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by L. P. Donnelli

  “Thanks a lot, Pete, for showing Cyrill to Stephan. Stephan, I will meet you outside in a few minutes. Can I have a quick word please, Pete, before I go?”

  Chapter 10

  Truth is Out

  Mike left Stephan with his large bright smile -- he looked like he had been keeping an upside down coat hanger in his mouth since breakfast. Mike had been a big part of this, showing him Gary and Lola and then taking him to the store to handle Cyril.

  “It is the best day of my life, Mike, all thanks to you! I will ask Mother to make twice as many sandwiches every day so we can share them at lunch! I owe you big time. Any filling, you just name it!” Mike could only smile, he could not take offence with Stephan -- he really thought he was massively in Mike’s debt. Stephan thought Mike had things so much better than he had at home.

  “That’s alright, Stephan, you don’t have to do that.” He had told him that, even though he really did love those sandwiches his mother made.

  Mm mmmm mmmmmmmmmm.

  Mike went home and straight up to his sister’s bedroom. She was listening to SquareRoot, the best boy in the world apparently, with its four members making one true voice (of torture) -- well, that’s what Mike thought anyway.

  On entering, he mouthed for her to turn it down. Layla took the hint and came close to him as he shut her door. He directed her to the bed and explained everything as they sat facing each other. Her face seemed to glow and grimace with the beats of the music, finally settling on a gigantically enormous grin.

  “I want to meet her, Mikeyyy!”

  “That’s what I was going to ask you, she wants to meet you.”

  “Yes!!!” Layla did a little dance with the music and Mike pulled a funny face at her, rolling his eyes.

  “Library, at lunch tomorrow, an email to arrange a meeting place, where shall we say?” Mike asked.

  “I know just the place, little brother,” she said with a suspicious smile . . .

  “The train station???” he said, “but she didn’t even say she liked trains!!”

  “Exactly! We can give her some pointers to prepare her for the meeting with Dad at the same station!”

  Mike kissed his sister a big wet kiss on the forehead.


  “You are a genius Layla, did I ever tell you that?!”

  “I thought you said that it was you who was the genius?!” Layla wiped her head and he pinched her shoulder, as they both started to laugh.

  “Well, we are twins after all! Twin geniuses!”

  “Right, I will just send the email, Sunday at 12.00 p.m. at which station?”

  “Broadwater Station, of course,” Layla said as Mike was just thinking it. Dad’s favourite train station! Perfect. He squeezed the mouse to send the message.

  Layla had checked again later that day to find Emma had sent a quick reply with thanks for the invitation -- agreeing to meet them. Now, all they had to do was figure out a way to get there, as the station was somewhat out of the way, a thirty-minute drive from where they lived, and even longer on the bus. They couldn’t exactly ask Dad to take them.

  Layla met Mike at the school gates where she found he had a smug smile on his face, with cream all around his mouth.

  “Did she reply? Did she?”

  “Yep, she did, always knew she would!” he said in a trying-to-be-cool-but-not-convincing-anyone way.

  “How are we going to get there though, Mikey?”

  Mike winked and touched his nose. “Got that sorted, don’t you worry, Sis!”

  Layla rolled her eyes, as she knew she would have to keep asking him to get out the answer, but then put x and y together and got xy. I’m sure you have already worked it out, Reader.

  “Don’t forget children, you will never get ice icier, or cream creamier, than at Frank’s,” Frank said in his especially stained overalls.

  “No, Frank, we won’t. I am going to tell everyone at school how good your service is! Layla, you too right?” Layla nodded, licking her ice cream contentedly. Mike moved uncomfortably as he found he was sat on a toothbrush, which he placed in the side-holding compartment of the van door. Layla had already passed him some toothpaste before that she had found.

  “Right, nearly there. It’s been a long time since I’ve been round here. Not many children you see, or parks to sell the best ice cream in the world. I did come here when I was younger though . . .” Frank trailed off, looking a little sad for a moment.

  They had told him their plan and most of what had happened and at first he had told them off for keeping it a secret. They promised him they would tell Dad right after today. He said it was a nice thing they were doing, all the same, and gave them a free ice cream each.

  “OK, I will look for business and I will drive back here in thirty minutes. Right?” Mike and Layla nodded and with her finishing her ice cream, leant over the seat and gave Frank a big hug.

  “Thanks, Frank, you’re the best!!!” Frank gave a smile and patted her on the head.

  “You are welcome, little Layla.”

  They both got out of the van and waved off Frank, who sped down the road -- which is really not easy to do in an ice cream van, I can tell you, Reader.

  They found only a few people at the station today, being a Sunday. Dad loved this station as it was usually quiet but had some of the best trains passing through it, he said. Also, they had a model railway shop as you went in, which Mike thought was another big clue as to why he loved the station most.

  Emma was sitting in a waiting area on Platform 1 with a drink in her hands, some steam escaping out of the top of the white, plasticky cup. She looked slightly nervous. Mike suddenly felt a little nervous also. Layla suddenly ran up to her -- giving Emma one of her famously big hugs. Emma quickly moved her cup out of harm’s way, not quite knowing what to do.

  “Layla, is it? Erm, how do you do? It’s nice to meet you. I am Emma.”

  “I know. Do you like trains?”

  “Well, I suppose so. My father used to be a train driver, when I was a little girl, like you.” Layla’s grin widened -- something Mike didn’t think was even possible! He realised he was also grinning, like a Cheshire cat.

  “Let her go, Layla, she can’t breathe!!!” They all laughed at this, as Layla finally did unlock her hug and they all relaxed.

  “Do you want a drink also?”

  “We are OK thanks, can I ask what are you drinking, Emma?” Mike held his breath.

  “Oh. I’m drinking tea. Are you sure? Layla?”

  “No thank you,” Layla said. She looked at Mike, and they both smiled with relief to hear she hadn’t said coffee.

  Layla and Mike showed her around the station, but they soon realised that she’d already learned most of the details from her father -- just like they had. They told Emma how Dad loved Platform 3 most of all and how he spent hours in the model railway shop. In return, she told them also of her memories as a child when there was even a Platform 4, which really surprised them.

  “I am very happy to have met you both. You’re good children and I can tell your father has brought you up well.” She asked them to both sit down on the nearest bench. “I want you to understand that if I meet with your father, you should not get your hopes up as we adults do not always get along as expected. He sounds a nice man, but you never know. Please tell me you both understand.”

  And they did, but they would still hope all the same. Even if they were only friends, that would be fine, as Dad did not have many female friends. His mother’s friends would often wave to him and say hi to the children, but Dad never seemed comfortable around them and did not know them very well. He knew Mildred well, but only because she worked at the garage, that he had to use so often to fix the car. Mike and Layla did not think that counted.

  They enjoyed the rest of the time watching some trains fly by the platforms, before running back up the steps to the entrance.

  “Can I make you an ice cream, Madam? The best you will ever try?” Fra
nk peered out of the side of the van before they had a chance to notice him on the side of the road.

  “Emma, this is Frank,” Mike said. “He is our friend and our taxi driver and does have the best ice cream in the world, we can assure you.”

  “Well, in that case, yes please, and one each for Mike and Layla.”

  Amazingly when she got out her purse to pay, Frank asked her to put the money away as it was ‘on the house’. It was such unfortunate phrase for Frank to say, as it really was his house. He dropped them back at home just outside and didn’t even ask for fuel money. Mike knew that they were so fortunate to know Frank, thanking him before they left.

  Dad was sat down at the sofa, half-watching something on TV.

  “Hey, kids, where have you been? Was getting a little worried. Been at the park again?” Mike and Layla looked at each other, and then into their dad’s eyes.

  “Dad, we have something to tell you . . .”

  “WWWWHHHAAATTTTTTTTTT? You did what? Why . . . How? Why? . . . When???????????? Their father looked like he was spitting feathers. He started to dance a little like a chicken too, jumping up from the seat.

  “You have made me look like a fool! Is that what you wanted? You want me to look desperate??? No job, no girlfriend, a loser who needs his children to get a date. Is that itttt?”

  “Get to bed the both of you, now.”

  “But, Dad, we were just trying to help,” Layla said as gently as she could.


  Mike and Layla had never seen their father so angry. He’d never sent them to bed like this -- especially not at 3.15 p.m. Mike and Layla went to their rooms and tried to pass the time but all they could do was feel complete guilt. Mike thought he heard those horrible sobbing noises again. He put the pillow over his head as he sobbed also. Layla was also upset. She looked outside through the window and her salty tears -- mirrored by the wet, dark sky.

  Chapter 11

  Mysterious Goings-On!

  Dad had sent them straight to Grandad’s after school the next day, hardly saying a word as he drove them sputteringly in the choking car. He knocked hard on the door and returned to the car alone. Layla had tried to catch his eye in the rear-view mirror, but he had ignored her. She held Mike’s hand as Grandad slowly came to the door.

  “Come in, kids, and sit down. Everything will be fine, it will.” Layla and Mike looked at each other surprised. They had not even said anything to him (or shouted anything to him) and neither had Dad, before driving off. Yet he seemed to know, in his eyes that seemed now full of wisdom, he knew something wasn’t right. They both felt better by this. Even the trumping trail that Grandad left for them as they followed him into the front room seemed to not smell as bad. It suddenly dawned on Mike how much he’d missed Grandad.

  “Fancy a game of Scrabble, kids?” Layla and Mike both smiled, it had been a long time since they had played. The smell of the board and tiles brought back memories of them playing when Mike was younger . . . and yeah, that’s right, even Dad played. He remembered now, when he was really young they use to play near the fire on cold nights.

  Layla had not played the game so much, needing a little help from time to time. Grandad was amazing -- Mike had forgotten just how good he was! He was always using the really tricky letters of Q and Z that no one else could squeeze into a word (apart from scientists). Mike thought all those quiz shows that Grandad watched must help. Mike only won one game, the last one, and he was not completely sure if his Grandad hadn’t let him win on purpose. Without realising, on looking at the board again, he had used the words ‘forgive’ and ‘time’. He just hoped these words would ring true.

  It had been over two weeks since Dad had blown apart, in a way that Mike and Layla still did not think was possible. Shock had been followed by guilt. How could something so good intentioned lead to this, they thought?

  Mike went downstairs. He heard his father in the bathroom as he passed, running water. Layla and Mike had not seen much of their father, and when they did, he did not say very much. They didn’t really know what to say to him either, so they found themselves mainly in their rooms after school for the past fortnight, watching the loud decapitated head from their windows. Mike had re-memorised every date of cup glory for Ramsbottermerly Rovers FC, which took about five minutes. He also learnt every player’s name that had over the years played in his favourite position to truly pass the time, as Gary often sat on his shoulder, looking as miserable as he did.

  Mike was quickly trying to get a bite to eat from the kitchen before Dad finished in the bathroom and came downstairs. He had just found something semi-edible, when he heard his dad come down from the bottom stair.

  “Hey, Mikey, how are ya?” Mike was surprised to hear Dad sounding so cheerful again. Closing the fridge door, he saw him in his best shirt and trousers -- he even had some gel in his hair by the looks of it!

  “Erm, I am good thanks. You look . . . good, Dad!”

  “Thanks, son,” he said, while slipping on some polished loafers Mike didn’t even know Dad owned.

  “I am going out for the night, son. Joanna from over the road is coming around in a minute to look after you. Don’t wait up for me! Tell Layla the same, please.”

  “Sure, Dad,” Mike said surprised. He knew Dad had not been working. Has he got another job and not told us? How did he afford the shoes? Mike really thought he would have told them if he did have another job.

  Just then, as he was wondering these questions, the doorbell rang.

  “I will get that, son, don’t worry!” His father headed quickly to the front door. Mike quickly went to the front room’s window, to look out onto the drive, he thought he saw the back of a white van pulling off down the street, but he didn’t have much time to see what it really looked like. He didn’t recognise it -- making Mike’s head hurt even more. Something strange was going on here! He found Joanna in the front room. He said hello, then went upstairs to let Layla know Dad had gone and to see if she had any idea what on earth was going on.

  “It is best not to ask questions, look what interfering did last time, remember!?” Layla said with wisdom beyond her years.

  “Yeah you are right, sis. Joanna is downstairs, she wanted to talk to you. Oh, by the way, do you know anyone who drives a white van?”

  “No, I do not, Michael. No more questions!” as she went downstairs. Mike gave in. He tried to think more of it, but it was difficult. It was Dad’s life -- that was made clear. He had to make his own decisions. Mike thought about how he would dislike it if someone made his decisions for him, and then really hoped that Gary didn’t mind. He got him from the vivarium, popped him on his shoulder and went back upstairs for more Ramsbottermly Rovers trivia training, oh and some homework as well, of course, as he told Joanna.

  Mike stirred awake at the sound of the front door. His blurry vision saw 11.52 in red digits from his alarm clock, his book stuck to part of his face by sleeping slobber. He could not remember falling asleep. He still had all his clothes on, making him feel hot and groggy. He suddenly realised it must have been his father come back home, which was massively late for him! He heard Joanna leaving and Dad thanking her.

  Mike quickly went to the toilet, to clean his teeth, without anyone noticing. He then changed into his PJ’s and went back to bed.

  Why was Dad only back now? Ricky Greavers scored 10 goals in the 90/91 season . . . Was there a late night steam train event on somewhere? . . . Favoured position was right wing, but also he played up front, mainly in the 99/00 season.

  He fell asleep the second time, mainly wondering what his father had been doing all night.

  It was after the night that things seemed to go back to as they were before, with Dad talking to them as normal, joking and playing. Well actually, even more than before. The important thing was that they were no longer in the doghouse, which made Layla happy too! Mike thought he heard Dad back up in the attic, probably clearing all the broke
n pieces away, he thought. He doubted there would ever be the sound of a train running again after what he saw. Everything was damaged beyond repair, it was clear.

  However, things still seemed somewhat suspicious, that was until a week later when Dad asked them to sit down in the front room to give them some good news.

  “Kids, as I said, I have some good news. Your old man here, yours truly, has got . . . a new job!” Mike pumped his fist in the air while Layla jumped on Dad kissing him. Mike decided to do the same, this was great news. He was so happy.

  “That’s super, Dad,” Layla said. “You totally deserve it!!!”

  “They are lucky to have you, Dad, I knew you would get something!” Mike joined in.

  “Thanks, kids, but you haven’t even heard the best part yet!” Mike and Layla looked at each other, slightly puzzled.

  “What I’m doing, is probably THE most important job in the WORLD kids!” Dad beamed as he spoke.

  “Go on, guess what job it is, kids.”

  “Er, a doctor, Dad?” Layla looked unsure if he could just become a doctor so quickly.

  “That’s right, a railway ticket inspector, for One Transport!” Mike and Layla burst out laughing and hugged their father some more. Of course, the most important job in the world!! They were both so happy for him. To celebrate, they got some Chinese food which tasted stickily delicious. Gary and Lola had a prawn cracker each, loving every bite as much as they did. It was truly a great day all round.

  Finally Mike understood why Dad had been working late. It seemed like Dad was too angry to tell them at first. Maybe he wanted to give it a few weeks to make sure he was not dreaming, and also to see if this time, his job lasted. Mystery solved, Mike thought. Dad was so happy these days, and now they knew why. Everything couldn’t have been better.

  Chapter 12


  It had been exactly a month since Dad had gone out that night in the white van, Mike had meant to ask him who it belonged to, but had forgotten about it. He thought it must have been his interview and he impressed them so much he started work straight away. Or, maybe he’d stayed out to celebrate, straight after they’d said yes to him.


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