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Outremer III

Page 79

by D. N. Carter

  “He is easy enough to find…he is the only prisoner we have here,” the guard remarked and gestured toward the far end of the vaulted dungeon that housed eight open iron bar cells. “Keep the light.”

  Paul knew that Reynald rarely if ever kept prisoners. Too time consuming and costly to keep and feed, preferring to kill them upon capture unless they were a high value individual. As he waved the torch at the end cell, he saw Taqi sat cross legged on the stone bench stark naked, his elbows placed upon his knees, his eyes shut.

  “Taqi…it is I, Paul.”

  “No need to whisper, my friend,” Taqi replied and opened his eyes.

  “I was assured you would not be ill treated.”

  “So far I have not…they will simply not feed me, clothe me nor let me sleep. They come in every few minutes and throw water at me. Could be worse…for with water I can endure this for as long as it takes,” Taqi explained and stood up slowly and walked over to the iron bars and looked at Paul. “Fear not for truly my training was worse than this,” he laughed. Paul let out a little laugh but more from concern masking his fears. “Thank you for the headache by the way.”

  “I am sorry for that, but I could not let you die needlessly. Alisha has suffered too many deaths these past years,” Paul replied and paused as images of Arri ran through his mind. “And clearly I am responsible for this mess, having suggested it in the first place…and your friend…’twas I…I who killed him,” Paul sighed. “’Twas also I who helped Reynald escape after his sea escapades…why do I keep making so many errors of judgement?”

  “Paul…because you are a good man living in a whole world of evil. If you had not saved Reynald, then I believe your brother would not still be with us no?”

  “And what of your friend?…I thought he was one of Turansha’s men”

  “Much like you, he was my best friend yes…we joined together, trained together and have worked all these past years together, but it was Allah’s will he died. ’Tis not a stain upon you for he knew the risks…and I am sure wherever he is now, he will be glad he did not win the fight for he knew of what you really are and what you must do. He must have made a mistake to have been discovered. If he had not made that mistake, we would not now be in this position would we, so you cannot and must not blame yourself, my friend.”

  “Taqi, you both cannot possibly know of what I am supposed to do…”

  “Paul…you think me blind? We were both there when Arri was buried. I saw what you saw and heard what you heard…but did not let on. And let us face it…you have never been what we could call normal have you?” Taqi half laughed and held onto the iron bars and stared at Paul, their faces lit up by the flickering flame of the torch. “And Ali and Ailia…they are at least well yes?”

  “For now…but we were to leave this day.”

  “Then you must still leave if you can. Al Rashid will never agree to a ransom. It is against all we stand for. And Reynald will not allow me to leave alive.”

  “I shall not leave you here to rot and die.”

  “Reynald knows that…and once he realises there will be no gold for my release, he will use that as a means to get you to intervene and give him the excuse he has always sought to have you removed. Do you think we do not hear of the many rumours about you, and the scheming that some plan against you and Alisha for fear that you have a divine legitimacy to rule these lands as a king and rightful queen? You put fear into the hearts of men like Reynald, for the Haute Cour knows of your real bloodlines.”

  “Taqi…how can you know these things?”

  “Do you think we do not have spies everywhere…or our own seers like I said before? And Attar…do you not think he speaks to us too?” Taqi explained and reached out and grabbed Paul’s arm tightly. “You cannot remain here…you must leave me for Alisha and Ailia’s sake.”

  “The weather turns worse daily…’tis the only reason we are still here and now you are here, then we can delay longer as needs must.”

  “No, Paul…you cannot delay. Reynald will never change his ways…and I should have slit his throat while I had the chance, but my master forbade it. Reynald will bring a darkness upon this land that will haunt us all throughout the centuries that follow. ’Tis why you must form the new Order and, if possible, the Knights of Saladin.”

  “How…how do you know of such matters?”

  “Like I said, do you think we do not have Sufi seers? If Reynald does not cease his actions, my Order will join with Saladin against him. ’Tis why you cannot delay. You must get Alisha away from these lands. Swear to me you will leave this day.”

  “No I cannot swear it.”

  “Then Alisha and Ailia are already dead,” Taqi stated bluntly and stepped away from the bars and turned his back to Paul.

  “Taqi…you cannot ask this of me. We are lifelong friends,” Paul protested.

  “Then you should respect the bond we once had. Honour me by saving Alisha and Ailia. Now go for I will not speak with you again in this life if you refuse to hear what I am saying.”

  “Taqi…look at me.”

  “Your judgement has not exactly served any of us well so far has it, Paul…so for once in your life, listen to someone else’s advice.”

  “My loyalty to you has and always will be guaranteed and I will not leave you to rot here and die,” Paul snapped angrily.

  “Loyalty…then show it to Alisha and Ailia and get them out of this place. Then and only then, come back for me. I can hold out…trust me,” Taqi said, turning his head very slightly but still with his back to him.

  “Very touching,” Gerard suddenly interrupted as he stepped down into view slowly clapping his hands. “Loyalty you speak of eh…’tis but a false ideal proffered as some great noble attribute.”

  Paul moved the flaming torch toward Gerard to see him better as he approached.

  “That simply demonstrates your own cynical view of people,” Paul replied.

  “Really and you demonstrate yet again your naivety to people for let me tell you something about loyalty…most people who profess loyalty to you are not at all. They are loyal to their own need of you and what you can do or offer them. They are only loyal to their need of you…and once their needs change, so will their loyalty,” Gerard explained and smiled broadly, placing his hands upon his waist.

  “That may be your experience of the people you mix with, but that is not mine. You only perceive that which you see by your own making. I have true and loyal friends and I shall not let my friend die here,” Paul retorted.

  Gerard laughed and stepped closer to look at Paul closely. He looked at him for several moments in silence before smiling broadly again. Taqi looked over his shoulder at both of them.

  “You cannot even keep the loyalty of your own wife, who beds a man you called a friend.”

  Taqi turned around fully hearing this and looked at Paul, puzzled. Paul looked at him quickly as Gerard folded his arms and waited for Paul to respond.

  “Paul…deny this,” Taqi demanded and grabbed the iron railings, staring at Gerard fiercely.

  “Ha see! He cannot for I speak the truth,” Gerard explained.

  “No…she would never do such a thing,” Taqi exclaimed. He looked at Paul hard, waiting for him to refute Gerard’s claim but he did not. “WHO?” he suddenly shouted angrily.

  “Oh you know…the blonde handsome one who has always had an eye on her…Nicholas,” Gerard smirked, seeing the obvious frustration and anger in Taqi. Paul just shook his head at Gerard, disappointed. “Like I said, you need to harden up and fast. You will then see we are not so different.”

  1 - 9

  “I shall never be like you,” Paul replied quietly, Taqi still shaking his head in anger. “And should people abuse my loyalty, that is their error and a matter they will have to answer for to the Lord themselves.”

  “You still honestly believe all that horse shit? Do you really think the good Lord listens to yours or any of us…our prayers? If he does, he must be deaf or can
not understand, or just twisted,” Gerard replied and laughed again, shrugging his shoulders. “Do you think I have never prayed?”

  “Depends what you prayed for?” Paul replied.

  Gerard let out a loud laugh and took several minutes to calm himself down and wiping a tear of laughter from his cheek.

  “I respect and admire you more than you realise, Paul. You have physical strength, more personal courage than most I have ever met…yet your naivety fails you. I am sure even Taqi here would have to agree with me on that?” Paul looked at Taqi. He shook his head slightly no. “You will learn… or die.”

  “I cannot believe Alisha did what he says,” Taqi said with a heavy sadness in his voice and looked down at the floor.

  “’Twas a mistake, Taqi…”

  “And you forgive her?” Taqi asked, still looking down.

  “Yes…totally and utterly and my loyalty remains the same as ever before…if not stronger,” Paul answered.

  “Never make a beautiful woman your wife my father once told me,” Gerard said and smirked.

  “You had a father?” Taqi retorted and looked up at him in defiance.

  “Hmm…a subtle but effective way of inferring I am a bastard. Good point, for I have been called far worse,” Gerard replied, his tone mocking. “But mark my words…you, Taqi…will be safe here as long as Reynald’s patience is served well. You are an asset he can bargain with for he knows the high regard Rashid has for you despite what rules your Order may aspire to keep. The guards are under orders not to harm you…simply keep you awake so you are too tired and will become…more compliant. He now knows you could have sliced his throat from ear to ear and he has read the note from Al Rashid you so kindly delivered to his bed post…,” Gerard explained and stepped closer. “I am not your enemy…never have been,” he then said quietly. “The guards outside are set to watch you do not kill yourself.” Paul looked at Gerard, bemused, questioning in his mind if he was being genuine or if it was some clever ruse. “You helped save our lives once…’tis not forgotten by me…and secretly I have to confess that Reynald’s actions of late are getting worse. But please try to remember me as not all bad and a complete bastard, for I do try and rein him in.”

  Two guards stepped down into the cell area carrying a flaming torch and large pitcher of water.

  “Seriously?” Taqi asked and shook his head, holding the iron bars.

  “Yes I am afraid so,” Gerard replied. “But I shall ask they warm the water slightly,” he whispered jokingly then pulled Paul aside as the guard threw the water all over Taqi, some splashing back on Paul.

  Taqi blinked as the water ran down his face and licked his lips briefly. Steam rose from the water as it hit the cold stone floor.

  “’Tis already warmed…for ’tis piss,” Taqi remarked and looked at Gerard and raised an eyebrow, refusing to give the guards any satisfaction. “And by the taste of it, the person who did it has a sexual disease.”

  The guard holding the bucket looked at his colleague, then into the bucket then quickly left the cell area, scratching at his crotch.

  “Ah ’tis a pity we do not have you both in my Order…a pity,” Gerard smiled trying not to laugh at the guard hurriedly walking up the stairs. “Come Paul, I believe Reynald demands an audience with you. Apparently you saw the Princess naked.”

  Paul looked at Taqi as he winked at him. It was freezing in the dungeon and he feared for how he would cope with the cold. Taqi nodded he should leave.

  “Now give Ali and Ailia my love and they must not worry.”

  “Yes, before anyone else does,” Gerard mocked and ushered Paul up the stairs first turning back to look at Taqi. Taqi scowled at him hard, Paul just shaking his head trying to disregard his deliberate crass remark.

  Alisha, biting her thumb nail in apprehension, sat in the tall chair nearest the fire just staring at the flames waiting for Paul to return with news of Taqi. Sister Lucy lay on the bed with Ailia in the small side room chamber both asleep as Princess Stephanie used the garderobe behind the curtained off small corridor that led to it.

  “Move aside you freak,” Reynald said loudly outside the door drawing Alisha’s immediate attention.

  The door suddenly swung open as Abi stood blocking the way in, Reynald half hanging off the door release. Tenno stepped up to Reynald as he squared up to Abi.

  “This man…demands he speaks with you,” Abi said still barring Reynald’s way as his face turned red with a growing rage.

  “No…let him in,” Alisha replied and rushed over to Abi and put her hand upon her arm. “Please…’tis after all his castle.”

  “Too bloody right it is…now let me pass. How dare you bar me!” he shouted close to Abi’s face. She simply looked back at him and shook her head disapprovingly.

  “Abi, Tenno. Please…just let him enter. I will be fine.”

  “Any trouble…,” Abi said and frowned at Reynald, intimating to her sword with a quick glance and placing her hand over the pommel. “We are just here.”

  Reynald flounced past her into the room and stood fuming whilst Abi slowly closed the door. When it was almost shut, she quickly opened it again, scowled at Reynald then closed the door.

  “I have summoned your husband for I need answers this night or by Heaven heads will roll,” Reynald blurted out angrily.

  Alisha moved to the inner door, looked in on Ailia, who was still asleep, Sister Lucy looking up. She nodded at her silently. Slowly and quietly Alisha pulled the door shut.

  “What questions?” she asked standing up straight and facing Reynald. She felt for her dagger and checked it was secure before placing her hands across her tummy.

  “Your husband…he vanishes for nearly a month to stay with whom we have no idea save his version of events. Immediately upon my return I am assaulted in my own chambers…my own fucking chambers!” Reynald spat angrily and paced rapidly up and down the end of the room. “And the assailant is none other than your very own brother…so you tell me, what am I to think?”

  “Sire…from what I have heard, they came to warn you and offer their services to ensure peace…for all.”

  “Fucking horse shit. Absolute shit! An envoy or embassy could have done that. No…there is more to this. ’Tis your husband…a right royal bloody thorn in my arse.”

  “Sire. We are due to leave this very day, weather permitting. If my husband had anything to do with it, he would have waited to do such a thing until after we had left. You know he is a very smart man,” Alisha replied, softly spoken.

  “Too damn smart for my liking,” Reynald replied and walked over to the large window and looked out as the sun started to rise over the battlements. “Your weather seems to favour you this day…but I cannot allow you to leave until I am satisfied you or your husband had no part in this,” he explained, turned and looked at her, his eyes falling upon her chest, then down her slender figure to her hips. He licked his lips and pulled his beard in his hand several times as he stepped closer to her. Alisha took a deep breath and stood up straight refusing to be intimidated knowing Abi and Tenno were just outside. “Unless of course we can negotiate something,” he sneered as he walked around her eying her up and down. “Yes…compensation I think. Maybe even let your brother leave.”

  “Leave…but will he be alive when he leaves? For you are renowned for your clever trips and clauses,” Alisha shot back defiantly.

  “Ha, so you would consider the negotiation?”

  “You have not stated what you wish in return?”

  “’Tis pretty obvious is it not?” he asked and leaned close to her and sniffed her hair, closing his eyes as he did. “Hmmm. You smell like a real woman should. And full of fire, passion and desire. Just how I like them.”

  Alisha remained perfectly still trying to mask the anger mixed with fear running through her. Her eye caught movement at the curtain to the garderobe corridor as Princess Stephanie’s foot briefly flashed into view before she silently stepped back.

  “You wo
uld allow my brother his freedom for sleeping with me?”

  “As I thought…a sensible worldly aware woman. You are so much more suited to this world than your husband. And you know men and the power you solicit over them,” Reynald spoke quietly as he walked around her looking with lustful eyes. He put his hands up to touch and cup her breasts but she quickly stepped back. “I love that fire in your eyes. Always have since the first day I saw you in Tortosa. I told you even back then the day would come when I would have you.”

  Alisha looked at him hard with utter contempt in her eyes as he looked down at her thighs. He stank of sweat and iron from the blood still left in his unwashed hair. She involuntarily shuddered thinking how Princess Stephanie must feel when he takes her at his whim.

  “Hell will freeze over first before you could even touch my rotten corpse for I would rather kill myself than let you lay a single finger upon me…you disgusting immoral godless man,” she said, her eyes widening.

  “Then you just signed your brother’s death warrant for I would rather see you watch him burn for your insolence and I will still have you at my choosing,” Reynald snarled back.

  Behind the curtain, Princess Stephanie stood with her hands across her mouth trying not cry, her entire body shaking with emotions of both fear and betrayal. Tears streamed down her face and she was nearly sick. She stepped back a pace and took a sharp intake of breath. Both Alisha and Reynald heard something behind the curtain but just as Reynald took a single step toward it, Paul opened the door and rushed in, his hand already covering his sword handle. Reynald froze and looked at Paul as Alisha stood perfectly still.

  “What manner of intrusion is this?” Paul demanded.


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