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Dandies, Inc

Page 10

by G. R. Lyons

  They got dressed and headed down the hallway. The door to Rey's bedroom was closed, but they could hear muffled voices and the sound of water running. Dirk continued on, so Jayden followed, and they made their way to the kitchen, Dirk going straight to the coffee maker while Jayden started hunting around for eggs, bread, and pans, figuring they could all use a big breakfast after their intense night.

  Dirk got mugs, cream, and sugar set out on the counter next to the coffee maker, then found plates and utensils and went to set the table. Just about the time everything was ready to go, Spencer pushed Rey into the room.

  Spencer looked all around in awe. “You guys didn't have to do all this.”

  “We wanted to,” Jayden insisted, carrying a plate of toast over to the table. “Come eat.”

  “Hells, yes,” Rey said, grinning as he eyed a plate of scrambled eggs that Dirk carried by.

  Spencer got Rey situated at his usual place at the table while Jayden and Dirk brought everything else out.

  Dirk set down his coffee cup, then started back for the kitchen, only to pause and look at Spencer. “Shit. I don't know how you take your coffee.”

  Spencer smiled at him and leaned in for a kiss as he walked past. “Not your job.”

  “It is now,” Dirk called after him, trying to follow.

  “Dirk, be a good boy and go sit down,” Spencer insisted.

  Dirk looked like he might protest, but he finally obeyed, taking a seat at the table. Jayden did the same, dishing out the scrambled eggs while they waited for Spencer to return.

  Rey stuffed a bite of eggs into his mouth as Spencer took his seat, then moaned. “Gods. What's in this?”

  Jayden grinned. “Mushrooms, shallots, crumbled bacon, and a few secret touches.” He winked.

  “So good,” Rey said around another mouthful.

  “Rey,” Spencer scolded him.

  Rey grinned and reached for a slice of toast.

  Spencer shook his head, but Jayden saw a tiny smile on the man's face before he hid it behind his coffee mug.

  “So,” Jayden began, unable to wait any longer. “Magic, huh?”

  “Oh.” Rey straightened up, grinning as he looked from face to face. “Mr. Wizard outed himself, did he?”

  “Shut up, Sunshine,” Spencer shot back, his tone full of that kind of good-natured bickering that one only heard between adult siblings.

  But Jayden and Dirk both set down their forks for a moment, looking at Spencer expectantly.

  Spencer blushed. “Yeah, I'm a mage,” he murmured shyly. “Well, not officially. I never got around to taking my Rajali trials, so I'm not certified by the Council, but I am allowed to do magic.”

  Jayden glanced at Rey, then looked at Dirk, who seemed to realize what he was about to say and gave a subtle shake of his head. But Jayden asked anyway: “Couldn't you have done something for Rey?”

  Spencer stilled, but Rey laughed. “He tried,” Rey said, “but magic works better for things like simple broken bones or cuts or things like that, apparently. Get into the finer stuff like damaged nerves and it just isn't as effective.”

  “It's hard to heal something you can't see,” Spencer added with a grimace. “I even had some fellow magi try, and there was nothing they could do, either.” He gave his brother a fond smile. “But we manage.”

  Rey smiled back.

  “So what else can you do?” Jayden asked.

  Spencer's eyes widened for a moment, like he wasn't even sure where to start with that question. “Oh, gods, let's see. I can transport things—or myself—from one place to another. But I have to know where the thing is in order to get it–”

  “Like the lube?” Jayden teased, and Rey almost choked on a bite of his toast.

  Spencer shot Jayden an exasperated look, then went on: “If I'm transporting myself, it can only be to a location I've already physically been. What else…Oh! I–” He blushed and glanced at Dirk from under his eyelashes. “I have a listening spell on your office.”

  Dirk's eyebrows went up, then he chuckled. “That explains so much.”

  “What?” Rey asked.

  “How he always manages to have reports ready before I can ask him for them,” Dirk said, then gave Spencer a smirk. “And how he always knows exactly when my coffee needs refilling.”

  Spencer's blush spread, but when Jayden and Dirk asked him to demonstrate a few tricks, he obliged. Probably wanting to make his boys happy, Jayden guessed.

  And if the smile on Spencer's face was anything to go by, Jayden figured he'd guessed right.

  Chapter 12

  SPENCER GULPED down his stimulant-laced coffee and poured himself a second cup, then opened the cupboard to reach for his jar of daevaak again. A second pinch of the stuff was fast becoming a habit, but he couldn't help it.

  He was just so fucking exhausted.

  His schedule had always been packed full, but since he, Dirk, and Jayden had taken up together a few weeks ago, he was getting even less sleep than before.

  Not that he regretted his time with his boys. The hours he spent with Dirk and Jayden—both in bed and out of it—were the best parts of his day. Still, every time they spent the night at his place, it meant he had to spend the next night almost entirely without sleep so that he could get caught up on the work and research he would have done in their absence the night before. His usual five hours of sleep got cut down to four. Then three. At this rate, it would be down to two in no time.

  But he had to keep going. He had to take care of Rey, and he had to take care of his boys. His inner daddy would allow for nothing less.

  Spencer moved the box of protein bars aside and grabbed the chilled jar. He glanced to either side, twisted off the lid, and quickly tossed a pinch of the crystals into his mug before closing the jar again.

  “What are you doing?”

  Spencer gasped and whirled around, nearly dropping the jar. Cradling it between both hands, the icy chill of it sinking into his skin like an accusation, he turned back and quickly shoved it out of sight, dragging the protein bars in front of it and then slamming the cupboard shut.

  “I didn't hear you come in,” he told Rey, trying to stir his coffee with as much dignity as possible as he turned back to face his brother. He'd gotten Rey out of bed and into the chair halfway through his first cup of coffee, but he hadn't expected Rey to be done brushing his teeth already.

  Rey looked up at him with concern on his face. “What is that?” he asked, nodding at the cupboard behind Spencer's head.

  “It's nothing.”

  Rey barked a laugh, but there was no humor in it. “That's an addict's excuse if I've ever heard one. And I should know.”

  Spencer grimaced. “Rey–”

  “Don't be like me, Spence,” Rey begged. “Gods, please, don't be like me. I couldn't stand it.”

  “I've got it under control,” Spencer insisted, sweeping past him to get to the refrigerator so he could start making breakfast.

  “Also something I used to say,” Rey pointed out.

  Spencer closed his eyes and sighed, then turned around and crouched in front of Rey's chair, taking Rey's hands. “I won't let it become a problem, I swear.” He tried for levity: “But I've gotta take care of my Sunshine.”

  “Fuck off,” Rey muttered, but his lips twitched with a restrained smile.

  Spencer chuckled, then got up to go back to the refrigerator. “Eggs?”

  “Sure,” Rey said, then added in a teasing tone, “Though maybe you should have your boy teach you to make 'em like he does.”

  Spencer flipped him off, and Rey chuckled in response.

  They shared a quiet breakfast, Rey absorbed in something on his tablet while Spencer tried to get a jump start on his work emails. He discarded a few, responded to one, and marked a couple others as urgent so he'd remember to check them again once he got to the office and had the advantage of a full screen so he could better see the charts and spreadsheets.

  He barely stuffed the last bite of
his breakfast into his mouth than he was on his feet again, taking his dishes to the kitchen before hurrying to his bedroom so he could get changed. The moment Irene walked through the front door, Spencer dropped a kiss on the top of Rey's head and whisked himself away. The sooner he could get to the office, the better.

  Spencer hit the ground running the moment he reached his desk. He had to review Dirk's calendar twice before the details sank in, wondering if he should have brought the crystals along to sharpen his brain and get him through the day. But then Dirk arrived, and they both wound up so busy that Spencer didn't even have a second to think about how tired he was, both of them running from one thing to the next to make sure everything for the latest issue was finalized and ready to go while also getting things started on the next issue.

  He ordered in lunch, knowing there was no way either of them would be able to leave the office. As soon as it arrived, he separated the dishes and carried Dirk's into the man's office, then turned back for his desk.

  “Spence,” Dirk called. “Come sit with me?”

  Spencer hesitated. They both had so much work to do, but he couldn't resist whenever Dirk needed something from him. And maybe what they both really needed was a few minutes to breathe before they got back at it.

  He gave Dirk a quick nod, retrieved his lunch from his desk, and went back into Dirk's office, pulling up a chair across from him and setting everything out. At the last moment, he transported his laptop from his desk and into his hands. The sudden flare of magic made Dirk's computer buzz and the lights flicker, but Spencer ended the spell as quickly as he could, not wanting to cause the electronics any permanent damage. He set his own laptop on a corner of Dirk's desk, right next to his lunch, and looked up.

  Dirk gave him a teasing scowl but played along, the two of them eating together while they were both focused on their own screens, reviewing mock-ups and text copy and making sure all the advertisers were lined up and ready to go.

  But Spencer kept catching Dirk sending him heated looks whenever he glanced up.

  Spencer narrowed his eyes. “You keep doing that and I'm gonna have to bend you over this desk to punish you for being a bad boy, and then we'll get nothing done.”

  Dirk's eyes flashed, and he shifted in his chair, reaching down to adjust himself. “Gods.” He shook his head. “If someone had asked me even a few months ago if being talked to like that was a turn-on…” Dirk chuckled.

  “You would have said no?” Spencer guessed.

  Dirk nodded. “Even more surprising hearing it from you, of all people. But…fuck. So hot.”

  Spencer blushed. “Finish your lunch,” he mumbled, trying to focus on his own so he wouldn't just lock the door and have his way with the man.

  Dirk chuckled again, but managed to go back to eating and working in silence.

  As soon as they were done eating, Spencer snatched up their garbage, threw it away, then went around behind the desk to give Dirk a quick kiss before grabbing his laptop and hurrying out of the room.

  “Tease!” Dirk called after him.

  Spencer breathed a laugh and went back to his desk, shutting the door between them.

  He slipped right back into work, answering calls and emails, sending out report requests and helping to put out fires, all while keeping an ear on Dirk's office just in case the man needed something.

  In the midst of it all, Dirk's mobile rang.

  “Hey, V,” Dirk answered.

  Dirk's oldest brother, Vince, panted over speakerphone. “Mom had a heart attack. They're taking her to the hospital.”

  Spencer froze.

  Dirk was silent for a moment, then gave a nervous laugh. “Ha ha. Very funny, V. I already told Mom that wasn't gonna work–”

  “Dirk, I'm serious!” Vince snapped.

  Then Spencer heard Dirk's voice break. “What?”

  Shit. Spencer flew into action, listening in on the conversation as he switched screens, pulling up the website for the local airport. He knew the process like the back of his hand. Dirk had made the same trip home every year that Spencer had worked for him, so he knew exactly which flights Dirk could take and which rental car agency the man preferred.

  There was a flight going out in just under an hour. Spencer booked it as well as a rental car at his destination, double-checking the details before he had it all sent to Dirk's personal email.

  “Dad's in the ambulance with her,” Vince continued filling Dirk in on all the details, “but–”

  A beep sounded, and Dirk cursed. “That's Eddie trying to call me.”

  “I'll wait,” Vince said.

  Dirk was silent for a second, then said, “Eddie, hey. I was just talking to Vince–”

  “He told you about Mom?” Eddie asked.

  Spencer didn't wait around to listen for more. Stepping back from his desk, he cast a transportation spell to take him to Dirk's apartment. He'd been there once before they'd started dating, but now he knew his way around.

  He went straight to Dirk's bedroom, found a suitcase, and threw it open on the bed. Then he rifled through Dirk's dresser and closet, snatching up socks, underwear, jeans, and t-shirts, stuffing them all into the bag. He hesitated at Dirk's suits. What if Mrs. Cameron passed? Dirk would need to stay for the funeral. But was packing a black suit too presumptuous when her condition was up in the air?

  Fuck it. Spencer wanted Dirk prepared for anything, so he grabbed one black suit—hoping Dirk wouldn't need it—and one blue suit—to soften the blow of the other's presence. He quickly picked out shirts, ties, and belts, then paused when he spotted the watch he'd made for Dirk, resting prominently on a shelf alongside Dirk's cuff links.

  Dirk still wore his old watch to work most days, reserving Spencer's watch for evenings and weekends. Spencer picked it up and carefully packed it into the suitcase, hoping it might give Dirk some comfort. With all that arranged, Spencer grabbed shoes and stuffed them into their designated spaces, then went to Dirk's washroom and gathered his shaving kit, toothbrush, and other toiletries, tossing them all into the bag, yanking the zippers shut, and transporting it and himself back to the office.

  He paused at his desk, listening in.

  “Hang on, Eddie,” Dirk said. “Dad's trying to call in.”

  “Shit,” Eddie swore. “I'll wait. Tell me what he says.”

  “Will do,” Dirk promised, then paused. “Dad? How is she?”

  “We just got to the hospital,” Mr. Cameron said breathlessly. “They're taking her in for surgery.”

  “Are you alright?” Dirk asked. “Is there anyone there with you?”

  “Vince is on his way. I'm still trying to get a hold of JoJo–”

  Spencer hurried into the office and set Dirk's suitcase beside his desk.

  Dirk stared at the bag while Spencer reached over and grabbed Dirk's phone, keeping the call going while he brought up Dirk's email app, making sure the flight confirmation had come through.

  “Flight leaves in forty-five minutes,” Spencer told him. “I'll call your driver right now so he'll be ready when you get downstairs.” He switched the screen back to the ongoing phone call and took a step aside.

  Dirk shot out of his chair, patting down his pockets. “Dad, I'm on my way. I'll be there in a few hours.”

  “Thank gods,” his father sighed. “Travel safe.”

  “I will. Love you.” Dirk ended the call, then quickly told his brothers that he was flying out and ended those calls, too. He shoved his phone into his jacket pocket, snatched up his suitcase, and headed for the door.

  Then Dirk stopped and turned back, giving him the most heartbreaking, grateful look Spencer had ever seen. Dirk closed the distance between them in two long strides, grabbed Spencer around the back of the neck, kissed him hard, then rested their foreheads together.

  “I love you,” Dirk breathed.

  Spencer tensed, his heart racing as he finally got to hear the words he'd been craving for six years. He didn't know if it was just the emotion of the
moment talking or if Dirk really meant it, so all he did was kiss Dirk again and push him toward the door.

  “Go,” he insisted.

  Dirk stepped away, then turned back. “What–”

  “Dirk,” Spencer said, putting all the authority into his voice that he could muster. “We've got this. Don't you worry about a thing here. Go be with your family. That's all that matters now.”

  Dirk let out a heavy breath, gave him another grateful smile, and flew out the door.

  Spencer ran to his desk and called Dirk's driver, urging the man to hurry so he'd be at the curb once Dirk reached the ground floor.

  With that done, Spencer sank back into his chair with a sigh, his entire being itching to go after Dirk and be with him through whatever his family might have to face.

  But Dirk needed him here, too. Taking a deep breath, Spencer got back to work.

  A few hours later, he got a text from Dirk: Landed. Getting the rental. Thank you. <3

  Spencer smiled and texted back, Breathe. Drive safe. Call me if you need ANYTHING.

  Will do, Dirk replied.

  It felt like he barely set his phone aside to get back to work when he saw Jayden hurrying toward his desk with a worried look on his face.

  “Dirk just texted me that he's on his way to Woodhurst? I don't even know where that is! I tried to look it up but I couldn't find it and Dirk isn't responding to my texts now and–”

  Spencer shot out of his chair and pulled Jayden into his arms. “Breathe, little one,” he murmured, rubbing Jayden's back. “Breathe. It's alright.”

  “But where is he? And why? Why did he go without us?”

  Spencer maneuvered them to his chair, pulling Jayden onto his lap and rocking gently. “Dirk's mom had a heart attack,” he said. Jayden hissed in a breath between his teeth, but Spencer went on without giving Jayden a chance to say anything. “They're taking her to the hospital, and I put Dirk on a plane so he could go be with his family.”

  Jayden sniffed. “Can't we go with him?”

  Spencer sighed. Gods, how he wanted to do just that. But he had a magazine to run in Dirk's absence, and Dirk's family would have enough going on without having to give any attention to visitors.


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