Book Read Free

Love's Fun

Page 4

by Karen Deen

  “Pity, you could have come hiking with me. It would be fun showing you my favourite trails. Maybe next time? I’m sure you will have a fun afternoon. Those little kids, Samuel and Sophia, I met last night were pretty cool - Zach is a lucky man.” Running into this family last night was a lot of fun. Of course, until Zara ended up in tears and having a breakdown, but that’s another story. I’m unsure about the girls’ brother, Grant. I didn’t really get to meet him, but I know one thing for sure… if he hurts Zara, I will kill him. She is Nat’s best friend and has become like a sister to me. She has had a few crappy things happen to her and she deserves some happiness. The rest of the family seemed close to each other and nice people.

  “Sophia and Sammy are the most adorable kids I have ever met. Baby Thomas is going to be smothered to death with love from his big brother and sister. They have had a hard life before Emily met Zach but now, they are truly loved by our family and Zach will be the best Dad to them. I love Emily, too. She’s such a beautiful soul and loves Zach with everything she has. They’re so cute together.” I don’t think Ally realized she has said so much when she finally stops. I have hit a winner, getting her talking about her family. She obviously loves them dearly.

  “Tell me about the twins. Are they alike?” Trying to keep her going, I see the smile on Lilly’s face. Ally looks towards her to answer but she just keeps smiling, waiting for Ally to answer the question I asked.

  “Um, in some ways you could say they are. They are both gentle souls, big hearts and stick together to protect each other whenever they need to. There are lots of ways, though, that they are so different. Sammy is super active and full of energy. Whereas little Soph is more reserved and quieter. I think Sammy talks enough for the both of them. They both have their own confidence issues from their life before Zach, but they’re working through them with all our help. Sophia is very academic where Samuel is good at working things out through common sense and practicality. I can’t wait to watch them grow up and what life holds in store for them. I love being an aunty to them and of course Baby Thomas. Who couldn’t love that little baby with the most adorable chubby cheeks.”

  Watching her talk about her niece and nephews is great. The sparkle in her eyes is something I am hoping to see more of.

  “You obviously want kids down the track by the sounds of how much you love being around them. Is that something you think you would love, a set of twins? You know twins are pretty awesome, aren’t they, Nat?” I can’t help myself, my stirring nature doesn’t stay buried for very long.

  “Of course, we are! Nothing like having a pain in the ass brother, who you’ve had to put up with from the moment of conception. It’s a laugh a minute.” With that, everyone starts laughing. We have finally broken the ice with Alesha and she’s starting to relax a little.

  “Do you have any other siblings?” Lilly asks trying to learn more about our background.

  “No, our parents realized they got perfection when we were born so they didn’t go back for more. I mean, why would you keep trying when you already have the perfect baby?” I say, throwing my arms out wide so they know I’m talking about myself.

  “Nat is right. You are so full of yourself, Xavier. What you mean is, you were such a handful that your mom and dad couldn’t handle any more kids. You took all their energy just looking after you. Is that right, Nat?” Lilly grins after her smart comment and the girls laugh at me.

  Finally, someone who’s not afraid to throw back at me - a bit of sass. Lilly cracks me up. Her and Alesha are so different.

  “Hey, I was the model child!” Which might be a little white lie. I was so active my parents often complained I wore them out when I was little. Never sat still, always up to mischief and never shut up.

  “I doubt it,” Ally mumbles and has a little giggle to herself under her breath.

  “Oh wow, I thought you were on my side, Ally. You know you will pay for that next PT session, don’t you? Now, when are you girls coming back to train with us, so I can get my revenge for such nasty comments. I suppose you also believe that Natalie was the perfect one out of the two of us?” I need to make sure I’m setting up another session, so I get to see Ally again. Breakfast is coming to an end and I don’t want to let her get out of here before I make a time to see her. She is still so shy I have a feeling if she leaves without nailing her down then she may run and that will be the end of it.

  “Um, I’m not sure, maybe we could let you know,” she says, stumbling over her words again.

  “Let’s just book in Monday morning, Ally. Otherwise we won’t get anywhere if we don’t start a routine. Isn’t that right, Nat? We would need to train with you at least three to four times a week, to get the fitness we want to maintain. Does that suit you guys?” Lilly wears a cheeky smile. I think I have found myself a new member for Team Xavier.

  “Perfect. Let’s do six am Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We can work out the weekends as we go along. You good with that, Ally?” Her face is showing the inner turmoil she’s struggling with. Come on, baby, take that next step.

  “I will have to check my diary.” She can’t look me in the eyes when she says it.

  “No, you don’t. There’s no way you have anything booked in at six am in the morning, sis. I will pick you up every morning to make sure you drag your butt out of bed. It still leaves us plenty of time to get to work. Luke is also interested in training with Xavier, is it okay if I let him know and he can join us if he wants?” Ally looks like she is about to kill Lilly. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the car ride home with them.

  “Of course. The more the merrier. That way there is less chance I can be too hard on you girls. I will be more than happy to be slamming your brother. I’ve got a feeling he thinks he is pretty hot shit in the gym. I think I can take him on, in a thing or two. We got on well last night over a beer until he took to the dance floor to devour Zoe. What was with those two?”

  “Long story, but let’s just say thank God he finally pulled his finger out of his ass and admitted how in love he is with Zoe. They have been sneaking around for months thinking we didn’t know they were together. The only one who has no idea is Grant and that’s because he’s so hooked up on Zara, he can’t see straight.”

  “Well, he better start seeing straight and treat her right, otherwise, he will answer to Nat and I. I don’t think she is giving him the time of day, either. That girl has her eye on the prize with her audition and determination to not let anything, or anyone, get in her way. Good luck to him if he can get her attention.” It looked like the boys in the Stevenson house were all starting to find their soulmates to spend their lives with. I wonder if it is time for the girls to follow suit. She has no idea, but I have a deep-down feeling, Alesha could be next on the list. That’s if I play my cards right.

  Alesha still hasn’t replied one way or the other if she’s coming for the training with me. I’m torn as to if I should ask her out for drinks or just let her warm up to me at the gym. I’m not usually very patient. This shit is killing me.

  Maybe I’m better to let her relax around me first. I doubt she would agree to drinks just yet, anyway.

  I reach for my cell and open the calendar app. Bringing up next week, I start typing.

  “I’m booking you in right now and then you have no choice but to turn up for training.” I have another motive for this, too. “Now, what are your phone numbers, so I can enter them in for the appointments?” Lilly happily rattles them both off for me. This will make my future date with Ally easier if I can contact her away from our siblings.

  “I will message you both now so you have my number in case there are any dramas each morning. Just so you know, hangovers are no excuse for not turning up to training. Nat’s number is also attached to the message. Lilly, can you forward my number to Luke as well? That way he can get in touch whenever he wants to train.” Ally’s wide eyes are glued to her phone. She’s not sure what to make of what she’s reading. I couldn’t help myself.
Judging by her reaction, it got the desired effect. Her stunned face is finally giving way to a small smile. She isn’t letting on too much, but she isn’t yelling at me either, which is a start. I just couldn’t sit back and not push just a little.



  I CAN’T BELIEVE HE actually wrote that. What decent guy actually admits that about himself? Sitting in the car with Lilly after leaving the gym, I keep rereading his message over and over. I wonder what reaction he is expecting from me. I’m actually trying not to giggle to myself out loud in front of Lilly. Otherwise, she’ll want to know everything. Maybe I should reply, but how does a girl respond to a message like this?

  Xavier: Hi gorgeous. This is the number for the pussy whisperer. Call me anytime you need my services or maybe just want to chat. Today was fun, can’t wait for our next session. Xav.

  There are so many double meanings in the message. I’ve got a feeling that’s exactly the result he was trying to achieve. I’m so behind the eight ball when it comes to flirting. I can’t even open my mouth to talk half the time, let alone come up with witty, sexy comments. I put my cell in my bag so I stop looking at it.

  “Want to come shopping with me today, Lesh? I need a new pair of shoes. You are always good at telling me what looks good.” Lilly has got to be kidding! She never needs my help with shopping. She has a degree with honours in shopping from the retail shops of America. She is just looking for someone to keep her company. Normally, I would be happy to tag along, but today I’m just not feeling it. I need to go home and spend some time on my own. Try to work out what the hell has gone on in my life over the past twenty-four hours.

  “You need a new pair of shoes or you just want a new pair of shoes? There is a difference, you know. Not sure there would ever be a time you actually need a new pair of shoes. The fact that Zach has built you a cupboard designed for all your shoes tells me you will never need shoes.”

  “Aren’t you the funny one this morning. Of course I need a new pair of shoes. I have that new red dress that needs the perfect pair to match, don’t you think?” Lilly looks at me, trying to justify her shopping trip.

  “What? The other ten pairs of shoes to go with the other ten red dresses you have won’t work with this red dress?”

  “Lesh, what’s wrong with you? They won’t do. New dress, new shoes. You know the drill. Wearing the same pair of shoes with two different red dresses, I would feel so underdressed.” Lilly’s tone tells me she can’t believe what I am saying to her.

  “Are you listening to yourself, Lil? You could feed a small nation on the value of your shoe collection. You are such a laugh. I pity the man who sweeps you off your feet one day. He’s going to need to be very understanding about your shoe fetish. He also will need to have a big bank balance to build you that super large house with a shoe room just to fit them all in.” This is what we are good at. Fun banter that never turns nasty.

  “I can assure you the man of my dreams will certainly be big and not just in the bank balance department.” Her eyebrows rising up and down make me lose it. Like I said, everything has a sexual meaning when it comes to Lilly. If only I had that confidence.

  “Whatever! You spend the day getting that super urgent pair of shoes by yourself. I have a few things to do, then I think I’ll head out to Zach and Emily’s place for a visit. I need a kid fix. The twins will make me laugh and I will get to cuddle with Thomas. I won’t have to share him with you or Mom.” Actually, there’s no sharing when Mom is around. Being a grandmother has been her life’s dream since we’ve all grown up and moved out. She needs people to fuss over and spoil. So, these three little ones are getting their fair share from her. They certainly aren’t complaining. Sophia and Samuel have loved her from the day they met. They were longing for a family to love them and Mom was more than happy to take on that role. Any traveling Dad was still hoping to do with Mom has now been put on hold. She always said that she would travel with him until grandbabies arrived and then he may as well park the camper because she wasn’t leaving. Dad grumbled, but now that it’s happened, there’s no complaining and he spends just as much time with the kids as Mom does. Poor Zach and Emily. Sometimes I think they have to fight to get their own kids back. I hope one day I will get to have children who Mom will be able to spoil and love. Of course, the chance is slim. I need to be able to talk to a man before I can even get close to a relationship. The dream of children is still a long way away.

  Pulling up at my apartment block, Lilly turns to me with those puppy eyes that the youngest in the family always seems to master.

  “Are you sure you can’t come shopping? You know I’m not good with decisions.” Normally I would give in and just go, but today I need time on my own for a little while. Thinking about Xavier has me a little scrambled, which I’m not sure how to handle.

  “Sorry, I have things I need to do. You will be fine. If in doubt, buy both pairs. What’s one more pair of shoes in the total collection you already have. Right?”

  “You know, sometimes that sarcasm could be mistaken for humour. Are you hiding an inner comedian in there?”

  “Not a chance. Luke is the clown of the family. Since when have you heard me tell a joke?” I try to be serious, but Lilly is already laughing at me. “I will talk to you later. Got to run.” I don’t want her to keep trying to convince me, so I jump out of the car and head to the door. I’m sure Lilly could end a World War if needed with her persuasion skills. You need to abandon ship before she gets started.

  Opening the front door on my apartment always brings a sense of calm over me. It is my sanctuary away from the busy chaotic world. Taking a glance around, I see my personality in every corner of the room. Being a large open-plan room, the lounge, dining and kitchen all look out onto the wall of glass facing the balcony. I spend nights out there on my day bed, just me, my kindle, a glass of red and the sounds of the night, with low background music from my playlist. The view is beautiful both day and night. The park across the road gives me the sense of not being too crowded. The different seasons always give me a changing view. Facing west, I can see the mountains in the distance, which always look majestic. I haven’t been up there for years. As a little girl, Dad would take us hiking or for picnics. I loved to be with my family, just not walking for hours at a time through dense bush. There were trails up there, we just never seemed to use them. Dad always thought it was so much more of an adventure if we walked off the path and learnt how to get ourselves back to the parking lot. I would feel nervous sometimes, thinking we were lost, but every time we would break through the trees and surprise, there was the safety of the car. Luke still likes to run the trails often. Occasionally, he drags Grant and Zach with him, probably so he can beat them running to the peak. Being competitive in this family is a given with the boys. As children, it was more of an issue than now. Luke hated to lose and there was always a fight at the end over who cheated. Thank goodness they have now grown up. Well, most of the time anyway.

  Although I love the peace of the greenery, the city at night with the lights twinkling is just as amazing. I bought this apartment after looking at various properties with the help of my brothers. This place needed work but I was sold the first moment I walked through the front door. Dad and the boys just asked what my wish list was and before I knew it, everything was done. I was ready to move in. One of my big-ticket items was the custom-built bookshelves. I love real books. The smell, the feel and the weight of them as you read Pages moving from one hand to the other as you race through to get to the last page, so you can work out the ending. My kindle is my main reading tool because it is so easy to travel with and get a new book as soon as you’ve read the last word of the previous one. However, nothing beats a real book. I have collected my favourite books and authors over the last few years. Some signed, others sitting waiting for the day I might be lucky enough to meet the author in person. Everyone has a passion and mine is books. If that makes me a nerd, then I am happy to claim that titl
e. It upset me as a teenager, now I don’t care. I am who I am, like it or not. I just wish I could sort out the confidence issue and life would be complete.

  I throw my keys in the bowl I have just inside the door and head for my bedroom. I need to change into clothes that will be easier to play in with the kids out in the yard. I never know what they will have me doing. If the weather is good today, maybe we will take the horses out for a ride. Zach had stumbled across an old rundown farm, with the most amazing house, spending years doing it up and restoring it to its former glory. It is now full of love and happiness with his little family. It is a wonderful place for children to grow up, with so much room to run around and discover life. Mind you, Sammy certainly needs to run a lot to wear off some of the abundance of energy he has trapped inside him. Emily and Zach will have their work cut out as he grows up trying to get him to sit still long enough to study and learn in school. He reminds me a lot of Luke when he was younger. I think that is why the two of them share such a special bond. Two peas in a pod.

  Cleaning is something I’m in the position to be able to pay someone to do for me, but I get satisfaction out of the end result. It’s not like I don’t have the time to do it myself. With only me living here, and not many visitors, the cleaning is not a very big job. My OCD doesn’t cope well with other people doing things like this for me. I need to take care of my books and make sure everything is in its place. Zach only ever brought the twins here once. My nerves were on high alert as they picked up and touched everything as they explored. They were careful, but it just had me freaking out. Now, I visit them instead. It’s much easier.

  Luke thinks he’s hilarious whenever he’s here. He manages to either move some of my things or push the picture frames so they aren’t straight. At first, I would get really mad, but now I just laugh and go around looking for his little game, fix it then send him a message pretending to be cranky. It has become our own little joke between us. At least today everything is dusted and sitting exactly where I like it. Now, time to head out to the farm for the afternoon. Hopefully it will give me something to take my mind off thinking about Xavier and whatever the hell that was this morning between us.


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