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Sex Material

Page 20

by Ashley, Victoria

  “Which part?” he questions against my lips.

  “All of it. But especially the part where I’m yours and you’re mine. That part sounds the best. I’ve missed you, Jensen.”

  “I’ve missed you too.” He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, before kissing it. “I’m yours, Cami. All fucking yours for as long as you’ll have me. And you’re sure as fuck mine. Now let’s get some sleep.”

  Kissing me once more, he lowers me down to the mattress beside him, before cuddling up behind me and pulling me in as close as we can get.

  I’ve missed this at night, and after feeling it again, I don’t think I can go without it. He was right. I’m sure as fuck his, and that won’t be changing anytime soon.

  I STEP INTO THE KITCHEN to find Jensen sitting at the table in front of a box of donuts. He smiles tiredly and pulls me into his lap the moment I get close enough for him to reach.

  “Morning.” His voice is deep and sexy in the morning. So damn sexy. “I didn’t want to wake you. Got us donuts.”

  “Morning,” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck as he turns me around, so that I’m straddling his lap. “Did you get much sleep?”

  He shakes his head and kisses my forehead. “Nah. I was a complete asshole to get you here and it kept me up off and on last night.” He runs his thumbs over my cheeks and looks me in the eyes. “I’m sorry, Cami. I’m sorry for being an asshole, and I’m sorry for pushing you away because I was too scared of losing you. I promise if you let me, I’ll make it up to you.”

  I smile and reach for a donut, placing it in his mouth when he opens it wide. “These donuts are a nice start,” I say, before pulling it from his mouth and taking a bite. “Glazed donuts are my favorite. Don’t forget that. It’s valuable information.”

  “I know, and I can’t,” he says. “I remember everything you say, Cami. It’s been that way since the first day I saw you. Even when I didn’t want to listen to you, I did.”

  “That’s sort of sweet in a way,” I joke.

  He leans in and sucks the glaze from my bottom lip with a moan. “So is your fucking mouth.” I laugh when I go to take another bite of the donut, but he snatches it with his mouth and spits it across the room. “Did you like your guest room? I know you’re pissed at me for it, but hopefully you liked it, because it’s not going back.”

  “Jensen,” I say firmly.

  “Did you like it?” he asks again. “Answer the question, Cami.”

  “I don’t know,” I admit. “I didn’t look when it was all put together. I jumped in my car and drove here on a mission. I was seriously pissed.”

  Jensen stands up, picking me up with him. “Grab another donut. We’re going to your place.”

  I reach for a donut, but he keeps pulling me back before I can grab one, so I slap his arm and yell at him until he finally gets close enough. Right as I grab the donut, he rushes us through the house, not even bothering to change first.

  Once we hop into his truck he leans in, takes a bite of my donut, and then takes off as if he’s in a hurry to get to my place.

  He’s lucky he’s being so cute right now or I’d yell at him the whole ride there about how he should’ve never bought the furniture to begin with. How the hell am I supposed to do that when he’s acting this way? I can’t and he knows it.

  When we get to my house, he rushes me to the door and unlocks it with his own key. “You keep my house key on your keyring?” I ask, surprised. I’m not sure why it surprises me. He’s Jensen Blake, after all. “Do you keep a key for all of your rentals on you?”

  “Fuck no,” he says, pushing the door open. “This is the only one I plan on spending my time at. Now get your sexy ass in the house. Now.”

  “Yes, Master,” I tease, feeling playful.

  “Mmm… I like the sound of that.” He follows me through the house, keeping his hand on my waist the entire time to the guest room.

  My eyes widen when I look inside the room to see that everything he ordered is white just like I said I wanted. I knew the futon was white, but I figured that was just a coincidence. I didn’t think he was listening that day we painted together. Apparently, he was telling the truth when he said he listens to everything I say.

  “I’m still mad,” I say, turning to face him. “But I love it at the same time. I’m not going to lie. It’s exactly how I pictured it, Jensen.”


  He pulls me into his arms, but right as he goes to kiss me Veronica pokes her head into the room, scaring the crap out of me. “Holy shit, Veronica. You scared me. Don’t do that ever again.”

  My best friend looks us over with a smile. “I was wondering why you never came home last night. I was praying with everything in me that you were with Jensen and not Douglas. You have no idea how cute you two look together. I mean, it’s sort of weird, but I get it.”

  I expect Jensen to be his usual grumpy self when it comes to everyone else, so I’m surprised when he smiles and says, “Damn straight we look cute together.” Veronica and I both laugh. “Oh, and for the record, you will never find her at Douglas’ house,” he adds.

  “Good.” Veronica smiles, and begins backing her way out of the room. “You two have fun. I should get back to the stove before Peter’s breakfast burns. Again.”

  “Good idea, Veronica.” I say as Jensen backs me against the wall. “Tell Peter—”

  I’m cut off by Jensen’s mouth capturing mine.

  “Okay, good talk. I’ll tell him just that,” Veronica says, before disappearing.

  “I’ve gone too long without you. Don’t think for one second I’ll be sharing you for a while.”

  “Well, good thing for you I’m off for the weekend. You have me to yourself for two days. Better make it worthwhile.”

  “Oh, I will. But I don’t need to tell you this.”

  * * *

  I REFUSED TO LET CAMI leave my sight for one fucking second yesterday. I went three weeks without her. Three fucking weeks, so you can believe I made the best of our first night together.

  But today is our last day before we both have to go back to work, and as much as I don’t want to share her with anyone else, she deserves a nice night out for me to wine and dine her.

  I’m usually not the suit-wearing, flower-buying type of guy, but for Cami, I’ll be anything and everything she fucking deserves. Okay, so I’m not wearing a suit and I didn’t buy any flowers, though I would’ve if she wanted me to, but she didn’t.

  There’s this new restaurant that opened up tonight, and as soon as Cami mentioned it me to last night I called and pulled a few strings to get us a table. The excitement in her eyes when I told her where we were going made my entire fucking week. Hell, it made my entire year.

  “Ready, babe?” I ask for the third time in ten minutes.

  “I think so,” she yells to me from the bathroom. “My stupid hair is not cooperating tonight.”

  “Then leave it down.” I step into the bathroom and my hands instantly go to her hips. “You look incredibly sexy in that dress. Fuck the hair. I like the freshly fucked look on you better anyway.”

  She laughs and slaps my chest. “Is there ever a time that you don’t think dirty?”

  “Do you want there to be a time?”

  “I’m going to go with no.” She gives up and lets her hair hang down when I yank her to me. “I love your mouth, Jensen. It grew on me.”

  “Something else is about to if we don’t leave now. Like right now.” I pull her in for a kiss, before guiding her outside to my truck. If we stay here for one more second, we’ll lose our reservation and end up in her bed.

  When we pull up at the restaurant, it takes close to five minutes to find a place to park, as expected. There’s a line outside of people waiting for a table, and I can’t stop the cocky grin that takes over when one of those people we walk past to get inside is Douglas.

  He takes one look at my arm around Cami and loses his shit on the inside. I know that look, because I’d do the
same if it were him with Cami.

  She doesn’t even notice him. She’s too busy looking at me with a smile that could light up this whole fucking place. If that doesn’t how him that she’s happy without him then I don’t know what will.

  Cami is my girl, and no one will be getting a chance with her again. The look of disappointment on Ole Dougie’s face says that and more. He’s not happy that he lost her, but he’s even more fucked over the fact that she’s mine.

  We’re halfway through dinner when Cami leans against the table to grab my face. “Thank you. Oh my God. You have no idea how much I love this food. Can we eat here every night?” she teases.

  “If you want to.” I’m serious, and from the look on her face she knows it too. “Anything you want, Cami. I’m serious.”

  “I don’t even know what to do with you.”

  “That’s not a problem, because I know what to do with you, Cami.”

  “Oh yeah?” She smiles and sits back in her chair. “What is that?”

  “Keep you,” I say gently.

  She looks me in the eyes, taking a swig of her wine. “I’d like that. A lot.”

  “I’m counting on that.” I look away for a second to get the attention of our waiter when I see Douglas and Susan are finally at the front of the line. He’s looking directly at Cami, and Susan is looking directly at him, looking at her. I have to hold back my laughter at how pathetic the fucker is.

  “Oh God.” She sets her wine glass down and leans in to speak quietly. “How long has Douglas been staring at us? The look on his face is creeping me out.”

  Without a word, I stand up and walk to Douglas, giving his shoulder a tight squeeze. I put on a smile so that everyone around us suspects I’m saying something nice. “You’re going to stop staring at my girl, Douglas. She wants nothing to do with you, and if you attempt to show up at her classroom again or catch her in the parking lot of the school, I won’t only kick your fucking ass, but I’ll also make sure you get transferred to a different school distract.” His eyes widen at the last part. “Do I fucking make myself clear?”

  He swallows and nods.

  “Good, Dougie. Have a great fucking dinner. That’s if your girl doesn’t leave before you make it to a table. Keep your eyes off Cami. Don’t make me come over here again.” I slap his shoulder a little too hard before walking away to join Cami at the table again.

  “He’s not looking this way anymore. What did you say?” she asks, sounding relieved.

  “What I had to.” I pull her chair to me and kiss her, taking my time to enjoy the feel of her lips on mine. I went too long without this feeling and I’ll never let that happen again. “How about some dessert?”

  “I think I just had it, Jensen.” She smiles against my lips, before backing away and running her tongue over her lips. “But I have room for more.” The way her eyes light up when I hand her the dessert menu makes me want to buy her to the whole damn restaurant.

  After Cami finishes her second dessert—the glazed cake I made her order because I knew she’d love it—I pay the bill and exit the restaurant.

  Everything about tonight has gone perfectly. Then Lucas and his girlfriend get out of his Mazda and head our way. He’s looking at Cami, so I pull her close to me. “Stay behind me,” I whisper.

  I have some shit to say to Lucas. Shit I wouldn’t say if it weren’t for Cami opening my eyes the other night. I’ve let that piece of shit walk all over me since the night his sister died. I’ve let him put the blame on me and make me believe it myself, all because he was grieving for his sister.

  That’s changing tonight.

  “Blake,” he seethes, eyeing me over with his usual hate. “You might want to keep walking.”

  “I don’t fucking think so, Lucas.” I crack my neck and get in his face, backing him up with a bump from my chest. “You blaming me for what happened to Katherine ends right now. We both know I did everything to help your sister. Every fucking thing, and it still wasn’t enough. If I hadn’t been there for those seven years looking after her and helping her with Benny, taking her to meetings and getting her the care she needed, we both know what would’ve happened. So fuck you for getting in my head and making me believe her death was on me.”

  “You’re pushing it, Jensen.” He pushes my chest to create some space between us, but I immediately move back in, closing it. “You have huge fucking balls to say this shit to me and not think I’ll lay you out.”

  I let out a humorless laugh and look him directly in the eyes. “Give it your best shot, Lucas. You got in my head and I took your shit, because I thought I deserved it. I thought I deserved the emptiness I felt, but not anymore. I’m not the one to blame. Where were you all those years? Huh? We all did the best we could. It just took me a long damn time to see it. Like me or hate me, but I’m done hating myself. So stay the fuck out of my way.”

  Lucas doesn’t say shit as I grab Cami’s hand and walk away. He doesn’t know what to say, because deep down he knows I wasn’t to blame. He just wanted someone else to blame other than Katherine.

  When we get to my truck, I grab the steering wheel and squeeze, trying to keep my shit together. Bumping into him has me on edge, but it felt good saying what I had to say. We were best friends once. Then enemies. Who knows after tonight. But at least he knows I’m not the one to blame, and maybe one day he’ll admit it.

  Cami gently touches my arm, before placing a kiss on it. “You did good, Jensen. Really good. Look at me.” She grabs my face and I look at her. “You’re a good person and a great fucking man. I’m lucky to have you as mine. I want you to know that.”

  Her words squeeze my cold heart, warming it more than she already has since coming into my life almost two months ago. I run my hands through her hair, before leaning in to kiss her on the lips. “My place or yours?”

  “As long as I’m with you, it doesn’t matter.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  Cami has no idea what she’s done to me. She has no idea just how much I fucking love her.

  AS MUCH AS I LOVED Jensen taking me out tonight, after such a long day it feels good to be alone with him. I like having him to myself. I don’t care what we do or how we spend the rest of the night as long as we’re together.

  I feel closer to him than I have since we met, and I’m close to slipping up and telling him how I truly feel. I’m not sure how much longer I can go without letting him know I’ve fallen in love with him. I’ve fallen in love with Jensen Blake, the asshole landlord, and I wouldn’t change the way I feel for anything.

  I’m in the middle of unzipping my dress and slipping out of it when Jensen appears in the doorway and leans against it, his strong arms crossed.

  He looks incredibly sexy, and the way he’s looking at me like he wants to claim me as his has me slowly undressing for his pleasure. When he looks at me, I feel sexy and wanted, and that’s something I never truly felt when I dated Douglas. Jensen is everything Douglas never was and everything I never knew I wanted.

  “Shit, Cami.” He steps into the room and unbuttons the top of his black button-down shirt. I can’t pull my eyes away from his firm chest as he slowly continues his way down to the last button. “You have no idea how good I’m about to make you feel.”

  “Show me,” I whisper. “I want all of you, Jensen.” With my eyes on him, I continue to undress myself, but before I make it to my panties, he picks me up and lays me on the bed. He slowly spreads my thighs and runs his hands between them, checking to see how wet I am for him. It’s something he loves to do, and just like always, I’m soaked.

  “Fuck me, Cami. You have it. You have for a long time now.” He grabs my panties and slides them down my legs, kissing my body all the way down to my feet. “I love everything about you.” He works his way back up my body, stopping on my breasts. “You have no idea what you’ve done to me. You got my heart beating again.”

  I cup his face as he moves up my body to lay between my legs. The moment his
eyes meet mine I’m a complete mess of emotions. His icy blues do things to me. They have since the beginning. “I can say the same about you,” I whisper.

  “You made me fall in love with you, Cami.” My heart stops and I forget how to breathe for a second. “I mean that. I hope you’ll let me show you.” He cups my face and locks eyes with me. “I want you to feel how much, Cami.”

  “Show me.” I close my eyes and dig my fingers into his shoulders when he slides into me and stops, wanting to make sure he’s not hurting me. It’s like he wants to be gentle this time. He’s never been gentle before, and it has me turning to complete mush.

  “I love you too, Jensen,” I whisper against his lips. “We belong together. I believe that with my whole heart.”

  Unlike any time in the past, he makes love to me this time. Sweaty, hot and panting love. Nothing about this moment feels dirty. Everything about it feels just right. From the way he slowly enters me over and over again to the way his mouth never leaves mine for longer than a few seconds.

  He enters me deep each time. His mouth hot and demanding on mine, showing me just how his I am. Each time he stretches me, I dig into his flesh and moan into his mouth, him catching my moans and growling out his own pleasure.

  We’ve spent the entire night with our bodies tangled together as he takes me over and over again, like he can’t make love to me enough. And I feel the same way. He possessively fills me with his cum each time, and each time I want more and more of this man.

  I would spend the rest of my life in this moment with him if I could, and the way he’s taking me and owning me so deeply, I know he feels the same way.

  Jensen Blake now owns me completely, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

  IT’S EARLY IN THE MORNING—too early to be awake—so when I wake up to find the spot beside me empty, I head down the hall knowing exactly where to find Cami. It’s where I’ve been finding her for the last few months whenever she wakes up before me.


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