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Dandies, Inc

Page 9

by G. R. Lyons

  Jayden let out a long, low moan, his entire body melting into the bed. “Gods, you're so fucking good at that. It's like…just sharp enough to sting so that it feels good without hurting.”

  “Was it?” Spencer asked, still gently stroking Jayden's ass. “I didn't want to go too far. I'm out of practice.”

  Jayden hummed and wiggled his ass side to side. “It was perfect.” He paused, then said, “Would be even more perfect if I could get a dick inside me sometime this year, though.”

  Spencer gave him one more swat for that, but if he were being honest with himself, he was just as impatient as Jayden was. He couldn't wait to get inside either or both of them. But he didn't know what Dirk and Jayden wanted.

  “Why don't you fuck him?” Dirk suggested. “And he can suck my cock.”

  Jayden gasped. “Yes, please.”

  “Fuck,” Spencer whispered, his cock going even harder. He twisted around to reach for the nightstand, then remembered the lube was in the other one, out of his reach. Rather than ask Dirk to get it, Spencer waved a hand and made the bottle disappear from the drawer and reappear in his grasp.

  Jayden popped up onto his elbows, looking at him over his shoulder with wide eyes. “Alright, so that's a thing we'll need to talk about.” He paused for just a beat, then said, “After you fuck me.”

  Spencer blushed and looked at Dirk. The man's eyes were wide as his glance flicked from Spencer's face to the bottle and back, but then he chuckled and shook his head before gesturing for Spencer to continue.

  Getting two fingers slick with lube, Spencer reached between Jayden's cheeks and stroked over his hole.

  “Oh my gods, yes,” Jayden gasped, dropping his shoulders back onto the bed and pushing his ass into the touch.

  Spencer took his time massaging Jayden's hole, then slowly pushed a finger inside, stroking in and out until he felt it relax before adding a second finger.

  Jayden moaned, then cursed when Spencer found his prostate.

  “Gods,” Spencer gasped as his own hole clenched in response. He hadn't bottomed in a long time, and with both men in his bed right now, he suddenly had a desperate need to do so. Still holding the bottle in his other hand, he passed it to Dirk. “Be a good boy and prep me,” he ordered.

  Dirk's eyes went wide. “You'll let me fuck you?”

  Jayden shot up onto his elbows again, craning his neck to look over his shoulder. “Wait. What? Dirk's gonna fuck you while you fuck me?” Spencer barely started nodding when Jayden batted Spencer's hand away from his ass. “I have to be able to see this.” He looked around the room, then wriggled out from between them and darted over to the corner where Spencer's full-length mirror stood. Jayden changed the angle, looking over his shoulder at the bed, but the disappointed frown on his face said he couldn't get it situated right.

  Spencer got up, pushed Jayden back against the wall, and pinned his wrists above his head. “Better?” he murmured, nodding at the mirror beside them.

  Jayden looked at it and moaned. “Oh, gods, yes. Dirk, get over here.”

  “Bossy,” Dirk teased, but he got up all the same and came over to join them, stepping in behind Spencer so all three of them were visible in the reflection.

  Spencer stared at the image. Holy shit. All three of them naked, pressed up against one another, Jayden pinned to the wall and Dirk settling his cock between Spencer's ass cheeks. He couldn't imagine anything hotter.

  “Dirk,” Jayden whined, nodding at the bottle in his hand.

  Dirk hummed low in his throat as he poured some lube onto his fingers, rubbed it around to warm it up, and shifted back half a step, the most incredible, heated look on his face as he stared down at Spencer's ass. Spencer stared at their reflection, heart hammering in his chest with anticipation as Dirk slowly reached for him.

  Those slick fingers slipped between Spencer's ass cheeks and brushed over his hole. Spencer hissed in a breath. “Fuck,” he gasped, pushing back, silently begging Dirk to hurry.

  Dirk leaned closer and chuckled in his ear as he teased a fingertip over Spencer's hole before slowly pushing inside.

  “More,” Spencer begged breathlessly.

  “Shhh,” Dirk murmured.

  “I can take it,” Spencer insisted. He needed Dirk's cock inside him now.

  Jayden struggled against the hold Spencer had on his wrists, then managed to lean forward just far enough to catch Spencer in a kiss. Spencer moaned into it, dominating Jayden's mouth while Dirk's fingers slowly worked him open. One finger became two, then three. Then Spencer heard the snick of the lube bottle cap again.

  Spencer broke the kiss, and both he and Jayden stared into the mirror to watch Dirk slick up his cock.

  Dirk ran his other hand down the curve of Spencer's ass. “Gods,” he breathed, shaking his head. Taking a firm hold of his cock, he dragged it up and down along Spencer's crease, then nudged the head between Spencer's cheeks, lining it up with his hole. He met Spencer's eyes in the mirror.

  “Dirk,” Spencer gasped.

  “Fuck.” Dirk gripped Spencer's waist with one hand and slowly pushed his cock inside.

  Spencer immediately bore down, pushing back to meet Dirk's slow thrust. The head popped inside, making them both gasp. Even Jayden moaned as he watched.

  Then Dirk's entire length was slowly, inexorably filling him up, gliding into his body until Spencer didn't think he could take any more even though he wanted Dirk to be a part of him in any way possible.

  They both gasped again when Dirk got as deep as he could go, his hips pressed up hard against Spencer's ass.

  Spencer twisted around, curved an arm back so he could grab Dirk by the back of the head, and hauled the man in for a scorching kiss. “Dirk…”

  Dirk caught Spencer's bottom lip between his teeth and gave it a gentle tug as he pulled almost all the way out, then eased back in again, making Spencer aware of every inch of him.

  “Oh my gods,” Spencer gasped. Dirk was moving inside him. Finally. And it was so much better than he'd imagined.

  “Fuck, that's hot,” Jayden breathed.

  Spencer blinked, remembering he still had the younger man pinned to the wall. A sense of power surged through him, something he hadn't felt in years. Releasing Jayden's wrists, Spencer grabbed him by the waist instead, spun him around, and shoved him face-first against the wall, pinning his wrists overhead again. Holding him there with one hand, Spencer grabbed the lube bottle and drizzled some onto his own cock, tossing the bottle aside and using his hand to slick himself up.

  “You ready, little one?” he asked, nuzzling behind Jayden's ear.

  “Please,” Jayden breathlessly begged.

  Dirk paused his thrusts, watching in the mirror as Spencer lined up and thrust into Jayden in one long, slow push.

  “Yes!” Jayden gasped. “More…”

  Spencer kissed Jayden's cheek, then reached back with his free hand and grabbed Dirk's hip, silently telling him to hold still. Then Spencer pushed back onto Dirk's cock, dragging his own almost all the way out of Jayden, only to reverse the process, feeling Dirk's cock brush right over his prostate as he thrust into Jayden again.

  “Oh my gods,” Dirk breathed.

  Spencer lost track of everything in the world outside the pleasure wracking his body. He took complete control, fucking himself on Dirk's cock for a few minutes, then keeping just Dirk's tip inside him as he concentrated on fucking into Jayden. Back and forth, he went like that until they were all a trembling, writhing mess.

  “Please,” Jayden begged.

  “My good boys,” Spencer murmured. He let go of Jayden's wrists and hooked an arm around his neck instead, leaning around to capture the young man in a kiss, then twisted back to kiss Dirk. “You ready for Daddy to make you come?” he asked.

  He regretted the words for a split second until he heard them both moan in response.

  “Please,” they begged.

  “Fuck.” Spencer reached back, grabbed Dirk's hip, and hauled him closer, ge
tting all three of them almost pressed hard up against each other as he sped up the rocking of his hips, nailing his own prostate on Dirk's cock while he made sure to do the same for Jayden with his own. “My good boys,” he couldn't help repeating. “Come for Daddy.”

  He rocked faster, both Dirk and Jayden moving to meet him, all of them panting and trembling so much that Spencer felt like they were all one person, one writhing mess of pleasure.

  Then Jayden shouted, bucking back against him. A second later, Dirk cried out, taking a firm grip of Spencer's hips as his cock pulsed inside Spencer's body.

  Spencer unraveled, his hole clamping down on Dirk's cock as his own cock erupted inside Jayden's body.

  He used one arm to reach back and hold on to Dirk, then hooked the other around Jayden's waist as he felt their knees start to give out. Dirk wriggled a hand between Spencer and Jayden, hugging Spencer back to his chest, and reached past Spencer with his other arm, grabbing Spencer's hand where it lay on Jayden's hip, lacing their fingers so he held them all together.

  “Oh my gods,” Jayden gasped between ragged breaths. Spencer caught his gaze in the mirror, watching as he slowly blinked. “That was amazing.”

  Dirk nodded agreement, nuzzling behind Spencer's ear as he did so.

  Spencer squeezed his eyes shut when he felt the stinging threat of tears. “Father's love,” he cursed. His chest hitched as he sniffed, and he had to swallow hard as emotion threatened to overwhelm him. A tear escaped and dropped onto Jayden's shoulder.

  Jayden hugged Spencer's arm to his chest, and Dirk pressed in even closer behind him. They stood there in silence for a long moment, Spencer both waiting for himself to get control of his emotions and wanting them all to be physically connected as long as possible. It wasn't until his and Dirk's cocks completely softened and slipped out that he finally started to let go.

  “Hmmm,” he said, testing his voice to make sure it wouldn't break. He maneuvered Dirk and Jayden around and gave each of them a sweet kiss. “I think my boys need a shower.”

  He led the way into his washroom and got them all in under the hot spray. Spencer took his time caring for his boys, making sure they were both relaxed and clean before he got them out and dried off before ushering them into bed, both of them looking sated and exhausted.

  Dirk and Jayden moved to opposite sides of the bed, patting the space between them.

  Spencer paused, overwhelmed by the gesture. He cleared his throat and was about to make an excuse that he needed to go check on Rey, but the spell he had on his brother told him that Rey was already fast asleep.

  And it had been a damned long time since he'd had anyone in his bed.

  Spencer gave in to temptation yet again and crawled up between his boys, settling down as Dirk and Jayden pulled up the sheets to cover all of them. Jayden snuggled in and rested his head on Spencer's shoulder while Dirk lay on his other side and draped an arm across Spencer's waist.

  “Shit,” Dirk said with a laugh. “The light.” He started to get up.

  “I'll get it,” Spencer said, waving a hand and casting the room into darkness.

  “Yeah,” Jayden said, dragging out the word, “we still need to talk about that.” He gave a huge yawn. “Maybe tomorrow.” He settled back down with a sigh, his breaths evening out almost immediately.

  “Goodnight, Spence,” Dirk whispered.

  “Goodnight,” Spencer whispered back, then turned his head slightly and added, “Goodnight, little one.”

  “Goodnight, Daddy,” Jayden mumbled sleepily.

  Spencer's breath caught in his throat, all the emotion from earlier welling up again. He hugged Jayden to his side and pressed a kiss to the boy's forehead, then turned the other way and sought out Dirk's lips in the dark, sharing a slow, lingering kiss before they both pulled back with a sigh and settled down in silence.

  Spencer lay there in the dark, thinking there was no way he'd be able to sleep while faced with all the incredible sensations he was feeling, but it seemed he barely closed his eyes before he opened them again to find morning sunlight peeking around his curtains.

  He blinked slowly, staring up at the ceiling, then looked to either side. Dirk and Jayden were still there, fast asleep in his bed.

  Could there be anything more perfect in the world?

  He reached out to brush his hands over Dirk's chest and Jayden's back, and he knew in that moment that he was going to fight for every second he could possibly have with his two men.

  Chapter 11

  JAYDEN STRETCHED luxuriously and let out a little satisfied groan when he felt the twinge in his ass. Gods. Last night had been amazing. He didn't think there were enough words to describe just how perfect the whole thing had been. Being with Dirk had been good, but they'd always known something was missing.

  Being with Dirk and Spencer? Perfect.

  He felt a hand brush down his back. Cracking open one eye, he saw Spencer lying there awake, one hand on Jayden while the other stroked over Dirk's chest. The corner of Spencer's mouth tipped up into a smile as he gazed at Dirk, then Spencer turned and gave a start at the sight of Jayden watching him.

  “I thought you were still asleep,” Spencer whispered.

  “Just woke up,” Jayden whispered back. He arched into Spencer's touch, then grinned when the man rolled over onto his side to face him, allowing Spencer to press his palm to Jayden's shoulder and drag it all the way down to the curve of his ass. “Mmmm,” Jayden purred. “That feels nice.”

  Spencer smiled and did it again.

  On the other side of the bed, Dirk gave a sleepy groan and slowly blinked. He glanced at Spencer, then rolled onto his side to spoon up behind him, slinging an arm heavily over Spencer's waist and letting out a sigh.

  Spencer gave a tiny whimper and pressed back against him.

  Fuck. Jayden watched, eyes wide, knowing that Dirk's cock was probably rock-hard and pressed right up against Spencer's ass. He'd woken up that way himself a time or two. Always made for a good morning.

  Sure enough, Dirk rolled his hips and growled. “Oh, I could get used to this.”

  Spencer blushed, then hooked an arm around Jayden's waist and hauled him closer, trapping himself between two bodies.

  “Hmmm.” Dirk lifted his head and left a trail of kisses from behind Spencer's ear, all the way down along his shoulder. “What do you say you fuck me next time?”

  Spencer gasped. “Really?”

  Dirk made another low, growly noise and pressed even closer behind Spencer, reaching across him to grab Spencer's hand where it lay on Jayden's back, dragging both of their hands down until their index fingers delved between the cheeks of Jayden's ass.

  “Oh,” Jayden gasped, pushing up into the touch. “Yes, please.”

  Dirk chuckled.

  Spencer pulled his hand free and groped Jayden's cheek instead. “Easy, little one. Don't want you getting too sore.” He trailed his fingers back up to Jayden's shoulder, then traced Jayden's jawline.

  Jayden turned his head and caught Spencer's thumb between his teeth, pulling it into his mouth and lightly sucking while Spencer rested his palm on the side of Jayden's face.

  “Are you really into that?” Dirk asked skeptically. “I mean, I know you said you were into daddy kink and all, but–”

  “It's really comforting,” Jayden said, his words coming out slightly garbled. He gently nudged Spencer's thumb out and continued: “I wouldn't be into, like, diapers or anything like that, but this feels nice.” He nodded at Spencer's hand, then turned up onto his side so he was facing them. He started to tuck an arm underneath the pillow, then stopped when he felt something there.

  “And you're into that?” Dirk asked Spencer, leaning over him slightly and looking down at him while Jayden pulled the thing out from under the pillow.

  It was a card, the kind one might find in that tiny envelope that came with a flower arrangement. Thank you for taking such good care of me was written in Dirk's distinct handwriting.

ncer looked up at Dirk, blushing as he nodded. “I'm not much into full-on age play or regression myself, but–”

  “You love having someone to take care of?” Jayden asked, waving the card.

  Spencer turned to look at him, then gasped and sat up, snatching the card out of his hand. “Where did– How did you–”

  “What?” Dirk asked.

  Jayden smirked. “When did he give that to you?”

  “What?” Dirk asked again.

  Jayden nodded at Spencer's hands, and when Dirk gave Spencer a questioning look, Spencer slowly handed it over, his face bright red as he did so.

  Dirk took the card with a frown, then his eyebrows went up. “You kept this?”

  “It was under his pillow,” Jayden pointed out.

  Spencer's blush spread.

  Dirk dropped the card and tackled Spencer to the bed.

  Jayden snatched up the card so it wouldn't get bent or mangled, setting it carefully aside before he dove into the fray, the three of them kissing and groping until they were a sweaty tangle of limbs, stroking and thrusting and leaving them all covered in cum. Spencer got them all into the shower once they caught their breaths, and they were barely dry again when Spencer suddenly gasped and hurried across the room, snatching a pair of underwear and some sweatpants out of his dresser.

  “Rey's awake,” he explained as he started to pull on his underwear. “I'll be right back.”

  “How do you know he's awake?” Jayden asked.

  “Just…a spell,” Spencer shyly admitted. He yanked on his sweatpants. “I'll just be a few minutes.” He darted out of the room, pulling the door shut behind him.

  Jayden looked at Dirk in the silence that followed. “So that's a thing,” he said, and Dirk nodded. “Apparently our boyfriend's a mage.”

  A smirk slowly spread across Dirk's face. “Boyfriend, huh?”

  “Isn't he?” Jayden asked. “I sure hope so.”

  Dirk pulled Jayden into his arms and gave him a kiss. “I do, too.” He kissed him again. “Come on,” he said, swatting Jayden on the ass. “Let's get dressed and go see if we can help with anything.”


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