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Change of Heart

Page 12

by Tina Marie Noel

  “Yes, I will marry you as soon as it can be arranged.” Elizabeth agreed.

  Darcy’s face was ablaze with happiness as he kissed Elizabeth gently. “I hate to leave you, but I have promised Bingley I would ride the property with him today. It is an urgent matter where time is of the essence.” He ran his fingers down her face with loving tenderness, “I will return at the earliest possible time.”

  “I will miss you.” Elizabeth informed him with a smile.

  “I will be back as soon as I am able.” Darcy told her as his face broke into the grin she loved.

  “Hurry back.”

  Darcy had been gone for hours, and Elizabeth missed him. Jane came into Elizabeth’s room and checked on her sister. She changed Elizabeth’s dressing, and as she was finishing, Lady Catherine entered to see Elizabeth. Jane caught Elizabeth’s eye, seeking her approval before she allowed the older woman to pass.

  Jane stood at the door while Lady Catherine moved to the side of Elizabeth’s bed.

  “Miss Bennet,” Her tone was full of regret, “I owe you an apology. My behaviour was inexcusable.”

  “You are correct, it was.” Elizabeth retorted.

  Lady Catherine blanched, “I deserved that. I was horrible to you, and despite my behaviour, you still saved my life. I do not know how I can repay you.” She sat down heavily, “I have had a long talk with Anne. She has pointed out my behaviour has been unthinkable and inconsiderate. I have treated her poorly and never gave her the opportunity to make a life for herself.” Lady Catherine seemed to be thinking out loud as she continued to talk, “I have made decisions for her and never gave her the chance to make her own decisions. My daughter has also reminded me that we have very little family left. I cannot afford to alienate those that are left.”

  “Lady Catherine…”

  “Call me Aunt Catherine,” The older woman was magnanimous, “I understand my nephew would like to use the special license to marry immediately, I will be your aunt very shortly anyway.”

  “Aunt Catherine. Why are you telling me all of this?”

  “I had my mind set on Anne marrying Darcy for so long I never considered her feelings or his.” Her eyes were full of sorrow, “I am a strong-willed woman, and I am used to getting my own way. As my daughter pointed out, I am used to people treating me with deference, and I surround myself with only those who have a propensity to treat me in this manner.” She shook her head, “After my behaviour, I would be grateful if you were able to find it in your heart to forgive me for my overbearing conduct.”

  “I forgive you.” Elizabeth accepted, “But only if you promise not to treat me in such a deplorable manner again.”

  “I promise.” Lady Catherine was relieved. She stood to leave the room. She turned to look at Elizabeth, “I want to thank you for saving my life.”

  “You are welcome.” Elizabeth responded.

  After her interview with Aunt Catherine, Elizabeth was exhausted and drifted back to sleep.

  It was late afternoon before Elizabeth woke up again, upon the doctor’s arrival. “There is no infection and everything is healing well. She should be well on her way to recovery in a few days.” The doctor told to Jane, “Until then she will probably sleep a great deal while she is trying to regain her strength.”

  Just after the doctor, left Georgiana came to see Elizabeth. Georgiana told her that according to Colonel Fitzwilliam and Mr. Bingley that Mr. Wickham and Denny had been taken into custody and would be facing charges for their actions toward Elizabeth and Lady Catherine.

  “Elizabeth, I am sorry about Mr. Wickham’s actions toward you.” The girl’s eyes held her sorrow, “This was my fault.” Georgiana’s emotions overflowed as her eyes brightened with unshed tears barely controlled below the surface.

  “Georgiana, nothing that happened with Mr. Wickham was your responsibility.” Elizabeth assured her.

  “Nevertheless, I am the reason all of this happened.” Georgiana told her.

  “Mr. Wickham wanted revenge on your brother, and I can assure you it had nothing to do with you.”

  “However, it is because of my actions that Mr. Wickham is so angry.” Georgiana could not reign in her emotions any longer and felt a compulsive need to confess her perceived transgressions, “You must understand that last summer, I consented to go away with Mr. Wickham. We were to be married.” The tears flowed freely, “I thought he loved me, and I allowed him to convince me to go away with him.” The girl sobbed, “I am appalled when I think that if Fitzwilliam had not come to Ramsgate earlier than expected, Mr. Wickham would have married me to gain my inheritance.” She was crying, “I was idiotic to believe he loved me, and that is the reason he hates our family.” She gulped, “So you can understand why it is my fault you were taken by Mr. Wickham.”

  “Georgiana,” Elizabeth motioned for her to sit beside her, “I want you to understand that Mr. Wickham has other issues with your brother.” She wrapped her arms around the young girl who was weeping openly, “Mr. Wickham told me he was determined to have everything that belonged to your brother.” Georgiana looked up, “In his view those things included you and me. This was the reason he took me and nothing else,” She looked the girl directly in the eye, “Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Georgiana hiccupped through her tears, “But are you sure it is not my fault?”

  “I am sure,” Elizabeth assured her, “Mr. Wickham was very clear about his intentions. Does that make you feel better?”

  Georgiana hugged Elizabeth until she saw her wince in pain. “Sorry, I did not mean to hurt you.”

  “It is nothing.” Elizabeth smiled.

  Jane entered the room, “We should let Elizabeth get some rest. The doctor told me she will need a lot of sleep.”

  “Jane,” Elizabeth requested, “Wake me up immediately when Mr. Darcy arrives.”

  “I will,” Jane agreed, “Now try to get some sleep.”

  Elizabeth was in no position to disagree, and even before Jane left the room, she fell back into a deep sleep.

  Darcy did not get back to Netherfield until after the household was in bed for the night. The first thing he did was go to Elizabeth’s room to check on her.

  When he saw her resting so peacefully, he could not help himself. He leaned down to brush a stray lock of hair out of her eyes, and he kissed her lightly on the lips. Elizabeth woke with a slight smile on her face. “Fitzwilliam, I am so glad you are here.”

  “Go back to sleep, darling.” He whispered gently, “I did not intend to wake you up.”

  “I have been sleeping most of the day.” She complained, “I do not need sleep right now. I have not seen you all day, and I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” He brushed his fingers across the side of her cheek and kissed her lightly. “I rode over to see your father this morning before I left with Mr. Bingley. Your father has agreed, under the circumstances it would be best if we were to marry as soon as you have recovered. He was also of the opinion that once we have married, it will stop the gossip which has been circulating about the nature of your relationship with Wickham.”

  “Meryton gossips have been hard at work, it would seem, and have come to the absurd conclusion I have been in a romance with Mr. Wickham.” Elizabeth sighed, “I should have known it would be something of that nature.”

  “Do not worry about the talk,” Darcy told her, “We shall be married soon, and there will nothing left to fuel the gossip.”

  “The doctor indicated I will be well on my way to recovery in a few days.” Elizabeth advised him, “It appears I am healing well.”

  “I am delighted with the news.” Darcy kissed her on the forehead, “I have plans that include my soon-to-be wife being fully recovered and very healthy.” His voice was full of promise. His smile showed her the dimples that made her heart melt.

  “I am sure I do not know what you mean.” Elizabeth teased with upraised eyes and a twinkle of humour, “What kind of activity do you have in mind which would r
equire me to be well again?”

  “This.” He bent to claim her lips, and he ran his fingers across her neck and shoulders. She reached for him and pulled him to her. Darcy moved back from her, “I do not want to injure you.”

  “You are not hurting me,” She insisted, “I want you to hold me, and I want to feel you beside me.”

  He slipped into the bed beside her, “I am yours to command.” He grinned.

  “You are wearing too many clothes.” Elizabeth told him and tried to rectify the situation by removing his cravat.

  Once she had discarded his neckwear, Darcy removed his shirt and slid next to her. He wrapped his arms around her.

  “I have missed this.” Elizabeth sighed with pleasure as she ran her hands across his naked chest. A soft sound escaped Darcy’s lips as he caught her lips and slipped his tongue into her mouth to explore the depths. Her response was immediate, and he kissed her with a passion that was beyond his control.

  He released the buttons on her nightgown and sighed with pleasure as his mouth made its way to her voluptuous breasts. He suckled her until he heard her moan of gratification. His hands found their way to her hips, and ran his hands along the curve of her hips until he felt the bandage on her waist. He slid his hands around her rear end and pulled her gently to him.

  His mouth found hers and kissed her with increasing passion as he moved against her with a sensual rhythm that was as old as time.

  Elizabeth felt his arousal, and her breathing quickened while her heart began to race in time with his. “Fitzwilliam…” She murmured against his ear. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, my dearest Elizabeth.” Darcy voice was husky with desire. He fought to control his need as he buried his face in her neck. “We only have to wait a little while longer until we are married.”

  He wrapped her small body in his arms as gently as he could and held her. “Get some sleep my darling.” He breathed deeply as he inhaled her fresh scent of roses.

  “Goodnight, my sweet Fitzwilliam.” Elizabeth fell into a contented sleep in Darcy’s arms.

  Chapter 15

  Elizabeth’s recovery was nothing short of miraculous. “I refuse to stay in this bed for a moment longer. I want one of you to help me right now.” Elizabeth demanded of both Jane and Darcy.

  Jane was strong in her resolve, “It is too early for you to get out of bed.”

  Darcy laughed as the woman he loved pouted, “You are just tired of being in bed and normally enjoy roaming the countryside freely. You are in pure agony since your freedom has been curtailed, and you have not been allowed to leave your bedroom.”

  “Mr. Darcy, you are the most unfeeling creature I have ever encountered.” Elizabeth was frustrated and would not listen to any arguments.

  Darcy bent down and whispered in her ear, “Once we are married, I hope you will not mind a few days in bed with me.”

  Elizabeth blushed and glared at him in defiance. “I feel better now, I want to get up.”

  “I think if you rest today. We shall bring you down for dinner tonight if you are still feeling able.” Darcy suggested the compromise with Jane’s nod of approval.

  Jane discreetly left the room so the other two could converse. Darcy immediately sat down on the bed next to Elizabeth and kissed her tenderly.

  “It brings me complete joy that you are so eager for us to be married.” He chuckled, “Our marriage should be an exciting one.” Darcy raised his eyes.

  “Mr. Darcy,” Elizabeth smiled and looked up at him through dark lashes, “You are very confident in yourself.”

  “No, I am confident in us.” Darcy corrected, “What happened to you calling me ‘Fitzwilliam’ when we are alone?”

  She smiled at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief, “I was annoyed you would not let me have my own way, but I know the manner in which you may be returned to my good graces.” She pulled him down to her and feathered kisses along his neck until she reached his jaw. She moved her hands to remove his cravat. Once she had completed the task, she kissed the hollow of his throat before she moved lower. Her hands impatiently pulled his shirt out of his trousers and sighed at the feel of his hard muscles under her fingers. Her hands moved around his back as she pulled him closer to her body. She lay back onto her pillows and brought him with her.

  “Elizabeth, my darling,” Darcy held himself back, “I am going to hurt you.”

  “I want to feel you, please,” Elizabeth’s voice was full of desire, “You will not harm me, I promise.”

  With a sigh, Darcy acquiesced to the wishes of the woman he loved. The feel of her underneath his body excited him as he captured her lips. He kissed her with all of the pent up passion he had been controlling ever since she was injured. Her soft lips parted sweetly under his and the response she gave him led him forward in his ardour.

  Their bodies moved together in unison as the passion rose between them in waves. He heard her intake of breath and stopped as he pulled himself away from her. “Did I hurt you?” His concern tinged the timber of his voice.

  “A little,” Elizabeth admitted, “But I want to feel you against me.”

  “We have to stop.” Darcy sighed reluctantly as he pulled himself from the woman he loved. “You will be better in a few days, and we shall be married.” He grinned at her with a wolfish smile, “Once we are married, and you are well there will be nothing to stop us from loving each other.”

  Elizabeth was disappointed when he pulled away from her, but she knew it was only a few more days, “You are correct, but I miss you so much.” Her face showed her feelings plainly, “I miss the time when we were able to enjoy our privacy. I love you so much.”

  “I miss what we had before also.” Darcy told her with a kiss, “Once we are married, we shall be able to spend more private time together. We only have to wait a little longer.”

  Jane came back into the room and was quietly firm, “Lizzy, you need to get some rest now.”

  Darcy gave Elizabeth’s hand a squeeze and vowed, “I shall be back later, now endeavour to get some sleep.”

  When Darcy came to help Elizabeth down to dinner, she was anxious to arise. He gave her his hand to help her out of bed.

  Jane signalled Darcy to leave the room while she helped Elizabeth to dress. The gentleman paced up and down the hall until the door was opened. Elizabeth stepped through the door. Darcy’s breath caught in his throat as he saw his intended. She is beautiful.

  Elizabeth refused to allow him to help her downstairs. She insisted she was well enough to walk on her own. She did take his hand and appreciated the comfort she found in the man she loved.

  She walked into the dining room on her own two feet with her hand engulfed in Darcy’s. Colonel Fitzwilliam pulled a chair out for her, and he indicated for Elizabeth and Darcy to sit.

  “It is so good to see you on your feet again.” Fitzwilliam told her with a bow.

  Lady Catherine was solicitous to Elizabeth all evening. She made sure the younger lady had everything she needed and was comfortable.

  Darcy watched Elizabeth all evening to make sure she was not tiring herself. He wanted to make sure she did not fall ill again.

  The evening was pleasant, and everyone was on their best behaviour. At the end of the night, Elizabeth seemed a little tired but in good spirits. Jane and Darcy walked her back to her room.

  When she was resting comfortably in bed, Jane gave the couple a few minutes privacy and Darcy came to sit by her side. “How are you feeling?” He asked her.

  “Wonderful.” Elizabeth told him, “I am a little tired, but it was excellent to be with everyone once again.”

  “That is terrific news.” Darcy breathed with relief, “My aunt and uncle, Lord and Lady Matlock will be arriving in the morning. The wedding arrangements are completed, and we are to be married tomorrow.” He smiled showing the dimples Elizabeth loved and whispered to her with a smile, “I know how impatient you are for our wedding.”

  She beamed up at him, “Mr. D
arcy, you are truly arrogant and proud, but you are correct. I am excited to marry you.” Elizabeth leaned over to embrace him.

  Darcy’s heart was full of joy at her genuine enthusiasm, and he kissed her gently, “I am stimulated by the idea of being married to you also.” His eyebrows lifted, and she laughed as she understood his meaning.

  “I sense you are under the impression that the reason I cannot wait to marry you is because I am anticipating our wedding night.” Elizabeth’s voice was teasing.

  “I am hoping you will want to join me in the marriage bed as much as I want to join you.” Darcy’s voice was husky with desire as he pulled her to him and ran his hands over her.

  “I believe I have demonstrated my interest quite eloquently.” Elizabeth kissed him with a passion and yearning.

  Darcy was enchanted by the woman he loved, but he had to control the deep longing he was feeling. He pulled back and settled her back on the pillows. “You need to get some sleep. We are going to have a particularly exciting day tomorrow.”

  Elizabeth laughed at his obvious innuendo. “Yes, exciting indeed.” She reached up to stroke his face, “Goodnight, I cannot wait until tomorrow.”

  As Darcy left the room, he turned to watch his beloved. He watched as she snuggled into the covers and closed her eyes. Tomorrow, she will finally be mine. He smiled with pleasure. I can hardly wait.

  As Elizabeth got ready for bed the following evening, she thought back over her wedding day. It was still quite unbelievable. She was now Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy. She had not been able to wipe the smile from her face all day. Fitzwilliam had been smiling as well, and he kept her by his side all day with his arm wrapped around her. Elizabeth closed her eyes as she remembered the thrill of him touching her in public. She still found it hard to get used to the fact that this behaviour was allowable as they were now married.

  Elizabeth talked to both her mother and father after the wedding. In an amazing turn of events, it seemed they had discovered happiness with each other after all of the years of an apathetic marriage. Elizabeth was overjoyed to see her parents so jovial with each other.


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