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Outremer III

Page 80

by D. N. Carter

  “’Tis no intrusion for she invited me in. Ask your freak friends outside,” Reynald replied. “We were just discussing negotiation terms for her brother…your friend.”

  “He was trying to do you a favour and a great service…if you were not so blind to see it.”

  “You two sorely test my patience…in my castle…and with a constant demonstration of a total lack of respect for me,” Reynald bellowed.

  “’Tis out of respect that I check my reasoning and temper with you for all I see is an angry embittered man capable of so much more but for his own arrogance and stupidity,” Paul replied.

  Princess Stephanie took another step backwards in alarm.

  “I owe you…,” Reynald sneered as he approached Paul and put his hand upon his arming dagger.

  “Pull that knife from beneath your gown, and it will be the last thing you ever do,” Paul stated and stared at him hard.

  “You dare to threaten me in my own castle surrounded by all of my own men and knights?”

  “This is but stone…and your men…how certain of your men’s loyalty are you? For like you I too have men within these walls, far better trained than even your Templars…most of which I suspect would not side with you should you test my resolve,” Paul replied confidently and with a total self assurance that caught Reynald off guard.

  “You mean your freaks?”

  “Do you wish to tell them that…and Thomas and his men to their faces?” Paul replied and stepped closer to Reynald. Alisha could hardly breathe as she stood bolt upright listening to every word and watching them both. She clutched her dagger tightly, prepared to use it on Reynald if she had to.

  The door suddenly swung open and Gerard stepped in looking at them all in turn.

  “Shut that fucking door!” Reynald snarled. Gerard looked at Alisha and Paul and quickly closed the door as he stepped down into the chamber. “With you on the other side.”

  “Reynald…My Lord…and friend,” Gerard said softly and approached Reynald. “We can all hear what is being spoken outside. Thomas and his men are all there, as well as half of my knights,” Gerard explained. “This will not end well for any of us if you insist on pushing the matter.”

  “’Tis treasonous…I will have them all burned at the stake as an example.”

  “Reynald…that will not happen,” Gerard stated. “We are low on men and knights as it is…and all we will be left with is a bloodbath for both sides. ’Tis her they follow…all of them.”

  All three men looked at Alisha as she gulped and stepped backwards, her hand to her chest, alarmed.

  “Then we just execute her and be done with this madness.” Reynald remarked and looked at Alisha, his eyes wide and menacing.

  “I defy you to try it…for your head will be on the tallest post of this castle by midday I swear,” Paul said, his voice low and threatening.

  “Lord…we cannot afford nor win this fight. You risk losing everything… and for what? And we owe this man our very lives.”

  “So what exactly do you suggest?” Reynald demanded as his eyes flashed from Alisha to Paul and back again.

  “Let me ransom Taqi back to Al Rashid, for I know he favours him like his own son…and let these people go with all their followers…and this conversation here today shall forever remain between us four. We need never see them again. If not…I can promise you one thing, it will end badly for us I am certain of that.”

  “I will not leave without my brother and I demand he leaves with us,” Alisha stated.

  “You do not make demands of me!” Reynald shouted and moved toward Alisha. Before he got anywhere near, Paul was already beside her, his sword drawn and pointing just inches from Reynald’s chest.

  “I know you think you rule these lands…but in truth you are ruler and master of nothing…and if you think you can knock my blade away in time…just try me,” Paul said slowly and deliberately calmly.

  “Gerard…are you just going to stand there and do nothing?” Reynald asked, his eyes fixed on Paul’s.

  “No, My Lord, I am going to do something,” Gerard replied and opened the door so Abi and Tenno could see in. He quickly raised his hand for them to stay still. “My Lord…’tis time you rested fully. You have not slept this night and you are sorely tired. Later, later when everyone is again calm, we can discuss the matter of Taqi.”

  “You what?” Reynald sneered angrily at Gerard.

  “My Lord…have I ever let you down yet or given you wrong advice? These people will be gone by the end of this day one way or another,” Gerard explained and beckoned him over. “Come on. It has been a long night.”

  Tenno stepped into the room and put his hands upon his hips and stared at Reynald.

  “You and all your men are banned from ever entering my castle or any of my lands again. I will give you just two days to be gone from my borders or I will have you hunted down. And I am only giving you two days by way of payment for your deed in saving us…but the debt is paid…is that understood?” Reynald said through gritted teeth, flounced around and walked away from Paul, pushing past Gerard hard. As he stormed out of the room, Gerard looked at Alisha and Paul as she quickly held him.

  “I seriously do advise you all pack up and leave, preferably before he awakes,” Gerard said and half smiled at Paul. “I can have some of my knights escort you some of the way if it helps?”

  “Thank you…we shall leave this day,” Paul replied as Alisha looked up at him, alarmed.

  “Not without my brother,” she exclaimed.

  “Sssh Ali…we shall do what is necessary,” Paul replied quietly then looked at Gerard. “Thank you…and I hope this will not affect my brother’s position?”

  “It shall not. He is a good knight and I can ill afford to lose any. For what it is worth…I do see a change in Reynald of late. ’Tis why I stay close to him for he claims he has visions too…of himself wearing fists of iron and crushing Saladin,” Gerard explained quietly as Tenno stared at him hard. “We have very few knights of the land we can call upon…so no, if Brother Stewart wishes to stay, he is welcome. Godspeed your journey is a safe one.”

  Tenno held the door open wider and Abi stood back allowing Gerard to step through. He nodded back at Alisha then Paul and without further words left. Abi stepped back inside the room and closed the door behind her. As the door latch was secured, Princess Stephanie pulled the garderobe curtain aside covering her face with her hands silently crying. She had heard all that Reynald had said. Alisha immediately put her arm around her and sat her down upon the tall chair. She sobbed openly. Alisha looked at Paul for some guidance but all he could do was shake his head with sadness. Sister Lucy entered the room and knelt before Princess Stephanie and gently pulled her hands down.

  “Look at me, child,” she said softly. Princess Stephanie sniffed and tried to stop crying as Alisha rubbed her back. “We must all leave…but in time, if you still wish it, we will come back for you.”

  Princess Stephanie sniffed again and wiped her cheek. She looked at Paul then to Alisha to seek confirmation from them. Alisha smiled and nodded yes. Princess Stephanie lowered her head and sobbed again.

  “I shall make arrangements now for our departure…and, Paul, we must speak with Theodoric about Taqi. But our priority now is to get the women as far away from here as possible before this day is done,” Tenno stated. “Agreed?”

  Paul nodded yes as Abi nodded likewise in agreement. Paul moved to the window and looked down in time to see Gerard walk across the inner courtyard toward the Templar guard room. He stopped and looked up directly at Paul and raised his right hand. ‘Fists of iron and Godspeed’ Paul thought to himself as Gerard’s words echoed through his mind. He raised his hand back in acknowledgment then turned to look at Alisha as she comforted Princess Stephanie. He shuddered momentarily as he thought on the words that the men all follow her…she had the power. She looked over at him and feigned a brave but tired smile.

  “Paul,” Abi said and walked over toward h
im. When she reached him, she checked the wound in his shoulder. “You must get this seen to now. ’Tis a small star but sometimes they tip them with poison.”

  “What?” Alisha asked, alarmed.

  “Probably not as they came to warn Reynald, not kill him. Poisons do not linger long on the spikes. But it still needs to be removed and cleaned. Come with me,” Abi stated and led Paul toward the main door. “We shall be back shortly.”

  Tenno opened the door for them to leave.

  “Please be quick,” Alisha asked, Princess Stephanie looking up at Paul.

  Paul nodded and followed Abi out of the room. As soon as Tenno closed the door, Abi grabbed Paul by the shoulders and leant down to look him directly in the eyes.

  “I have brought you out so I may clean and seal this wound…but also for Theodoric to show us a way to remove Taqi this day from the dungeon. If we cannot do so today, then we must stall leaving until we can. If not, despite his boasts, he will die.”

  “You mean break him out?” Paul asked, surprised.

  “We have the men and the means so yes if we must…unless you can think of a better way?”

  “I cannot risk confrontation with Alisha and Ailia present. You must get them out of Kerak first and only then will I get Taqi out. You know Reynald believes he wields fists of iron and in his own destiny…he will not allow Taqi to be taken quietly…whatever the outcome or number of men that would be killed.”

  Abi looked at Paul in silence for a moment. She knew he was right.

  “Fine…then this is what we shall do.”

  Chapter 70

  Crossing Destiny!

  Port of La Rochelle, France, Melissae Inn, spring 1191

  “But Reynald is mad almost…he will never let Taqi leave alive so am I correct in assuming Abi and Paul forced his escape?” Gabirol asked.

  “You could say that,” the old man answered and looked around the table at each of them, silently impressed that despite the late hour they were still listening intently. “Theodoric knew of the castle’s design very well, but he knew not of any secret passages that would aid them in getting Taqi out.”

  2 - 22

  “So what did they do?” Sarah asked quickly.

  “Paul immediately went back to his chamber and packed as much of their belongings as possible, which was not much, then put Alisha and Ailia onto Adrastos, and along with Tenno and Percival they left the castle along with several of Thomas’s men and Sister Lucy also upon a horse to make good speed. Tenno protested they should all leave together and come back later for Taqi, but Paul was insistent. Whilst Reynald slept, they would get Alisha and Ailia as far away as possible from Kerak. Theodoric briefed Stewart, Upside and Nicholas that they were leaving.”

  “For where?” Simon interrupted.

  “’Twas far too dangerous to head west with many patrols of Saladin’s forces operating in that area and had effectively sealed it off. They could not risk being intercepted by men who did not know of Paul or without a signed warrant from Saladin or Husam. Lord Montferrat and his port of Tyre was virtually surrounded and the other ports of Jaffa and Acre were too far to reach in one journey, so it was agreed they would head for Jerusalem direct and from there on to Tortosa where ships were still available,” the old man explained.

  “Did Nicholas and Stewart go with them?” the Templar asked.

  “No, despite protesting they should. Princess Stephanie was heartbroken that they were leaving without her. There were quite a few tears when they had said their farewells quickly and quietly, Princess Stephanie remaining in their chamber as they departed hastily. She knew if she left with them, Reynald would without doubt chase them once he awoke and realised. Alisha at first refused to leave saying she could not bear to be separated again under any circumstances, but Ailia…she simply smiled and told her all would be well. ’Twas a simple remark but one that Alisha knew to be the right decision. She gave Paul a long hug and kissed him, checked she had her dagger and departed. And so it was that Abi and Paul waved them off and then watched them from the watchtower, only then planning how best to get Taqi out. But it was not a straightforward operation…”

  “How so?” Peter asked.

  “Because Kerak Castle was purpose built as a defensive castle of war…the best of its kind and despite Theodoric knowing every aspect of it, he was the first to point out that getting Taqi out of the dungeons was impossible,” the old man explained and paused briefly. “The only option being to get Reynald to sign his release…which meant for some diplomatic negotiations between them…and gold of course.”

  “And did they succeed?” the Hospitaller asked.

  “Firstly Stewart and Nicholas took the day’s gate log and altered it so it did not show Alisha’s party having left the castle so as far as Reynald was aware, when he did finally crawl out of his drunken slumber, everyone was still in the castle. Princess Stephanie asked Reynald if he would meet with Paul to discuss terms on Taqi and tried to persuade him to see sense in getting Al Rashid on their side.”

  “What was his response to that then?” Gabirol asked.

  “He agreed Paul and his entourage could stay a short while longer than his initial demand they all leave immediately…but this was mainly because Theodoric went and saw him, detailing how they could get Al Rashid on side…to get him and his men to do the killing, including assassinating Saladin himself. This part Reynald liked.”

  “And meanwhile Alisha and her group headed for Jerusalem?” Ayleth asked. “I hope they made it.”

  “By staying on at the castle, Paul was able to fool Reynald long enough into believing Alisha and Ailia were still in the castle, helped by the fact that Princess Stephanie pretended to visit her. Alisha supposedly refusing to leave her chamber after Reynald’s visit and feeling unwell, plus women’s problems. Reynald did not even notice Tenno and Percival’s absence…at first.”

  “That sounds ominous,” the Templar remarked.

  The old man looked at him and nodded his head yes.

  Crac de Moab, Oultrajordain, Kingdom of Jerusalem, January 12th 1187

  Paul sat opposite Theodoric beside the small wooden chess table set up near the second smaller window of the chamber. Thomas poured some wine into three tankards set up on the main table near the fireplace. The large intricately patterned and expensive curtains were all drawn and the two lanthorns cast long shadows across the room. Princess Stephanie sat in a large chair watching Paul and Theodoric in silence, her chief maid sat on a small stool beside her repairing Reynald’s linen socks.

  “’Tis late Paul, perhaps we should leave this game. I am sure Reynald will be wondering where you are too,” Theodoric said quietly looking across to Princess Stephanie.

  “He is in the hall…drinking. Can you not hear him?” she replied sadly and sighed as she sat up straight. “Do you think Alisha will be in Jerusalem by now?”

  “If Tenno rode the horses hard, yes. If not, then certainly by tomorrow,” Theodoric answered and moved a chess piece. “Check!”

  Paul looked at where he had moved and shook his head. After a few moments studying the board, he moved his queen.

  “I believe that is checkmate!” Paul replied and stood up. He looked at Princess Stephanie. “I pray Ali and Ailia are safe wherever they are this eve. At least they will be too far away for Reynald to intercept or stop now.”

  “And Taqi?” Princess Stephanie asked softly, her hair looking almost gold in the light from the fireplace.

  “We are forbidden to enter there…though Nicholas has assured us he is bearing up well considering the cold,” Paul replied.

  “Aye he is one tough little bastard, excuse my language,” Thomas remarked and handed Theodoric a tankard and offered the other to Paul. “But I am telling you now…he grows weak.”

  Suddenly the door burst open banging loudly against the stone door jamb. Princess Stephanie jumped with fright as Reynald stood in the doorway clearly drunk, Gerard behind him trying to pull him back and help steady hi
m to stand upright.

  “So this is cosy….,” he bellowed and entered the room, Gerard shrugging his shoulders. “You all ignore me and shun my hospitality to join me in the hall…why the insult?”

  “My Lord,” Princess Stephanie said and stood to greet him.

  “And where is your wife for I have seen little of her these past two days? Does my personage offend her that much?”

  Abi opened the small adjoining room door and stepped into view hearing the commotion. She looked at Reynald hard.

  “Reynald…come, let me take you to our chamber and calm you…you know,” Princess Stephanie said trying to distract him and started to gently pull him toward the door. “My Lord?”

  Reynald flounced his arm hard against her knocking her sideways. Quickly Paul moved to go to her aid.

  “Stand exactly where you are…she is my property not yours to do with as I wish as befitting a husband,” Reynald yelled angrily and wiped his hand across his face, wine still visible in his beard. “What say you?”

  “I say you are drunk…and your behaviour is not befitting of a husband… certainly not a Lord’s behaviour,” Paul replied, staring at Reynald as Gerard raised his eyebrows.

  “Ha! You clearly do not know many lords then.” Reynald laughed out loud in response and nudged Gerard and pointed to Paul. “You…’tis your naivety and soft heart that will be your downfall…now where is your wife? For I owe her an apology.”

  Princess Stephanie looked at him then to Paul, the fear in her eyes showing as they widened. Gerard noticed this and looked at Paul with suspicion.

  “She has not been well…she rests,” Abi interjected and proffered with her hand to look inside the small room.

  “And you prefer this company to mine?” Reynald snapped and grabbed Princess Stephanie by the arm tightly. “And this…,” Reynald said half spitting as he pulled out the note Taqi had pinned to his bedpost. “Do you believe we can trust what is written upon this?” he asked and waved it close to her face, forcing her to close her eyes as it smacked against her.


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