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Forever the One

Page 10

by C C Monroe

  I growl, “Don’t tease me, Lana.” Shooting her a squinted glare, she smiles over at me biting that plump lip of hers. Lana has the sexiest full lips, almost like they’re fake, but they’re real as fuck.

  “I don’t want to tease, baby. I wanna be fucked.” Her crass words have me large and instantly hard. But fucking isn’t what I want right now.

  “I don’t want to fuck you.” She backs down before I finish, tucking her hair behind her ear and looking down at her hands now in her lap.

  “Oh.” Shit, that didn’t come out right. “I’m sorry, is it my outfit? Does it look bad?” she questions, righting the fabric over her.

  “No, baby. I wasn’t finished. I want you, yes, but right now, I wanna take you somewhere. I don’t want hard tonight, I want soft and slow.” Her sad solemn eyes light up and I release my held breath.

  “Really? Kings, baby, tell me what’s wrong. Don’t hide from me, handsome.” The feel of her warm palm touching my cheek invites me to open up.

  “I just had a fucked up day, sometimes I get a little too caught up in things and it’s exhausting.” I decide to tell her some half-truth about today, because Joel is never gonna weasel himself back in, I will handle that shit on my own.

  “One of the bands didn’t show today so now we’re behind and we have overbooking issues. It’s just shit mama.” She frowns, her nails scratching along the side of my head. My eyes blink lazily as we pull up outside my studio.

  “I’m sorry. You don’t need that stress.” She assesses the surroundings, seeing where we are.

  “What are we doing here?” she questions. Unbuckling myself, I lean over and undo hers.

  “I don’t know yet. My mind took me here. Let’s go in.” She nods and I climb out running around to open her door.

  “You actually let me open your door.” I speak out loud, shocked.

  “Because you had a bad day, I’ll let it slide this time.” Her devious little smirk has me touching my chest above my heart because I felt that deep in my chest. She’s taking care of me.

  “Now take me inside. I want to hear you sing me a song.”

  Walking us to the door I unlock it and head down the long hall until we hit the sound booth. Walking in she takes her place on the piano bench and I grab the acoustic guitar. Pulling up a stool, I seat myself right in front of her. She doesn’t say a word and neither do I, while I strum out some random melodies. Her eyes stay fixated on me, studying my face.

  “Play me a song.”

  “Which one?”

  “Anything. A song that makes you think of me.” The raspy sound of her voice sounds like music to my ears.

  “It’s impossible to play the song of your laugh, the melody of your smile, and the lyrics to your heart. That song is you baby, and nothing can compare to that.”

  “Kingston. God, I love you.” She lets out on a shuttered almost pained breath.

  “I love you.” Lana’s hands stay on my knees as I start playing, singing the words that come to my mind, while I get lost in those deep brown eyes, like honey at sunrise. The whole time we never lose eye contact.

  With every scar that graces your skin,

  I want to kiss them and make you, you again.

  With your every doubt, I wish I could hush the demons and drown them out.

  I loved you in your darkest, never once losing focus.

  My eyes never left you, while my heart stayed beating for you.

  Now here I am a man completely whole, with the woman who keeps his soul.

  Kiss me every morning, tell me I’m your only.

  Promise me forever, never again saying never.

  Promise me forever, one were we’re together.

  Promise me forever.

  I finish my words and stay strumming the cords while she cries, her round eyes filled with pools of water. My heart tightens in my chest, my desire to keep her even stronger.

  “Kingston, that was beautiful.” I stop playing and place the guitar against the piano bench beside her. Staying silent, comfortable, but silent. Standing, she follows me, standing up still small against my tall frame, her head tilted up gauging me.

  “You’re my best friend.”

  “You’re mine, Lana.”

  “You shined on my darkest hours, giving me hope.”

  “Hope is all I had, it saw me through. If I ever lost hope, I would have lost myself, because Lana, I’m at your mercy. You’re my church, my haven, my keeper. I belong to you.”

  “Isn’t that dangerous? That’s how hearts break...” I pick her up at her question, expecting her to stand her ground, but like a magnet, she lets me, clinging to me while I carry her toward my office.

  “It is, we’re in danger, because my heart will break if you ever change your mind L. I won’t live without you. I refuse it. I’ll never let anyone have you but me.” I know what my words have the power to do, I understand the consequences.

  “Kingston, I can’t let you say that. I can’t, but I want you to. I want you to be obsessed with me. I’m scared—terrified, but for the first time I want someone to need me like they need air.” I enter my office, kicking the door shut with my foot.

  “You want me to tell you everything?” She knows what I’m asking. I also know that she may run for the hills with my next confession.

  “Yes.” Setting her on her feet I make work of getting us both naked, taking each item that covers her off slowly, appreciating every inch of my unwrapped gift. When I finally lay her down on my couch, I tower over her.

  “When I see you do things like bathe I want to clean you like an animal, lick everything off you,” I tell her, licking my tongue up the column of her tiny little neck. She whimpers. I pray to God she is strong enough to hear this, because it’s unhealthy, psychotic, obsessive, the way I feel about her.

  “More.” Keeping my mouth near her ear, I balance my weight on one arm and reach my hand between us, finding her sweet, shaved pussy. Taking my knuckles along her lips I slowly tease her.

  “When I see other men looking at you, I get angry, my rage seeps out and I imagine fucking you so hard you forget that you are desired by anyone but me.” She moans. I bite her jaw then her chin then her cheek.

  “What else?” she questions, her eyes still closed, her mouth agape and her breathing heavy.

  “When you walk, swaying those sexy hips and bouncy little ass, I know you do it to test me, like a fucking tease, my tease. You know what your body does to me.” I slide my long thick finger inside her snug heat. She’s swollen and tight, letting me know she’s ready to be taken.

  Curling my finger up I watch her face change and her mouth fall open into an ‘O’.

  “Shit,” she moans.

  “Kingston. My name is fucking Kingston,” I warn on a growl, inserting another finger and picking up my pace. I move my hands in fast, hard circles, hitting her deep within.

  “Call me your King, baby.”

  “Oh, you’re my King.”

  “Who do you belong to?” I bite the shell of her ear.

  “You, I’m yours.” Her words fuel me on, not even close to ending tonight.

  “You shouldn’t be able to breath without me.” Kissing her lips, my tongue fights with hers, while her hands fly up and behind her head on the arm of the couch. Using it she pushes down and swivels her hips to meet the rhythm of my fingers in her pussy.

  “You won’t ever be without me. You can never leave me baby. I will fucking follow you to the ends of the earth.” I moan, my cock hard and ready to be sucked dry by her greedy cunt.

  “Why does that sound so good?” she questions, thrusting down harder on my hand, kissing me, biting me between her moans and words. Lana is asking me what I am wondering. Why are these words that once caused her pain, reduced her down to nothing, sounding so right? I say the first thing that makes sense, the real reason.

  “Because this is actual love. We are love.” With that she detonates around my fingers, screaming into the air.

Promise me forever, Kingston. Promise you’ll never let me leave you.” Her begging while coming is my vice.

  “Forever mine, forever yours, forever us.” Removing my fingers, I rip her legs apart before she can realize what’s happening and I slam up into her.

  “Forever!” Pounding into her like a man possessed I bite her neck. She squeezes me so tight making my need to come harder to keep off. She is letting me own her, she has given up the past and surrendered herself to the future that I can give her. My words of ownership and possession are now paradise in her world.

  “Lift those legs baby, I need to go deeper.” I look between us and see I’m only half way inside her. Needing her fully, I help spread her as wide as she can on the couch.

  “Help me” she moans, looking up into my eyes as I sit up, my knees on the couch.

  “Let me fuck you how you wanna be fucked.” Lifting her hips in the air, her shoulders the only thing on the couch, I impale her fully onto my cock nearly coming when I slide all the way into her.

  “Shit.” I watch her perfect tits bounce while I pound into her.

  “Marry me, Lana.” The words come out before I can stop them. Not sure if it’s the heat of the moment or the truth, I still say it.

  “What! Uhhh!” she moans, biting her lip and reaching up to pinch her tiny rosy nipples with her fingers.

  “Marry me, fucking be mine forever.”

  “You want me...ugh baby! You want me?” Her eyes stay focused on mine while mine never waver. Not sure where I’m finding the courage to say all these things, but they flow from me like running water.

  “Yes, be my Queen, forever.” Without a second longer, or a moment to blink and hesitate, she answers.

  “Yes! Baby.” Just like that I bang on my chest, scream from the rooftops, play the steel drums. Checkmate, the Queen took her King. I come. Fast and hard, dropping every last bit of come I can into her, so much so that it comes seeping out while I still pound into her, ready for her to come again.

  “Baby! I’m coming, oh I’m coming again! Fuck!” she screams, one hand staying on her supple breast, kneading and pulling, while her other hand finds her hair and grips it.

  “Oh yeah, just like that.” I take control of her hips and thrust into her with the roll of mine, while I circle hers, helping her ride out her orgasm.

  We’re breathless for a few minutes before I pull out and head to the bathroom in my office, grabbing a cloth to clean up my woman. Coming back out she’s sated and teetering on the edge of consciousness.

  She starts to fall asleep while I clean her up, crying a bit when I hit her sensitive center. I’m a large man and she’s tight. When we mate, not just fuck, but truly mate and make love, she gets sore.

  “Let’s get you dressed baby, you can sleep in the car.”

  Just like that she nods and with my help I get her dressed and practically carry her to the car. Falling asleep there, I know she’s done for. She’ll sleep for hours tonight.

  The next morning I’m dragging my ass out of bed, Lana still asleep as I prep for my five a.m. workout. I kiss her sweet lips then her growing belly. I’m still a little shell-shocked that she agreed to marry me so hastily without any reservations. If she doesn’t want to have a big extravagant wedding, I would elope with her, today, tomorrow—right away.

  I feel like I have a ton of shit to put in order before that happens. I need to find us a place to live because we’re wasting money on two different apartments. That and having a baby means we’re going to need to move in together anyway.

  “Bye, baby love,” whispering goodbye to her, I leave her to sleep. Opening the front door I hear a crunch and look down. Under my foot is a manila envelope. My heart rate spikes—not again, two days in a row? Hoping that I’m wrong, I bend with great hesitation, as if my body is working against me, giving me a warning to not pick this shit up.

  Opening the folder, my shaky hands reach in and grip onto the glossy finished paper. Pulling it out, my eyes glaze over, turning black when they land on the first picture. That familiar sensation of rage snaking up my spine overcomes me.

  In my hands there are more fucking pictures, these ones far worse than the ones before. Lana beaten and naked, lying there broken—my woman.

  “Fuck.” I have to stop myself from sifting through all of them. I search the hall again, knowing I will come up empty-handed. I don’t want to leave Lana now, I want to lock this fucking door, board it up, and hibernate.

  Double checking the door three more times, I finally convince myself that it’s locked and I can leave. I take the elevator, each floor passing slowly, adding what feels like another decade on my life. I’ve zoned out, my mind checked out, while my body stays on autopilot.

  When I’m finally in my car, I snap.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I slam my fist on the steering wheel, tears falling down my face, spit flying with my words. I have to face Joel after years away convinced he had moved on. Living in a naive bubble, where I thought this was over.

  Maybe if I threaten him enough he will leave her alone? Yeah right, it did jack shit obviously when I beat him to an inch of his life before the police tore me away. What are my threats gonna do?

  I pull up to the gym, not quite sure how I got there. I see Trey’s truck parked under the tree. Looking over beside me, I stare at the envelope for a few long hard seconds, before grabbing my bag roughly and heading inside.

  There are barely five people here, making it easy for me to spot Trey already hitting the treadmill. I walk up to him and stand in front of his machine. In the zone, he finally sees me, pulling out his earphone.

  “Hey dude, you’re late, wow, what’s up?”

  “I need to talk to you—now.” Slowing down the machine, he grabs his shit and jumps off before it comes to a complete stop, rushing to catch up with me.

  “Dude, what the fuck is going on?” he asks, both of us ignoring the other gym goers passing us giving us sideways glances. I don’t answer, then once inside the locker room, I throw my bag against the lockers, the loud thud and vibration making Trey jump back a bit. I feel my back heating up, my face and neck hot, my breathing picking up, I feel like a man transitioning into a beast.

  “He’s back, he came back, Trey.” Shaking his head, he places his hands on his hips, trying to catch on, still slightly out of breath.

  “Who’s back, Kingston? I’m lost.”

  “Joel! He’s sending Lana shit, he has someone sending her shit!”

  “You’re joking, right? This has to be a joke.” As much as I wish it was a cruel sick joke, it’s not.

  “No, it’s not. Damn it, Trey what the fuck do I do?” I drop down on the bench defeated. My hands finding my hair, gripping it tight.

  “Kingston, you have to go to the police. This is serious.”

  “I know, but what if it makes things worse?” I look up at him, my hands in mock prayer, my lips pressed against the tips of my fingers. I need answers, a guiding light to tell me what the fuck to do.

  “Kingston, we went down this fucking road, we let him win and we avoided getting her help. You and I both know going down that path isn’t the right way.” He’s right, I know he is but I can’t help but be weighed down by my selfish fear. Lana is finally living again, free from the chains.

  “I know, I just don’t want to risk her happiness...more so her fucking safety. Obviously he isn’t sending this shit because he has a no contact order which tells me he has someone on the outside looking in, doing his fucking dirty work...damn pig.” My voice deepens, dead panning on what I’m saying.

  “I get that, but honestly, she nearly died when we didn’t say anything. What makes you feel this will be different? Maybe you could contact her lawyer? Ask him what to do. That way we know our options. See if we contact the police here or back in Utah. Better yet, a detective. Or both? I don’t know, but one things for sure Kings, we have to tell someone. We need to protect her.” He leans against the wall, his eyes zeroed in on the floor, his arms
crossed at his chest. Trey is digesting everything, too. I know he’s right, I don’t have any option but to make sure I take care of her, keep her from harm’s way.

  “You’re right. I will call Detective Henson, my dad’s buddy, see what our options are.”

  “I agree, shit, I would be half way back to Utah if this was Shayla.”

  “You have no idea how tempted I am, but she can’t know. This has to be our secret,” I finish, terminating the conversation, already too worked up to continue on with this shit.

  He doesn’t argue me. Wise choice.

  “Alright, can we please hit the damn punching bags? I need to release some anger and I don’t want to punch you, pretty boy. Shay might get mad at me if I mess up Mr. Perfect Hair.” Fussing with his hair, I throw my bag in a locker and we make our way out. I spend the next hour tearing my muscles into pieces, sweating damn bullets and not even feeling the least bit better. I can’t believe we’re here again. I can’t believe that Lana’s past is catching up to our future. Damn it.

  “You’re shaking, Kings. You don’t have to do this. I can do it myself.” I pat his leg, putting some pressure on it to help stop the shaking. The entire plane ride to Utah was filled with nervous twitching and some mini vodkas. We decided to come visit my parents now that I’m officially twenty weeks, my bump is showing and there is no way to hide it anymore. I don’t want to hide it anymore anyway. But the past few weeks Kingston has been on edge, being extra clingy with me. I’m chalking it all up to nerves, or some anxiety over what my dad is going to do.

  “I can’t help it. Your dad has fucking hated me since I was a kid.”

  “We’re adults now, Kings. I’m sure he knows you’re a great man,” I reassure him, squeezing his thigh. We’ve been sitting outside of my parents’ home for ten minutes, not even attempting once yet to get out. I honestly think he’s going to throw up. His face is pale and his eyes are dilated.


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