you'd better go answer that,” Rey said with a grin.

  Spencer narrowed his eyes. “You were stalling on purpose, weren't you?”

  “What?” Rey said with a not-so-innocent shrug. “I want to meet them. And I'd rather not do it while I'm in bed.”

  Spencer scowled, then left Rey in his chair and hurried out of the room, Rey's chuckle following him as he headed for the front door.

  He paused with his hand on the doorknob, took a deep breath, and felt a nervous smile take over as he opened the door.

  The sight of both Dirk and Jayden standing there made his heart rate spike, equal parts excited and nervous.

  “H-Hi,” he whispered, looking from one to the other.

  “Hey,” Dirk murmured. He reached out, trailed his fingertips along Spencer's jaw, then leaned in for a kiss.

  Spencer whimpered. The kiss was nothing more than a simple press of lips and only lasted about a second, but it made his knees go weak nonetheless.

  Jayden did the same, though the little brat just had to go and tease him with the barest touch of his tongue before pulling away.

  Spencer subtly adjusted his pants as he took a step back. “Um. Come on in.”

  Dirk and Jayden stepped inside, and Spencer whirled around to shut the door, pausing there for a moment to close his eyes and take a deep breath before turning around again.

  “Whoa, Spence,” Rey called, his voice much too near for comfort. “You lucky bastard.”

  Spencer cringed, watching his brother wheel himself into the room. Rey came to a stop right in front of Dirk and Jayden and held out his right hand.

  “I'm Rey,” he introduced himself.

  Dirk and Jayden took turns shaking his hand and giving him their names. Then Rey leaned slightly to one side in his chair, propping his elbow on the armrest, and looked up at Spencer with a grin.

  “One man not enough for you, Mr. Wizard?”

  “Alright, Rey, time for bed,” Spencer insisted. He squeezed between his men and got Rey's chair turned around, then sent an apologetic look over his shoulder. “I'm so sorry. This should just take a minute. Please make yourselves at home.”

  He whirled around and rushed Rey back to his room.

  Thankfully, Rey didn't mess around that time, letting Spencer lift him out of the chair and settle him into bed.

  “Do you want to read?” Spencer asked. “Or do you want the light out?”

  “Light out,” Rey said, “but would you get me my earphones?” He flashed Spencer a grin. “The walls in here are pretty thick, but I really don't want to hear you guys going at it.”

  Spencer blushed as he crossed the room and grabbed the earphones off the table where Rey had left them. He turned back, frowning in thought. “Rey, if this bothers you–”

  “Stop,” Rey groaned. “Seriously.”

  “I just hate bringing this here…right in front of you…but I couldn't leave you alone for the night–”

  “Spence, stop.” He snatched the earphones out of Spencer's fingers, dropped them in his lap, then grabbed Spencer's hand. “I've ruined enough lives. Don't let me ruin yours anymore than I already have.”

  Spencer sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh, returning the pressure of Rey's hand. “You haven't ruined my life.”

  “Yeah, I have,” Rey muttered in a tone that allowed no argument. He gave Spencer's hand a squeeze, then let go. “Now, go fuck your men, would you? Wait, how does that even work? Can you fuck them both at once? Do you all take turns? That little one looks like he might be good for a spit-roast–”

  Spencer rolled his eyes and stood up. “Goodnight, Rey,” he said, though he couldn't help the urge to laugh.

  He got almost to the door when Rey said, “Spence, seriously.”

  Spencer looked back over his shoulder, seeing an earnest look on his brother's face.

  “If they make you happy, I'm happy for you,” Rey said.

  Spencer smiled softly. “Thanks, Rey.”

  Rey grinned, then reached for his earphones. “Have fun, Mr. Wizard.”

  Spencer chuckled and opened the door. “Goodnight, Sunshine.”

  Rey grumbled under his breath as Spencer stepped out of the room and shut the door, only to find Dirk and Jayden right there.

  “Sunshine?” Jayden asked.

  Spencer breathed a laugh. “Rey. Mom used to call him her 'little Rey of sunshine'.”

  From inside the room, Rey called out, “Fuck off.”

  “Put your damned earphones in!” Spencer called back.

  Rey chuckled, then fell silent.

  Spencer blew out a heavy breath, then looked from Dirk to Jayden and back, his heart rate picking up again. “Um. Can I get you anything? Water? Juice? I don't keep any alcohol in the house in case Rey tries to get at it, since it messes with his meds–”

  Dirk grabbed him around the back of the neck and stepped in close. “Hush,” he whispered. “We just need you.”

  Jayden nodded rapidly in agreement.

  Spencer swallowed hard, then led the way to his bedroom. He shut the door once they were all inside, pausing there to take a deep breath before he turned back around.

  He froze on the spot as it finally hit him that Dirk and Jayden were in his room. Were going to be in his bed.

  “Is this weird?” he asked. “This is weird. It's too scheduled. Not spontaneous enough. No heat of the moment–”

  Dirk gently grabbed Spencer's face with both hands and brushed his thumbs along Spencer's lips, stopping Spencer's nervous babbling. “This is fine,” Dirk insisted. “When you care about people, you make things work however you can,” he added, nodding in the direction of Rey's bedroom.

  Jayden stepped in and put an arm around each of their waists. “And there will be plenty of heat of the moment, I'm sure.”

  As though proving his point, Jayden knocked Dirk's hands away and seared Spencer with a kiss, the heat and need going straight to Spencer's groin.

  The kiss barely broke before Dirk was there in Ja
yden's place, his lips teasing, his tongue demanding entrance. Before Spencer knew it, his heart was racing in his chest as the kisses went back and forth and all around until Spencer wasn't sure where one of them ended and the next began.

  Hands went everywhere, a confusing tangle of unbuttoning, unzipping, tugging, pulling, yanking, shoving. Clothing scattered, and Spencer suddenly found himself naked, trapped between two warm, hard bodies, bare skin pressed up against his on both sides while they groped and grabbed and traded kisses all around.

  They tumbled onto the bed in a tangle of limbs. Jayden wound up in the middle, lying on his front and pushing his ass up in invitation.

  “Father's love,” Spencer gasped, stroking a hand down Jayden's back until he reached the boy's ass, giving the left cheek a squeeze before he raked his nails lightly across it. He looked up at Dirk. “You know, I've been jealous of him for getting to have you in bed, but looking at this?” He stroked his fingers down the outside of the cheek and back up along the crease in the middle. “I can't say I blame you.”

  “I know, right?” Dirk said. “Just wait until you're inside him. So hot and tight–”

  Jayden cut in: “I know my ass is fabulous and all, but can we maybe admire it while you're fucking it?”

  Spencer spanked him. “Patience, brat,” he said automatically, then tensed. He hadn't spoken like that to anyone since his last relationship, the one that ruined his love for the lifestyle. What if he'd overstepped? What if the same thing happened all over again?

  But Jayden moaned, pushing his ass up into Spencer's hand. “Oh gods, do that again.”

  Spencer looked at Dirk, who had an amused smile on his face as he waved a hand in invitation, propping himself up on his elbow to watch. Letting a little bit of his repressed daddy come out, Spencer lifted his hand and spanked Jayden again. Then again. And again. Each one brought a new moan and babbled pleading out of the younger man, so Spencer kept going, keeping the swats light enough to be pleasurable.

  He finally stopped, smoothing a hand over the pinked skin and admiring the way it looked. Spencer couldn't help smiling. He'd done that!


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