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Change of Heart

Page 13

by Tina Marie Noel

  Jane and Mr. Bingley, she had observed, were ecstatic to be in each other’s company. Since Elizabeth recovered, Jane left Netherfield to return to Longbourn. Elizabeth smiled to herself and thought there would be another wedding soon. She remembered what happened during their original stay, and the effect it had after she and Jane left Netherfield after Jane’s illness. She knew how much she and Darcy had missed each other’s daily presence. They had not been able to get enough of each other. She was sure that Mr. Bingley and Jane were going to feel the same.

  Elizabeth was introduced to Lord and Lady Matlock who were pleased to meet her. Elizabeth enjoyed their company.

  “We shall see you in London in a few weeks.” Lady Matlock told her.

  Elizabeth looked at her new husband with a quizzical raise of her eyebrow, and he offered an explanation. “After we spend our wedding night at Netherfield, we are going to spend the rest of our honeymoon at our house in London before going to Pemberley. Colonel Fitzwilliam will escort Georgiana and his parents on their return to London tomorrow morning. My sister will stay with Lord and Lady Matlock until our honeymoon is over. My aunt is throwing us a wedding ball in a few weeks to introduce you into society.”

  Elizabeth was amazed by all of the arrangements that had been made on behalf of their wedding, but she just smiled at her husband, “I love you.” She whispered to him.

  Lord and Lady Matlock watched the new couple and smiled at each other with affectionate indulgence.

  Darcy and Elizabeth had tried to find a quiet place together so had slipped off to the library. However, they were amused when they found Colonel Fitzwilliam there hiding from Lydia and Kitty. The two girls had not given him a minute of peace since their arrival.

  The newly married couple just looked at each other and laughed, “He has found our hiding place.” Elizabeth giggled to her husband.

  “Should we let him know this is the worst hiding place in all of Netherfield?” Darcy asked his wife with an indulgent smile.

  “In fact, I would say the opposite was true.” Elizabeth laughed, “Instead of hiding us the library actually brought us together.”

  “You speak the truth as this is where I first fell in love with you.” Darcy kissed the top of his wife’s head and felt a thrill at the knowledge before he winked at her, “Who do you think is going to be the lucky girl to catch the heart of my reclusive cousin, Kitty or Lydia?” Darcy asked and relished the chance to get back at his cousin.

  “My money is on Kitty.” Elizabeth grinned irreverently, “But Lydia fights dirty so we should not count her out.” She shrugged her shoulders, “This could go either way.”

  “Well in that case, we should leave and let fate take its course.” Darcy resolved, and he guided his wife out of the library and looked back into the shocked face of Colonel Fitzwilliam.

  “Should we set his mind at ease and advise him that neither Kitty nor Lydia know there is a library in Netherfield?” Elizabeth asked Darcy as they left.

  “No, I think we should let him find out himself.”

  The rest of the day had passed in a blur of activity before the couple had been able to take their leave of the party.

  Elizabeth was now sitting in the dressing room as she prepared to meet her new husband. When she opened the bedroom door, she found Fitzwilliam waiting for her in the bedroom.

  His eyes took in her appearance with a hunger that he could not control anymore. Her beauty took his breath away, and he went to her. He lifted her in his arms and twirled her around in a circle.

  He let her down and untied her dressing gown. He pushed the fabric off her shoulders and watched as it fell to her waist. His breathing became ragged as he stared at his wife in wonder. She slid the gown off her hips, and he held his breath as he viewed his wife in all her natural beauty.

  There was a seductive smile on her face, “I do not have any experience in this area, but I believe you are a trifle overdressed.”

  “I think you are right, my love.”

  Darcy smiled and had begun to undress when she stopped him. “I want to do that.”

  She untied his cravat and tossed it aside. She ran her hands inside his shirt, and he pulled her to him. He claimed her lips and explored her mouth with his tongue. She responded by deepening the kiss with an ever increasing passion.

  Elizabeth pulled his shirt from his trousers and ran her hands over his muscled abdomen and chest. He removed the rest of his clothing, and picked Elizabeth up as he carried her to the bed.

  He laid her down gently and climbed in beside her. His desire grew as he saw her hair was spread across his pillow just as he had always dreamed. Her eyes were dark with passion when she looked up at him and smiled. His heart swelled as she made all of his fantasies come true.

  He positioned himself gently on top of her making sure not to hurt her and kissed the hollow of her neck as he made his way toward her beautiful breasts. With a moan of pleasure he ran his tongue around her nipple and suckled gently, he felt her body respond. He pleasured her until he knew she was ready for him. He felt an exquisite pleasure as he slid into his wife and marvelled at the feelings she aroused in him. He heard a sharp intake of breath as he broke through the barrier of her innocence.

  “Elizabeth, my love.” He comforted her as she grew accustomed to his size.

  “Fitzwilliam, I need…” She struggled to find the words as the intense feelings invaded her body. She lowered her hands until she felt the muscled hardness of his bottom. She pulled him to her as she tried to understand and succumbed to her desperate need.

  Darcy heard the desire in his wife’s voice, and he moved against her as he showed her a world of sensual pleasure.

  Darcy made love with his wife and brought her to new heights of passion. The waves of pleasure radiated through the lover’s as they found the ultimate completion in each other bodies.

  With a feeling of unreserved joy and contentment, Darcy kept his wife cradled to him, and he never wanted to let her go. “I love you body and soul, my dearest, loveliest Elizabeth.” He whispered in her ear.

  “I love you too, my darling Fitzwilliam.” She snuggled up against him and together they fell asleep for the first time as husband and wife.

  Chapter 16

  Elizabeth woke up the next day to find she was trapped by an unaccustomed weight and found it was her husband’s arm. She blushed a little as she remembered their activities of the night before. She smiled to herself and knew she had chosen well. She had married the most incredible, tender man, and she loved him with all of her heart.

  Elizabeth was feeling loved and extremely bold, so she kissed Fitzwilliam awake. When he opened his eyes, his lips twisted into a smile. “My lovely Lizzy,” His voice was husky with sleep, “are you really here or am I dreaming again.”

  “Oh, I am here.” Elizabeth slid onto her husband and showed him how real she was. She kissed him with a passion that enthralled and excited Darcy to the point of no return.

  His sensitive hands found the tender places on her body that drove her crazy with desire. She whispered to him when their passion peaked at the moment of fulfilment, “So am I here?”

  “Yes…” He cried at the height of his ecstasy, “Oh yes, my love, you are most undeniably here with me.”

  Later that day, Elizabeth had a suggestion for her new husband, “I think we should visit the library before we leave.”

  “I have no problem with that, however, may I ask why?” Darcy enquired as he kissed her.

  “Do you remember the day I interrupted you during your dream in the library?” Elizabeth asked with a slight tilt of her head and a naughty arch of her eyebrow.

  “Yes.” He had a wolfish grin on his face, “I remember particularly well, why?”

  “Do you remember what you were dreaming about?”

  “Oh yes.” He pulled his wife into his arms, “I could never forget that.”

  “Do you want to make your dream come true in the library?” She looked him directly in
the eyes and could not quite believe she was being this bold.

  “Yes, I would.” Darcy picked her up and carried her into the library where they made his remarkably graphic dream come true.

  “I love being married to you.” Darcy proclaimed when their passion had been satisfied.

  “We are so similar, you and I.” Elizabeth smiled mischievously, “We love the same things.”

  They took a long walk through the countryside and even stopped for a picnic lunch, which led Darcy to unrestrained acts of passion with his beautiful wife. When he was ready to undress her, she managed to persuade him to return to Netherfield with her and finish their delightful activity.

  “I love you, my darling.” She kissed him, “However, we have a wonderful bed waiting for us back at Netherfield.

  “You are right, my love.” He smiled as he helped her from the ground.

  When they returned, Elizabeth finished packing her trunk in preparation for leaving for London in the morning.

  When Darcy found her in the middle of the mundane chore, he could not resist distracting her with a little tender love. He came up behind her and put his arms around her waist and kissed the back of her neck. “Let your hair down for me, my love.” His obsession with her hair had not diminished just because he had fulfilled his dream.

  She pulled the pins free and shook her head. Her hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall. He buried his face in her hair glorying in the soft texture and smell.

  “I cannot get enough of you.” Darcy was stunned by the depth of his desire as she turned and slid against him with a sensual movement.

  “I want you too. So much it astonishes me.” She murmured against his throat while she kissed the hollow at the base.

  He unfastened the buttons on her dress and let the fabric drop where she stood. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the bed.

  He undressed quickly and got into bed beside her as he took her into his arms. “I still cannot quite believe I have the right to take such liberties with you.” His voice was warm, and his eyes pools of emotion as he looked down at her with love in his eyes.

  “We have been blessed in our choice of spouse because I cannot imagine having another man touch me as you do.” Elizabeth kissed his bare chest and moved lower toward his finely chiselled stomach. She placed kisses along his abdomen and touched him in a way he had only dreamed of being touched before with her hands and mouth.

  “You are all mine,” He growled with satisfaction, “You are Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy and no other man shall ever touch you.”

  His hand moved along her voluptuous breasts. His kisses traced the same path until he came to the hard pink nipple he longed to caress and pleasure her. He took the tip into his mouth and with his tongue caused her to feel sensations that drew moans from deep in her throat.

  He felt she was ready for him and with mutual satisfaction as they moved together in a dance of love as old as time. They both rose to new heights of pleasure together.

  The next morning found them both so languidly pleased after a long glorious night of lovemaking they were reluctant to get out of bed.

  The housekeeper finally knocked on the door and told them the Bennet family was there to see couple off on their journey to London.

  “I suppose we shall have to rise.” Fitzwilliam Darcy informed his wife as he got out of their wonderfully warm bed.

  “There is something missing from my bed.” Elizabeth complained as she took great pleasure in watching the beautiful naked body of the man she loved. She reluctantly rose and joined her husband as they went through the morning rituals of getting dressed.

  Elizabeth’s maid and Darcy’s valet had been awfully embarrassed to dress the two of them in the same room. Nevertheless, Mr. Darcy insisted, and Mrs. Darcy would not deny her husband anything.

  When the couple made their way downstairs, they found all of the Bennets and Mr. Bingley present. Elizabeth was embraced by her parents who looked to be in high spirits. Elizabeth was surprised as she noticed her father had an arm casually draped around her mother. Her eyes softened with the hope that her parents would find joy within their marriage.

  As Elizabeth gazed around the room, she observed with pleasure the complete devotion of Jane and Mr. Bingley to each other. She signalled Darcy, he glanced at the couple and smiled at Elizabeth with a knowing wink.

  Lydia embraced her sister and declared, “You will have to invite me to London so we can go to lots and lots of balls.” She winked at her new brother.

  “Us…” Kitty corrected as she flashed her younger sister an annoyed look, “You need to invite us to London to attend lots of balls.”

  “Whatever.” Lydia acknowledged her sister’s words scornfully and rolled her eyes at Kitty. She had obviously not forgiven Kitty for damaging her chances with Colonel Fitzwilliam.

  Mary was effusive, “I cannot wait to see Georgiana again when I come to see you.” Her eyes sparkled with her thoughts, “If you happen to be in London there would be lots of concerts. I would enjoy that immensely.”

  Jane and Bingley were the next to approach the departing couple. Jane embraced her sister while Bingley hugged Darcy. “I am so delighted for you.” Jane told Elizabeth, “I am very hopeful that my relationship will blossom the way yours and Mr. Darcy’s has done.” Jane confided in her.

  “Jane, are you telling me that you have allowed Mr. Bingley to take liberties…” Elizabeth could not contain her astonishment as Jane nodded as a rosy blush stained her cheeks.

  Bingley slapped Darcy on the back, “I envy you your happiness. However, I need to ensure my own felicity in marriage.” He wistfully stared at Jane. Darcy noticed pent up longing and desire on Bingley’s face. Most likely the same emotions had shown on his own face until his marriage to Elizabeth, Darcy reflected.

  “I wish you well, my old friend.” Darcy stated with a wink, “There shall be many cold and lonely months until your marriage can take place.”

  Bingley sighed, “I am aware. Until that time, I shall endeavour to keep myself under good regulation.”

  After the good wishes and goodbyes were finished, Darcy handed his wife into the carriage. He stepped up and joined her on the seat. As the carriage pulled away, the new couple waved out of the window to friends and family.

  Elizabeth made herself comfortable as she leaned against her husband’s shoulder and his arm secured her tightly against him. “I have been thinking of something that I would like to ask you.” Elizabeth looked up at Darcy.

  “You may ask me anything you like.” He replied as he smiled down into her beautiful eyes, “I would never suspend any desire of yours.”

  “I have been curious about the marked change that occurred.” Elizabeth gazed at the man whom she married with curiosity, “The day when I found you in the library, why were you so changed in your attitude towards me?”

  Fitzwilliam Darcy was a little startled by the question. It was the last thing he had expected to hear. “Darling Elizabeth, I was attracted to you from the moment we met.” Darcy’s voice was full of love and steady, “I loathe to cause you any pain. However, I must answer truthfully.” He closed his eyes for a moment, “I fought against my attraction for you because I did not believe you were a worthy marriage partner for me.”

  Elizabeth was not too surprised to hear his answer for she had suspected as much. “What exactly happened to change your mind?”

  “You did, my darling.” Darcy revealed as he feathered kisses along her cheek, “I was completely lost to your charms that day when you walked into the library. I have not looked back or regretted my decision since.” He pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head, “I finally realized that day you were the only woman who would make me happy.”

  “I am glad you changed your mind.” Elizabeth blinked back tears, “I love you dearly and could not imagine my life without you.”

  “I did not change my mind. It was my heart you changed.” Darcy explained, “If it were not for the sp
ecial events that occurred that day, I might have still been denying my true feelings for you.”

  Elizabeth laughed, “In those circumstances, I would most likely still hate you.”

  “I am so thankful we found each other on that auspicious day.” Darcy was lost in his own thoughts and he shivered with the thought of not having Elizabeth beside him. She had saved him from a cold and lonely life.

  When they arrived at the Darcy house in London, Elizabeth was introduced to the housekeeper, Mrs. Nelson.

  “It is a pleasure having you here, Mrs. Darcy.” Mrs. Nelson told her and then introduced her to the rest of the household staff.

  With Darcy’s hand around her waist, Elizabeth greeted every member of staff with genuine pleasure.

  Darcy showed her to their rooms upstairs, and the trunks were already waiting for them. When Elizabeth saw there was a separate bedroom for the master and the mistress of the house, she looked at her husband with an inquisitive raise of her eyebrow. Darcy smiled at her unsettled demeanour and laughed, “I have no intention of leaving you to sleep alone unless you insist upon it.” He pulled her into his arms and with a twinkle in his eyes declared, “I like having you in my bed far too much for that to be my wishes.”

  She looked up into his face with expressive eyes, “I never wish to sleep apart from you again.”

  His smile was so wide that his dimples appeared, “I am ecstatic to hear you say that.”

  He kissed her with fierce passion, and she reciprocated with a fire to match his. They undressed each other with sensual abandon and made love until their bodies were exhausted. They fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  They woke to the soft light as it filtered into the bedroom the next morning. Elizabeth was excited to explore the city, so she kissed her husband awake.


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