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Love's Fun

Page 3

by Karen Deen

  Hitting the shower, I was glad they aren’t communal. Alesha is doing all sorts of things to my body, and my cock is sitting at half-mast just thinking about her on the other side of this wall, naked and soapy. What I wouldn’t give to get a glimpse of her wet, with the water running over her body. Lathering the soap across her skin, her hands running over those tits that are just the perfect size. Plenty for me to take hold of. After they are all soaped up, her hand slips down to rub herself. Her head leaning back with her mouth open and the slightest moan escaping. The movie reel is playing in front of me while I start to rub myself. It doesn’t take long for my cock to be rock hard and standing to attention while I think about her. There is no way I can leave this shower now without taking care of myself. Closing my eyes, I see her leaning against the tiles, head back with one hand massaging her breast and pinching her nipple to the point of pain. The other hand is now moving up and down, with her palm pressing down on her clit to give her that pressure she needs to get herself to that climax. As her breathing becomes more rapid, I feel the sensation in my balls letting me know I’m close. I feel the hot tingles coursing through my body as I see her silently scream. No sound escapes but her body is exploding as she comes on her fingers. My cum shoots at the shower drain and washes away, along with the vision in my head. How am I going to sit across from Ally at breakfast without thinking about what I have just done? What sort of man can’t control himself enough to keep his cock from taking over? I feel like a schoolboy after gym class watching the cheerleaders practising, full of teenage hormones, seeing those legs lifting the short skirts and the tits bouncing. There wasn’t a boy in that gym class who wasn’t trying to adjust himself to hide what it was doing to his dick.

  Drying myself, I’m trying not to think of her, so I don’t end up with the earlier problem again. Pulling on my clothes, I’m already wondering what Ally is now wearing? Last night, the little navy dress she had on was simple but so fucking sexy. It fitted her to perfection, clinging to the curves of her hips and over her tight little backside. I stood near the bar chatting to Luke, Alesha and Lilly’s brother, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her body as she swayed on the dance floor with the girls. I knew I had to keep my distance, otherwise I would have consumed her being that close to her.

  This breakfast is going to be just the beginning of our time together. I want to know Ally, but more than that, I want to make her mine. That I already know. Which freaks me out and calms me all at the same time.



  MY HEAD IS SCRAMBLING this morning. I’m normally completely in control of my thoughts and actions but then Xavier turned up in my life yesterday. He has my body doing all sorts of crazy things. There is so much electricity buzzing around in me that I’m unsure of what to do with it. Every time he looked at me or talked to me out on the gym floor, my brain went haywire and my tongue froze making it so hard to talk. I’m not sure what it is. I’ve always been nervous around men and always fumble over my words in a casual atmosphere. At work, though, it’s like I put up a shield that gives me the confidence to take charge. It is like my business suits are my secret weapons. Or maybe it’s just that I have never wanted to kiss or touch any of them in totally inappropriate places. They’re just work colleagues and clients. Xavier is totally different.

  Since last night, he’s consumed my every thought. Spending the last hour so close to him has left my body on tenterhooks. I’m tingling in places that haven’t tingled in a very long time. Watching the muscles in his arms, as he showed me how to do each of the weight exercises, I almost had dribble running out the corners of my mouth. Arm porn has always had me hot under the collar. The veins he has that follow down over the bulges are so sexy with the loose tank top that had oversized arm holes and had a Y-back to reveal his shoulders. Holy shit, when he grabbed hold of the bar to show me the correct way to do chin lifts, I nearly came on the spot.

  The arms!

  The shoulders and back muscles as he lifted up and down. That is just porn with clothes on. Not that I have ever watched porn, but that vision is enough for me. Just being able to see that part of his body had me imagining what the rest looks like hidden under his tank top and shorts. My mind was all fuzzy while I tried to concentrate on doing chin ups. It wasn’t helping me to get my chin anywhere near the bar. Besides, trying to lift the dead weight of my ass off the ground is no easy feat. I thought I was a mess before, just being near him, then he came behind me and put his hands on my waist to help me get closer to the bar. As soon as he started to talk close to my ear, goose bumps were everywhere on my body and I knew my face was turning red and it had nothing to do with how hot I was from the workout.

  “That’s it, Ally, up and down. Breathe in and out. Pull up nice and hard and then slide nice and slowly down. It’s all in the technique.” I wasn’t sure if he was talking about the chin lifts I was supposed to be doing, or something else entirely. I have never been the one to have a dirty mind but today I couldn’t seem to get it out of the gutter. Lilly would think it’s hilarious and be super proud that I am finally acting like her. She finds something dirty and sexual in nearly everything a guy says to her during a flirting session. Mind you, it probably is meant to be that dirty. Every guy who chats her up is thinking about what it would be like to get into her pants. She might look like the typical dumb blonde, but she is far from it. She pulls them in, plays with them and then walks away leaving them hot and panting. It’s like a game to her. She is the cat and they are the poor defenceless mice with no idea what they’re in for.

  I’m unsure how much of this personal training from Xavier I’ll be able to cope with. I never thought the smell of sweat on a man would be such a turn on. I’m on sensory overload this morning. I thought the chin lifts were bad until we were on the floor doing sit ups. With my knees bent and Xavier kneeling in front of me holding my feet down. Every time I came up towards my knees, there he was leaning forward, encouraging me. If he leaned any further forward, our lips would have touched. Those perfect lips looking so soft on his rugged face. Kissing them would be a mixture of senses, rough and sweet. I need to stop thinking of him in this way because it’s not going to happen. He would never look at me that way. Especially with all the women he’s got to choose from. I am the grey in his world of color. Why would any man choose that?


  Drying off after my shower, every swipe of the towel across my nipples makes me shiver. They’re hard and sensitive. I need to get settled before I walk out of here. Of all days, the clothes I threw in my bag at some ungodly hour this morning are all form-fitting. My tank top is so tight I can sometimes wear it without a bra. Luckily, I grabbed a bra as there’s no hiding nipples that are out for all the world to see. Or more specifically, that are out there for Xavier. I have a feeling they will end up being like magnets for his eyes that already have problems keeping off my body.

  For the first time in my life, it feels exciting to be ogled by a man. Not creepy or threatening, but special. I can’t imagine it will last long, though. It’s only because I’m new. He’s just checking me out and will then move on to someone better. That I can guarantee, it always happens that way.

  I was trying to get out of coffee by saying we were busy but typical Lilly jumped straight in and offered breakfast, grinning like a Cheshire cat while she did it. Pretty sure she has already worked out there is something sizzling between the two of us. The last thing I need is my helpful sister getting involved in my life more than she already is. All my brothers have tried to keep their love life away from her until they have the new relationship in a semi-solid state. She means well but gets too excited and goes over the top with her nosy nature. The boys are strong enough to tell her nicely to stay out of their lives. Me, on the other hand, can never say no to Lilly. Even though she is younger than me, she loves to run my life. Most of the time I don’t mind but I have a feeling this is going to be the first time I might need to stand up and tell her to butt out. Let’s s
ee what the morning brings.

  “Hurry up, Lesh, I don’t want to keep your hot date waiting.” Lilly yells through the door. My head falls into my hand. So, it begins.

  Opening the shower cubicle to step out, I see her leaning into the mirror above the sink, putting her lipstick on. Even before we made it to the gym this morning her face was made up and lipstick applied. She never leaves home without it. I, on the other hand, feel less is more. Just a little foundation, mascara and a small amount of a nude lipstick is enough for me. There’s no one I am trying to impress, so keeping things natural always seems like the right fit for me.

  “Lilly, don’t be stupid, Xavier is just being nice asking us out for coffee.”

  “Bullshit, Lesh, he was asking you out for coffee, in case you didn’t notice. I just saved your ass by asking them both to breakfast, so you weren’t on your own. I know how you freak out around guys and I don’t want you scared off. I’m telling you, that guy has it bad for you. If you could see the way he was checking you out the whole time, you’d agree.” I can never understand how Lilly can hold a full conversation never missing a beat while she is fixing her face.

  “Stop it, Lilly, you’re making me more nervous than I already am.” I know I’m blushing from the warm feeling on my cheeks.

  “Ah, so you do like him. He has you all anxious, doesn’t he? I can tell. You are more off-kilter than you normally are. I know you get nervous around men, but Xavier is different. You are all hot and bothered by him.”

  “Seriously, Lilly, I need you to just leave this alone. Otherwise I’m skipping breakfast. Please, sis, I just need you to leave it be.” I am so worked up there are tears bordering on spilling. I can’t take Lilly making a joke of me in front of him and embarrassing me. She doesn’t mean it, but I can’t shake things off as easily as her.

  “Hey, Lesh, it’s okay. I’m just joking, don’t get upset. I can see how rattled you are by Xavier. I’m here to support you, not to make it harder. To be honest, I’ve never ever seen you this worked up about a man before. This is serious. Not just a little interested. You really feel a connection with him, don’t you? There is something happening that you have no idea how to handle?”

  I stood there staring at my sister, taking in everything she just said. She’s right. These flutters and the tingling I’m getting every time I’m near Xavier is not like anything I’ve felt before. It’s crazy. I only met him last night. If he knew what was going on in my head, he would run the opposite direction, thinking I’m some weirdo. Who falls for a guy so quickly, without even properly knowing him? This is totally out of character for me. I’m the conservative, calculating woman who gets all the facts before she makes any judgements or decisions. Yet here I am, practically drooling over this guy. “It doesn’t matter what I’m thinking or feeling. He won’t be interested in me. Even if he is, it will be temporary until someone better comes along - someone more interesting than me. Let’s just get this breakfast over with so I can head home and get on with my Saturday chores.”

  Moving towards the door, I don’t give Lilly a chance to respond. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Taking deep breaths, I look towards reception to see Nat and Xavier leaning against the counter. Once he spots me, his concentration is purely on me. Nat is talking to him, but it looks like he isn’t hearing a word she’s saying. I drop my head, breaking the moment so I don’t have to look at him. I feel a hand wrap around my waist from behind, Lilly’s voice whispering to me as we walk. “Just relax, Lesh, you got this. Just make a friend and then see what happens. One step at a time.”

  For once, I actually think her advice is sensible. I need to learn how to become friends with a man that I like to get over this stupid fear of talking to them. Maybe I can manage that with Xavier.

  “I will help you. Just take baby steps.” Lilly then let go and walked ahead of me the way she has most of her life. In front and making a life for both of us, pulling me along behind her. No wonder people think she is the older sister. She is far more confident than me.

  Here goes nothing.

  “You guys ready? I can’t wait to get that coffee into me and rest my aching legs. Where is good around here?” Standing behind and to the side of her, I let her take the lead in the conversation. I need to slowly work up to joining in.

  After a few suggestions, it’s decided we will head to a café around the corner. Lilly grabs Xavier’s arm and links hers through it, telling him to lead the way. It means that Nat and I are walking along behind them. I like Nat, she’s a little like me. It looks like Xavier pushes her along a little, too. He’s the more confident twin, the leader in their personal training business, although they work well together. Being twins, they’re in sync as they work. Sometimes not even speaking, and you can tell they know what each other needs. It must be a strange feeling to be that in tune with someone. Lilly and I are close, but I can imagine it must be crazy to have a twin sister. Having someone that similar could get annoying at times, especially through the teenage years. Guess I’ll never know.

  “How did you find this morning? Xavier didn’t scare you away, did he?” Nat asks as we walk. “You did so well, I was really impressed.”

  “It was hard, but I actually feel really good after it. I wasn’t sure how I would go, but I enjoyed it more than I was expecting.” For more ways than I can explain to Nat.

  “I think Xavier enjoyed having you there, too. He can’t seem to take his eyes off you.” I wasn’t expecting Nat to say that. It took me by surprise and had me feeling a little embarrassed.

  “I’m sure he’s like that with all the girls. You said yourself this morning, he thinks he’s a ladies’ man.”

  “That’s true.” She laughs. “But the way he was looking at you was different than I’ve seen from him before. I know I talked him up, but he is a good guy. Just give him a chance to show it, is all I’m saying.” With that, she walks through the door to the café, leaving me standing on the pavement flabbergasted. What the hell is going on today? It is like I have stepped into some alternate universe.

  Xavier stands with the door open waiting for me to follow the girls in. I feel like if I step through the door, I’m accepting everything that’s going on. The change that is brewing. I’m not sure if I’m ready for what lies inside. I need to take that leap, though. Who am I kidding? I’m overthinking this. It’s just breakfast, nothing more, nothing less. Stop thinking everything is like the sexy romance stories I read. This is just normal, average, real life. That is what I keep telling myself as I walk straight past Xavier and take a seat next to Lilly in the booth. I can do this. Just pretend he is a new client or a friend of the boys. Just put your professional armour on.



  WATCHING HER STANDING OUTSIDE the door, I want to be able to talk to her but instead I can only think the words in my head, so I don’t scare her. Come on, baby, take the step. I don’t bite. I can see your head trying to process your thoughts. It’s written all over your face. Let me get to know you.

  I see the moment your decision is made, and you walk towards me. Good girl. This is just the beginning, so let’s get started. I laugh on the inside, seeing the relief on your face as you see Lilly sitting in the booth with room for you to slide in. To be honest, I’m glad too. I’m not sure I can sit that close to you without being tempted to touch you in some way. It would probably be a really stupid idea at this early stage. You’re like a baby deer in the open fields. Flighty at any movement, still learning all there is to know about the world. Trying to investigate but scared to adventure too far. The world of dating men is just as daunting for you as the little deer trying to take those steps into exploring life. I feel like the hunter stalking my prey. Watching and waiting for you to relax enough in my presence so I can move forward.

  My normal routine would have seen you in my bed by tonight and out of my life by tomorrow. That is not what I want with you. Just thinking about that, makes me realize I wasn’t ever looking for anythin
g more than a bit of fun. With you, I want to find more.

  Nat and Lilly have been making small talk while we all ordered and get settled. She seems to be relaxing and joining in a little. Mind you, I haven’t really been talking much. When Lilly’s around, it’s kind of hard to get a word in, that woman can really talk. I thought I was bad, but she trumps me on that.

  “Xavier, what have you got planned for the rest of today?” Lilly asks me as the server begins taking our orders.

  “Thinking I might go for a hike up into the mountains. Always good this time of the year, fresh air, great views. How about you girls?”

  “There’s no way I will be hiking anywhere today after your punishment. I have a hair appointment, then I think a little shopping might be in order.” Like it’s a surprise that Lilly is shopping today. I imagine that is her main pastime.

  “What about you, Ally, what are you up to today?” Trying to coax her into the conversation, I can see her trying to work out her words before they come out.

  “I have a few jobs to do this morning and then I hadn’t planned anything, but I think I will visit Zach, Emily and the kids.” Now, that wasn’t that hard, was it, Ally? Now to keep you talking.


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