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Home World: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 2)

Page 12

by Erin Raegan

  “Their sworn fealty to the Order. Do not look so alarmed Commander. The humans should be grateful. They will survive the Vitat and join a group of species far more superior to them.”

  The Polizinth leader sneered. “They are lucky. They will benefit from such an alliance.”

  “They have nothing to offer you for your returned protection.”

  “No?” The Juldo Master shared a grin with Viytenus. “I believe they have much to offer.”


  I stormed from the Council rooms. Furious. What they asked was blasphemous. The Order had never acted so unjustly before. Not that I had ever been made aware.

  Something was amiss. The Guhuvin King did not agree, and neither did the Xixin King, but their protests went ignored.

  Dao and Ryt remained silent as we traveled back to the room. I charged in, my rage consuming me. My fists clenched, my claws drawing blood. I slammed them into the brittle wall of the room, caving holes into it.

  A knock sounded at the door. “Answer it.” I gritted.

  The Guhuvin King stood on the other side. “Commander.”

  I bowed deeply to our ally, thumping my chest. “Tander.”

  Tander returned my bow, the steel of his blades glinting from his side.

  The Guhuvin were a peaceful species, but they were fiercely protective. Defending their planet with a ferocity that none dare challenge. His white eyes watched me carefully, calmly.

  “I am here on behalf of the Xixin King as well, along with his brother Kings.” He watched me gravely, his arms crossed respectively, and his feathered wings folded in welcome.

  I nodded to Dao. He moved aside, allowing the King entry and shutting the door behind him.

  “Why are you here?”

  “The Juldo Master called for a meeting with the Order Council before your arrival.”

  “He is behind their actions against the humans.” I guessed, new rage consuming me. The Council had become corrupted by the Master. The King nodded. “Why?”

  “I do not know. But he desires the humans for his own purposes.” Tander’s blue eyes glowed with the fire of anger only his species could produce. His fangs were retracted, but his jaw clenched tight to keep them from springing free.

  “They cannot procreate,” I told him something he knew.

  “No, not a true Juldo.” His eye held understanding, and something like alarm. But Tander was not one to show emotion often.

  I stiffened. “No, he is not such a fool. Many will die. The Order will not allow it.” I wished to bite the words back.

  “Not if Viytenus backs him.”

  “Why would he?” It made no sense. Viytenus had been revered for his neutrality.

  “He has not been himself for some time.” Tander looked up with a sigh. He used to be friends with Viytenus, alongside the Old Dahk King and many others. Since the Old King’s assassination, the alliances the Council was built upon began to fall apart.

  “The Xixin Kings have discussed leaving the Order and the Council.” The King grinned wryly. “I must confess I have thought the same as of late.”

  For Tander to entertain thoughts of leaving? It truly must be dire. “They are that corrupt you would leave and risk their retaliation?”

  “The Xixin are a fierce ally to have.” He said pointedly. “I have others as well. The Order would not dare retaliate.”

  “But you would not aid us in this?”

  “No. I feel great sympathy for your plight and will come to your aid against the Juldo should they attack, but I will not reveal myself to the Order for the humans until I decide.” The King rubbed his chin. “Do not look so shocked Commander. It is best to study one's enemies up close.”

  I sighed. “We will not allow the Order to succeed in this.”

  The King nodded and bowed. “I wish you luck in your endeavor. I hear we are to stay for your counteroffer, but I must warn you, the Council has no intention of accepting any payment from the Dahk on the human's behalf. The Xixin King and I do not hold the majority vote.”

  “I will still try.” I would comm Uthyf and allow him to deliberate before presenting the Council with an alternative offer. I did not truly believe the Council would be swayed, but I would not leave the humans to their fate.

  “Very well. I will see you in the morn.” He turned but stopped. “King Aryx...” he stopped and took a breath. He clenched his jaw. “How is the new King?”

  I looked at him strangely. He wished to say something of Aryx but stopped himself. “He has accepted the throne,” I said warily.

  The King nodded once more. “Good tidings, Tahk.”

  I watched the Guhuvin King leave. Silently contemplating all he said. “Comm the King,” I ordered Ryt. We had no time to waste.

  If the Council did not accept a counteroffer, then we would be at war with them.

  Chapter 12


  Ford and Hector slept for two days outside of the vats. They occasionally woke for brief seconds, Ford groaning and asking for his teammates, and Hector lethargically shouting for Vivian.

  We stayed in the healing room all day long, only leaving to eat and avoid Myrna as she ranted and raved looking for me. We managed to avoid her but could never quite escape Haytu. He always seemed to pop up behind us when we least expected him.

  He was okay though, still sweet and eager to get to know me. He brought his stone game with him and entertained us for hours with it and tales of his heroics serving the old Commander. He thought it was hilarious every time I ran from his First mate, and thought it was sweet when I would talk with Pyntera. Wayka and Byda stayed behind at his House, and I only wished Byda had come with him instead of Myrna. Pyntera was welcoming and showed an interest in forming a relationship, but Byda had become my favorite at the celebration. She was so open and excited, and I fed off her energy. She made it clear how happy she was to have me as a part of her family.

  It had become clear early on that Syn and Borv had been tasked to our protection. Yilt came and went occasionally but he was in charge of the team guarding the King, so he couldn’t stay long, but Syn and Borv never left our side. Even at night, they traded off guarding our doors. Colt stayed in a room across from Viv’s and mine, but he hardly ever stayed in there. He was too anxious, and Borv quickly grew tired of chasing him around. Another Dahk was ordered to watch him, and Colt enjoyed pissing Jyn off all day long. He would disappear and then come crashing in having caused some ruckus in the castle.

  Isin had been getting us everything we could ask for. He found us hair brushes and furry sticks we used as toothbrushes and made sure we had all the warm clothes we could ask for, but he often disappeared. It was early on the third day after Tahk left that I found him.

  “Hey, there you are,” I called to him as I entered the lower castle rooms. There was something like a greenhouse down there where they grew fruits and flowers under blue fire-stones and the golden toyl stones. Syn said the blue ones gave off heat, so even though they were limited in the amounts they could mine, it was worth it to have goliv berries and other fruits in the cold parts of Home World. Most of the golden toyl was reserved for lighting the ships and parts of the world that didn’t have an abundance of natural purple toyl.

  I went down there to check on my animals because it was the only place they could be kept without freezing. And I liked to nap down there. It was just too cold upstairs in my room, even after bundling in layers of clothes and mounds of blankets at night. I slept fitfully, afraid my ass would fall off. If we were here much longer, I was tempted to just move down here permanently.

  Isin was hanging around Frederick who was tied to a small growing goliv berry tree. My sad little goat was gazing at Isin with pitiful eyes. He hated it here nearly as much as Noodle.

  “My lady,” Isin bowed and smiled sheepishly. “I find the Frederick fascinating.” Isin was the only one who could pronounce our names the way humans did. His alien language was similar to humans with how we clicked and twirled
our tongues around words. He didn’t have fangs getting in the way.

  “Yeah, sometimes I swear he was a puppy in another life. He just loves attention so much.”

  “A puppy?”

  “Bobo was a puppy when he was born, like a dahkling.”

  Isin growled. “The Bobo is infuriating. He sniffs me constantly and is always trampling me. I cannot walk into a room without being knocked down.”

  I laughed and stood next to him, petting Frederick. He nosed my belly, and I scratched his jaw.

  “You know, Tahk once told me a House often had a companion, but I haven’t seen any.”

  “The Commander does not hold one, but the King Uthyf has several. They stay in the upper floors, preferring solitude.”

  “I would like to see one. Maybe we can find Frederick a friend.” I grinned when Isin nodded quickly.

  “I will have it arranged.” He had a suspicious looking twinkle in his eyes, but I was distracted when a strange click sounded in the quiet room.

  I looked around. The chickens were in their pens sleeping still. Their schedules were all messed up, and Noodle normally rushed them inside the closed pen anytime someone came down. But still, I walked over to see if any had come out. But when I got there, it was quiet.

  The click sounded again, and Isin stiffened and looked around as well. “Perhaps we should return you to the healer's room, my lady.” Isin didn’t wait for my permission and grabbed my hand.

  “It’s probably just Syn, he hates when I come down here, says it’s too hot and waits outside the room. I bet he just got impatient.” But when we got to the door, Syn was just on the other side flirting with a female Dahk.

  “Peyton would like an escort.” Isin scowled at Syn with disapproval. He flushed and backed away from the female. I held back a grin at his chastened look. Syn was such a guy sometimes. He flirted with every female he came across and was so silly it was hard to take him seriously, but Borv insisted Tahk trusted his skills to protect me, so even though he seemed young and got distracted sometimes, I didn’t let it worry me. The female huffed and flounced off.

  “There was a strange noise in the growing room.” Isin continued to scowl. It was very intimidating for such a little guy. He did have four eyes to do it with.

  “I will return to take a look after escorting you.” Syn looked at the room pensively and remained alert and suspicious the walk back. When it counted Syn pulled it together. He didn’t leer at a single female the whole way back. I was more impressed he took Isin’s warning so seriously. He trusted Isin, that was clear after the first day, but he didn’t question his observation at all.

  Hector was awake when we got back, and he was pissed. “What the fuck do you mean ‘we’re not on Earth’?”

  “Hector, you have to calm down, you’re still hurt.” Vivian hovered over him waving her hands frantically for me when she saw me. Her face was flushed in excitement. I felt my own heating in relief. He was awake. I couldn’t believe it.

  “Them aliens brought us here.” Colt crossed his arms and glared at Borv like it was all his fault.

  “Why?” Hector growled and shoved off the tall cot, swaying on his feet.

  “Their King died, so Tahk needed to escort Uthyf here as the new King, and you and Ford were dying, they couldn’t do much to help you there. They needed to bring you here to save you.” I warily approached the pissed off man. He heaved through his nose and looked over to Ford who was stirring from all the commotion.

  “Where are the others? Yeti and Hap?” Hector winced and walked around the room, searching for his teammates.

  I looked to Viv as she worried her lip, tears springing from her eyes. Colt crossed his arms and glared at Hector with resolve. “Dead.”

  I winced and looked away from Colt. There was a better way to drop that bomb. Hector was barely awake. This could seriously push back his recovery if he got too worked up. Surely his heart rate and stress levels could mess with his healing.

  Hector kept his back to us and stiffly stared at the wall. “How?”

  Vivian waved Colt away and tearfully told him all that had happened after the crash. How the government had shot us down after we met with his uncle. How it was likely his uncle’s team and his uncle himself that had fired the missiles. How his teammates had died in the crash, and Tahk had to leave them there to get the rest of us away from the incoming Vitat. And then how King Aryx had died, forcing Tahk to leave Earth and return to Home World. It was then I stepped in and told him about how Tahk had acted against the government’s plan to use nuclear weapons and wiped out all communications, power, and technological weaponry from Earth.

  Hector was silent as he processed it all, and I knew it was killing Vivian not to go to him. But he needed the space at that moment.

  “How’s he doing?” Hector finally looked away and over to Ford.

  “He should awake soon.” Gryo interrupted the tense atmosphere, flouncing in with a scowl and loads of disapproval. “You should not be up.” He pointed to the cot. Hector glared at the healer and ignored him, walking to his friend’s side.

  “We need to get back.” He said to the room. He laid his hand on Ford’s chest and bowed his head.

  “You can’t be serious.” Viv choked. I had to agree with her. Hector was in no condition to go back and endure space travel, let alone fight the Vitat.

  But I also understood the driving force behind him. It was hard not to beg someone every day to take me back, so I could find my mom.

  “Come here,” Hector rumbled gruffly and held his arm out to Vivian. She stepped into him and carefully hugged his middle. “You know I have to. I’m gonna hunt that bastard down for Hap and Yeti, I’m gonna kill him, and then I’m gonna help Fihk end it.” Viv quietly cried into his chest and kissed her head.

  “Even if it were possible, you cannot travel as you are now.” Gryo scoffed and fiddled with a machine, scanning Ford’s body. Hector watched his every move with a heated calm. One wrong move from the healer and Hector would blow. Injured or not.

  “It is possible,” Borv added solemnly.

  Viv and I shot him an incredulous glare.

  He ignored us, “The Commander sends a negotiator once he receives an agreement from the Council. You may go with him.”

  “Good.” Hector hushed Vivian and nodded to Borv.

  Gryo talked over Viv’s loud protest. “It is not your place to make such a decision.”

  “Maybe not, but I know my Commander, and he would have no quarrel with the humans need for vengeance.”

  I jolted when Ford groaned, “I’m going with you.”

  “You can’t even get up!” Viv cried and pushed out of Hector’s hold. “No, you can’t go.” She left the room with all the dramatic flare she was known for. Hector chuckled and grinned to himself. He loved that about her most. Said she was all sass and ass.

  “I have no time for this. Out, all of you, while I assess them.” Gryo scowled at each of us until we left the room.

  I was just leaving with Isin right behind me when Hector lowly whispered, “What the fuck is that hairy thing?”

  I winced and glanced at Isin apologetically. He huffed and skittered ahead.

  Myrna was just outside the door, her arms crossed, and her eyes narrowed on me. I winced again and looked back at the room longingly. There was no hiding from her now. Haytu rounded the corner and laughed uproariously. “You have found her, my heart!”

  We both turned to him and glared.

  Myrna took a step to me and towered over me with a furious frown, “You will meet the Queen. Now.” She grabbed my arm a little too tight and pulled me along. As much as I wanted to karate chop her arm and run away, by avoiding her I had avoided the Queen and that had to be super rude. We were staying in her palace after all. But I didn’t feel too bad, she was grieving her son, so I doubted she wanted to be bothered by me.

  Aryx’s rites had been performed the day before, so I had seen her at a distance. It was a large ceremony held ou
t on the ice. He was laid out on a bed of lit blue toyl stones as dozens of healers chanted and sang a beautiful growly song around him. Viv and I had clutched each other’s hands throughout the sadly beautiful ceremony. And when little adorable dahkling’s threw petals around his burning body, I had to bite my lip, so I didn’t sob. Viv dug her nails into my arm and muttered sad sighs as she shed enough tears for the both of us thinking of all the people we had lost. Her parents, Bryan, and Hector’s teammates. Lauren and Hallie flashed through my mind. We sent a silent prayer out into the sparkling stars for them. The Queen was cool and calm, stone-faced, and covered in head to toe gold. Her dress and robes, and all her ridge adornments sparkled as they lit the stones beneath King Aryx, lighting the lavender sky with a blue fire glow.

  She was in a large and open opulent room as I met her now, standing beside the throne Uthyf sat on. Myrna marched me up to them and bowed deeply, I took her cue and did the same. “My Queen, I present my daughter, the human, Pehytoon.”

  “Ah, yes, I have heard much about you.” The Queen waved her hand, and we stood. It didn’t sound like what she heard was anything bad, she even had a small smile on her face.

  “I’m sorry about your son,” I told her sincerely.

  “Many thanks.” She blinked, her transparent lid sliding over her silvery eyes. I had only ever seen Tahk do that in the bright sunlight. With her, it looked like she did it to blink away moisture, but I knew Dahk couldn’t cry.

  Uthyf watched me shrewdly before sighing, “I hear Tahk has reached the Council, his meeting is taking place as we speak.”

  “Really?” I nearly jumped for joy. “Do you think they’ll agree?”

  Uthyf snorted, “No.” My heart dropped. “But where my brother would not have pushed them far, I will not abide their dismissal.”

  Queen Josyd scowled at him, “Your brother told the Commander he would not either, he risked trading agreements just to confront the Vitat in orbit of Earth. Tahk has told me how Aryx would have risked more for the humans when he met the Galactic Council. He was not as weak as you believe.”


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