Book Read Free

Forever the One

Page 9

by C C Monroe

  Mama: Hey baby. Dad and I want to FaceTime tonight. Dad put in his papers for retirement and we want to go over some things. Call us tonight sweetie, love you! xoxo

  I smile at my mom’s text, she honestly reminds me of a sister. She hasn’t aged a day and she’s a hippie at heart. How she ended up with Mr. Marine with a tight stick up his ass, I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong, I love my dad, but I’m the only child and I’m a girl, so for a Sergeant you can imagine how protective he is over me.

  Kingston 2.0

  I send her a quick yes with a heart emoji, then open my other text from Kings. Not thinking anything of it, I open it up and there’s a video. I press play and the screen is black, then his bedroom ceiling comes into view. I’m sure it was an accident video.

  That is until I see his giant, veiny cock spring into the shot, his hand running up and down it. Then like a freight train, his voice fills the small shop with him moaning my name. I hurry and shut down my phone, fumbling and dropping it right after I click it to silent and close my message app.

  Bending I pick it up, rising back up slowly praying I didn’t get any attention from someone. I thank fuck when I see the associate on the phone and the other customer is nowhere in sight. She probably bounced when she realized she wouldn’t find any clothes other than ones that give off the “we will never have sex again” vibe. Wise choice.

  I find an empty corner and reopen my messages, not finishing the video—that will have to wait till later. Me yelling at him, however, doesn’t need to.

  Me: You are such a jerk. I opened that nice video in a store...a maternity store! What’s wrong with you!?

  I glance up really quick, checking my surroundings again. My phone vibrates gaining my attention back.

  Kingston my fucking King: I got home from the gym and you know it makes me horny, it’s my cooldown. You fuck you. ;D

  Did he seriously change his name in my phone to Kingston my fucking King? Really?

  Me: We had sex like four times last night, my God. And please tell me how the gym makes you horny?? You aren’t normal. Just for that I’m withholding sending you selfies for the next week. You are selfie grounded.

  I smile at my wittiness, Kings is usually the funny one.

  Kingston my fucking King: That’s easy, three ready?

  Oh boy, rolling my eyes I answer back making a mental note to change his name in my phone.

  Me: Great. Sure. Go for it Kings...

  Kingston my fucking King: Alright. One...I’m super fucking good looking and when I catch a glimpse of this hot ass in the mirrors I think, fuck I would look so good pounding into Lana from behind. Second, the thought of fucking you from behind pops in my mind and third...I get so much energy and adrenaline from lifting and drinking my protein that I need my final release and you my Queen, have the tightest pussy to drain myself in. Sound good?

  I swear cavemen paved the way for men today, but Kingston is a different breed. He should be put in history books, have documentaries filmed on him, be studied by scientists all over the world. He is insanely, abnormally sexy. And I fucking love it.

  Me: God you’re bad and now I’m wet and needy in a fucking maternity store. Be ready for me tonight, my fucking King.

  Kingston my fucking King: Yes baby! Fuck. PS I can’t believe I’m sending you this while my sister shouts at me.

  Me: I love you, too, Kings. Now do something productive today. Keep jerking off and it might fall off, then what will I play with? ;D

  Kingston my fucking King: You can always sit on my face.

  Me: Goodbye Kings.

  The door chimes, bringing my face up from my screen. I see a very excited Shayla walk in.

  “Geez, you went all out last night. I love you’s and all?” Nodding, I meet her half way and we silently agree this place isn’t doing it for us. Stepping out on the busy sidewalk we open my umbrella, it’s raining pretty heavy today.

  “I do love him, a lot. Last night was a huge breakthrough.”

  “Lana, sweetie, that’s so dang good!” She wraps her arm around me as we head toward the cafe, this pregnant woman is starving. I tell her more details as we walk snuggled together. Ordering green tea and soup, we take a seat in a secluded booth in the corner away from all the lunchtime chatter.

  “So, you told your parents yet?”

  “Ugh no. Shay, my dad is gonna kill me.” I squeeze my fist tight, crunching the crackers into my tomato basil soup.

  “Yeah, Jeff hates my brother and he’s kinda a big meanie.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence! Geez, don’t sugar coat it, please.” She laughs shaking her head and blowing on her spoon.

  “You didn’t let me finish. He’ll be mad, probably pissed even, but he loves you and what other choice does he have then to get over it?” She has a point. “Rip the band-aid off, maybe go without Kings and spend a week with them. The new girls and I can handle the shop.” I hiss when the hot soup burns my tongue. I put the spoon back in the bowl and push it aside, letting it cool down some more.


  “I’m smart—smart like Yoda, I am.” We both laugh at her Star Wars joke and I throw a piece of cracker at her face, she catches it with her mouth and cheers. I love hanging out with my best friend. Fourteen years with this babe and I couldn’t ask for a better sister from another mister.

  “I don’t know, we’ll see. Now, let’s talk about the store. I think we need to look into another investor.” The mention of this causes Shayla to tense up. The attack Evan made on her was fucking brutal.

  “I know. It’s scary, but Shay, we have so many online orders and our foot clientele is growing daily. We are doubling our monthly goal in stores and tripling our online sales. We need it. That way we can hire full staffs for both locations and run the business from anywhere.”

  Shay rubs at her temples before replying, “I know. Trey and I talked about it. He wants me to stay home and take care of the babies when they first come.”

  “Do you want that?” I question. I know men can be old fashioned, however Shay and I are both independent women.

  “Yes, I do. Don’t you?” Shit, I never thought about that.

  “I don’t know. I guess I would like it. It beats passing them to a nanny and not getting enough time with them. I want that connection. Don’t get me wrong, I think babysitters and nannies are great, but if you have the means to be a stay at home business woman, why not?” I find myself discovering new thoughts and ideas about what will happen when my little bebe will get here and I have to say shit is real. Parenthood is real.

  “Talk to Kings about it, see what he thinks.”

  “I will. Thanks.”

  “Let’s reach out to some people and see if we can get another investor,” I lift my brows and suggest to Shay.

  “Yeah, let’s.”

  “Yay! Okay! Let’s eat, I’m hungry and I still need to find a cute outfit for tonight!”

  I check myself out in the mirror one last time before I leave to go get L. My freshly shaven face makes me look like I did when I was in high school. I hate it, but Lana thinks it’s sexy and she gets what she wants. Especially on our date night. My crew cut hair is gelled back, looking slick and clean. I chose a pair of black jeans to pair with my denim button up shirt and black hoodie. It’s raining tonight, which means Lana probably didn’t wear her red dress and I’m bummed, I love that dress on her. Who am I kidding, I love everything on her.

  Grabbing my keys I lock up my apartment then head to the elevator. I get to her floor, stepping out. Walking toward L’s door I see an envelope sitting just outside it. Weird, we have mailboxes in the lobby. Who would put this shit here? Unlocking her door with my key Shay gave me, I walk in while opening the envelope.

  I don’t see Lana and all I hear is her loud music. She loves loud music, she probably didn’t hear the doorbell ring when whoever it was came and left this. Opening up the envelope I pour out the contents and my face starts t
o burn, my eyes dilating to the point where they must be black. Laid out in front of me on the counter are pictures of Joel and Lana when they dated.

  I lift the note accompanied with the pictures and read, “Thought you might want these back. Miss you baby, I’ll see you soon.” Holy fuck, the fucker contacted her. He had the god damn nerve to send her this. How did he find her address? Why? How? Who fucking delivered these? That fucker is in jail and I know damn well this had to be sent out by someone he knew. Fuck me, I slam my fist down on the counter, the loud boom echoing through the kitchen. I snatch up all the pictures and the letter. Seeing her in these pictures, kissing, hugging, touching this motherfucker just pisses me off more.

  I open the door and walk down the hall to the courtesy trashcan they have by the elevators. I rip them up so damn good that nothing is left then I throw them in the bin. I stare at the ripped pieces and consider burning the whole trashcan, regardless of the fire codes. I tear my eyes away and put my joined hands behind me, resting them on my head. I start to pace up and down her floor, irritated—furious. How is this possible? Does he have men on the outside still watching my woman? The thought has me weakening, my knees wanting to buckle and my heart dangerously close to stopping. I want to end that man, I should have. I shouldn’t have stopped the night I hit him.

  “Kings, baby. What are you doing?” I suck in a deep breath and turn to see Lana standing in her doorway. The memory of seeing her there almost lifeless still playing at the forefront of my mind. I take a deep breath and drop my arms down. She looks adorable in her white silk robe, ending mid-thigh. Her hair is curled framing her small face, she’s so innocent looking.

  I think up a lie quick. “Nothing, I thought I dropped my wallet in the elevator. I didn’t though, so we’re good.” Shaking off the memories as best I can, I walk up to her wrapping her up and squeezing her in my arms, so fucking tight. I’m so God damn thankful I showed up that night. If I didn’t, she wouldn’t be here. A world without Lana is a world I can’t exist in.

  “That’s quite the welcome hug. Bad day at work?” she questions, leaning back. She’s shorter than my 6’0 frame, I bend over with her when she bends back to look at my face. I don’t want to let her go, I need to hold her to make sure this shit isn’t a dream. Joel is fucking with my woman, he is making good on his threat and I know here and now that I won’t tell Lana. I am not going to watch her disappear into the shadows again, looking over her shoulder everywhere she goes. I put on a front, no trace of Joel anywhere. I look into her eyes.

  “Yeah, it was,” I lie. I promised myself that night that Joel was dead to her. I’m keeping that promise. She doesn’t need to know about the fucking letter and I will take care of this once and for all. How? I don’t know yet, but if it’s my one last dance with the devil, I will follow through on it.

  “Well, I hope I don’t make it worse because...” She kisses my neck right under my ear where she knows I like it. I’m starting to feel a little better already.


  “I need to fly home to Utah, see my parents—tell them about the baby.”

  “You mean your dad?” She giggles. He hates me like sluts hate monogamy.

  “Yeah, Kings. I gotta tell dad. I’ll only be gone a couple days.”

  “Wait, you’ll? No, no, we’ll be gone a couple days. I’m going with you.” She smiles, running her palm under my shirt, her fingers feeling good on my heated skin.

  “I love you for that, but you don’t need to be subjected to dad’s ridicule.” I swallow past the lump in my throat. Daddy James never liked me. He thought I was a punk piece of shit and I was. Jeffery James is a Sergeant in the Marines and he’s a scary bastard. That’s why Lana hid the abuse from him. She didn’t want him to risk his career by killing a man or risk his safety.

  “I’ll go, you’re my woman and that’s our baby,” I tug open the bottom part of her robe and run my hands over her tiny belly, “so I need to man up and face your dad like a gentleman.” She rolls her eyes and pats my chest.

  “I didn’t say it was gonna be easy Kingston and I’m not strong enough to stop my daddy from kicking your ass. Be ready.” She winks walking away. Lana does have a valid point—he may just kill me.

  Following her into her bedroom I sit in the grey lounge chair by the windows looking out over the city lights while she finishes getting ready. I get lost in thoughts of telling her dad, seeing it ending with me in a casket with my loved ones standing around me. I knocked up his only daughter, his only child. His baby fucking girl. He’s gonna be pissed and I just hope he doesn’t make Lana change her mind about us.

  Nervous, I pick at my lip thinking about everything that has happened in the past twenty four hours. We made a huge step as a couple, by actually becoming a couple. Then I see that shit in the envelope and it knocks me on my ass. Joel was the sole reason we haven’t been together this whole time. Now, she starts to let him go, let the past go and he finds a way back in.

  Why? Why does he want a way back in? I knew he was crazy, I just thought putting him behind bars for a pathetic five years would get him to fuck off. Thank you justice system, five years obviously didn’t help. He only has one year left and then he’ll be out. Out to come for my woman. The past four years crept up on us and now it’s shining in my face like a red warning light. I know when I’m in Utah I’m gonna have to see that fucker, go to the place that holds a monster. Why do I have this feeling deep in my gut that this isn’t over?

  “Kings. You okay?” I turn my head quickly, looking at Lana’s figure standing behind me. The sound of rain hits her window. I’m doing a shitty fucking job of playing cool.

  “Yeah. I’m fine babe. Fuck me you look sexy! Come give me some lovin.” I divert the conversation and reach my hand out to her. She looks fucking delicious in leather pants with thigh high black books and a sheer maroon top and some sexy black lacy bra thing under her blouse.

  “Scratch going out tonight. I wanna stay in and unwrap this present.” I pull her onto my lap and my mouth finds her cleavage, biting her tit.

  “Ouch! Hey!” She laughs, that simple noise brings me back to reality and fully in the moment with her. I lift my head and drop the smile from my face, looking deeply into her eyes, searching them. Reaching up her soft, warm palm curves against my face as her forehead drops to mine.

  “You aren’t okay? Did something happen today?” Closing my eyes and taking a deep inhale, I smell her feminine peach smell and my heart about jumps out of my fucking chest.

  “No, I just missed you.” That’s only a partial lie.

  “I know, I thought about you a lot today, too.” I nestle my head into her hand while she plays with my hair.

  “Good, I know it’s hard to not think of me.” She throws her head back letting out a throaty laugh, her newly cut hair falling behind her. She could bring men to their knees with that smile, sail ships, make earth fucking stand still with it.

  “You’re so beautiful, my Queen. How did I get so lucky?”

  “I think it might be a little bit of everything. You’re smart—sometimes.” She winks and I reach around to pinch her ass. “You make me laugh so much Kingston. You really have no idea how much you make me laugh every day.” Bending, her soft pink lips touch mine, my top lip lingers between hers. We stay locked in this kiss for a few seconds, she keeps me right there on the edge with her.

  “You also do this thing with your mouth. You make me laugh with it, you make me irritated with make me come with it.” She hasn’t moved but an inch from my face, with her last words her tongue escapes her lips and laps at my bottom one before biting it.

  “Fuck, I want to make you come right fucking now with this mouth.” She giggles and my balls weigh heavy, now filled and ready to drain in her.

  “Yeah?” She drops her hand from my face and moves her pointer finger in a lazy trail down my chest. I swallow hard when she leans down and licks my neck, right next to my damn throat. “You seem stressed, maybe tonight a
fter dinner we can go back to your place and I can spoil you. How’s that sound?” Her hot breath on my sensitive skin feels intoxicating. I wanna let her spoil me, but the King wants to do the spoiling tonight. She’s been so fucking good to us lately.

  “You’ve been such a champ with us lately. You deserve to have the spoiling done to you.” Leaning back she stares down at me.

  “How so?”

  “You’ve been selfless and put your past behind you to love me. You fight every day to let me in deeper and that makes you a champion—a warrior in my eyes.”

  “You made me believe I can be a Queen, isn’t that what they are? Warriors?” I clasp my hand over hers, just over my heart where it sits.

  “Yeah, Lana. They are. You are.” Silence surrounds us for a few calming moments before I speak again.

  “Let’s get to dinner and have a great night. You look sexy and I need to show you off.”

  “Duh. I’m kinda hot.”

  “No, Lana, you have a serious ass.”

  “Oh geez, let’s go big boy.”

  All through dinner I couldn’t truly focus on Lana, my mind drifting to the damn pictures I found.

  During dinner Lana smiled carelessly, completely without inhibition, something she hasn’t done in far too long. I knew she could tell something was bothering me because she had to pull me out of my head space a couple times, calling me out on my shit. She tried to interrogate me, but I deflected like no one’s business.

  Now we sit in the car driving home, the music turned up loud enough to keep her busy, singing along. I don’t want to go home, I want to do something that will keep me distracted, keep my mind from playing on live reel.

  “Wanna go somewhere, baby?” I ask. turning down the radio. She stops singing and brings her eyes to me.

  “Yeah, we can go somewhere else, you don’t want to go home?” she asks, reaching her hand over the middle console where it lands on my knee before sliding it up and over my cock, instantly waking him up.


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