I'll Be There

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I'll Be There Page 9

by E. L. Todd

  Chapter Eleven


  “No, forget it.” I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back into the couch. “I’m not doing it. No way.”

  Heath sat beside me with a look of irritation. “Now isn’t the time to be stubborn.”

  “I’m not being stubborn,” I snapped. “I’m not going to let him treat me like shit. Forget it.”

  “He’s going through a hard time—”

  “When I was going through a hard time I didn’t act like a dick.”

  Heath rubbed his chin and released a sigh. “Roland, Conrad isn’t in the right state of mind right now. You need to be there for him.”

  “After he apologizes.”

  “Roland, I mean it.”

  “You mean it?” I asked incredulously. “My sister is going through a divorce right now. I’m going through a hard time too. Why isn’t he here for me?”

  “It’s not the same thing and you know it.”

  “He’s acting like someone died. I know he loved Lexie and everything but he’s taking it way too hard.”

  Heath rubbed his palms together. “How would you feel if you asked me to marry you but I said no?”

  I kept my mouth shut.

  “We’ve been together for a long time and everything is perfect. But what if I said no anyway? What would you do?”

  I didn’t have an argument against that.

  “He thought she was the one, his future wife,” Heath said. “It’s not surprising he’s taking it hard. That’s why we need to be there for him.”

  “He slammed the door in my face.”

  “I know…he gets a free pass this time.”

  I glared at him.

  “You’ve been best friends forever,” Heath said. “This isn’t how it ends. Now, let’s go over there and talk to him.”

  “I don’t want to even look at him right now…” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “When you told him you were gay how did he react?”

  I averted my gaze.

  “He was behind you one hundred percent. Not once did he treat your differently or do anything other than be supportive. He’s a true friend, Roland. When we were going through a hard time he had your back like a damn CIA agent. He loves you. He’s not himself right now and you need to be there for him.”

  Why was Heath right about everything?

  “Now, let’s go over there and spend some time with him.”

  I lowered my hands to my lap. “Fine.”

  “There’s my man.” He gave me a slight smile before he kissed me. “It’s kind of hot when you’re stubborn…but after a while it gets old.”


  I knocked on Conrad’s door but there was no answer. “He’s not home.”

  Heath didn’t move. “Knock again. Maybe he didn’t hear you.”

  I sighed then rang the doorbell.

  Footsteps were heard on the hardwood floor.


  Heath kept watching me, a look of determination on his face.

  Conrad opened the door just wearing sweatpants and without a shirt. His chest was chiseled and hard, full of lines of muscle. He was my cousin, but he wasn’t Heath’s cousin.

  “Why are you always naked?” I blurted.

  “Why are you always a whiny bitch?” he countered.

  “Okay…this is getting off on the wrong foot.” Heath stepped between us. “Can we come in?”

  “Depends,” Conrad said. “Will there be any whining?”

  “Do you want to die, asshole?” I asked.

  “Stop with the name calling.” Heath walked inside and dragged me with him.

  Conrad shut the door and crossed his arms over his chest. “What do you want?”

  “Roland wants to talk to you,” Heath said. “So, let’s all sit down.”

  “I really don’t have time to hear his judgments,” Conrad said. “It’s not my fault you’re jealous of my lifestyle.”

  “Jealous?” I asked incredulously.

  Heath shot me a glare. “What did we talk about?”

  I chewed the inside of my lip and sighed.

  Conrad sat on the other couch, looking like a slab of concrete. “What’s up?”

  It was hard for me to apologize when I didn’t mean it. “I’m sorry about the way I came over here and…said some mean things.”

  Conrad nodded like he appreciated that. “Well, thank you.”

  He wasn’t going to apologize to me?

  Heath read my mind and kept staring at me.

  I pushed through it. “I’m just concerned about you. You’re my best friend and I want the best for you. I’m sorry if I came on a little strong.”

  Conrad relaxed further. “It’s okay. My dad has been doing the same thing. You aren’t the only one.”

  “You just seem to be spinning out of control,” Roland said. “Maybe you should talk to someone.”

  “About what?” he asked. “I’m not sad.”

  “Well…I think we should talk about Lexie. You haven’t mentioned her once.”

  Conrad didn’t react at all. “There’s nothing to talk about. We’re done and I never think about her.”

  “I know that isn’t true…”

  “But it is true. I’m not sure why no one believes me.”

  He was denial, the strongest kind possible. “When she said no it must have hurt you a lot.”

  “No…more like set me free.”

  I couldn’t get through to this guy. “Conrad, you’re on a sex rampage right now and I don’t think that’s helping you. I think it’s hurting you.”

  “Rampage?” he asked with a laugh. “I just like sex.”

  “Then why don’t you have sex in a relationship again?”

  “Because the sex gets old. I like having different partners. It keeps it interesting.” He rested his feet on the coffee table.

  “I think you’re just trying to repress what happened to you.”

  “Are you my shrink now?” Conrad asked.

  “Look, I just—”

  “Conrad?” A female voice came from the hallway.

  “Yeah, baby?” Conrad asked without looking at her.

  “Can I order Chinese?”

  “Order whatever you want.” He kept looking at me. “You guys want anything?”

  “No…” I didn’t want to eat with one of his bimbos.

  “You have company?” A pretty brunette came into the hallway just wearing one of Conrad’s t-shirts. She had no shame. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Georgia.” She wrapped her arms around Conrad’s neck and kissed his neck.

  I knew exactly who she was. She was Georgia Price from Maxim. “Roland. Nice to meet you. This is my boyfriend, Heath.”

  “Hi.” Georgia waved at him. Then she turned back to Conrad. “I’ll order that Chinese then get into the shower.”

  “Alright. Sounds good.” He smacked her ass as she walked away.

  She giggled and kept walking.

  After she was back in the bedroom I rounded on Conrad. “Dude, she’s married.”

  “So what?” he asked. “I don’t give a damn.”

  “You guys gave me so much shit when I slept with that married woman,” I argued.

  He shrugged. “Well, now I understand why you did it. It’s pretty fun.”

  This wasn’t the Conrad I knew. He was a completely different person. He didn’t even talk the same way. He’d been so crushed that he reverted back by ten years. It was like Beatrice and Lexie never happened. There was nothing meaningful or worthwhile in his life. He was just…empty.

  Chapter Twelve


  Jason was nice, good-looking, and sophisticated. I loved his personality as well as his quirks. And he was a really great kisser. He was nothing compared to Jared, the man I’d stupidly fallen for, but he was a great catch. With enough time Jared would be gone from my mind and Jason would be the only one in it.

  I walked into the wine bar and began prepping for the shift.
We were only open in the evenings so I got to sleep in during the day. But that meant I worked a lot of night shifts when I’d rather be home or doing something fun.

  Jared was on me quicker than a cat. “How’d it go?”

  I jumped into the air because he startled me. My hand immediately went to my chest and I caught my breath. “Shit, you scared me.”

  He continued like nothing just happened. “How’d it go?”

  “How did what go?”

  “The date.”

  “Oh…” I figured he wouldn’t want to hear about it. He wasn’t exactly the romantic type. “Great. He was very nice and charming. I like him.”

  “You like him?” Jared spoke like he was disgusted.

  “Yeah…he’s cute and smart.”

  “Did you wear pants?”

  “What?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “I told you to wear pants. Did you?”

  “No…I wore a dress.”

  “Dammit…” He mumbled under his breath.



  “Why are you being weird right now?”

  “I don’t trust him,” he spat. “You shouldn’t see him again.”

  “Uh…you don’t even know him.”

  “I don’t need to know him,” he argued. “I read people like a book. He’s into some weird shit. I can tell.”

  Even my own brother wasn’t this protective. “I should get to work…” I trailed away before he could say anything else weird.

  The second we were open the crowd came flooding in. Almost instantly, we were swamped. I worked the tables while Jared manned the register. Most of our customers were regular wine drinkers and knew exactly what they wanted. Others were more interested in learning about the different types of wine. Either way, I loved waiting on them.

  A few hours later, I approached a table with a familiar face. “Are you stalking me?”

  Jason smiled. “Depends. Do you find that romantic or creepy?”

  “A little of both.”

  “Then yes, I’m stalking you.” He introduced me to his friend. “This is Taylor. I told him about you so he wanted to get a look himself.”

  “And he didn’t lie,” Taylor said. “You’re very beautiful.”

  “Well, thank you,” I said. “But I hope you came in for the food as well.”

  “And the wine.” He held up his glass. “You should join us.”

  “Actually, I have to work,” I said with a sigh. “That’s the bad part about owning a business…you actually have to do things.”

  “How about after work?” Jason asked. “Maybe we can get some ice cream or something.”

  “I like ice cream.”

  “Then consider it a second date.”

  “Well, is it a date when there’s three of us?” I eyed Taylor.

  “He’ll be long gone by then,” Jason said. “He wouldn’t cramp my style like that.”

  “No,” Taylor said. “But I would steal your date from you.”

  “I’d like to see you try.” Jason gave him a playful look but it also looked threatening.

  “Well, I look—”

  “That’s it.” Jared came up behind me, blowing steam out of his nose. “You guys are kicked out.”

  “What?” I rounded on him. “What are you doing?”

  “This creeper keeps following you around,” Jared said. “I’m want him out of my restaurant.”

  “Jared, he’s not bothering me.” I put my hand on his chest and backed him up slightly. “I like him. I told you that.”

  “He’s a serial killer or something.”

  “Is it really that hard to believe that an attractive man is interested in me?” I lowered my voice so Jason wouldn’t hear our conversation.

  “Beatrice, I have a bad feeling about him.”

  “Well, I don’t. Now back off.”

  Jared clenched his jaw like he was irritated.

  “Seriously, you’re embarrassing me.”

  “I’m just looking after you.”

  “Well, I can take care of myself, Jared.” I walked past him because I didn’t want to deal with his paranoia anymore. He was never this protective of me and now it rubbed me the wrong way. I already had an older brother breathing down my neck and I didn’t need another one.


  When we finally closed, Jason approached me at the bar. “So, how about that ice cream?”

  Jared was down the counter taking care of the register. He was counting the money in the drawer but he was watching us out of the corner of his eye.

  “That is…if your friend will let you.” He glanced at Jared then turned back to me.

  “I’m sorry about him…he’s not normally like this.”

  “It’s okay,” he said. “I think I know what’s bothering him.” Jason claimed Jared was into me but he was wrong about that.

  “I’d love some ice cream.”

  “Great. Are you ready to go now?”

  “Sure.” I took off my apron then turned to Jared to tell him I was leaving.

  But he was gone.


  I was walking home with a bag of groceries in my hand when I heard a familiar voice. I’d recognize it anywhere because I heard it for so many years. It was a sound you couldn’t just stop thinking about.

  Standing outside a club was Conrad in a circle full of people. He was laughing at something someone said and clapping his hands as he did it. He wore a dark blazer with denim jeans. A fancy watch was on his wrist. He looked different but I couldn’t figure out how. Lexie wasn’t there, and he was surrounded by women who kept giving him the eye. “Conrad?”

  He turned my way and immediately stopped laughing. He took me in like he didn’t know me. Then the flash of recognition moved across his eyes. “Well…I’ll be damned. Excuse me.” He left the circle then approached me, a big smile on his face and excitement in his eyes. “Hey, beautiful.” His hand immediately circled my waist and he leaned in to kiss me.

  What the hell? I stepped back and kept my lips away from his. “What the hell are you doing?”’

  “Oh, come on. Don’t be like that, baby. I know you want me.” He stepped toward me again.

  “Are you drunk?” I kept the back of groceries between us.

  “Drunk?” he asked with a laugh. “No, I’m high on life. You live around here, right? Want to make up for lost time?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  When did Conrad become so creepy? “I’m good…”

  “Come on, I only got to fuck you a few times before you took off.”

  I couldn’t slap him because I was holding my stuff so I kneed him in the groin. “Fuck you, asshole.”

  He blocked it with his knee and chuckled. “What? It’s the truth. Then you ripped out my heart like it didn’t mean a damn thing. I remember. Do you?”

  “Where’s Lexie?” Maybe she could sober him up.

  “Lexie?” he asked. “No one here goes by that name.”

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “I moved on to bigger and better things. Well, not bigger…but better.” He winked.

  “You guys broke up?” Last time I checked he was totally and madly in love with her.

  “Yep. She’s old news. And now I’m available. So…you wanna hook up?”

  “No, I don’t hook up.”

  “Come on, you’ve been with me before. You know I’ll make you come.” He got in my face again.

  Conrad was the only man I’d ever been with, and after I had sex I really missed it. It was one of the greatest feelings in the world. But I wouldn’t put out for just anybody, and definitely not Conrad when he was acting like this. “I’ll let you come over so you can crash on my couch.”

  “Crash?” he asked. “The night is just getting started. Come on, you have a really tight pussy.”

  I kicked him again.

  He blocked it. “You’re going to have to do better than that.”

  “What the hell happened to you?” I demanded. “You ar
en’t even the same person anymore.”

  For a brief moment his eyes filled with sadness. I suddenly hit a trigger that hit him somewhere underneath all that sex and arrogance. “He’s dead, Beatrice. You killed a part of him and then Lexie killed another part. Now this is all that’s left of me. Now I’m just like every other guy. And that’s exactly what you wanted.”

  I didn’t know what he was talking about, but it sounded like Lexie left him. “Conrad, I know you’re hurting right now but acting like this isn’t the answer.”

  “No, it is the answer. I was happy before you came along and convinced me to be in a relationship. And then I was happy before Lexie came along. Relationships are stupid and I don’t do them anymore. So, this is the improved Conrad. Now I’m actually happy.”

  “You look miserable.”

  “Then why am I smiling?” He pointed at his lips.

  “Because you’re in denial. Conrad, let’s go to my place and talk.” He clearly needed a shoulder to cry on. “I want to hear everything.”

  “The only way I’m going to your place is if we fuck.”

  The Conrad I used to love was far gone, or he was really buried deep down in there. He would never talk to me like that. Now all he knew how to do was insult people.

  “Just talking. No sex.”

  “Then no deal.” He shrugged.

  I was really worried about him. He obviously went off the deep end, and he seemed to fall off that cliff a long time ago. “This is non-negotiable. You’re coming with me and we’re going to talk this out.”


  “I’ll kiss you. How about that?” That was pretty innocent.

  He tilted his head to side like he was intrigued. “Hmm…”

  I waited for his answer.


  “No. Kissing. That’s it.”


  “No. This is not a negotiation.”

  “I said sex and then you offered kissing. So yes, it’s a negotiation.”

  “Well, kissing is all I’m willing to offer.”

  He narrowed his eyes as he tried to make a decision. “Fine.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  “You know I’m giving up sex for you?”

  “Wow, I feel so honored…”


  We entered my apartment and I set the groceries on the counter. “So, let’s start at the beginning—”


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