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In Dreams He Came

Page 7

by Trina Lane

  “What about your parents?”

  “They live in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. They’re both elementary school teachers. Mom teaches second grade and Dad junior high science. What about your folks?”

  “My parents divorced when I was young. My mom ended up remarrying about fifteen years ago and moved to Australia. Dad lives nearby in Los Gatos. He owns a restaurant.”

  “Are you close to either of them?”

  “I’m on speaking terms with my mom. When the team was in Melbourne last year I got to spend some time with her. After she moved, as part of the custody agreement, I spent a month with her every summer, but once I started seriously competing in junior high, the visits basically trickled off till when schedules permitted. I always got the feeling that she was never really disappointed because I have two half brothers that took up most of her time. Now Dad, on the other hand,” Nick said, smiling. “He’s my biggest fan. He would be in the stands of every meet I had, cheering me on. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him prouder than the moment I was selected for the national team, and when we found out I’d be going to Beijing? I think he had his plane ticket before I had mine.”

  Nick loved the sound of Gabe’s soft laughter. It rippled down his spine and settled low in his gut. Gabe’s green eyes got brighter when he was happy, and as Nick had learned earlier in the shower, when pleasure consumed his prince they became a deep forest green. Watching Gabe succumb to his passion had been amazing. Every firm muscle in that lean body had contracted. Gabe’s sweet lips had parted and begged for Nick’s kiss, and holding Gabe in his hand as he came? Well, that had been a feeling better than winning any number of gold medals.

  “What time is your meet in Stockton?”


  Phil rolled his eyes. “Duh, Gabe.”

  Gabe had a dab of ketchup on the corner of his mouth, and Nick really wanted to lean over and lick it away. Instead he wiped it with the tip of his finger then sucked that into his mouth, keeping his eyes on Gabe the entire time. Gabe’s Adam’s apple bobbed and his fingers clenched the napkin in his grip a little tighter.

  “Because I’d like to sit in your cheering section if I can.”


  “Swimming, Gabriel. Pacific Invitational. Two weeks from now.”

  Gabe gave his head a little shake. “Right. Umm, you’d really come to cheer us on? What about your training schedule?”

  “Well, depending on the time, I might be able to swing it, or at least part of it.”

  “Race starts at noon.”

  That was right in the middle of the day. Nick would be able to get his morning swim in with no problem, and if he shifted his workout schedule a little bit he’d be able to see Gabe swim and make it back before his afternoon session. He’d talk to Greg about the potential changes tomorrow.

  “I could probably make that work.”

  Gabe’s eyes got a worried look that Nick didn’t like. He leaned over and placed a little kiss on Gabe’s lips. “What’s that look for?”

  “I don’t want you to upset your training to come to a simple meet. Besides, I’m sure we’ll run into each other at the Tiburon.”

  “It’s not an upset, and I’d really like to see you race.”

  “So wait till our next home meet.”

  “Which is?”

  Gabe looked over at Phil. “Do you know?”

  “I’m pretty sure it’s in February.”

  “No way, I’m not waiting four months to see my prince be crowned king of the pool.”

  Gabe scoffed and Phil pouted.

  “Hey, what am I, chopped liver?”

  Nick rolled his eyes. “No, Alcorn. You can sprint with the best of them. You do CAL proud every time you hit the water, but Gabriel’s long lines slicing through the pool are a sight to behold, and I will not devoid myself of the pleasure of watching him in action simply because of a training program.”

  Nick loved the little blush that stained Gabe’s cheeks and the smile that attempted to creep up the corner of his prince’s mouth.

  “You mean the training program that’s going to win you another title in Minneapolis next month and a gold medal in Dubai in December? The same program that will add to your Olympic medal collection in London?”

  Nick heard the conviction in Gabe’s voice, and while he thought the predictions were a bit optimistic, he appreciated Gabriel’s support. He picked up Gabe’s hand from the table that had by now been cleared of their dishes. Nick ran his finger up and down the soft palm, and loved the little moan that escaped from Gabe.

  “Thank you, sweetheart. I’ll do my best.”

  “I believe in you, Nick,” Gabe whispered.

  NICK drove Gabe and Phil back to their apartment. Phil blessedly went inside with little fanfare, giving him and Gabe a few moments of privacy. Nick leaned back against his car with Gabe pressed up against him and then wrapped his arms around Gabe’s waist. Gabe’s fingers dug into Nick’s shoulders and their lips clung to each other as they shared kiss after kiss.

  Nick’s cock was hard and he knew Gabe’s was in a similar state. God, how would it feel to have Gabe’s lips wrapped around his cock the way they were wrapped around Nick’s tongue at the moment? Going from a hand job to a blowjob wasn’t that big a leap, but Nick wasn’t willing to push Gabe any further that day. But soon, please God, soon.

  Gabe backed off Nick’s mouth with several teasing nips. “You taste so good. I think I could kiss you forever.”

  “Nobody’s stopping you, sweetheart.” Nick cupped Gabe’s ass and tugged their hips closer.

  Gabe groaned and rubbed their trapped cocks together. “So good. You make me feel―” He rode the long leg that slipped between his, panting. “So good. I want you. I think we’ve opened Pandora’s box.”

  “In time, my prince. I promise.” He sealed their mouths together once again, delving his tongue into Gabe’s mouth to taste the sweetness the flowed from every pore of Gabe’s body.

  Nick’s heart galloped in his chest. Gabe’s words unleashed something inside Nick that had been keeping his responses in check. But desire was a fleeting emotion. He didn’t want Gabe to rush the physical side of their relationship and regret it the next day. Nick knew he’d never survive if he saw regret in Gabriel’s eyes instead of happiness. And he knew with each kiss, he was falling a little deeper under Gabe’s spell, and when the time came that they finally consummated their relationship, it would be more than the simple union of two bodies. It would be the binding of two hearts, two souls.

  Nick was certain that Gabe was the one for him. It would take time for them to build a meaningful partnership, but for the first time, Nick was willing to go the distance when it came to a relationship. When it came to Nick’s father, their connection had always been a given, and his friends were uncomplicated. His mother more difficult, and as a result, they were now cordial with each other, but rarely shared in each other’s lives. Nick had never been in love. He’d had lovers, but had never been inspired to share his heart with another man. Until now.

  Nick managed to eventually end their kiss and sighed as Gabe rested his head against Nick’s shoulder. Gabe’s lips nuzzled against the skin of Nick’s neck, sending tremors rippling through his body. Nick slowly rubbed Gabe’s back as they came down from their high.

  The night air blew across their bodies replacing the shiver of pleasure with one of cold. “It’s getting chilly out. Go inside, sweetheart, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “My blankets don’t compare with the warmth of your body. Wish I could sleep with you,” Gabe mumbled.

  Nick agreed, and as tempting as it was to bundle Gabe back in the car and hold him all night long in his bed, Nick knew the time wasn’t right. Not yet. But soon, oh yes, soon.

  Chapter 6

  GABE leaned back against the stacks in the depths of the building that housed the special collections belonging to the library. He’d been trying to find a book for his Medieval England course. His paper was due
in two days, and Gabe knew there was still something missing. Something he’d overlooked, a perspective lost in the reference material he’d already used. It was quiet back here, and Gabe knew that if he closed his eyes he’d fall asleep within seconds. They’d had a meet against Stanford that afternoon, and Gabe had been pleased with his times, but giving his all in the pool had left little for burning the midnight oil amongst his “dusty tombs,” as Phil called them.

  For the triple distance platform, they’d only been able to choose one stroke at three different distances. Gabe had managed to shave five tenths of a second off his freestyle time for the two hundred since the beginning of the season, but the one hundred still needed work. Today, coach had him swim the five hundred―which he normally didn’t do―and Gabe’s arms now had the tensile strength of a wet noodle. Since the meet had been a non-scoring event his times wouldn’t count toward the seasonal record, but Gabe refused to use that as an excuse not to try his hardest.

  Phil had swum the backstroke, and his combined times were fast enough to get him first place for his efforts, and overall the event had been a success. CAL had managed to capture Bay Area bragging rights against the third-seeded Stanford for now, but he was sure the result ruffled those Cardinals’ feathers, and would only fuel them to greater speeds for when they met again on CAL’s home turf in February.

  Gabe’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He dug it out to see who was trying to get in touch with him. Most likely it was Phil. His friend had been disappointed that Gabe wouldn’t come to a party with the rest of the team to celebrate their victory and was most likely calling to pester him. When Gabe looked at the screen, instead he found Nick’s name, and a smile broke out on his face.


  “Hi, sweetheart. How was your meet?”

  “We crushed them. Phil took first in the backstroke.”

  “What about my prince?”

  “Coach had me swim the one hundred, two hundred, and five hundred. You know I’m not very good at the long distances.”

  “Well, I know it’s not because of your stamina. You’re able to work me for hours before we end up collapsing.”

  Gabe laughed softly. “That’s entirely different and you know it.”

  In the last month since Gabe and Nick had taken their relationship to the next level; they’d spent hours in bed exploring each other. They’d done everything except anal sex. Gabe knew the time was approaching. His hole verily fluttered now at the thought of having Nick inside him. Gabe slid to the side and lay on his back. He moaned and rubbed his cock trapped inside his jeans.

  “Baby? What are you doing?”

  Nick’s voice was soft and deep. The purr resonated in Gabe’s ear and traveled down the length of his body to settle within his groin.

  “I’m in the library… special collections… searching through the stacks for a book.”

  “That moan did not sound as if it came from frustration.”

  “No. I started thinking of you. Now I’m hard and aching.”

  “Are you alone in that labyrinth you call home?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  Gabe heard some rustling on the other end of the phone. What was Nick doing? Gabe tucked the phone close between his ear and shoulder and then closed his eyes. He tried to picture Nick in his hotel room, large body spread out on the bed. His lingering tan would contrast beautifully against the white sheets. Was Nick touching himself? That turned Gabe on further, and he flipped up the end of his T-shirt to rest his hand on his stomach. His fingers caressed the smooth skin, and he imagined they were Nick’s.

  “Because I’m imagining you there. Low fluorescent lights high in the ceiling above you. Your slim hips encased in a pair of tight jeans and a T-shirt wrapped tight around your chest. You’ve broadened since we started working out together, you know?”

  Gabe swallowed. He sensed where this was going and glanced furtively around him to make sure he really did have the stacks to himself. Unlike the stacks in the main library or those in the underground extension, special collections weren’t a hotbed of activity from the large student population. It was one of the reasons Gabe enjoyed spending time here late at night. He liked the solitude.

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed. All my shirts are tighter across the chest and in my arms.”

  “M’hm, and your jeans have enough space at the waist line that I can slip my fingers inside to rub the top of your trench when I hold you against me.”

  Gabe imagined just that, and his cock filled further. “Oh Jesus… Nick… are we really going to do this?”

  “Yeah, sweetheart. It’s okay. I promise when I get home we’ll spend a day in bed, skin to skin, but for now give me this. Let me touch you with my mind.”

  Nick’s soothing voice eased the nerves fluttering around in Gabe’s belly. “I don’t know how… I’ve never―”

  “Neither have I, but we’re two intelligent men. I think we can figure it out.”

  Gabe’s hand slid down to cup his cock. He didn’t rub, not yet, the pressure was enough to help ease the heat growing within his body. “Okay… talk to me, Nick. Tell me what to do.”

  “Mmm. Put your hand on yourself. Tell me what you feel.”

  “I am. I’m hard, throbbing.”

  “Are you standing against those massive shelves?”

  “No….” A soft moan escaped as Gabe slipped his fingers beneath the waist of his jeans and brushed the head of his cock. “I was sitting before, now… now I’m lying on the floor… on my back.”

  “Beautiful. Slide your shirt up and expose that tight stomach for me.”

  Gabe did and let his fingers drag over the sensitive plane. It felt as though a thousand little firecrackers were going off beneath his skin.

  “Good. Now unsnap those jeans, and take yourself in hand, tell me.”

  Gabe wrenched the fastenings of his jeans apart and slid his hand inside. Bare skin met the palm of his hand. Gabe sighed in relief. “Hot. My skin. Slick already. Nick… you… you make me… the things you do.”

  Gabe rubbed himself. His balls tightened with the friction, and his toes curled in his trainers.

  “Keep going, sweetheart. Wrap your hand around that stunning cock and stroke. Make sure you play with that little spot beneath your head. You know the one that makes you cry out when I tickle it with my tongue?”

  “Oh God!” Gabe heard the arousal in Nick’s voice. There was the distant squeak of springs from the bed.

  “I love the taste of you, Gabriel. Salty and sweet with the lingering flavor of coconut from the suntan lotion that never seems to leave your body completely.”

  “What about you? What are you doing, Nick?”

  He needed to hear. Needed to know that he wasn’t alone in this insanity.

  “Oh, my prince, I’m thinking about you. I’m imagining my touch is yours. The tap of your tongue as you place tiny licks up and down my body. I’m pinching my nipples, imagining that it’s your lips drawing against the tight buds.”

  Gabe moaned Nick’s name, low. He loved sucking on Nick’s nipples. Could spend hours tormenting the tightened protrusions. It was a good thing that Nick enjoyed it as much. A sweet little nip could make Nick hiss out loud, riding the edge between pain and pleasure. He often told Gabe that he thought about having them pierced after his retirement. Gabe could easily imagine Nick’s broad chest adorned with a little silver ring, maybe two.

  Gabe used the fluid seeping from the tip of his cock to ease his strokes. His hand moved up and down. It wasn’t as good as when Nick did it, but it worked. Gabe imagined the press of Nick’s body above him, the heat waves dancing between their bodies as they rocked together.

  “More. Tell me more,” Gabe pleaded.

  “If I were there, I’d strip you naked. Spread those long legs of yours so I could see all of you. Your sack tight with need, and that dusky rose ring guarding the most intimate part of you.”

  Gabe heard Nick’s breathing increase. He pictured Nick’s hand wrappe
d around that long cock, and a growl rumbled low in his chest.

  “You remember when I tasted you there, sweetheart? You remember how it felt to have my tongue inside you?”

  “Oh… Christ… yes. It was amazing. Like nothing ever before.”

  Gabe’s hand sped up. His balls tightened, and he knew he wasn’t far away from exploding.

  “Nick… I’m close, so close. Help me”

  “I’ve got you, baby. Tonight we’re going to play a little more. I’m sticking my finger in my mouth. Want to make sure it’s nice and wet. I’m rubbing that sensitive patch of skin right below your balls. My finger is pressing against your ring. Let me in, sweetheart. Let me feel you. Surrender, and I promise you’ll experience pleasure unlike any before.”

  Gabe listened to every word and imagined Nick’s touch was real. He wanted to let Nick in. His body cried out for Nick’s possession. Instinct drove Gabe on. His mind a storm of imagery and pleasure from the hand taking him on a journey of desire. The climax built deep inside him. He jacked himself fast and hard. The sound of slapping skin was an accelerant to the fire burning inside him. Gabe’s thumb rubbed across his leaking slit, and he shouted, mindless of the expansive room or even Nick’s response on the other end of the line as his orgasm devoured every living cell in his body.

  Gabe’s breathing was ragged as he lay on the thin-carpeted floor. His phone had fallen, and Nick’s voice was an unintelligible rumble of words beside his head. Gabe became cognizant of the cum coating his hand and with a grimace, wiped the evidence of his impetuousness on the carpet. He fastened his jeans and picked up the phone.


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