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Outlaw Souls MC Box Set: Books 1-6

Page 98

by Hope Stone

  He groaned. “Amber, your body is a sin.”

  “Let me see what you’re working with.” My confidence was through the roof as Colt took off his pants. The large bulge told me he had more than what was required to quell my rampant desires.

  “Good enough for you, queen?” he asked in an alluring tone.

  “More than good enough,” I muttered.

  My whole body ached for Colt’s touch. We didn’t waste any more time talking. I felt Colt restraining himself as he trembled, running his lips down my neck. As he reached my breasts, he pulled off my bra and got to work, nibbling and kneading with precision. The sensations and the energy of the earth made me grab his head, nestling it between my breasts. He groaned.

  He turned me over and continued his downward travels, kissing every place that skin showed. I was in complete surrender in the middle of his forest. He moved his hand to the top of my underwear. The wind glazed through with a few lone leaves drifting down to the ground next to me. He slipped his hand inside, finding my hot center. My walls stretched around his fingers as he entered softly, caressing me from the inside. I let out a contented, earthy sigh.

  I reached down and wriggled out of my drenched underwear. Colt’s firm hands all over my body had me in a hot frenzy. His head dropped between my legs, and his light stubble touched my opening, heightening all manner of sensations. The birds called out as I did. He was relentless in exploring, and I rocked from side to side, moving with him. He settled me in place by sliding both his hands under my buttocks to hit the nub of my pleasure zone.

  I cried out with delight as he hit the right spot. I exploded into heavenly bliss. Colt came up for air, and I was so caught up in the earthy rapture that I didn’t notice his underwear was off. His cock glistened with the shards of light hitting it. I opened to receive him. I breathed a sigh of relief as Colt lifted his weight over me, moving, gliding, possessing me into submission.

  I watched the exquisite agony as he tried to control himself from plunging into the depths of pleasure. I grabbed his back in a primal move, anticipating his fall over the edge. He almost looked to be howling to the moon as the orgasm claimed him. More leaves dropped to the ground as we lay there in our nakedness in the forest. The horses neighed. They knew something magical had just happened.

  I giggled. “Think they were watching us?”

  Colt wrapped the edge of the blanket over me as he rolled to face me. He smirked. “Probably getting tips.”

  “Wow. Just wow.”

  “I have been cooped up a while. Sorry if I hurt you.”

  “No, you didn’t. I enjoyed every minute of it, cowboy.”

  Colt stroked my belly, eyeing my breasts hungrily. “I want to let you know I’m setting up the meeting for your brother tomorrow, so he’s going to need to come back to town. I will keep him under my wing.”

  “You will?” I confirmed.

  Colt smiled and twirled my hair in fascination. “Of course. I never break a promise.”

  I breathed out all my troubles. Just for the moment.

  “Don’t worry, I will protect you and yours like you have done for me, Amber. You’re important to me,” Colt reiterated.

  “Thank you.” The wind picked up a little, and goosebumps raised on my arms.

  “I want to lay here with you until the end of time, but I have to get back. Bella will be back, and this will be the first time I’ve seen her outside of the prison.”

  I slowly picked up my clothes and put them back on. Colt did the same.

  “I understand. I don’t want to intrude, so I will leave you with your family.”

  Colt lightly touched my fingers, picking them up and kissing them. “You are part of it if you want to be. You’re welcome to stay. Please stay for dinner.” His blue eyes held nothing but the truth.

  I touched his cheek. “I would love to.”

  We mounted the horses and made our way back. The whole way back, I could feel my center and all the places Colt had possessed, and it felt damn good. I would never forget this glorious day.


  “Mikakov. What’s the word?”

  “Set in three days. Warehouse off East Mission Avenue. Eight o’clock. Las Balas thinks Hector is going to be there, but they are set to get a rude awakening. We got you covered. We figured on the account you didn’t turn into a snitch bitch, we will take the debt. Morcov will shoot the whole Las Balas crew if they try anything.”

  “Thanks, Mikakov. I’ll be there.”

  “Keep connected. We will give you instructions closer to the day, brother. You served your time, and for that, you won’t be forgotten.”

  “That’s the Outlaw code.”

  “Indeed. Take care ‘till then.”

  I had a few stops to make. I stepped out from the barn and into the heat. Right now, it was the only place I could really have a conversation. I didn’t want Bella to even suspect anything. My mother had gone back to her house, and it felt weird not to have her here. Amber was a guiding light in not only my life but Bella’s, too. I couldn’t wait to be with her again. Every part of my hot-blooded manhood wanted to claim her body again.

  I checked the horse’s feed and cleaned up a little in the barn. Pigeons flew in and out, cooing. They’d made a nest, it seemed, at the top of the barn. I watched as they strutted back and forth across the top row beams.

  “What do you think about them, Moonlight? You made some new friends.” Moonlight seemed to comprehend my ramblings to her. She reared her head at me, wide-eyed in response. “All right, they can stay.”

  My phone was running red hot. This time, I saw it was Diego, founder of the Merced Outlaw chapter. I had been avoiding the call for a minute. I wasn’t sure when I would resume, or if I would.

  “Hey, Diego. What’s new, brother?”

  “You tell me. You haven’t called to check in. I wondered how you were since you got out. Frank told us he spent some time with you on the inside.”

  I winced as I neared the house. “He did. Truth be told, I have some things to handle. I’m not in a rush to come back. If I do, I can’t be doing deliveries. It’s not a good look for you or for me. I’m on parole, so I can’t fuck up,” I whispered with a punch.

  “I hear you. We don’t want to put you in a compromising position. You served your time. I have a legit side hustle for you at the motorcycle repair shop if you want it. No hot parts. I promise. Think it over. I know you got the farm and stuff, but I wanted to extend the offer.”

  “Thanks, Diego. I appreciate that. How is Misty doing? Has she given birth yet?”

  “She is ready to pop. I’m glad because she is extra loco, more than normal.”

  I laughed and felt sorrow hit my heart as I thought of Anna pushing Bella into the world. Now she wasn’t here to see her grow. The revenge inflicted on her behalf was bittersweet for me. “I know that feeling. I will think about things and get back to you.”

  “Good. Take care, and if you need anything, just pick up the phone.”

  “I will.”

  I was at the front door. I pulled off my cowboy boots and entered. Bella was at the kitchen table, drawing what looked to be a horse in crayon. I kissed the top of her head and sat down with her. The next part of the conversation I knew was going to be hard. I played with one of the crayons, scanning her happy face. I didn’t want to make her sad.

  “Whatcha drawing, baby girl?”

  Bella, with her innocent spirit, looked at me with the eyes of her mother. “It’s a horse, Daddy.”

  Bella’s hair was in a ponytail because that’s all I knew how to do. My mother was a little better than me, but Bella liked it.

  “I love it. You’re doing a really good job.” She swung her feet under the table and licked her little pink tongue out as she drew the outline of a tree for the horse. “I have something to ask you, and you can say no if you want to.”

  She looked up at me with eagerness. “I’m nearly finished. You can ask me. What is it, Daddy?”

sp; “I wanted to ask you if you want to go see Mommy?” I pushed down the lump of coal lodged in my throat.

  Bella grew silent, and I instantly regretted making her leave her happy place. She put her ponytail into her mouth nervously. “I want to see Mommy. But how can we? She’s in the ground. We can’t see her. She speaks to me sometimes, though. She tells me to put my shoes away.”

  I reached out and took her soft little hands in mine. The tears formed water wells, and I couldn’t help but let one fall. I wiped it away quickly.

  Bella looked at me with curiosity, placing her little palm on my stubbly chin. “Daddy, don’t cry. Mommy is in a better place. I think she’s having fun. Granny told me that. I want to see her, so we can go, but don’t cry, Daddy.”

  Such a sweet child. She went back to swinging her legs and singing a little song to herself.

  “Okay. Will you be free from drawing in an hour? How about we eat something first?”

  “Yay!” She raised her arms in the air and ran around the table. This was a Bella I would need to get to know. I didn’t even know my own daughter. She had turned into this emotionally intelligent, bright, energetic soul that soothed me. She was the one being strong and not me.

  This whole cooking thing was new to me, too. Anna used to cook, but I had to try for Bella. I’d learned a few recipes in prison, so I felt like I could do the basics.

  “How about some grilled ham and cheese? Sound good?”

  Bella nodded her head. “I’ll get the ham and cheese. I cook with Granny sometimes. She taught me.” She opened the refrigerator and put the ham and cheese on the counter. I was in awe of her.

  “There you go, Daddy. I’m a big girl now,” she said defiantly.

  I bent down to her height. “You don’t always have to be a big girl. I’m home now. Daddy will take care of you, okay?” I lightly tapped her cute little nose.

  “Okay. I like to help. It’s fun to cook.”

  I smirked. Maybe in the future, when she had to cook all the time, she might not think it’s so fun. For now, I indulged her. I rustled up some ham and cheese sandwiches and put them in the waffle maker. We ate in silence, and then I put Bella’s jacket on to go. As soon as it was on, she ran out the front door.

  “Bella! Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to pick some flowers for Mommy. She likes flowers. She planted some at the front.”

  Again, I had to wipe the water from my face. Bella picked a few red geraniums from the front, along with some purple bluebells. I knew Anna loved bluebells. I gave her the time to gather them. She ended with a small bunch, which she thrust proudly at me.

  “Here we go. She will like these.”

  I hugged my daughter to my leg. “Yes, baby girl, she will. Let’s go.”

  We took the car. I was not ready to take Bella on the bike just yet. I wanted her to be a little older before I did that. I drove through the Merced backstreets to the cemetery. As soon as we arrived in the parking lot, an overwhelming sadness washed over me. Anna was a good mother. She loved Bella more than life itself. I struggled to stop the tears from falling. I wanted to be strong for Bella.

  “Daddy, I think maybe it’s okay to cry. Ms. Atwood said it was okay. I just don’t want to see you sad.” Her little hand’s warmth landed on top of mine, and I held it.

  “Thank you, sweetie. Your mother would be proud of the young lady you’ve become.”

  She hugged me, and I vowed to protect her with every cell in my body. I gathered myself and got out of the car. She walked with me, and it took us about twenty minutes to find Anna’s gravestone from where my mother said it was.

  A gray, rounded tombstone was right in front of me with Anna’s name carved in it. Bella placed the flowers in front of it, patting the soil. I ran my fingers over the engraved letters. I had some things I wanted to say.

  “Anna, I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you in your darkest hour. Please forgive me. I just want you to know it’s been handled.” My voice choked up as I struggled to release years of pent-up grief from my system. “I want you to know that I loved you so much. I wanted to marry you. I’m sorry for everything. I hope you’re resting easy up there.”

  I pointed to the sky, and Bella pointed with me.

  “Mommy, we love you. I know you forgive Daddy. I hope you like the flowers.”

  My heart swelled with pride at the maturity of my little daughter. I felt the guilt creeping up in me. I didn’t want more put on Bella than she could handle. I let the wind of death cross over us as we said our goodbyes to Anna.

  We left, hand in hand, a little lighter for it.


  “You need to come back. It’s being organized. Two days to go. Can you make it undetected?” I asked my brother Hector. I paced in the breakroom in nervousness. Lucy sauntered in, and instantly, her eyes reached me.

  “I can. I will hit the road today,” Hector replied.

  I kept circling the breakroom. “Where are you staying when you get back? Do they know about me?”

  I swiftly looked around and caught Lucy's eye. She was still watching me. I winced. She was the last person I wanted to see right now. She threw me a wave with her fingers. I rolled my eyes to myself and kept pacing.

  “Stop stressing. Colt called me directly. We are handling it. We don’t want you involved. I will be back, and no, I’m not staying with you if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m going to roll with Colt till the deal is done.”

  I huffed and puffed a little. “I’m worried about you, that’s all. If Colt has it under control, then I trust him.”

  “Ah. It sounds like you and Colt have something going. You getting it on with the cowboy, sister?” Hector’s tone changed.

  The rush of red was making my cheeks flushed. I stopped in place. Lucy’s eyes were observing my every movement. She was becoming annoying these days. I could only handle her in small doses. I turned my back to her.

  I ground my teeth a little. “I’m not talking to you about this right now.”

  “Okay. Just know everything is okay. I will see you soon.”

  “All right, bye.” I tried my hardest to ignore Lucy and talk to some of my other colleagues. She tugged at my shirt as I tried to walk past.

  “Hey, how are you doing? Did I hear you mention that cute cowboy’s name right then?”

  I gave her a cold stare in an attempt to move her on. “No, you’re hearing things, honey. I was talking to my brother. I have a pretty heavy workload, so I will have to catch up with you a little later.”

  Lucy narrowed her beady eyes at me as she sipped her drink. “Right,” she concluded.

  I made my way back to my desk. I texted Colt because I was so nervous about everything.

  Please take care of my brother.

  He texted back seconds later.

  Nothing will happen to him.

  Tameka, a long-standing staff member in the department and one of the most dedicated social workers on my district team, came to my desk. “Hi, Amber.”

  I broke into a smile. It was hard not to smile at Tameka. She was standing at the edge of my cubicle with a frown.

  “How are you?”

  “I’m doing great. I just wanted to say congratulations to you.”

  Puzzled, I looked back at her weirdly. “Congratulations? What do you mean?”

  “What, you don’t know?” She pointed to the door of my boss’s office.

  “What am I supposed to know?” I asked slowly. Now I felt anxiety knocking at my door, setting to make my day just a little more on edge.

  She gave the face of a naughty kid who did something they shouldn’t have. “Oh. I made a boo-boo. I don’t want to ruin it. Me and my big mouth.”

  “Now you and your big mouth need to tell me what’s going on.”

  She paused and read my face. “I think you might have a promotion. Bossman is singing your praises right now.”

  My boss rounded the corner just as Tameka finished speaking. He gave a solitary
wave, beckoning me in his direction. I quickly stepped into his office, sensing Lucy’s antenna go up as I did, and shut the door behind me.

  “Hi. How are you doing?”

  “I’m doing really well,” I lied. I wanted Hector home, and I had been stressed out ever since Colt told me what was about to go down.

  “Please, take a seat.”

  I assessed my boss. He was a calm and centered man. He stood on the side of justice, and if cases involved children, he bent the rules to make sure they were taken care of. “I want to officially welcome you to the management team. We have been reviewing all your case files for the last year. Your record is impeccable, and you have made solid decisions in challenging circumstances. I especially like the work you’re doing with prison reform. I see that you were able to get your last client home to his daughter early. How is she settling in now that her father’s back?”

  “Pretty good, so far. Colt is adjusting back to life on the farm and running the business. Cheryl still comes and goes so she can help him with Bella. He is doing well overall.”

  He nodded. “Great. We want you to step into the role next month. So you have about three weeks to hand over.”

  “Can I ask why the position wasn’t advertised? Aren’t some people going to be mad about that?” I asked.

  “No. I make the decisions at this branch, and you are heads above the rest of the team. That’s not taking away from them at all. Just how it is. Please don’t tell them I said that.”

  I found that to be a little harsh, but I kept my thoughts to myself.

  “Will you accept?” he asked.

  “Yes. I would love to oversee the team. I know them well, and everyone is solid.”

  “Good. I’m going to lower your caseload and give you more managerial responsibility. I will have Sonya work with you to oversee and train you. You will find an extra ten thousand a year in your salary, along with bonuses.”

  “Wow. Thanks for believing in me.”

  “Always have. Now go out and save more lives. Thanks, Amber. HR will send the contracts through to you via email.”


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