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Crushing On My Doctor: A Medical Romance

Page 15

by Iona Rose

  Aidan dresses quickly and then comes over to me. He stands behind me and leans down and kisses my neck. Shivers go through me as his lips run over my skin. He pulls back from me and I know he felt the shivers too, but I also know he has to leave whether we like it or not.

  “I can just about make it to work on time if I leave now,” he says. “See you at six?”

  “See you at six,” I confirm before he kisses me again and then jogs away.

  I hear him say a quick hello and goodbye to Nadia as he cuts through the living room. I hope we didn’t disturb her last night. Or this morning. I can’t help but smile as I think of last night and this morning. God Aidan is a machine. He can make me come effortlessly and I love having sex with him. It’s been no more than twenty minutes since we last had sex and already I’m counting down the minutes until six o’clock when I can see him again, have sex with him again. My pussy is getting wet again just thinking about it. I imagine Aidan’s hands on me, his lips on me.

  I shake my head, shaking away the images. I have to stop this or the day is going to drag even more than it normally would. I can’t spend all day in this heightened state of arousal or I’m going to drive myself crazy.

  I finish drying my hair and put my make up on and then I go through to the living room where Nadia is sitting nursing a cup of coffee and nibbling on a slice of toast while she watches an early morning talk show. She grins at me as I come in.

  “There’s coffee in the pot,” she says.

  “Thanks,” I say.

  I go into the kitchen and pour myself a cup of the coffee and then I come back to the living room and sit down. Nadia mutes the TV and turns to me.

  “It’s funny,” Nadia says. “When Aidan works really late and he’s back in early the next morning, he often crashes here because it’s closer to the hospital and he gets a bit more sleep. But last night he came here and I’m guessing didn’t get a whole lot of sleep.”

  I feel myself blushing and Nadia laughs.

  “Oh come on Erika. You didn’t expect me to believe you two just had a little slumber party did you?”

  I shake my head and I feel myself smiling despite my embarrassment.

  “We didn’t disturb you did we?” I ask.

  “Oh no, not at all. Once my head hits the pillow I’m out like a light. I swear the building could fall down around me and it wouldn’t wake me up,” Nadia says. She puts the last piece of her toast into her mouth and chews thoughtfully for a moment. “So you and Aidan are still getting along well then?”

  I nod my head, trying to be casual, but again, my mouth betrays me. I just can’t stop myself from smiling when I think of Aidan and just how well we’re getting along.

  “Wow you’re really smitten aren’t you?” Nadia says with a laugh.

  There’s no point in trying to deny it. It’s written all over my face. I find myself nodding again and I feel my blush deepening slightly. It’s a little weird talking to Aidan’s sister about him.

  “Yeah. I really am,” I admit. “I was determined not to rush into anything, but I really think I’m falling for Aidan.”

  “Good,” Nadia says. “Because from what I’ve seen, the feeling is mutual.”

  “Really?” I ask. I mean I know Aidan and I have great sex, but I’ve hardly dared to hope it’s more than that to him. “How can you be so sure?”

  “Well for starters, other than the times Aidan has crashed here from the hospital, I think he’s been here about four times. And now it feels like he practically lives here.”

  “I’m sorry …” I start, but Nadia waves my apology away.

  “It’s not a complaint. Just an observation,” she says. “Honestly Erika, I’ve never seen Aidan so content. And I’ve never known him to be even close to late for work.”

  “I guess I’m a bad influence on him,” I grin.

  “I agree, but in the best possible way,” Nadia says. “He needs something in his life other than work. I was always worried he’d hit a certain age and end up settling for someone he wasn’t that into, most likely someone from work, just to keep things simple. But now I’m not so sure that’s how it will play out.”

  “Do you really think it can work between us?” I ask. “We’re from such different worlds.”

  “I think it can if you’re both willing to meet in the middle a little bit. Aidan will have to see that some things are more important than work, and you’ll have to accept that sometimes, work will come first and Aidan might have to cancel plans at the last minute.”

  “I can do that,” I say without hesitation. “I mean it’s not like he works in an office or something. What he does is important and I understand that it’s not the sort of job you can walk away from just because technically your shift has ended.”

  “That’s good,” Nadia says. “Because I don’t think it’s going to be long until Aidan officially asks you to be his girlfriend and it’ll be better all round if you understand what comes with the job.”

  Is she right that Aidan is going to ask me to make this thing between us official? I hope she is. I mean I’m enjoying what we’re doing and I love spending time with Aidan, and technically, we don’t need a label to enjoy what we’re doing together, but it would be nice to make it official. It would be nice to know that he is mine and mine alone.

  “I’d like that,” I smile. “And I think I know what I’m getting into. And if he does have to work late when I wasn’t expecting it and he makes it up to me like he did last night, I’ll be one happy little lady.”

  I realize I’ve probably said too much but Nadia just laughs.

  “So have you two got any plans for tonight?” Nadia asks me.

  “Yeah. I’m meeting him after work and then we’re going to his place for dinner,” I say.

  Nadia smiles knowingly and I feel myself blushing again. It really is quite strange telling her about Aidan and me seeing as he’s her brother. It’s nice to be able to talk about him though, but then when I talk about him and tonight’s plans, I start to think about what I know will come after the dinner, and I really don’t want to think about Aidan like that in front of Nadia. That will be way too weird. I decide to change the subject before things spiral and get really awkward.

  “What about you?” I ask. “Have you got any plans for tonight?”

  “Actually I’m going on a date,” she says with a hint of a smile.

  “Oh really. Tell me more,” I say, glad to be the one out if the spotlight for a moment.

  “There’s not really a lot to tell at this point,” Nadia says. “It’s our first date. I gave him my number a couple of days ago and I didn’t really think he would call, but he did, and yeah. We’re going to see a movie and then we’re going to a bar he knows for drinks afterwards.”

  “Why didn’t you think he would call? Look at you. You’re gorgeous,” I say.

  It’s Nadia’s turn to blush slightly and she shakes her head.

  “I don’t know about that,” she says. “Plus, I met him at the gym so when we were talking I was covered in a layer sweat and I probably looked pretty gross.”

  “That’s a good think though,” I say. “If he saw you like that and he still wants to see you again, imagine what he’s going to be like when you sees you all done up tonight.”

  “I’m kind of hoping it works that way,” Nadia laughs. She drains the last of her coffee and stands up. “Well I’d best get going to work. God today is going to be a long day.”

  I know exactly what she means about that. At least she has work to keep her distracted from watching the clock. Lord knows what I’m going to do.

  After Nadia has gone, I wash out our cups and brew a fresh pot of coffee. I skip breakfast – I’m not hungry at all. I go through some of the options for what I could do today, and in the end, I settle on a Twilight movie marathon. It feels like a guilty pleasure kind of a day, and hopefully it will distract me from thinking constantly of Aidan and making the day drag by even more slowly. I know it probably won�
��t work that way, but I have to do something and nothing is going to completely stop me thinking of Aidan.

  It's finally time for me to leave to meet Aidan. Ok, technically, it’s a little early, but if I have a nice slow walk over to the hospital, then it will be near enough time for him to finish when I get there. I’d rather be a bit early and have to wait a while than be stuck cooped up in here watching the clock any longer.

  Nadia is in her room getting ready for her date and I stick my head out into the hallway.

  “I’m off Nadia. Have a good night tonight,” I shout.

  “Thanks. You too,” she replies.

  I leave the apartment building and begin walking towards the hospital. It’s a cool, crisp day and I pull my jacket around myself to keep the chill out. I soon start to feel warm with the walking though and I relax my arms, letting my jacket fall back into place at my sides. I wonder vaguely if I should have worn jeans now that it’s getting a little chilly, but I’m glad I didn’t. I’m wearing a tight black pencil skirt that sits just above my knee and I know I look good in it and I want to look good for Aidan. I can live with being a bit chilly. It’s not like we’re going to be standing around outside.

  I check my watch as I see the hospital looming up ahead. I’m fifteen minutes early. That’s not bad. I managed to kill more time than I expected on the walk over here. I debate waiting at Aidan’s car, but then I decide against it. Purple legs covered in goose bumps isn’t a good look for anyone. I decide to go up to Aidan’s floor and wait in his office.

  I head for the main doors and start towards the elevators. I am almost up to them when I hear someone calling my name. I turn around and see a woman who looks vaguely familiar to me, but I can’t quite place her. She beckons to me. I am a little bit confused about what she could possibly want with me, but I go towards her, curious. As I get closer, I realize who she is. It’s Stacy. She’s not in scrubs. She must be just coming on shift and hasn’t gotten around to changing into her scrubs yet. I am still a little confused about what she might want with me, but I guess I am about to find out. I am a little bit nervous as I approach her and she looks me up and down. I tell myself I’m being silly and I smile at her. She doesn’t return my smile, but I press on with my planned opening, trying to sound normal.

  “Sorry,” I smile. “I didn’t recognize you without your scrubs.”

  “You’re here to see Aidan?” she says, ignoring what I said.

  I’m a little bit taken aback by her bluntness and I’m not sure if what she said is a question or a statement, but I nod my head anyway. Stacy nods back.

  “I thought so. Look Erika you seem like a nice enough girl and so I’m going to level with you. If you keep hanging around Aidan, you’re going to end up getting hurt. Aidan and I kind of have a thing going on you see,” she says. I frown. Is she seriously threatening me? She goes on. “We sleep together now and again, and we say it’s a no strings thing, but we both know that’s not strictly true. We’re sowing our wild oats with other people, but when we’re done with that, we’ll come back together.”

  I can feel my heart breaking ever so slightly, but I don’t want to give Stacy the satisfaction of seeing that she’s bothering me.

  “It sounds to me like you’re the wild oat,” I say. “You sleep together now and again and Aidan tells you its no strings attached and then you try to put some meaning to it. It’s a bit sad really.”

  Stacy laughs and shakes her head.

  “You still don’t get it do you? I didn’t want to have to be so crude as to spell it out to you, but I will. Doctors sometimes screw around with girls like you, girls who don’t get it. But when they’re ready to settle down, they marry the nurses.”

  She turns and walks away from me before I can answer her. I stand in place watching her walk away, blinking hard to keep the tears back. Stacy glances back at me and smiles, a fake sympathetic smile that makes me want to run over there and punch her in her smug little mouth.

  “You can’t have him Erika. Find your own man,” she says.

  I stand in place for a moment longer debating what to do and then I turn around and head back out of the hospital. I need to get away from this place so I can think clearly without getting concerned sideways glances from strangers.

  I cut across the parking lot, heading back towards the apartment and then I change my mind. I stop and turn around, heading in the opposite direction now instead. I know Nadia has a date tonight, but she could still be home now and I really can’t face her right now. I make my way back to my house instead. I just to be alone for a while, somewhere familiar where I can lick my wounds and try to accept what I’ve just been told.

  I let myself into the house and I go through to the living room and sit down. I am shaking and I feel a little bit sick. I spend a few minutes sitting still, just taking deep breaths to try and get the sickly feeling to pass. When it does, I ask myself if Stacy was even telling me the truth. I want to tell myself she wasn’t, but I feel like I’m just deluding myself. This whole thing with Aidan has felt too good to be true since it started and all Stacy has done is remind me of that fact.

  The thing is, Aidan and I have never said we’re exclusive and for that reason, he is perfectly within his rights to do what he wants with Stacy, but that doesn’t make the idea of them fucking hurt any less. For all we haven’t talked about being exclusive, some of the things Aidan said to me, things about him never feeling this way about anyone before, they made me think what we had was special. And surely if he thought what we had was special too then he wouldn’t be fucking around with other girls while we’re sort of seeing each other.

  I think about Nadia telling me she’s never seen Aidan this happy before and how she was convinced he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend soon. Was she in on Aidan’s deception? No I tell myself. I don’t think she was. There was no reason for her to say any of that stuff if she didn’t really think it was true. And I’m guessing the other women Aidan has dabbled with haven’t moved in with Nadia. Aidan could have always seemed this way with the new women he was sleeping with and Nadia just didn’t know about it. That makes sense. More sense than thinking Nadia is somehow involved in some crazy plot to deceive me into sleeping with her brother.

  I want to convince myself that Stacy is lying all the same, but the more I think about it, the more I can’t see why she would have any reason to lie to me. What would she achieve by pushing me away from Aidan if the part about them sleeping together wasn’t true? If Aidan genuinely isn’t into her, then my not being around isn’t going to magically make him want her. Surely she would know that.

  Tears spring to my eyes again when I finally let myself accept that I’ve been played for a fool. I just wish Aidan had been honest with me. I wasn’t looking for anything serious myself and I would have been happy to hook up with him and have a bit of fun. I just wouldn’t have let myself get attached to him. But he implied there was more to it than that, that what we had was going somewhere, and I did let myself get attached, and now I have to accept that I’m a fool. A fool who was letting myself see Aidan in my future when he saw me as only a pit stop on his way to shacking up with Stacy.

  I try to tell myself I’m not going to get angry or upset, but it’s too late for that. I’m upset to know that Aidan has been sleeping with Stacy obviously, but I think more than that, I’m upset that he lied to me about it. He had a chance to come clean when we talked in his office yesterday, but he chose to tell me it was just her flirting with him, that he didn’t think of her that way at all. Even if he wasn’t ready to admit that there might be something between them, he didn’t have to outright lie to my face like that. He could have just pointed out that we weren’t exclusive and left it at that.

  My phone rings, pulling my attention out of my head for a moment. I take it out of my hand bag and glance at the screen. It’s Aidan. I can’t talk to him right now. Maybe not ever again. I let the phone ring. A couple of seconds later, a text pings in. I want to ignore it,
but I already know I won’t be able to do that and so I give in and open it and read it.

  “Hey. I guess you’re running a little late? I’m done with work and I’ll meet you at my car. X”

  Have a nice wait I think to myself. Maybe you’ll work out I’m not coming and go back upstairs and have a nice talk with fucking Stacy. Maybe you’ll even kiss her. Ugh. What does he even see in her? Despite the fact that she’s drop dead gorgeous and has a body to die for of course.

  My phone rings again and I go to cut the call off, but I’m surprised to see that this time, the caller is Jeremy. I debate answering it. Maybe I should give him another chance. I mean sure, there was no spark between us, but is that really the most important thing to look for in a relationship? Aidan and I have a great spark between us, and look where that’s gotten me. At least Jeremy was faithful to me. Sure we had our problems. As Jennifer pointed out, he was never really comfortable with me seeing my friends when we were together. But is that such a bad thing? Didn’t it just mean he wanted to spend more time with me?

  I go to hit answer, but then I remember that look of rage on Jeremy’s face when I told him I liked Aidan and I pull my hand back from the screen. Aidan might have turned out to be a mistake, but that doesn’t make Jeremy less of a mistake. I don’t want to be with someone who makes me nervous any more than I want to be with someone who plays me for a fool.

  The phone stops ringing and it makes a beeping sound telling me that I have a new voicemail. I pick it up and listen to the voicemail.

  “Hi Erika, its Jeremy. I just wanted to apologize again for the other day. I shouldn’t have put pressure on you like that. It’s just hard knowing you’ve moved on. Anyway, I hope I haven’t ruined everything and that we can still be friends. Give me a call when you get this, just to let me know that you’re ok. That we’re ok.”

  I shake my head as I cut off the voicemail and the phone starts to ring again. It’s Aidan again this time. I’m starting to feel overwhelmed by the calls, the messages. I never thought having two men vying for my attention would be so upsetting. But one of them is someone I have decided is bad news and the other one is someone who betrayed my trust. With an angry stab of my finger, I switch my phone off.


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