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Worth the Wait (Very Personal Training Book 2)

Page 9

by Karla Doyle

  “So you just offered on the spot to keep her?”

  He shrugged and smiled. “Sometimes I make impulsive offers.”

  Yes, he certainly did. Including the one where he’d offered to father the baby she had wanted so desperately. And the one where he’d offered to father a sibling for Lennox—giving their daughter the thing she truly wanted most in the world. An offer Leigh had declined, much to Tim’s disappointment.

  She sighed and smiled at the man who’d done nothing but help her, in all aspects of her life. “You win all the points when it comes to impulsive offers. And I’ll co-parent the puppy when you’re traveling. But you’re on the hook for anything she destroys.”

  “Deal. She’s a sweet little dog, Leigh. You’re going to love her.”

  Of course she would, all puppies were lovable. So were babies. But she hadn’t wanted to add one of those to her life, either.

  “We’ll figure it out.” As they always did. “Tell Lennox I’ll call her this afternoon.”

  “Will do.”

  She ended the video call without another word. Leaned back against the couch and sighed.

  “Everything okay?”

  Any answer she might’ve given turned into drool when she opened her eyes to the sight of Sam wearing nothing but a low-slung towel and post-shower glisten.

  “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.” Hand on the terrycloth tucked in at his hip, he leaned one solid shoulder against the archway wall. “I hung around because you didn’t sound happy.”

  “I wasn’t.” She ogled him in the least subtle manner possible, the complete opposite of her behavior during their sessions at the gym. This was so much better. Especially when her obvious perusal of his fine form brought a sexy smile to his handsome face. “But I’m feeling much happier now.”

  The simple act of chuckling made his abs pop. “Glad to hear it.”

  She’d had more sex this weekend than in the entire year before it. Make that two years, if she actually did the math. Apparently, she needed more, since the tingle between her legs had returned with a must-have-orgasm-now vengeance.

  Tossing her phone aside, she pushed up from the couch and crossed the room to stand in front of him. “It is possible for me to get happier, though.” She cupped his cock through the towel.

  A rumble rose from his chest, his cock growing deliciously hard beneath her stroking grip. “Babe.” He shook his head when she slid her hand over to undo the towel, halting her intention to tug and send the terrycloth to the ground. “I’d like nothing more than to get naked with you and make you come on every piece of furniture in this room, but I have client appointments this morning.”

  “Cock-blocked by the owner of the cock.”

  Sam’s rich laugh filled up her living room. Filled up her insides too. “I’ll make it up to you later.”

  Mmm, she just bet he would. “I have to admit,” she said, copping one last feel. “Your commitment to work ethic and a schedule is almost as much of a turn-on as your hot body.”

  Another chuckle, this one as he dipped down, his mouth hovering above hers. “Coming from you, I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said, then dropped a toe-curling kiss on her, leaving her breathless and a little dizzy when he walked away.

  She took his place against the wall and enjoyed the view of his broad, muscular back and tight butt beneath the towel as he left the room. Yes, she admired his professional dedication. But that body, whoa.

  Fanning herself, she retrieved her phone and headed into the kitchen. Sam wasn’t the only person who had gym time on their schedule. She filled a water bottle, grabbed her workout bag from the closet and waited in the front hall.

  The sound of Sam’s footfalls on her stairs made her heart beat a little faster. The darn thing sped up more again when he hit the midpoint of the staircase, bringing his face into view. Because that smile, those twinkling hazel eyes locked on her as if she was the only person he wanted to look at…

  Dear universe, give her strength. The strength to enjoy Sam’s attention and all the associated perks without getting emotionally invested in this man. The fourteen-year age gap didn’t mean much now, but it would. Their time together had an expiration date. How far down the road that ending might be, she didn’t know. Only that they’d inevitably get there. Her smitten condition needed fortification, because her life plan didn’t include a broken heart.

  “You’re heading to the gym now?” he asked, eyeballing the bag slung over her shoulder.

  She nodded. “I have a few muscles that didn’t get a workout last night, difficult as that is to believe.”

  Laughing, he pulled her into his arms for another kiss. A quick one this time, though the shorter duration didn’t affect her any less than a long kiss. “Follow me to Focus and work out there today.”

  “It’s a private fitness club and I’m not a member.”

  “You’re with me.”

  “Is Brian going to be there? I don’t want you to get in trouble for letting your friend use the gym without paying.”

  Hands cupping her waist, he held her at arms’ length. “Brian will probably be there. If you want me to shoot him a message and confirm he’s okay with you working out at Focus, I will. Before I do that, I want to make something clear, right here, right now. When I said ‘you’re with me,’ I meant, you’re with me.”


  “If it’s too soon or you’re only interested in being casual—”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head emphatically enough to rattle her brain. “No to both of those things.”

  “Good. I’ve got to get to work. So, are you with me?”

  “Yes.” She couldn’t have kept her smile at bay if she’d tried. “I’m with you.”

  “Great.” Lacing their fingers together, he squeezed and nodded toward the door. “Let’s do this.”

  Her smitten heart was so screwed.


  Focus Fitness had a lot going for it. Bright, airy and modern, the space bore no resemblance to its former purpose as a meat-packaging warehouse. The main exercise area boasted plenty of shiny, new fitness equipment. Beyond the training zone, as Sam called it, the club offered generous changerooms with private showers. A host of nutritional products lined shelves behind the front counter, which doubled as a beverage bar. Impressive, every inch of it.

  None of it compared to watching every inch of Sam. The flex of his muscles as he demonstrated exercises. The genuine smile on his face as he communicated with not only his personal training client, but everyone around him. The twinkle in his eyes when he stole a glance in her direction.

  Maybe she should cancel her current gym membership and sign up for personal training here. Though how she’d focus on fitness while Sam was within reach, she had no idea. The man had her in quite the state.

  Visualize the prize, that’s what he’d said to her during their sessions at Iron Works. He’d meant muscle development and body sculpting. She’d done her best to keep her mind on those things, achieving about a sixty-seven-percent success rate. Pretty damn good, considering how often Sam would be in her personal space, touching her body as he guided movements or provided a spot. She’d deserved a prize for not throwing herself at the man back then.

  Restraint no longer required. She could ogle, touch, lick, suck, hump, and fuck him as much as their schedules accommodated. Visualizing the prize had actually worked out quite well.

  “Has Sam integrated bands into your program?”

  She nearly jumped out of her skin at the question. Intent on watching Sam, she hadn’t noticed Brian approaching. And the hulking ginger trainer was kind of hard to miss.

  “No, he hasn’t,” she said, stilling the dumbbells she’d either curled two times or ten. On a stack of bibles, she couldn’t swear to which, since she’d gone through the movement on autopilot.

  If Brian had noticed her halfassery with today’s workout, he didn’t let on. “Get him to show you some band exercises next time you’re together. R
esistance bands can be a lot more challenging than they look. Used correctly, they can give your muscles a good burn.”

  “Thanks, I’ll ask him.” Or totally forget to, because they’d be busy doing more interesting exercises that’d also give her a very good burn.

  A smile tugged at Brian’s mouth. Not a courteous, professional smile. Not even a friendly smile. An I-know-what-you’re-thinking-about smile.

  She was so busted.

  “I’ll let you get back to it,” he said, meaning exercise, of course. Or maybe not, since he winked before walking away.

  Had Sam told Brian about her? Probably not. Too soon for that. They’d only been seeing each other since Friday.

  She froze in the middle of another uncounted set of biceps curls. Two days were nothing. Heck, even calling it “seeing each other since Friday” was a stretch. Two nights of sheet-scorching sex didn’t equal a relationship.

  Her mature brain knew this. Maturity and sensibility had flown the coop when Sam had suggested they were a couple. She’d agreed faster than a schoolgirl being asked to go steady with the captain of the hockey team.

  But nobody should be held accountable for things said while under the influence of sex pheromones. Especially not a twenty-eight-year-old man.

  Coming here had been a mistake. She racked the weights, collected her things and crossed the gym, avoiding potential eye contact with Sam by feigning interest in anything and everything else between her and the changeroom. Once inside, she stuffed her gear into her bag and texted Sam.

  Looking at your client’s fluffy white hair reminded me that I have an order of meringues to make, so I’m cutting my workout short and going to the bakery. The new club is incredible and you are not only the hottest personal trainer around, watching you work reminded me that you’re pretty amazing at your job. Thank you for the invite today, and for the very personal training you gave me last night. Yum!

  He wouldn’t get the message until the end of his current training session. Possibly later, depending on his schedule. The fact that she knew next to nothing about his workload, or anything else in his day-to-day life, banged home the reality of their relationship—it was fledgling, at best. Temporary, most certainly.

  She’d asked the universe to send her a hot lover and the universe had generously provided Sam. She’d gotten exactly what she wanted. If only she’d realized she truly wanted more before submitting her request…

  Sam’s gaze pinged her awareness radar the moment she exited the changeroom. God, he was handsome. And young. Ugh.

  Pointing to the phone in her hand, she gave a little wave while skirting the training zone. That ought to do it. She sent a second wave in Brian’s direction as she passed the front counter. Then she was safely out the door. Alone. And missing Sam’s presence already.

  Chapter 6


  “Just reviewing your roster.” Brian looked up from the computer, where he’d been scrolling and clicking for the past few minutes of their shared break between appointments. “Every single one of your clients has purchased additional blocks of personal training since their initial commitments. Multiple times for some of them. Forty percent are on monthly recurring renewal plans. That’s damn good.”

  “They’ve had the best, now they’re hooked.”

  Brian snorted while shaking his head. “That’ll teach me to pay you a compliment.”

  “As long as you keep paying me,” he said, though he’d never once doubted otherwise. “On the subject of getting paid, have you given any thought to hiring another trainer? Retaining clients is awesome, but for Focus to sustain its current income stream and ideally, increase revenue, we need to continually add new members. That’s impossible to do in a personal training studio where all the trainers are currently booked to the max.”

  “You’re right.”

  “No surprise there.”

  Another grunt. “Seriously, though. If you’ve got some time to do your human-calculator thing with Focus’s numbers, I’d really appreciate your input. The club has exploded beyond anything I hoped and I want to make the most of its potential, but I sure as hell don’t want to overextend and lose everything we’ve already built.”

  “Of course. Rain Man at your disposal.”

  Laughing, Brian reached over the counter, clasped Sam’s hand in the buddy shake they’d created over the past couple of years. “Thanks.”

  “Check with Cassie, because I’m sure you’ll want her there when we review all the numbers. Let me know when you’ve got some time available after the club’s closed some night and we’ll make it happen.”

  “Will do.” Brian nodded. “You’re the best.”

  “Like I said.”

  Another laugh and head shake from his best friend. “Your massive ego just reminded me that I want to talk to you about Frances McKenna.”

  “What about her, did she come in to say I’m the best too?”

  “Jesus, you never stop. No, she hasn’t said anything about you. And before I consider calling her, I need to know whether it’s going to stay that way, or if you’re planning to add her to your little black book.”

  “I’m not.” Which is why he’d left her card on the desk, instead of tucking it in his wallet. “Why would you call her?”

  “Because even before you mentioned hiring another trainer, I’d been mulling over the idea of adding to our staff. Not with a personal trainer though. I’ve been thinking about how to make the best use of that empty room at the back. Subletting the space would pull in guaranteed rent every month and it’s a good size for a treatment room. Initially, I was thinking massage therapist. But a physiotherapist would be more in line with our work. Makes better business sense to bring in a practitioner whose clients are more likely to be converted to our clients.”

  “Good thinking. But, so you know, I didn’t leave that card on the desk as an endorsement. I don’t know anything about Frances McKenna, aside from the fact that she’s Marguerite’s granddaughter.” And single. Which was irrelevant.

  “I didn’t take it as an endorsement. I took it as ‘leaving this hot chick’s card on the desk to hit her up later.’ I’m not saying you can’t hook up with business associates or members. That’d make me the biggest hypocrite in the world. But if you have plans to get together with her, I won’t call her about potentially coming on board. You know, to prevent an uncomfortable situation down the road.”

  “Makes sense.” Sure, he’d had a lot of casual hookups. Some of which had resulted in hurt feelings when he hadn’t been interested in pursuing the connection further. To hear Brian talk, Sam was a heart-crushing man-whore who inevitably left behind a string of angry, jilted castoffs. Had he really been that much of an asshole?

  The restaurant run-in with Liz popped into his head, making him cringe. Yeah, maybe he had been that guy. Had been. Past tense.

  “You’re welcome to call Frances McKenna,” he said, meeting Brian’s waiting gaze. “I won’t be going there.”

  Brian’s eyebrows rose to new heights. “You sure about that?”

  “One hundred percent.” Good a time as any to spill the beans. “I’m seeing someone. Leigh’s the only woman I’m interested in going anywhere with.”

  “Leigh. As in, your training client? The one who was here this morning?”

  Sam nodded. Waited for some age-difference comment. Waited and welcomed, because he had a comeback for any and all.

  “I thought you brought her to try out the club because she wants to rehire you,” Brian said.

  “Nope. Brought her for strictly personal reasons.”

  “That explains her workout this morning.”

  Sam shook his head. “Not sure what you mean.”

  “I recognized her from our days at Iron Works. I remember her being a go-getter in the gym, even when she wasn’t in a training session. But here, this morning, zero attention on her workout.” A grin spread between the confines of Brian’s ginger beard and moustache. “Lots of attention on you

  “I didn’t notice.”

  Brian leaned across the desk and issued a buddy slap to Sam’s shoulder. “Good.”

  “Why’s it good?”

  “Because it means you were focused on your client.”

  “Always.” He could let it go at that, probably should. “Hey, you don’t think it’s a problem, me being with Leigh?”

  “Why would it be?” Brian looked away to nod a goodbye at a departing member, clicking the mouse to check them out of the system, then returned his attention to Sam. “Because you were her personal trainer?”

  “Not that. I don’t give a shit about that.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “She’s older than me. By more than ten years. I don’t care about the age difference, it’s not a problem for me.”

  Brian nodded. “Then it’s not a problem, period. You’re dating her, not making a lifetime commitment. By the time that amount of gap would matter, you will have moved on.”

  “Or maybe I won’t have.”

  Focusing on the computer, his friend grunted in amusement. “Right.”

  He should definitely let that go. Should, but couldn’t. “I’m serious.”

  One look at Sam’s face and Brian stopped smiling. “I can see that. Is it Leigh you’re serious about, or are you just serious about wanting a commitment in the future?”

  “Not sure yet, but I’m not ruling anything out.”

  “That’s a starting point,” Brian said, nodding again. “Sticking with my answer that the age difference doesn’t matter. Not at this point. If things feel like they’re getting serious between you, you should probably reassess. Give some thought to whether a relationship with Leigh can give you everything you might want, further down the road.”

  “If you’re referring to having kids, that’s not for me. The closest I’ve come to thinking about having kids is hoping I never got a call telling me I’d made that mistake.”

  Brian snorted while pulling up his next client’s program on the computer. “Yeah, but you never thought about having a serious, long-term relationship before either.” He hit Enter, then hit Sam with a big old shit-eating grin. “I’m going to enjoy the hell out of watching you fall in love.”


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