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Mike is different to other children. He has a very-slightly-older twin sister, Layla, and a beloved father who is fantastically fanatical about trains. Without anyone to look after Dad -- terribly lonely and struggling to find enough money to get them by -- Mike knows he has to do something about it. Join this warm and humours family tale that has many detours and stop-offs along its journey - - -Mike is different to other children. For a start, he has a very-slightly-older twin sister, Layla, and a beloved father who is insanely-crazily-mad about trains. But also, because he carries a feeling of guilt for what happened to his mother.Without anyone to look after Dad, who is terribly lonely and struggling to find enough money to get them by, he knows he has to do something about it. But with rotten and disgusting smells following him at every turn he feels lost when things don’t quite turn out as planned - - - Join this warm and humorous family tale that has many detours and stop-offs along its journey and a host of colourful characters, as Mike and Layla try their best to make Dad happy again. For young and older readers alike. A debut children’s book from L. P. Donnelli.

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