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Outlaw Souls MC Box Set: Books 1-6

Page 97

by Hope Stone

  “I think one of the guys low-key got some money for ratting me out. I don’t know, but I’m on the move again. Call me when you find out. If I didn’t tell you already, Amber, I love you, and thanks for everything.”

  I sighed deeply, the overwhelm making me feel like I was drowning in a river. “Why are you talking as if you’re dying? Please stay safe and move now. Call me when you’re out of San Francisco.”

  “Okay. Work your magic.”


  My golden hair was starting to annoy me, rubbing on my neck. That was the problem with having thick hair. I trawled through the case files and made several necessary calls. The day ran away from me. I was the last one left in the office, and I didn’t realize it.

  “Amber. It’s time for you to go home.” Donald came to my cubicle to chastise me.

  “I hear you. I just have an appeal for one of my clients, and I want it to go well.”

  A solemn face peered back at me. “Amber, my dear, we can’t save everyone. Heck, even if we could, they have to want to be saved. Remember that.”

  I stopped and started packing up my things. “I understand what you’re saying. I guess I’m a social worker for a reason.”

  “That you are. You deserve as many medals as you can hold. After you finish with that appeal, I want to talk to you about a possible promotion. To oversee your division.”

  I did a double-take at my boss in shock. “I mean, I didn’t know you were looking at me for promotion. That is…amazing!”

  “Nothing is set in stone, but there’s going to be some restructuring, so yes, your hard work is paying off.”

  I walked out to my car with a little bit of a smile on my face, deciding that was not a bad way to end the day.

  The room smelled of legalities. I was in a small room where they hold parole board hearings. Bella and Cheryl were in the background. I was so glad they could make it. Colt was dressed in his prison jumpsuit that fit his muscles like a glove. He wore the jumpsuit. It didn’t wear him. His square jaw was set with a serious look on his face. His closely cropped blond hair made him look like a male model. His hotness made me uncomfortable, and given the heat between us, all this hearing did was ignite a dormant flame inside my belly.

  I’d managed to call in a favor from a friend, a former criminal defense lawyer, to assist with the parole board hearing appeal. Colt had everyone in his corner. His early release from jail also had a lot riding on it for me. The life and death of my little brother, Hector.

  “Thanks again for coming. I appreciate it.” I earnestly appreciated Bernie’s involvement.

  “Hey, you’re welcome. I’ve been getting kind of bored lately. Happy to support.” Bernie was an easy, laid back, retired California lawyer in his late fifties, but he was a complete shark for his clients. Every now and then, he took on a case or two, depending on whether he felt like paddleboarding instead. One of the parole board members, with his glasses hanging off the end of his nose, addressed all of us. His worn face was full of wrinkles with a droopy chin.

  “We are here today for an expedited appeal concerning the case of Charlie Winters. Please state your case.”

  Bernie established that Colt should have been eligible for parole based on overcrowding because of his extenuating circumstances. Therefore, he should not have been denied parole before because he was a non-violent offender and did not present a threat to society. In addition to these facts there was also a threat to his safety while he remained incarcerated. As part of the proceedings the state of California allows additional statements regarding the defendant’s family history and danger to society. As part of that process, I was asked to provide testimony.

  “I am Amber Atwood, a social worker from the Department of Human Services in Merced and prison advocate at USP Atwater Correctional Facility. In his four and a half years served at Atwater, Charlie Winters has displayed exemplary behavior amongst his prison mates. He has been part of an in-house group program for business. We are seeking early release to care for his seven-year-old daughter, Bella, and to ensure his safety.”

  The board members smiled warmly at a shy Bella, who was hiding behind her grandma’s leg.

  “I see. What leads you to believe that Charlie’s safety is at risk at this point?”

  “Well, we would like to show you injuries sustained just last week from a correctional officer, Raymond Silvers.”

  Bernie stepped in with photographs of Colt’s black and blue back. The board members looked at the photos and then back at Colt.

  “Charlie, do you have anything to say to support your appeal?”

  Colt stepped forward with a stern yet handsome face. “Yes. My daughter Bella is everything to me. She has suffered enough for my mistakes, which I deeply regret. I want to be there for her during this crucial time of her going to school. My mother and father are taking care of my child, but they are getting older and need to get back to their life. They have held down the fort for close to five years for me. I want to give them their life back. I want to do better. When I was first convicted, I understood I needed to own up to the conviction. Today, I stand before you a changed man. My family should no longer suffer for my mistakes. Death threats have been made against me in prison.”

  The parole board members turned to each other to discuss how they should move forward. I couldn’t make out what they were whispering about, but I saw one of them briefly look over at Bella and smile before they faced Colt to deliver their decision.

  “I do understand your circumstances. I also know that you suffered the loss of your child’s mother, which no child should ever know.” He looked affectionately in Bella’s direction as she sank farther behind her grandmother’s leg. “I hereby approve your appeal for early release. You are free to go, and I will organize for your belongings to be picked up. Congratulations on serving your time, and may you be a pillar of strength for your family. Thank you.”

  Cheryl’s quiet tears came out as she clasped her hand over her mouth. She hugged her son’s neck, and Colt’s smile couldn’t have gotten any brighter. Bella ran to her father’s leg and hugged it tightly. He rubbed her back and lifted her up to him. She laid her head on his chest as the judge left the chambers. I smiled as I watched the scene.

  This moment reinforced why I did the job I did. In less than twenty minutes, the judge had deliberated on the appeal. Colt was getting out of jail.


  “Let’s see here. We got a watch, a busted wallet, fifty dollars, and some change. Oh, and a pair of cowboy boots. Here’s your clothing.” The lady pushed all of my belongings from four and a half years ago through the slot in the window.

  My mother was waiting outside to pick me up. I looked back to see if I was really free. Was it really happening? My legs took me through the front as the sliding doors opened. A feeling of euphoria ran through my veins as the light of Merced warmed my face. I saluted the sun. My mother, with her hands in the prayer position, gave me a moment to process. I let the deep breaths of freedom bury into my lungs as I strode over to greet her.

  “Oh, wow. My baby is coming home. I’m so happy for you!” She wept loudly as I hugged her. Her shuddering tears brought water to my eyes, as well.

  “Thank you. I am forever in your debt, Mama. You did a wonderful job. I love you forever.”

  She placed her hand on the side of my face, looking upon me with tenderness. “You’re welcome, son. It was a pleasure. Come on now. Let’s go home and get you away from this crappy place.”

  “I agree. Let’s blow this joint. How is Bella?”

  “She’s just great, she’s on a playdate with her grandfather. Just so you have time to acquaint yourself.”

  “Great. How are the horses? How’s Moonlight?”

  We both jumped in the car and headed for home.

  My mother glanced between me and the road. “She missed you when you were gone for the first few years. She would buck people off when they tried to ride her. Once Bella sat on her, she becam
e a different horse. I swear your daughter is a horse whisperer. She must have gotten that from you.” She laughed with genuine joy.

  I smiled with my heart. It was nice to see my mother like this. “How’s the old man?”

  “Oh, you know, your father is as grumpy as ever. But he is excellent. If he is quiet for too long, I start to get worried.” She laughed again.

  I looked out the window, my eyes greedy for the undulating California hills. I touched my arms to see if they were still there. I couldn’t believe I was wearing the same dirty, worn jeans and tank from over four years ago, returning to the farm.

  As the driveway came into sight, I felt like a little boy again. I touched the glossy green leaves as I walked up to the porch. I let my eyes wander to the wilderness behind the property. I heard the horses neighing in the stables. I listened to the buzz of the bees in the front yard where flowers were in bloom. Home sweet home.

  I walked inside, and for the most part, my home appeared untouched from the way I’d left it. I ran my thick fingers along the dining table. I picked up the picture of Anna, Bella, and me together. I had so many memories of us carved into my soul.

  A sea of emotions hit me and, wanting to ground and have a moment to myself, I said, “I’m going to head down to the stables. I want to see the horses. Do you have feed down there?”

  “You go on down there. Everything is in order. Your father just changed their shoes yesterday, and we got some new saddles. I think you’ll like them.”

  Before I left, I gave my mother a kiss on the forehead. Without her, Bella would have been caught in the foster system. I owed a lot to her. I entered the barn, and Moonlight balked in her stall. She knew it was me.

  “Moonlight, my beautiful mare. I’m back.” The strands of her black mane shook as I picked up a nearby bucket with feed in it. I laid my hand out flat, and she nibbled on it. I stroked between her eyes. “There you go. Daddy’s home. I have to take you for a ride. I heard Bella’s been looking after you for a while now. Like father, like daughter, huh? You like Winters.”

  Moonlight snorted in derision as she licked the rest of the feed from my hand, tickling me. I walked the line and checked on my other three Palominos. I fed them, too. They were much calmer and could warm up to practically anyone. That’s why I liked Moonlight. She remained icy unless you were someone she really liked. She was something special.

  Speaking of special, I had important calls to make. I snuck to the back of the barn with my phone and made a call to Mikakov.

  “Hey, Mikakov. I’m out.”

  “You’re out? What, did you bust out or something? I wasn’t expecting this call so soon.”

  “No, early release. Listen. I’m calling in that favor. Can you set a meeting with Las Balas to cover the debt? Tell them Hector is coming.”

  “Yes. We can set it. Let’s talk later in the week. I’ll come back with a date. Give you some time to acquaint yourself.”


  I hung up quickly. The last thing I wanted was to be hanging on the phone line with a Russian. I sat right there on the haystack for a good half hour, just cherishing life. Nothing would be the same again. Anna’s killer was dead, but it didn’t take the burning grief from my heart. I made another call. The most important one.


  “Hi. Welcome home,” Amber said brightly.

  “Thank you. I’ve set up the meeting to settle the score.”

  “Thank you, Colt.”

  “I want to see you. I want to take you horse riding. I can come to pick you up on the bike.” I decided to be plain and upfront, with no games.

  “Colt, I don’t want to ruin anything for you. I don’t know—”

  I cut her off. “Do you feel the way I feel? I need to know. I want to be with you. Just let me show you. Let your hair down for the day.” I grinned.

  “Since you twisted my arm, I will. When?” she asked breathily.

  “How about Friday? You can stay for dinner if you want.”

  “Okay. I do feel what you feel. It’s a little scary, actually.”

  “What’s scary about two people wanting to be together? I want you, and you want me.”


  I’d never been in a place more peaceful than Colt’s property. Baggage from cases melted right off my shoulders, floating to the ground and under the earth. I wasn’t ashamed to say I took Friday off. I wanted to meld into Colt’s world. The house was dead quiet when I arrived. Bella was at school and not due back until the afternoon. It was just me and the sexiest man alive—Colt Winters. Outside of the jail, he appeared larger than life—big, strong, and capable with sturdy hands and a nice pair of tanned cowboy boots. We were in his barn not long after I arrived.

  Colt was coaching me onto one of the Palominos. “She won’t bite. Put your foot in the stirrup, and I’ll give you a leg up and over.”

  “Okay. Okay. I think I got it.”

  I held on to the bridle like Colt said, putting my right foot into the stirrup. I watched the Palomino’s tail swish flies away. Colt placed his large hand near my buttocks and helped me onto the horse, leaving me feeling flushed.

  “Great job. Okay, just sit tight, and I will ride beside you. The Palominos are really gentle. Everybody rides them, and there’s nothing to fear.” Colt’s pacifying tone, along with his cool ocean-blue eyes, made me believe every word he said. I watched the power exude from him as he mounted another one of the Palominos, his thick thighs taking up space on the horse. I eyed them hungrily.

  With Colt beside me on his horse, I said, “I haven’t ridden since I was a kid. The world feels different up here.”

  “Sure does, doesn’t it? You look mighty fine on a horse, Amber. Follow me, and everything will be good. Just gently pull the reins in the direction you want the horse to go. You don’t have to kick hard, just lean a little. She will know. We are just going to trot. You don’t need to come up out of the saddle for that.”

  I nodded and followed Colt’s strong lead to the letter. My hair was pinned up high and out of my face, though a few tendrils fell. My blue jeans were stretchy, so I felt comfortable on the horse. My off-the-shoulder top was keeping me cool from the muggy California heat. The clouds were a little overcast as I looked up, and a fine mist was hanging over the cobalt blue sky, threatening rain.

  Colt and his trusty steed trotted alongside me like old friends. I breathed in and let all the stress roll off my back. I enjoyed the smell of the trees along the trail. The only things I could hear were blue jays and the crunching of hooves connecting with the dirt path underneath us. Riding with Colt was the first time I’d felt at ease with life. I rode in front through the overhanging branches into a wooded forest area, almost like an open enclosure. I gasped at the discovery and looked at Colt.

  “This is incredible!” I couldn’t close my mouth from the shock of it all. I was surrounded by a natural wonderland with all sorts of sights and sounds.

  “This is my thinking space. I come here to get away from everything.” Colt dismounted first and tied up his Palomino to the nearby oak tree. He placed his hand on the rear of the Palomino to let the horse know he was there as he approached.

  “Hey, now. You did well. Let’s get Amber off,” Colt said to my horse with tenderness.

  Who would have thought this big, muscled cowboy would have a hidden softer side? He stroked my horse’s head. Colt touched my thigh, and I felt like sparks ran off his fingers and straight through my bloodstream.

  “Here, let me help you down,” Colt said as he held out his large hand to help me down from the majestic golden horse.

  I jumped and slid down the horse into his strong grip. He held me there, his eyes hooded over, twirling my hair through his fingers. A powerful magnetism sank me into him further. Suddenly shy, I looked into his chest. I gently placed my hand over his chest and felt the rhythm of his heart vibrating through my fingers.

  “Amber.” The urgency in his voice turned me to water.


  His eyes merged with mine, taking me to another galaxy as our lips merged. The weight of his passion crushed my lips. I moaned involuntarily. Colt’s massive hands cupped my buttocks as he moved me away from the horse, who neighed in support.

  I curled my hands into his closely cropped blond hair. The forest sounds circulated around us as my mouth was rocked by Colt’s assault. He picked me up and grinned. I giggled with happiness. He pulled back from me for a beat, then turned and opened a brown satchel that was attached to the side of his horse, pulling out a flannel blanket and two plastic cups along with a bottle of white wine.

  “I didn’t know you had that in there! Wow. I feel special.”

  “That’s because you are, Amber.” He laid the blanket down on the forest floor, where a beam of light shone through our little forest canopy. I took it as a sign we were meant to be here. Colt noticed it too and looked up.

  “Would you look at that? Four and a half years in the hole, not seeing the light like this. I’m thankful.”

  Colt lowered to the blanket, and so did I. He poured the white wine in my glass and then his.

  “I want to propose a toast to new beginnings and starting over.”

  I solemnly lifted my glass. “To fresh starts.”

  I took a big gulp, and so did Colt. The palpable energy of raw sensuality engulfed us like a cloud until I almost couldn’t breathe. Colt put his cup down, and so did I. He zoned in on my lips again and drew me to him with one hand. He ran his hand through my thick hair as we continued kissing. We ended up intertwined together, rolling on the flannel blanket. His breaths were ragged with exposed desire.

  I drew back from the kiss for breath. I flicked my tongue out in concentration, deftly unbuttoning his shirt to reveal a tightly muscled chest. Colt’s eyes had moved into another dimension of desire. He returned the favor, lifting my top over my head in one flowing motion. I wriggled out of my jeans next. Colt’s eyes gobbled up my body. He made me feel sexy.


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