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Crushing On My Doctor: A Medical Romance

Page 16

by Iona Rose

  I feel slightly better for doing it but it doesn’t help me feel better about my situation as a whole. At least being here and being so riled up about Aidan has stopped me being afraid to be in the house. That’s a good thing. Maybe I should try and hold onto a little bit of my anger, because I really don’t see how I can go back to living with Nadia now and having to see Aidan whenever he comes over to see Nadia.

  I decide I’ve wasted enough time crying over Aidan and I stand up and move through to the kitchen. I open the cupboard beneath the sink and pull out my cleaning supplies. If I’m going to be moving back in here, it’s going to need a good cleaning, and now is as good a time as any to get started on that.


  I can feel my nerves starting to tingle as I call Erika for the third time. I curse and cut off the call when I get a recorded message informing me that her phone is switched off. I’d like to think her battery just died, but it’s too much of a coincidence that her battery died at the moment she’s late to meet me and her phone was on a couple of minutes ago, even if she chose not to take my call.

  I don’t know why she would be avoiding my calls or messages. I mean what can have changed between us since this morning? And this morning, she was more than eager to come and meet me tonight. Hell she even convinced me to be a few minutes late for work so we could have a bit more time together this morning.

  I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but I can’t help but worry that something is wrong. And of course my first thought is Jeremy. What if she agreed to see him again and he’s convinced her to blow me off? Or worse, what if he turned up at the apartment and forced his way in and he’s the one who has taken her phone away from her and turned it off?

  I realize I am probably being paranoid, but I can’t help it. Jeremy has shown me his true colors, and I wouldn’t put anything past him at this point.

  I pace up and down beside my car, torn as to what to do. I want to go over to Nadia’s place to look for Erika or for some clue as to what might have happened to her. But at the same time, I am still trying to tell myself that I’m over reacting and everything is fine and Erika is just running late. If I just leave and she turns up, we might end up missing each other. And if her battery has died, we won’t be able to call each other and work out a new plan to meet up.

  I wait another couple of minutes and then I get into my car. I can’t just stand here doing nothing. It’s making me crazy. And if this is something to do with Jeremy, anything could be happening to Erika while I hang around here trying to decide what to do. I will just keep my eyes open as I drive and if it does turn out that she’s just running late, I’ll likely pass her on the street and I can just stop and pick her up. I won’t even have to tell her I went crazy for a moment. I’ll just say I figured she was running late and wanted to save her rushing.

  I feel a little bit better now I’ve made a decision and I pull out of the parking lot and head for Nadia’s building. I keep scanning the streets looking for Erika. Twice I think I see her and start to pull over, but both times, I am wrong. By the time I reach Nadia’s building, I know I’m driving too fast, but I’m more concerned about Erika than the possibility of getting a speeding ticket.

  I park the car, jump out and run to the building door. I don’t bother ringing the bell. If Jeremy has Erika in there, he’s not going to just let me in. Instead, I use my key and run into the building. I don’t wait around for the elevator. It would probably be quicker to use it than to take the stairs, but standing waiting for it would feel like I was just wasting time. I run up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and by the time I reach Nadia’s floor, I am a little breathless.

  I still have my keys in my hand and I manage to find the right one after a moment of trying. I fumble Nadia’s door open. It slams off the wall and bounces back on itself, slamming shut. I don’t pause to inspect the wall to see if I’ve done any damage. I run down the hallway as the front door bursts open. Nadia stands in the door way. Her expression goes from seriously pissed off to concerned when she sees me and I know I must look like I’ve lost my mind.

  “Jeez Aidan, what’s going on?” she says.

  “Is Erika here?” I demand.

  “What? No. What happened?” she replies.

  I take a deep breath and follow her into the living room when she turns and walks away from me, beckoning for me to follow her.

  “Erika was meant to meet me after work. She didn’t show up and her phone is switched off,” I say.

  “Maybe she’s running late and her battery died,” Nadia says.

  “Or maybe something happened to her. Have you seen her at all today?”

  “Well yeah. I was here when she left. She seemed fine,” she says. “Aidan tell me what’s really going on here. Something must have happened for you to assume the worst like this.”

  “I need to call the police,” I say.

  “No you don’t. Erika is a grown woman who has been missing for less than half an hour. They’re not going to take to you seriously. What you need to do is calm down and tell me what’s happening,” Nadia says.

  Somehow, her calm voice gets through to me a little bit and I take a deep breath and sit down heavily on the couch. I tell her about Jeremy, about my suspicions about him and about how Erika said she felt afraid of him when they met up for coffee.

  “I think he might have taken her,” I say.

  Nadia sits down beside me.

  “Or she’s standing in the hospital parking lot wondering where the hell you are,” she says. “Or she popped home for something. Or she got her wires crossed and thought she was meant to be meeting you at your place.”

  “I could believe that if it wasn’t for the fact that her phone is switched off,” I say.

  “Have you done anything to piss her off?” Nadia asks.

  “No,” I say. “I mean I don’t think so. And you said she was fine when she left here. I haven’t spoken to her or seen her to do anything to piss her off in that time. I really think I should call the police. If I explain to them about Jeremy and that she has been recently attacked, they might take it a bit more seriously.”

  “They might, but if it’s nothing, and I suspect that’s the case, then this is only going to cause trouble. And I don’t mean for Jeremy. If half of what you’ve said about him is right then screw him – he deserves everything he gets. I mean because it’ll cause trouble for you. How is Erika going to feel if the police pick her up because she got confused about where she was meant to be meeting you? She’ll think you’ve lost your mind.”

  “I know you’re right,” I say after a second. “But what am I supposed to do? I can’t just sit here and hope she shows up eventually.”

  “You go back to the hospital and then to your place. I’ll go to her house. And if she isn’t in any of those places, then we’ll take it from there,” Nadia says.

  I open my mouth to agree with her, but then I take in the fact that she’s wearing a dress and heels and I realize she was likely on her way out.

  “You don’t have to do that. I can swing by Erika’s place too,” I say. “You’re on your way out somewhere.”

  “It’s just a date. I can reschedule it,” she says.

  I shake my head.

  “No honestly, you go out and have a good time. I’m sure you’re right about this. I’m sure I am just being paranoid and I don’t want to ruin your night.”

  “But …” Nadia starts.

  “How about this?” I interrupt her. “If I don’t find Erika in the next hour, I’ll call you and then you can come and help me deal with this.”

  “Ok,” Nadia agrees. “Let me know if you do find her as well though.”

  “I will,” I reassure her.

  I get up to leave, already wondering which place to go to first to search. I decide to start back at the hospital in case she really was just late and is there. I can’t see her being there now though. If she saw my car had gone, would she have just stood in the parking lot?

/>   I hurry back to the hospital and have a quick drive through the grounds and around both the staff parking lot and the normal parking lot. There’s no sign of Erika. I think the next most likely place to look for her if everything is ok and normal will be my place. Like Nadia said, she might have gotten her wires crossed and thought she was meant to be meeting me there. But even though that makes the most logical sense, her place is closer and I decide to go there first.

  I pull up outside of her house and I see instantly that there’s a light on in one of the windows. The sight of that light makes me feel both better and worse. Better because at least now I’m confident I’ve found her, and worse because her being here isn’t a misunderstanding. She clearly doesn’t want to see me for some reason. And I’m beginning to think that Jeremy might not be the reason for it. I don’t know what is, but why would Jeremy bring her here of all places if he had taken her?

  I spot movement behind the curtains, someone passing the window, and I know by the silhouette its Erika. I pick up my phone and send Nadia a quick text saying I’ve found Erika. She texts back quickly saying she’s relieved and wishing me a good night. I’m not sure that’s likely to happen, but I send back a similar sentiment. I really don’t want to ruin Nadia’s night now that I know Erika is safe.

  I sit in the car for a moment longer. Now I am confident Erika is safe, I’m putting off approaching her, because I have a feeling that whatever is going on is something that’s going to break my heart. Maybe she thinks we’re moving too fast and she wants to cool things off a bit. That would hurt, but it wouldn’t be as bad as her wanting to end things with me altogether.

  I tell myself I could be blowing this all out of proportion and I won’t know for sure what’s going on until I get brave enough to get out of the car and go and talk to her. My stomach is whirling as I get out of the car and walk up Erika’s short garden path.

  I knock on the door and I wait. I don’t have long to wait before the door is pulled open.

  “Erika …” I start.

  She doesn’t respond. She barely even looks at me. She starts to close the door in my face. The last thing I want to do is force my way inside and scare her, but I can’t just let her shut me out like this. I need to know what’s going on here, what has changed between us since this morning.

  “Erika, wait,” I say. I reach up and put my hand on the door, stopping it from closing but not trying to force it open wider. “Please talk to me. Tell me what’s going on.”

  “I have nothing to say to you Aidan. Remove your hand from my door please,” Erika says.

  Her voice is cold, not like her usual voice, and it hurts me so much to hear her using that tone on me. I’m not ready to give up on her though. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to give up on her. I guess Jeremy and I are similar in that sense, although I would never resort to hurting Erika.

  “We need to talk about whatever has happened Erika,” I say.

  She sighs and stops pushing on the door. She doesn’t exactly invite me inside, but she walks away, leaving the door open behind her. I step inside and close the door and follow her through another door into her living room. I am conscious that this is the first time I’ve been to her place. I never thought that the first time I saw her house would be like this.

  “Tell me what’s wrong,” I say.

  Erika sits down on the couch and shakes her head. I sit beside her and she shuffles away from me slightly, leaving a gap between us. A gap I don’t like one little bit.

  “I’m not mad at you. Not really,” she says. “I’m mad at myself for being stupid enough to actually think you might be different.”

  I have to admit that one throws me. I have no idea what she’s talking about.

  “Erika I don’t know what’s happened or why you’re suddenly so mad at me. Or not mad at me, whatever. Please just tell me what I’m supposed to have done,” I say.

  “You really didn’t think I’d find out did you? I mean I know I really can’t complain about it. We never said we were exclusive, but I don’t want to be with someone who is just playing the field Aidan. I’m sorry.”

  She thinks I’m sleeping with someone else? Now I’m really lost. Where the hell has this come from all of a sudden?

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about Erika. You sound like you think I’m sleeping with someone else,” I say.

  “I don’t just think you’re sleeping with someone else. I know you are. She told me Aidan. You can drop the act,” Erika says.

  Tears come to her eyes as she says it and I want so badly to wrap her up in my arms and tell her everything will be ok, that I haven’t so much as looked at another woman since I met her. Something tells me that would be a bad move though. I think if I try to touch her now, she’ll just get mad and push me away and she might refuse to talk about this with me at all, and I need her to talk to me about it. I need to find out what’s gotten into her so I can fix it.

  “I don’t know who has told you what, but I promise you that I’m not sleeping with anyone else,” I say.

  “Right. So you and Stacy don’t have some arrangement where you both play the field a bit and sleep together and then one day end up together?” Erika says.

  “What? No, we don’t fuck,” I say. I snap a little bit which I don’t mean to, but I’m getting a little bit annoyed that Erika has jumped to this conclusion because she saw Stacy flirting with me once. “Where on earth have you gotten that idea from?”

  “I came to the hospital to meet you after work. I was a little early so I was coming up to your office. I ran into Stacy and she told me that’s what is happening here,” Erika says.

  “And you believed her?” I say.

  She blushes a little and then she gives a little sniff and nods her head.

  “Well yeah. I mean she’s smoking hot. Why wouldn’t you be into her?” she says. “And why would she make something like that up?”

  “Look Erika, Stacy has a bit of a crush on me. She flirts and drops hints that she’d like us to be more than just colleagues. I had no idea she would go this far though. But I promise you nothing has ever happened between Stacy and me and nothing ever will.”

  “Really?” Erika says.

  She’s finally looking me in the eye and I can see that she wants to believe me, but I don’t think she’s quite there yet.

  “Really,” I say. “Why would I want Stacy when I’m in love with you?”

  Fuck. I didn’t mean to say that. Erika looks at me, her mouth hanging open in surprise.

  “Shit, I’m sorry,” I say. “It’s far too early to say that, and …”

  “I love you too,” Erika interrupts me. She gives a soft laugh. “It is far too early to say it, but it doesn’t change the way I feel.”

  I move closer to her and this time, she makes no effort to move away from me. Instead, she comes towards me. Our arms reach out and wrap around each other, our lips meeting. Erika tastes of her salty tears and her usual sweet taste, a taste I have come to know and love.

  I kiss her like I have never kissed her before. I want my kiss to tell her all of the things that my words can’t say strongly enough. I want my kiss to tell her without doubt that she’s the only girl for me.

  She kisses me back as ferociously as I kiss her. Our lips are pressed together so hard it’s almost painful, and I still don’t feel like I’m close enough to her. I want to devour her, to have every inch of her merge with every inch of me. I want to be one with her. Now and forever.

  Her hands move down my back and come around to my front. She reaches for my belt, opening it and then moving on to my jeans. Within seconds, she has my cock free. I lift my ass from the couch long enough for her to pull my jeans and my boxer shorts down my thighs.

  She straddles me, pushing her skirt up around her waist. She pulls back from the kiss we still share and looks me in the eye for a moment. Her chest is rising and falling quickly, her breath coming in short pants. She leans in and kisses me again.

I run my hands up her thighs and then I grab the side of her panties and pull hard on them, tearing the fabric. Erika pulls back from my lips long enough to gasp and then she giggles and kisses me again.

  I don’t waste any time. I can’t wait another moment to make love to Erika, to let her know she’s the only woman I want to make love to ever again. I push her torn panties aside and run my fingers over her clit. She’s dripping wet and as ready for this as I am. I begin to work her clit with my fingers, but she reaches down, grabs my wrist and pushes my hand away.

  I’m worried for a moment, afraid she’s changed her mind, but instead of climbing off me, she reaches down for my cock and positions herself above it. She lowers herself, impaling herself on my cock and I know now why she moved my hand aside. She just wanted to feel me inside of her. She was as desperate for us to connect as I was.

  She begins to move herself up and down on my cock, her smooth, slippery walls caressing me. I feel pleasure begin to spread through my body, radiating out of my every pore. I have to bite down on the inside of my mouth to stop myself from climaxing too soon.

  I move my hips in time with Erika’s movements, letting her set the pace. She’s not teasing me, not trying to make this last. She throws herself into the rhythm, her desperation as apparent as mine as she works herself into a frenzy on top me.

  Suddenly, she stops moving. She sits still on my lap, my cock in her pussy’s grip as it tightens around me. Erika throws her head back and makes an animalistic sound as her orgasm tears through her body. I push my fingers between her lips and press down on her clit, making her orgasm last longer, feel more intense.

  She’s rigid, her head still back, barely even breathing. Her hands have turned to fists and she tugs on my hair as she comes hard. I feel her pussy tightening around me again and then a flood of her juices soak my lap. I moan low in the back of my throat as her heat douses me.


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