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Home World: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 2)

Page 13

by Erin Raegan

  Josyd was breathing heavily and glaring at the King. I didn’t think Uthyf was her son, from what I heard his mam had died a while ago, but she chastised him as her own.

  “Josyd, you know my brother had my heart, but he would not have stood at the Council for all his intentions and been able to withstand them as Tahk will. He would have bowed to them in submission, Tahk will not do this.”

  “You know nothing,” she hissed and stomped away. She stopped in front of me and bowed her head. I quickly did the same. “I would like to have first meal with you tomorrow morn, will you join me? I am very curious about humans and Earth. I have not traveled far as Queen. I wish you to tell me of your journey and all you have seen.”

  It wasn’t much, mostly black and sparkly stars, and Earth was pretty bland compared to Home World, and I doubted she would be impressed with humans and their we’re-just-gonna-blow-everybody-up mentality, but she looked kind of desperate for the distraction, and I was curious about her. “Sure.”

  She smiled briefly, and a little manic, or anxious, and left. Maybe I’d stay away from the invasion and talk about my chickens, and movies and Niagara falls or something. I had an arsenal of telenovela references that would blow these guys out of the water. They didn’t have tv’s. I was desperate for a puppet show, at least. The idea got me excited to cheer up Viv. She’d been fascinated with the little dahkling’s running to the healer rooms to catch a glimpse of us before they giggled and ran away. If we could rope Yilt into sewing for us in his free time, we could put on a hell of a show for them.

  Myrna smacked my arm, and I jolted. I had gotten a little lost in elves, precious rings, and lightsabers. God, I had the perfect role for Isin. Those kids would be calling him Chewy in no time. Myrna smacked me again, and I scowled at her. “The King is speaking,” she hissed.

  “Sorry.” I winced. I was too tired to focus. I needed a warmer bed.

  “Are you well?” Uthyf scrunched his brow ridges. “I can arrange a call with the Commander if you are having trouble.”

  “Oh, god no! I don’t want to bother him. I’m fine. Promise.” The last thing I needed was to come across as anymore clingy to Tahk. I had upended his life enough as it was. I wouldn’t be that girl that whined and distracted him every time he left. “I was thinking about puppets.”


  “Yeah, they’re like little versions of characters we use to reenact funny skits, and―never mind. Have you heard from Earth?”

  Uthyf scowled at my quick subject change. “Yes. Fihk has cut off the Vitat’s access to Earth and driven the hive ship back. They still hover in orbit but have been silent and do not engage Dahk One.”

  “Has Fihk gone down to Earth again? Has he found my mom?” I know my mom wasn’t the biggest priority, but I had to ask.

  “No, I have ordered him to remain in orbit until we receive word.” Uthyf had the decency to look a little sorry, but as a King, he was protecting his species, and I understood that.

  “Have they heard or seen anything happening on Earth? Do they have any way of seeing down there from orbit?” Were all the humans dead? Slaughtered? Would Tahk be too late?

  “There has been no change. Though Fihk has sent scouts close to the atmosphere who were able to observe the humans engaging the Vitat. It is unclear how successful they have been.”

  I hoped humans found a way to kick some Vitat ass without nuclear weapons. I hoped there was some kind of revolution going on or Fihk wouldn’t have anyone to save.

  “Tahk will send word once the Council agrees, but know this, I will not allow the humans to fall.”

  I nodded and smiled. Myrna bowed again, “Thank you, my King.” I bowed as well, and she rushed me from the room. “Ignorant human are you daft?” She spun me around just outside the doors.

  “What?” I glared and ripped my arm from her sharp nails.

  “You insult my son with your wandering mind.”

  My mouth dropped in offense. “I do not. I was just―” I stumbled and winced, I sort of was daydreaming about puppets, but I hardly insulted Tahk. He actually would have thought it endearing and probably hilarious and then ran around trying to find me puppets. I rubbed my sore chest. I missed him.

  Haytu saved me from having to explain myself by stomping to us and announcing it was time for games. I giggled at his obvious interference.

  “No, she will explain herself.” Myrna hissed.

  I sighed and faced her. “Look I know you don’t like me―” She scoffed. “But, I love your son.”

  She bit back a retort as I repeated myself. “I love him. He has my heart.”

  “It did not seem so when he returned.”

  I winced again and scrubbed my cheek. “I know, I, um, was upset with him for taking me from Earth, and then I found out about his consorts, and well, I struggled with my feelings for him.”

  She watched me shrewdly as I fumbled over my words.

  “It was bad timing, but we’re good now. He apologized, and so did I. I know it’s normal for Dahk females to share a male, but it’s not for humans. When I found out, it hurt, a lot.”

  “I am aware of the differences in humans. How do you plan to give him many dahkling if you do not allow him to mate another?” She was vibrating with the need to either smack me or shake me. I took a step back. I saw now where Tahk got all his ragey-faces from, and it wasn’t from his jovial father.

  “I don’t know if it’s possible, and honestly, I hope I can give him that.” I nearly gagged on the words. I was so not ready to think about baby Tahk’s bursting from my vagina, but this was important to her, so I needed to take it seriously. And I really did want to give Tahk all the things he wanted. He deserved that from me after everything. “Just, give me a chance, okay? I make him happy and he makes me happy, and that has to mean something, right?”

  She sniffed and raised her chin. “I will accompany you in the morn to see the Queen.”

  She stomped away, and I watched her departure in confusion. I wasn’t sure if she accepted what I had to say, or if she chose to ignore it all. Regardless, I relaxed when she was out of sight. I might need to join Colt’s hunt for Dahk liquor if I had to have any more heart to hearts with her.

  I followed Haytu and Borv stayed back at a distance as he escorted me to my room. Haytu stopped outside the door and squeezed my shoulder. “She means well,” he said so seriously I held back my grimace. “She had not envisioned a human as her son's mate, but she will adjust and grow to adore you as I do.”

  “I hope so.” I warmed from his words. I had gotten that he liked me, but that he adored me? That made my heart hurt differently than it did missing Tahk. It was a good hurt. It helped cover up the little stabs Myrna left behind every time she shot at me with disapproval.

  “Go on then, daughter, take a reprieve and I shall distract her.” No games to play then, just a total dad save. I stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. He flushed adorably and walked away with a dopey grin on his face.

  I was laughing as I let myself into my rooms.

  It cut off abruptly as I was tackled from behind.

  Chapter 13


  A heavy weight slammed into me, throwing me into the ground. A high feminine screech echoed in my ear, and I gasped as talons pierced my shoulders.

  “He was mine!” Nonya shouted and rolled me to my back. She brought her crazy sharp claws back and swiped at my face, and I rolled avoiding them slashing through my eye, but the tips caught my ear wrenching a howl of pain from me. She snarled and snagged the back of my coat, rolling me back over, her thighs caging me in.

  I couldn’t avoid her second slash as it tore straight down my middle, shredding my coat. I gasped in relief when she didn’t hit skin. It was so thick, stuffing flew everywhere, temporarily distracting her. I lifted my knee and slammed it into her vagina. I hadn’t really expected it to do much, but she howled and fell off me. I stared in shock as she curled up on the floor wailing in pain.

nbsp; I mean I didn’t have a dick, and I figured getting kneed there would still hurt a little, but she was acting like a dude. I shook my head and stood, now was not the time to get curious about alien female anatomy.

  Looking around the room I tried to find something to defend myself, but there was nothing. Then I spotted the door and nearly smacked myself. Why wasn’t I just running and screaming for Borv? I leaped at the door just as she snarled and snagged my ankle. I went down hard on my face, bashing my nose into the floor. Bone cracked, and wet warmth spread across my face just as the pain kicked in. I shouted in agony and flailed as she dragged me backward on my stomach.

  A bang sounded at the door, and it shook from the force.

  “He cannot want you if you are dead,” she snarled and grabbed my hair, yanking and flipping me to my back. I grabbed for the stand beside us that held a bowl of blue fire-stones and pulled. It was so heavy it barely moved. Kicking her in the chest I used my other hand to pull harder. It rocked unsteadily before it began to tip. She snarled and lunged for me again, and my thigh burned from holding her back. Her claws scraped along the leather of my calf and I shouted angrily, pulling as hard as I could. Finally, the bowl tipped completely over raining blue stones down on us. I covered my head as they pummeled my stomach and arms and she shouted throwing herself backward. I scooted back, opposite her, scraping my spine along the floor and rolled to avoid the bowl as it crashed to the floor between us with a bang. Jumping to my feet, I grabbed the now empty stand and strained to lift it. It was heavy, but I managed to hold it awkwardly like a staff.

  I could hear Borv shouting from the other side of the door and backed towards it. Nonya shook off the stones and stood. She was so intimidating with her fangs and claws, and so much taller than me. Her wings fluttered, and I knew she was going to fly at me. Just as she lunged, I bent low and brought up the stand to whack at her middle. The stand did nothing to stop her because she was just so much stronger than me, and I slammed back down onto the floor with her on top of me. Her claws dug into my ribs, and she snarled in my face. I grabbed for a loose stone. Just as she bent to bite me, I brought the stone down on her head. It did nothing, and she laughed wickedly.

  “Dahk are not as weak-hided as humans,” she grinned and dragged her claws down my side. I shouted again in pain, the cuts were much shallower than they could’ve been. Her claws could have shredded me open, but she was toying with me. “Did you think I would let him dismiss me so easily?”

  I shook my head as she dug her claws into my ribs. I winced and bit my lip to keep from shouting again.

  “He thought to pawn me off to another,” she bared her fangs an inch from my face. “You are an ugly thing, weak. He cannot control himself because of the mating bond. But I will tear you apart, and then he will want me again.”

  She was psychotic. There was no way Tahk would let her get away with killing me, let alone run back to her. “He’ll kill you,” I gasped.

  “No, he wanted me before you, he will want me again.”

  I decided to keep to myself how he never really wanted her but was instead forced into choosing a mate by his crazy mother. No matter how awesome it would feel to throw it in her face. It would definitely get me killed.

  Borv was shouting my name and slamming into the door. How damn strong were those doors if Borv couldn’t take them down? He was the size of a tank.

  “You―” I gasped as Nonya wrapped a clawed hand around my neck and squeezed, cutting off my words and air. All those deadly claws and she was going to choke me to death? I scratched at her hands and arms as she laughed wildly. My fingernails were no match for her thick skin. My vision started to waver, and my legs kicked at nothing. I couldn’t get my knee up like before.

  She brought her other hand up and scraped a claw lightly down my cheek. “You are nothing,” she whispered. “After the bond is severed, you will be nothing to him.”

  Black dots filled my vision, and my mouth gaped for air I couldn’t pull in. In a last-ditch effort to save myself, I abandoned my useless scrapes down her arms and went for her eyes. They proved to be far more sensitive than the rest of her as I shoved my thumbnails into them. She howled and threw herself back. I gasped and choked crawling to the door as she cursed and screamed. I barely managed to pull myself up holding onto the door handle as she slammed me back against the door. I just managed to unlock the latch as she was ripped from my back. I slumped and turned to see Syn grappling with her on the floor. Another Dahk flew in through the terrace just as Borv barreled through the doors. Jyn helped Syn subdue the screeching female, and Borv lifted me from the ground.

  “Take her to the lower cells,” Borv growled and carried me from the room.

  “I will kill you!” Nonya screeched. “He’s mine!”

  Syn cursed repeatedly, and Nonya’s shouts cut off.

  Borv ran through the castle, down the stairs, and to the healer's room.

  Gryo startled and fumbled with a machine by Ford’s side as Borv barreled into the room, and Ford and Hector gaped at me from their cots.

  “What happened?” Gryo shouted and rushed to my side as Borv carefully placed me on a cot. I winced from all the aches and pains and cupped my throbbing nose.

  “Nonya.” Borv rumbled, his chest heaving.

  “Stupid female, she will lose her life for this.” Gryo huffed and started to poke and prod at me. I smacked at his hands. “Cease, I must assess your injuries.”

  “You’re hurting me more!” I mumbled through my hand.

  Gryo sighed, annoyed, and left to gather supplies. “Humans, they are so easily injured. How do you survive each sunring?”

  I scowled at him. That crazy harpy had claws and fangs, and she was freakishly strong. I could barely fight her off. She was terrifying, and I seriously hoped I never had to go up against Myrna because she seemed far more threatening than Nonya, and I doubted she would toy with me first. She would slice me open without warning. I hardly just got into a normal catfight.

  I always knew how dangerous the Dahk were with all their claws and deadly skills, but it wasn’t until I was staring at one that actually intended to kill me that I realized just how hazardous it was here for us.

  I shivered. I couldn’t fight off one of them, let alone a whole bunch who clearly were not cool with Tahk mating a human.

  Gryo went about cleaning and bandaging my cuts. It was a slow and painful process. My nose wasn’t broken, but it took a while to stem the flow of blood. I had gashes down my calf and arms, and the sides of my stomach had both deep scratches and puncture wounds. Every breath hurt. Borv cursed and paced the room, occasionally shouting for someone and then roaring for them to leave. He didn’t relax until Uthyf came barreling through the doors.

  “What happened?” He barked and ran to my side. “Explain. Now.”

  Borv barely got the words out through clenched teeth. Uthyf heaved in his own anger for long moments before storming from the room. “Take me to her,” he rumbled to someone outside the room.

  I shuddered hearing the wrath in his voice. Things did not look good for Nonya, and I was suddenly curious about the Dahk’s justice system. “What’s going to happen to her?”

  Borv bared his fangs at the door. “The Commander will have rights to her punishment as your Pythe and leader of your House. He will have her put to death.”

  “Really, is that normal? Isn’t there a trial or something?”

  Gryo chuckled a little too evilly for even him. “No, there were witnesses to her attack. The Commander will sentence her to a painful death, and let it be a lesson to any who would conspire in future.”

  “How will she die?” I asked. But did I really want to know? This was the kind of stuff that might have me seeing the Dahk through a harsher light and stop comparing them to superheroes.

  “That is not for you to worry over.” Haytu came barreling in the room with a stricken look on his face. “I am sorry, daughter. I should have sensed her lurking in your room.”

sp; “It’s not your fault…” I trailed off as disbelief rushed through me.

  Myrna rushed into the room, her own face bleached in worry. Her eyes wild with fright. “Is she well?” She cried and clutched my hand to her chest.

  “I’m f-fine.” I looked to Haytu in total shock. Where was my malevolent mother-in-law? Could aliens abduct aliens? Were there really such things as body snatchers? I swear if she could cry, tears would be running down her cheeks.

  “You are not fine! My son would have been devastated to hear of your death!” She screeched and smacked Haytu on the arm. “Where is the despicable female? I will slay her myself!”

  I nearly fell off the cot. “What’s happening right now?”

  “What?” Myrna snarled and then immediately softened back into a terrified version of herself. She fluttered her hands all over my injured body. “There is so much blood! Gryo what say you? Why have you not healed her? I demand―”

  “Mate, calm. She will heal.” Haytu pulled her away and hugged her to his side. “Any more of your theatrics and you may very well impede her ability to recover.” He chuckled to soften his reprimand.

  She huffed and pushed away from him. “Has Tahk been told of this?”

  “No!” I winced when the scratch on my ear pulled tight. Softer I continued my protest, “he doesn’t need to be bothered right now.”

  “Nonsense, he must return at once!” She crossed her arms and glared at Haytu when he didn’t immediately rush off to call his son.

  “He will be made aware after he meets with the Council on the human's behalf.”

  “She will not stay here a moment longer. She must stay with us where we can assure her safety and comfort.”

  Haytu grinned at me as if to say ‘see, I told you she would come around.’

  I still wasn’t convinced she hadn’t been body snatched. “I’m not leaving.” My friends were here, and there was no way Myrna wouldn’t return to hating me, and then I would be stuck with her.


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