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When We Fall

Page 10

by Madeleine Labitan

  Thankfully, I was wise enough to keep my thumb outside my fist when I punched Liam. Otherwise, I'd already have requested to be taken to the hospital.

  "Remind me not to piss you off, Pretty Girl."

  We all snap our heads to see Jamie, Bennett and Giovanni standing a few feet away.

  Bennett whistles. "That was pretty fucking epic, gorgeous." He smirks at me. "I have to say, I didn't know you had it in you."

  Quinn rolls her eyes as she straightens up to her full five-seven frame, facing him. "Serves you right for underestimating her. But then, isn't that what you always do—underestimate girls?"

  I meet Brayden's wide eyes. Are we finally going to find out the real deal between them?

  Bennett stalks forward, stopping when he’s just mere inches away and towering over her, their gazes clashing.

  Quinn doesn't even flinch. She tilts her chin up in defiance. "What? Did I lie?"

  He continues to crowd her until her back hits the island behind her. "Is that what you think? That I underestimated you?"

  She puts her hands on his chest to push him off, but he remains unmoved. Scowling, she snaps, "Move."

  "Answer me first," he growls.

  The air in the room is thick with tension. I can practically cut it with a knife.

  Glancing around, I notice Parker watching their exchange with zero emotion on his face. While Giovanni has his eyebrows raised at Jamie, as if to silently ask if the latter has any idea about what's going on with Bennett and Quinn.

  A casual shrug is Jamie's only response. He doesn't know, either.

  Brayden simply looks fascinated.

  Again, that makes the two of us.

  "That's enough. Everyone, leave us," Parker orders in a tone that brooks no argument, effectively cutting the tension between Quinn and Bennett.

  As they start to pile out of the room, I rise from the chair to follow them.

  But he curls his fingers around my arm, stopping me without uttering a word.

  Quinn and Brayden fall behind, shooting us inquisitive glances.

  "Give me a minute," I tell them. When they’re finally out of earshot, I glance up at Parker. "What do you want?"

  He motions to the chair I just vacated. "Sit."

  I scowl. "You need to stop ordering people around."

  He rolls his eyes. "Fine. Then don't." But his features soften when he takes my hurt hand in his and gently flips it over. "Does it still hurt?"

  "A little," I admit, trying not to shudder at the way he’s caressing my hand.

  His touch feels good for my knuckles, which have already started to redden. I won't be punching another person any time soon.

  Grabbing the bag of peas, he presses it against my sore hand, making me hiss.

  "Sorry." But the corner of his mouth is slightly curled up.

  "Why are you smiling?" I accuse with a narrow-eyed glare.

  "You threw a punch for me."

  "So, now you're gloating?"

  Amusement fades as his eyes turn dark and probing, making my heart skip in my chest. "Why did you do it, Peaches?"

  Because I couldn't let Liam humiliate you in front of our schoolmates.

  I casually shrug. "Liam was being an asshole. I thought it was the right thing to do."

  "Why did you disappear on me this morning?" His follow-up question throws me off guard—and has my cheeks flaming the next second. Why did his question sound so intimate?

  "I freaked out," I find myself admitting. "I don't really do that sort of thing. Plus, I wasn't able to ask for Dad's permission last night. So I had to leave in a hurry."

  A slight frown creases his forehead. "Did you get in trouble?" When I don't respond right away, he prods, "Peaches."

  Why am I starting to like his pet name for me?

  I shake my head. "I told him I spent the night at Quinn's."

  "Smart," Parker chuckles.

  "Honestly, I don't think I'll be able to get away with it a second time."

  He smirks. "I'll keep in mind not to keep you up late next time then."

  My heart starts to race. Next time? Does he want to make a repeat of last night?

  Do I even want that? Well, it doesn't sound like a bad idea.

  I smile. "Then don't forget to wake me up when that happens."



  Unsurprisingly, my hand is still a little sore the following day. But it didn't swell overnight, so that’s a good thing.

  Since it’s Saturday, I know Avery will be home. I just don't expect to see her already eating breakfast in her pajamas when I walk into the kitchen. Did she get in early?

  "Hey, sis." She lifts her coffee mug in greeting.

  I pick up a strip of bacon and pop the whole thing into my mouth. "You're early."

  "That's because I got in early last night. You weren't even in your room yet." That explains the PJ's.

  "I stayed out late at the after-party." I walk over to the galley to get some coffee.

  "I know," she chirps. "I was looking out my window when a black Lexus pulled up and you got out."

  I stiffen but don't respond.

  "You know what? That car looked familiar. Was it Quinn's? No. Brayden's? Nah." She strokes her chin and frowns thoughtfully. "I wonder whose it was."

  She’s not going to drop it. Carrying my steaming coffee over to the island, I pull up a stool and sit down, glaring at her. "It was Parker's."

  "I knew it," she says smugly. "So you're really hooking up with him."

  "I'm not hooking up with him. We're just friends."

  At least, I think we are. I just punched Liam because of him, after all. And, in turn, he nursed my hand with frozen peas. Plus, I’d spent a night at his place after he opened up to me about his family's real situation.

  Honestly, I feel like we've gone through a lot since that night at the beach weeks ago.

  Avery hums with a sparkle in her eyes as she sips her coffee. Of course, she’s not buying it.

  I scowl at her. "That's the truth, okay?"

  "I didn't say anything," she laughs.

  "You didn't have to. It's all over your face!"

  "What's on your face, kiddo?" Dad just entered the kitchen, still in his pajamas and with a bedhead.

  "Morning, Dad," Avery and I both greet him.

  "Morning," he mumbles, planting kisses on top of our heads before heading over to the coffee machine. "So, what was on Avery's face?"

  Avery snickers. "Why don't you ask Sawyer, Dad?"

  "Nice try," I mouth to her before telling Dad, "Nothing. Avery was just being silly."

  "Being spot on, more like," she mutters.

  Hah. Nothing could be further from the truth. I just broke up with my cheating boyfriend, and I’m not in a hurry to get into another relationship, much less a hookup. I bet Parker feels the same. So I’m pretty sure we’re on the same page. Just a week ago, we barely even tolerated each other.

  Besides, I don't even see him that way. I know that he’s hotter than Liam, though. And I did notice that he has a fine ass...

  Okay, so I’m fully aware that he’s insanely attractive. But it doesn't mean that I'll do something about it. I don't need another boy-drama so soon after the last one.

  "By the way, kid, I haven't seen Liam around lately."

  My eyes pop wide at Dad's question. He's finally noticed Liam's absence.

  Leaning a hip against the counter, he sips his coffee and lifts a brow at me. "You're not sneaking him into your room, are you?"

  "Yeah, right," Avery snorts. "Now that they've broken up? I very much doubt it."

  "They broke up?" The surprise in Dad's tone causes her eyes to widen, and she whips her head to me.

  "You just can't help yourself, can you?" I say dryly.

  "I didn't know you hadn't told him yet."

  "Well, thanks to you, I don't have to anymore."

  "Girls, stop arguing," Dad admonishes before focusing on me, his eyebrows drawn together in a frown. "
Since when?"

  I scowl at my sister who gives me an apologetic wince. Then I sigh and finally admit, "It's almost been a month."

  "And you didn't think to tell me?" He sounds a little hurt.

  Now, it’s my turn to feel guilty. "No, Dad. It's not like that. I just—I didn't know how to tell you."

  Besides, I was really planning to tell him. I didn't mean to keep it a secret for long. But so much has happened that telling him about the breakup totally slipped my mind.

  "Why? You know that you and your sister can tell me anything."

  His words hammer the guilt a little deeper. "I know. I'm sorry."

  His gaze softens. "What did he do?"

  "What made you think it was him who did something?"

  "You're my kid. Which means you have a good head above your shoulders. It had to be him who screwed up."

  A smile spreads across my face. It warms my heart knowing that Dad believes in me that much.

  "So, what did he do?"

  "He cheated on her with her best friend," Avery supplies before I can answer him.

  He almost chokes on his coffee, his eyes popping wide. "Quinn?"

  I shoot Avery a glare. "No. Peyton."

  "Oh." The relief on his face that it hadn't been Quinn is unmistakable. Does he not like Peyton, too? He gives me a sympathetic wince. "I'm sorry, kid."

  "It's okay. I'm over it." My answer surprises me more than it does him and Avery.

  But it’s the truth. It just took me until now to realize it. Liam's betrayal still gives a bad taste in my mouth—I have a feeling it always will—but I’m no longer crying myself to sleep and wondering if I’d contributed to the demise of our relationship. I’m now ready to move forward and put the whole thing behind me.

  Dad looks skeptical though. "That fast?"

  "I have an idea why." An impish smile curves Avery's lips as she shoots up from the table. I give her a warning glare. Which she basically ignores as she steps out of the kitchen. "Ask her about Parker, Dad."

  Dad promptly turns to me, frowning. "Who's Parker?"

  I squeeze my eyes shut. I’m going to strangle my sister.



  Wherever I go, people congratulate me for punching Liam at the party. The girls praise me for "finally getting back at him for his cheating," while the boys compliment me for my "mean right hook."

  Weirdly, a good half of the latter flirts with me after saying that. Like seeing me hit someone has been a turn on for them. Then there are the crazy ones who ask if I’m planning to give them another show any time soon.

  Needless to say, the unwanted attention is making me regret what I had done—at least a little.

  I tell Quinn as much while I’m getting books from my locker.

  "Why should you? You're the baddest chick around here now. People will think twice before pissing you off."

  I scoff. "Because they're afraid they'll get punched by me, too?"

  What is everyone thinking—that I'll go around beating people now? Crazy, all of them.

  "Or by Parker."

  I throw her an annoyed look. "You need to stop reading into things."

  "I can't. It's so juicy!"

  "As juicy as the deal between you and Bennett?"

  Just as I expected, it shuts her up real quick.

  Hugging my books to my chest, I shut my locker and face her. "Are you going to tell me about it?"

  Instead of answering me, she glances down at her watch. "Know what? We need to head to class. We're going to be late."

  I hide my amused smile. Now, I have ammunition to use whenever Quinn brings up Parker. Well, at least until she decides to talk about Bennett.

  "Punched anyone lately?" Peyton is standing in front of her locker as we pass, sneering at us.

  "Watch it," I snap. "Or you'll wear a black eye to match Liam's. Just ask while I'm feeling generous."

  Peyton's eyes flare wide as she cautiously takes a step back.

  I smile darkly. "Yeah. Didn't think so."

  Quinn chokes out a laugh next to me. Glancing over her shoulder at Peyton, she turns to me. "Who are you and what did you do to my best friend?"

  Smirking, I lead the way to AP English.

  I’m still riding the high of threatening Peyton when the class ends, taking pleasure from the memory of seeing the look on her face. I am by no means violent—throwing out a punch is definitely a one-time thing. But she doesn't know that, does she? I have a feeling she'll be laying low for a while.

  "Sawyer, can you stay behind for a minute?" Our teacher, Ms. Emilia Langham, stops me just as I’m about to step out of the classroom.

  Quinn shoots me an inquisitive glance.

  Motioning for her to go ahead, I stroll over to the teacher's desk.

  Ms. Langham pushes her glasses up her nose and smiles up at me. "I want to talk about the essay you submitted last week."

  "Oh. Is there something wrong?"

  Did she hate it? Do I need to write it again? Am I in trouble?

  I bite my lip to keep from voicing out the questions in my head. But the apprehension is still there. I don't want to let my favorite teacher down.

  "No. Of course not. It's the opposite, actually. I'm quite impressed with your writing. I like your character analysis on Lockwood and Heathcliff. Did you, by any chance, get help from your father?"

  "No," I say, feeling slightly offended that she thought that. "I did it all by myself."

  She smiles. "That's what I thought, too. I've seen the consistency from your past essays. I knew it was all you. And you did a great job. I was going to return all your papers next meeting. But I guess, it won't hurt to give yours now." She pulls out a paper from the stack on her desk and gives it to me.

  The A-plus circled in the top corner is the first thing that greets me. I grin, a sense of pride and satisfaction washing over me. "Thank you."

  "No thanks necessary. You earned it." She pauses. "I take it you're going to pursue writing in college?"

  I nod.

  "Well, if you want, I can help you with your college applications."

  My mouth falls open. "You'll do that?"

  Getting help from Ms. Langham will be great since I can't get it from Dad just yet. I tamp down the guilt of keeping it a secret from him, especially after seeing his reaction from learning that he was the last to know about Liam. I guess I have to tell him about it sooner than later.

  "I can take a look at your admissions essay and writing portfolio. Have you already started working on them?"

  "I haven't started on the essay yet. But I'm slowly building my portfolio now."

  "Good. That's good." She nods in approval. "Once you're done, you can send them to me so I can have a read-through."

  I nearly squeal in delight. "That'll be great, Ms. Langham. Thank you so much."

  There’s a big grin on my face as I step out of the room a minute later. Deciding to make a pit stop to the girls' bathroom, I respond to Brayden's text, telling him I'll meet him and Quinn in the cafeteria in five minutes.

  I round the corner—only to come to a halt with my jaw hanging open at the scene a few meters away.

  Jamie and Carson.

  They're not just talking. He has her pinned to the wall, nuzzling her neck. When his hand moves under her skirt, my eyes just about bulge out of their sockets. "So fucking wet for me."

  "Jamie," Carson moans softly, her fingers digging into his arm. "Someone might see us."

  A hard kiss is his response. "Let them. So they'll know who you belong to," he growls, the stark possessiveness in his tone sending goosebumps down my arms. "Now, come."

  Not wanting to continue feeling like a voyeur, I make an about-face and quickly head back in the direction I came from.

  The bathroom can wait—because holy crap! Jamie and Carson. When did that happen?

  Wait. Is Carson the "mystery girl" Giovanni had mentioned at Parker's party? But isn't she dating Liam's football teammate Tyler Johnson? O
h, that's right. They broke up over the summer, and he quickly moved on to Delaney Woods, the drama club president.

  Apparently, she did, too. With Jamie.

  Reeling, I touch my cheeks, knowing I don't have to stare in a mirror to see that they look flushed—hell, probably my entire face. I might be a virgin, but I am by no means innocent. I'd watched porn out of curiosity when I was fourteen. And I had done some "things" with Liam. Besides, I see people making out at parties all the time.

  But seeing Jamie and Carson make out felt different. It felt more...intimate. Thus, the feeling of being a voyeur. Like what I had just witnessed was more than a casual hook-up.

  Chancing a glance over my shoulder to check that they haven't caught up to me, I fail to notice the tall figure heading toward me until their hands grip my arms to stop me.

  Startled, I snap my eyes up and clash gazes with a pair of familiar dark ones, my heartbeat halting for a second. "Parker."

  He opens his mouth but closes it when something behind me catches his attention.

  I stiffen. Is it Jamie and Carson?

  My reaction makes him frown. "What's wrong?"

  "Having a moment, I see," a male voice drawls behind me before I can respond—Jamie's.

  I freeze even more. But when Parker's frown deepens, I shake it off and whirl around. Discreetly, I glance around for Carson, but she's nowhere to be found.

  "Looking for someone?" Jamie asks me, cocking a brow.

  "Nope." I force a smile, which falters when my eyes drift to the unmistakable hickey on his neck. I feel the heat creep up to my cheeks.

  "Peaches, why are you blushing?" Parker narrows his eyes at me before shooting a hard, unyielding gaze at Jamie, as if it's his friend's fault.

  He has no idea how true that is.

  Jamie snorts. "Whatever the reason is, I'm sure it has nothing to do with me." But then, he also narrows his eyes at me. "Or does it?"

  Actually, it has everything to do with you and Carson… God, I need a brain bleach.

  "I have no idea what you two are talking about," I say flippantly. Then stride off before they can press the subject even more.


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