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In Dreams He Came

Page 6

by Trina Lane

  Nick tasted so good, and the feel of his skin was amazing. Nick’s hands slid up and down Gabe’s back. Nick’s large hands splayed, thumbs tracing up Gabe’s spine. Gabe shivered, and pressed his back into Nick’s touch. Gabe’s fingers slipped and skimmed the plush skin of Nick’s balls.

  “Oh God. Please, sweetheart. Please, touch me,” Nick groaned.

  Gabe turned his hand and cupped Nick’s sack. He weighed the full globes, and Nick’s moan vibrated through Gabe’s chest where they touched. Not to mention the throb of Nick’s teeth digging into Gabe’s shoulder where he’d been sucking a moment ago. Nick’s legs spread as wide as his shorts would allow as he leaned against the door. Gabe let his fingers explore the patch of soft skin behind Nick’s balls. Nick’s hands left Gabe’s back and shoved at the shorts riding low on his hips. The material quickly fell and pooled around Nick’s ankles. Gabe lightly dragged his fingertips up the center of Nick’s scrotum and traced the vein snaking up the long cock standing tall against Nick’s stomach. When Gabe reached the velvety, mushroomed head he found it damp. Gabe smeared the silky fluid around the glans, then took Nick’s cock in his fist and gave it an experimental pump.

  “Oh fuck,” Nick groaned.

  This was nothing like the awkward grope in the club a year ago. Nick’s cock in Gabe’s hand felt wonderful. The heat radiating off the turgid flesh warmed Gabe’s palm. The column fit perfectly in Gabe’s fist, and he wondered if Nick would allow him to experiment with how to fit it down his throat as well.

  Gabe’s mouth latched on to one of Nick’s nipples and sucked in the same tempo as his hand worked Nick’s cock. A plaintive moan echoed in the tiled bathroom, and Nick’s hands rested on the back of Gabe’s head. He finally discovered the taste of Nick’s skin, and it was even better than in his fantasy. Salty from their workout, with an underlying flavor of masculinity. If testosterone actually had a taste, Gabe imagined it would be this. Ambrosia to the senses, and completely addicting. The texture of Nick’s skin was smooth as silk since he waxed, as did Gabe and every other elite swimmer. It was Gabe’s turn to moan when Nick lifted him off his treat.

  “Sweetheart, I’m going to come any minute if we keep this up. I don’t want our first time up against a door with you still covered. Please. I need to feel you in my arms. I want us to come together.”

  Nick breathed heavily. Gabe had never looked at a man on the edge of climax up close before. Nick’s cheeks were flushed, his eyes bright; there was a slight tremble in the hands gently massaging Gabe’s scalp, and the essence of pheromones surrounded them. It was beautiful.

  Nick slowly turned their bodies and braced Gabe against the warmed panel of wood that separated them from the outside world. Nick knelt before Gabe and for a fanciful moment Gabe imagined Nick truly was a knight pledging his allegiance to the lord of the lands he served to protect. The bathroom dissolved and became a great hall of the keep.

  Candlelight flickered on stone walls, but the light couldn’t reach the loft ceiling. Gabe sat upon the dais as the knight knelt before him. Beside him, smoke wafted up from the oil lamp in the bowl stand. The nearby light reflected off the top of the knight’s bowed head, dancing on the long waves that flowed as a curtain around the knight’s face. The only sound in the large rectangular room was the crackle of the octagonal hearth at the back wall.

  “Rise and pay heed,” Gabe ordered

  The knight gained his feet and looked directly at Gabe. “How may I avail myself, my lord?”

  “I bid you to accompany me on a journey. We shall travel to the far reaches of my holdings. I will not be taking a retinue, therefore it will be your duty alone to service me.”

  Gabe watched as his knight’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second.

  “Of course, my lord. I am your servant for ever and a day.”

  Gabe nodded. “We depart on the morrow―”

  “Gabe? Sweetheart? Are you okay?”

  Gabe forced the daydream from his mind and looked down to see Nick on the floor with Gabe’s shorts in his hand and a concerned look on his face.

  “Are we moving too quickly?”

  “No.” Gabe reached out and cupped the side of Nick’s jaw. “I’m sorry. I have a tendency to daydream. It drives Phil nuts. If I do it again yell or pinch me, that usually works.”

  Nick rose up onto his knees, which put him level with Gabe’s waist. Soft kisses fluttered across Gabe’s stomach, and the pleasure from the tender touch made Gabe contract his abdominal muscles. This only encouraged Nick to trace the ridges with the tip of his tongue, and Gabe gasped as the heat from the slick muscle crossed the barrier of his skin and set his gut on fire.

  “I can think of more pleasant ways to get your attention. What were you dreaming of a moment ago?”

  “You.” Gabe’s breath hitched, and he arched into Nick ministrations. Nick’s hands captured Gabe’s hips and held him still.

  “What was I doing?”

  “We… we were in a castle… oh God, don’t stop… you were a knight―” Gabe made mewling sounds as Nick’s tongue swiped across the tip of his cock. Little licks up and down his length gave Gabe tremors. He locked his knees and braced his hands on the side of the doorframe to prevent himself from collapsing into a heap on the floor. When Nick’s mouth actually surrounded the head of his cock and sank down half the length, Gabe couldn’t prevent the cry from escaping his throat.

  Nicked lifted off, chuckling. “Shhh, baby, remember that Phil’s just down the hall. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if your buddy had his ear pressed up against the door as we speak.”

  Gabe could picture Phil doing exactly that so he spread his hand open, smacked the door and said, “He’d better not be if he wants to keep those balls he’s so attached to!”

  They both laughed as they heard a curse and the echoes of slaps from bare feet running down the wood floored hallway. The break allowed Gabe to regain some higher brain functions, and he held out his hand to Nick to help him off the floor. They made their way over to the tub and Nick bent over to start and adjust the shower. Gabe kicked off his sneakers while staring at the perfect backside presented before him. His hands moved of their own volition and grabbed the round cheeks. His thumbs even skimmed the edge of the trench hiding the ring guarding the entrance to Nick’s body.

  Nick’s long, lean body shivered, and Gabe smiled at the effect his touch had on this perfect man in front of him. Nick straightened as steam began to fill the small room. He stepped into the bathtub and held out his hand for Gabe to join him. When Gabe did, Nick swiped the curtain across the bar, enclosing them in a bubble of warmth and slick skin. Nick’s height and broad shoulders prevented Gabe from being pelted by the spray. Their bodies, fully naked, rubbed together. The head-to-toe skin-on-skin sensation made Gabe’s heart dance in his chest. And when Nick’s hard cock brushed against his, Gabe moaned.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it, sweetheart?”

  Gabe nodded and proceeded to skim his hands over every inch of Nick’s body, and there were a lot of inches to cover, so that made Gabe happy as a clam. Nick’s hands were doing their own exploring and his lips peppered Gabe’s face, neck, and shoulders with kisses. Their mouths met in a heated kiss that tested the capacity of Gabe’s lungs until he remembered to take a breath. Nick’s tongue slid slowly against his. Gabe responded and added a little flick against the roof of Nick’s mouth. They met in the middle and retreated. The intricate dance reminiscent, in Gabe’s mind, to the courtiers’ of Elizabethan times.

  Gabe was startled when Nick’s hands landed on his ass. There was something cold against his skin. It took a moment for Gabe to realize it was body wash. Nick’s slick hands slid over Gabe’s back, over his shoulders and down his torso. Gabe had never been bathed by anyone before—other than his mother as a child. It was a heady experience. Gabe peered around Nick to find the bottle and then squeezed out a dollop of his own. They proceeded to exchange kisses, cleaning every nook and cranny within their reach. Nick knel
t then proceeded to wash each one of Gabe’s legs and feet. Gabe let out a crack of laughter when Nick brushed against a particularly ticklish spot. Gabe returned the favor and while down there studied Nick’s cock with his eyes. Nick had a pair of large balls that like the rest of his body were devoid of any hair. The outline of white skin from Nick’s swim briefs was such a contrast to the rest of Nick’s tan body that it really acted as a spotlight to the region. Nick’s cock stood tall and had several veins pulsing beneath the soft skin. The shaft itself wasn’t overly thick, but the head was large, and Gabe could only imagine how it would feel tunneling inside him. Gabe tilted forward to capture a brief taste of the clean skin. It was a little muskier than Nick’s chest, but delicious.

  Nick’s hands gripped Gabe under the arms and lifted him to his feet. “I don’t think you’re ready for that yet, sweetheart.”

  Nick squeezed out a small amount of body wash, and Gabe got confused.

  We’ve already done that. What is he going to, oh―

  Gabe groaned as Nick gathered both their dicks in his grip. Nick’s cock pressed tightly against his from root to tip. It was exquisite. Gabe spread his legs so Nick could get as close to his body as possible. Gabe’s arms wrapped around Nick and clutched at the muscles of his back. His hands slid down the smooth plane. One moved down to clutch the small round globe of Nick’s butt, while the other stroked along his long spine. Gabe lifted his head for Nick’s kiss. He wanted in, wanted another taste of that hot, mellow flavor. Nick opened for him and stole Gabe’s breath both with the kiss and the stroking of their cocks.

  “Oh. Oh, fuck.” Gabe’s eyes went wide and his hips made little thrusts into Nick’s grip.

  “Someday, sweetheart. I promise.”

  Nick gave their cocks a little squeeze, and Gabe spurted a drop of precum from his slit. Gabe’s head fell back, his Adam’s apple bobbed as he tried to swallow past the need building inside him. His hips jerked and drove his prick into Nick’s palm some more.

  “Oh God, Nick,” he moaned. “I’m. I’m going to….” Gabe’s hands clenched on Nick’s shoulders. He needed the anchor, otherwise he would completely drift away in the maelstrom of sensations Nick’s stroking caused within his body.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Show me your pleasure. Show me everything.”

  Nick leaned forward, nuzzling Gabe’s throat, his ear. Nick’s hips joined Gabe’s, and their cocks now slid against one another, secured together by Nick’s fist. He was panting, desperate to reach that pinnacle but wanted to summit at the same time as Nick. Nick’s teeth grazed his earlobe, and then his lips surrounded it and tugged. A throb answered in Gabe’s cock and he knew the time was approaching as quickly as a steam train barreled down the tracks.

  He grunted and arched his hips, pushing into Nick’s grip faster. The heat generated by the friction of their cocks radiated throughout Gabe’s body.

  “Soon, Nick. Oh God, soon.”

  “I’m with you, sweetheart. I’m right here. I have you in my hand. It’s okay, just let go.”

  He found Nick’s lips again and thrust his tongue deep. Nick’s thumb worked the tip of their cocks, and Gabe lost it. He jerked in Nick’s arms as he shot. Pleasure crashed over him like a tsunami in the Pacific. His brain shattered, and their dual cries echoed throughout the shower Gabe rode the wave till he washed up on the other side of consciousness. Gabe clung to Nick as his heart rate slowed. Nick’s arms held him securely, and Gabe heard soft, encouraging murmurs from a distance. Nick’s hands soothed Gabe’s tingling skin.

  When he started to massage shampoo into Gabe’s scalp, Gabe let out an honest-to-God purr. Nick got them cleaned up in quick order and shut off the shower. It was a good thing, too, because the temperature had started to rapidly dip by the time Nick quickly shut off the valves.

  They dried each other with the one towel left on the bar, neither of them thinking to grab spares before closing themselves in the chamber. Gabe looked around and discovered a problem.

  “Um, Nick?”

  “Yes, my sweet prince?”


  The one word said it all. Neither of them had brought in a spare, and they only had one towel. Someone was going to be left hanging out to dry while the other made a dash for the digs.

  “Crap. Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. I’ll make a dash into the bedroom next door. Get dressed and then go out to the living room and grab your duffle. You can stay here, away from any prying eyes.”

  A huge smile split Gabe’s mouth. “Nick. I’ve changed in countless locker rooms over the years. Nudity doesn’t bother me. Hell, Phil’s seen everything I have to offer more than any other person in my life.” It tickled him that a little growl rumbled in Nick’s chest. “Why don’t you dash next door, I’ll take the towel and go rescue my bag and then come back and join you to get dressed.”

  “Fine. I’d say something about not letting anybody see what belonged to me, but we both know how unreasonable that is. I don’t have to like it, though.” Nick pouted.

  Gabe gave Nick a soft kiss. “Ditto.” That got Gabe a twinkle in Nick’s blue eyes and a little smile. They opened the door to find Phil standing a few feet away holding out Gabe’s bag.

  Phil let out a long whistle as Nick’s nude body was framed in the doorway. “Forget something, boys?”

  Nick shook his head at Phil and went into the bedroom. Gabe snagged his bag from Phil’s grip. “You couldn’t help yourself, could you?”

  “Nope.” Phil stared at Gabe for a few seconds. “You look good, Nemo. He make a man out of you?”

  Gabe knew that beneath his tan he had a full body flush going on. “Let’s just say my virgin percentage went down a few more points.”

  Nick came to his bedroom door dressed in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. “Phil, if your expectations for Gabe’s deflowering are limited to twenty minutes in the shower then you severely underrated my performance abilities.” Nick stepped in front of Gabe and gave him a long closed mouthed kiss. “Now, sweetheart, you go get dressed, and I’ll entertain the child.”

  Phil laughed as he went back toward the living room, and Gabe smiled as he stepped into Nick’s bedroom. He had a good friend that despite his caviler teasing really cared about him and a boyfriend who caused fireworks to explode within Gabe’s body while still being able to deflect said friend’s teasing with good humor. Gabe was a lucky guy.

  “SO WHEN is your next meet, guys?” Nick asked as he scooped up a dollop of spinach dip onto the chip. He hummed as he popped the oozing yummy goodness into his mouth. It was going to take some extra sit-ups to work this off, but man was it worth it.

  “We have the Pacific Invitational in two weeks. Then Nemo here is going to swim at the Tiburon Mile the day after.”

  Nick set his glass of water back on the table. “Is that true, sweetheart?”

  Gabe nodded while chewing a bite of chip and dip.

  “You’ll love it. I do.”

  Gabe’s eyes bulged. “Will you be racing too?”

  “Yep. I dare you to catch me,” Nick challenged with a laugh. “Have you ever done an open water event before?”

  Gabe took a sip of his water and then wiped his lips with his napkin. “Yeah, I did the Tiburon last year. I love swimming in the ocean. I have an aunt and uncle in Galveston. When I was a kid, every summer my mom and dad would ship me and my sister down there for a month. We played in the Gulf, camped out on the beach, and built some of the best sand castles ever created. At the end of the trip we’d return to Idaho several shades darker and bubbling over with stories of our adventures. It didn’t matter how old I got, every year I looked forward to those trips. My last one was a couple of weeks before I started school down here.”

  Nick liked how Gabe’s eyes sparkled with the happy memories of his youth. It was clear that not only did his prince care deeply about his family, but it was probable that those summer vacations led to Gabe’s love of the water and nurtured his talent as a little boy.

  “What is your sister up to these days?” Phil asked.

  “She took the top spot in the three meter competition last weekend.”

  “Your sister’s a diver?”

  “Yeah, for the University of Houston. She loved it down there so much that when it came time to choose a program, it was really no contest.”

  Nick heard the pride in Gabe’s voice. He placed his hand on Gabe’s thigh under the table and gave it a squeeze. “So you’re both water babies, huh?”

  “Well, they did share the same womb,” Phil said.

  “You’re twins, really? That’s cool. I’ve never met a pair of fraternal twins before,” Nick said excitedly.

  “Technically speaking you still haven’t,” Phil quipped.

  Gabe smacked Phil up the backside of his head.

  Phil rubbed his head. “Ouch! It’s the truth! No need to get violent.”

  Gabe rested his hand on top of Nick’s. “Unfortunately, since we’re in different conferences, she’ll never be here for a meet. Otherwise I’d be happy to introduce you.”

  Their food arrived, and the three of them dug in. Nick had ordered the roast beef and mashed potatoes as he always did. The meal was perfect after a long day of workouts.

  “So, there’s just your sister and you? No other siblings?”

  “Nope, just us. Mom always said that after carrying us around for nine months, her stomach was too worn out to try for a third. Some women joke that their kids were little Pelés in the womb, well my mom used to say we were miniature Spitzes. Swimming and flipping around in our amniotic fluid from the first moment we were conceived.”

  Phil choked and took a large drink of water. “Dude, I’m eating. Was the mention of amniotic fluid really necessary?”

  Nick couldn’t help but laugh at the disgusted look on Phil’s face. Gabe’s buddy was just as much of a character as he remembered. When they’d been sophomores and he’d been a senior, their two worlds had only collided in the pool, but even then Phil’s antics had made Nick laugh. Initially, Nick had even been attracted to the young swimmer, but he quickly discovered that he needed someone a little more low key. Phil wasn’t flamboyant, but he was very excitable. His extroverted personality was so opposite of Gabe’s that it was a wonder they’d become close friends, but their bond was unmistakable, and in Nick’s opinion, Gabe needed the lightheartedness in his life that Phil provided.


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