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Forever My Knight

Page 14

by A. R. Ford

  “BP is falling. Get two units O neg on her now.” The authoritative voice barks orders. He sounds angry.


  “He’s in the waiting room. Just take slow, deep breaths, Sarah.” It’s the first soothing voice. This person isn’t angry like the second person who barked orders like a drill sergeant.

  A tear trails from the corner of one eye. Lukas is here. Pain shoots through my shoulder until I groan. My eyes are so heavy. I just need to sleep. It will be okay when I wake up.

  It feels like I’m falling backward into a heavy darkness. My chest burns and lungs ache. The darkness spirals downward while my body shrinks—smaller and smaller until I almost disappear. The lights overhead grow smaller until they become tiny dots in the swirling darkness. It doesn’t hurt anymore. Now I can sleep. Everything goes dark.

  “Get the crash cart now!”

  In the next instant, something rips me out of the darkness. Lukas. I can’t leave Lukas. Electric needles jolt my body.

  I wake up, eyes blurry and heavy. Bright lights shine down. Someone places something rubbery over my nose and mouth. It smells of antiseptic. It’s so hard to stay awake. “Take deep breaths, Sarah. Count back from one hundred.”

  “One hundred, ninety-nine, ninety…” I just need to sleep. My eyes close to block out the bright lights.



  “I don’t know what I’ll do if she doesn’t make it, Mom!” My voice is hoarse and strained. I sit in a chair by Sarah’s bed holding her hand.

  Mom and Dad are here. They came as soon as Morgan called them about the shooting. They are my rock. Mom’s quiet support and words of encouragement mean the world to me. Dad is strong and supportive in his own way. They keep me from sliding over the edge.

  Sarah is pale and tiny in the huge hospital bed. An IV, heart monitor, and other wires and tubes remind me just how serious this is. The surgeon spoke with us as soon as the surgery ended. An inch higher or closer to her heart and she wouldn’t be here. The words echo in my mind. I squeeze her fingers tight, rubbing to warm them up. She’s so cold. I say a silent prayer, head bowed over Sarah’s hands. Please, let her be okay. I need more time to love her.

  “Lukas.” Sarah’s voice is hoarse and faint. Her eyes open slightly, then close. My heart soars when her fingers close around mine.

  “I’m here, babe. Please rest.” I kiss her hands and fingers. Sarah nods and smiles. She’s alive, that’s all that matters.

  “I came back for you,” Sarah murmurs. “Stay with me.”

  “I’m not leaving you, babe.” She came back for me. The realization hits me hard. Everything the doctor said is true. Her heart stopped beating. The crash cart was used. She came back. For me.

  “I told you she’s a fighter, Lukas,” Mom murmurs as she drops a kiss on my head. She gives me a hug. “She loves you so much, honey. You’re the best medicine for her.”

  Dad smiles before giving me a hug. “We’ll be back later, son. Do you need anything?”

  “Just Sarah,” I reply.

  “I think you have her, son. She came back from the brink of death for you,” Dad says with a somber smile. “If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is.”



  My throat is so dry that I have to cough before speaking. It takes so much energy to open my eyes. The reward is seeing Lukas hovering over me. He looks tired.


  “How do you feel?”

  “Awful,” I croak.

  “Where’s Morgan?” Another cough brings a burst of pain through my right shoulder. “Can I have water?”

  Morgan’s pale, tired face appears. “Hey, Sarah. I’m right here. You rest and get better okay?”

  A few moments later a nurse peers down at me. “Would you like something to drink, Sarah?”

  “Water, please.” My voice is hoarse and painful. Lukas looms above me. A straw presses against my mouth. Delicious cool water eases the uncomfortable dryness in my mouth and throat. “Thank you.”

  Lukas kisses my forehead then smooths the hair away from my face. “Rest. I’ll be here when you wake up,” he says.

  “You look tired.”

  A chuckle comes at my words. He kisses my forehead, nose, and mouth. “Only you would worry about someone else, Sarah. I promise that I’ll rest if you rest. Will you do that for me?”

  I nod. I’ll do anything to make Lukas happy. I drift to sleep with a smile curving my lips.

  When I wake up, sunlight shines into the room through open blinds. Lukas lies on a sofa near the window, eyes closed, his clothing rumpled. My body is sore from the stiff, uncomfortable mattress. I try to move only to cry out as pain lances through my shoulder. Lukas is instantly awake and on his feet. “Are you in pain?”

  “Only if I move,” I reply. “I need to sit up, and I’m thirsty.”

  “Let me get a nurse to help.” Lukas presses the call button. A nurse appears and then skillfully assists me in sitting up in bed. A nest of pillows cradles my right arm.

  “Do you think you could eat something? The doctor has you on a clear liquid diet to start with. If you tolerate that, he may let you have something more substantial later,” the nurse asks. She hands me a glass of water which I drink immediately. The cool liquid is heavenly.

  “I’m starving.” The nurse leaves with a promise to have a tray delivered soon. Lukas sits on the bed by my side, a hand caressing my face.

  “I thought I’d lost you, Sarah.” The midnight-blue eyes close and he shudders. “If Morgan hadn’t been there…”

  “I’m okay now,” I reassure. “Morgan and John are okay?”

  Lukas sighs. “Always worrying about someone else, aren’t you? John and Morgan are fine. Roman is in jail. If not for Morgan…” his voice breaks.

  “I love you, Lukas Knight. It might take some time, but I will be okay.” The reassurance brings a smile to his face. I feel anything but healthy right now. Lukas need not hear that.

  The nurse arrives with the tray, and I forget everything except for the aching hunger gnawing at my gut. Strawberry gelatin and broth have never looked so good.



  Detective Akins arrives to question me later that afternoon. Lukas sits at my side, holding my hand which he squeezes occasionally as if reminding me that he is there.

  “Miss Ross, it’s good to see you up and about,” Detective Akins says. “I wanted to ask you a few questions about what happened if you’re up to it.”

  “I’ll do what I can to help,” I reply.

  “Could you tell me what happened that day?”

  “I came out of the restroom to see Roman in the hallway with a gun. Morgan fought with him. The gun went off during their struggle. Morgan saved my life, Detective Akins. That’s all I remember other than bits and pieces of the past few days. What will happen to him?” My voice is calm and strong, something that belies the nausea that roils at the thought of Roman.

  “He’s facing attempted murder and a half dozen other charges. With any luck, he won’t see daylight for years to come, Miss Ross. Our only concern is the attorney his family has hired. We know the attorney has manipulated the system to get his clients reduced charges and prison time,” Detective Akins says. He looks away as if uncomfortable with our discussion.

  “How the hell can that happen?” Lukas snaps. “What do we need to do to ensure he stays in prison for the rest of his life?”

  “Miss Ross may have to testify,” Detective Akins replies. He glances at me then looks away. “Do you think you could do that, Sarah?”

  Blood drains from my face at the thought of facing Roman again. The dizzying sensation of the room closing in on me builds. The sensation of something heavy sitting on my chest follows. My mouth is suddenly so dry words won’t come. Alarms on the monitors still measuring my vital signs ding repeatedly. A nurse bustles into the room. “Sarah? Are you feeling alright? Your heart rate and blood press
ure are elevated.”

  The consummate executive in Lukas makes an appearance. Even the nurse glances at him, smiles, and takes notice. “Detective Akins, I think we’re done here. Contact me if you need anything.” Detective Akins can only nod before hurrying out of the room. Then with a flip of whatever internal switch, it is that he manipulates, loving Lukas is at my side again. “We can talk about this later, Sarah. He won’t hurt you ever again.” He lies with me, an arm protectively enveloping me. The feeling of impending doom eventually eases.

  Chapter 28


  A few days later, I am discharged from the hospital. A sling holds my arm in place. It feels good to be going home. Dot and Max arrive just in time to help carry the vases of flowers from well-wishers. Riley accompanies us. Lukas walks by my side as the nurse pushes me in a wheelchair. The ride from the hospital home exhausts me. As soon as we arrive, Lukas insists that I lie down on the sofa. I nestle my head in his lap while his fingers combing through the tangled mess that is my hair.

  The onslaught of visitors begins within an hour of my arrival. Morgan and Brittney are the first to visit. Morgan kneels by my side, cups my face, and smiles at me. “You are the toughest lady I know, Sarah. You’ve scared the shit out of us and then here you are, looking like an angel on the sofa.”

  “It’s good to see you, Morgan. Thank you for what you did.” He presses a chaste kiss to my forehead before rising. Brittney hugs me as best she can. Tears mist her eyes. “Please, don’t cry, Britt. I’m hanging on by a thread here. I love you. We definitely need a movie night to catch up.”

  “When you feel up to it,” Brittney replies. “I’m just glad you are okay.”

  Dot and Max arrive shortly afterward. Dot heads for the kitchen. Within minutes, the most heavenly aroma wafts through the air. I am blessed to have homemade chicken noodle soup. The delectable combination of ingredients tempts my palate. My energy fades quickly which leads to overwhelming drowsiness.

  I wake with a start when Lukas kisses my cheek. He is kneeling by the sofa. “Come on, sleepyhead, let’s get you to bed,” he says against my ear.

  “But everyone is here to visit,” I say in protest while rubbing my eyes. “Help me sit up. I’ll be okay.”

  Lukas frowns as he helps me sit up. “You’re entirely too stubborn, madam. My urge is to assert my authority in what is best for you.” Oh, crap. Bossy Lukas is making an appearance.

  I gaze at him with wide eyes, uncertain of how to react. I nod. “Bed then,” I murmur.

  The others call out well wishes as I walk to the bedroom with Lukas at my side. Once the door closes, I turn to face him. “You’re acting like my boss again. That’s not fair. I’m an adult.”

  Lukas embraces me as best he can around the sling supporting my right arm and avoiding the injured shoulder. His lips rest against my hair for a moment. “I thought I lost you, Sarah. There was so much blood. You kept drifting in and out of consciousness then they rushed you to emergency surgery to stop the bleeding. Place yourself in my shoes. How would you feel if I were on the edge of death?”

  Tears fill my eyes at the thought. I can’t imagine a world without Lukas. Our relationship began with an intense physical attraction but has since become so much more. He is the fire to my ice, the tequila to my salt and lime. He is, without question, my everything. I sob at the thought.

  “No babe, please don’t cry. You tear my heart apart when you cry. You understand my point though, right?”

  I can only nod as I rub the tears away. “Hold me while I sleep?”

  “Always, Sarah.” Lukas is a man of his word in so many ways. He makes a nest of pillows before helping me lie down. “Will you marry me, Sarah? I know we haven’t talked about it since the incident. I was afraid you would say no,” he murmurs.

  “I’m yours always and forever, Lukas Knight. It would honor me to be your wife.” I turn my head toward his and am rewarded with a tender kiss. I love this man so much. “Would you like to set a date?”

  “As soon as you are up to it,” he replies.

  “Tomorrow, here? Evening to give us time to get things ready. I want something small, just us, your family and Brittney. I’m not sure if I can handle a lot. Is that okay?”

  “I’m happy with whatever you want, babe. We need to tell everyone now. It will thrill Mom and dad,” he grins.

  “I told you that I didn’t need a nap.”

  Lukas helps me off the bed as I giggle at the ungainliness of an injured shoulder. Dot and Brittney cry upon hearing our announcement. Max and Morgan cheer. It’s an amazing end to my first day home.


  Lukas calls a boutique early the next morning to request that someone bring several wedding dresses for me by the condo. I implore him to help me with a shower.

  Adhesive tape stings as Lukas pulls the dressings away from the front and back of my shoulder. He groans, eyes misting with tears to see the wounds. I can only stare in the mirror he holds for me at the incision at least six inches long on the front of my shoulder. Surgical staples close the wounds. Purple edged with sickly green covers one area of the skin.

  “It’s worse than I thought,” he mutters. Gentle fingers touch the back of my shoulder. “Here...dammit, Sarah! He could have killed you!”

  I turn toward him, cupping his face with the good hand. “But he didn’t. We have Morgan to thank for that. I wasn’t leaving you without a fight, Lukas. I fought so hard to wake up so I could see you.”

  “You’re an amazing woman. I’m so glad you’re mine. Now let’s get you bathed, soon-to-be, Mrs. Knight,” he cajoles.

  The magic shower feels heavenly on my body. A naked Lukas joins me. He uses antibacterial soap on the wounds as directed by the doctor. His touch is feathery and light on the wounds. Then he uses the loofah to wash my body. Fingers massage shampoo into my hair.

  This man loves me. He could not touch me with this much tenderness if it were not so. I sag against his body as he pats the wounds gently before drying the rest of my body. A warm robe enfolds me before Lukas shrugs into a robe.

  “I think I can dress your wounds,” he admits. Lukas retrieves the box of supplies sent home by the hospital. He tears several pieces of tape in advance, sticks them to the edge of the nightstand and retrieves a gauze pad. Within minutes, he dresses both wounds. He eases my arm into the sling before grinning. “Ta-da!” Lukas follows my instructions for drying and styling my hair which I want to wear loose and free. It lies in ringlets after his ministrations.

  The stylist from the boutique interrupts our intimate moment. Lukas sits by me as she shows off each dress. The first dress is a floor-length spaghetti strap white sequined creation. Lukas and I both shake our heads at the same time. The next is a floor-length see-through lace dress with a plunging back. I giggle and blush while shaking my head. “That’s a negligee, not a dress!”

  The third dress makes me smile. It is an ivory satin tea-length gown with an A-line skirt and modest V-neckline. It is light and airy without heavy skirts or material. The stylist helps me try it on then encourages me to try it with silver jeweled sandals and a dainty crystal-encrusted tiara and minimalist veil. The dress fits as if custom-made for me. I tear up when I see myself in the mirror. “This is perfect. Thank you!”

  Lukas looks at me with such love and intensity that a thrill of longing rushes straight to my core. “You’re perfect, Sarah.”

  I refuse to take the dress off. I feel beautiful and sexy even with the blue sling contrasting with the dress. Lukas pays for the dress, sees the stylist out, and returns to change into dark jeans, an untucked cream linen shirt with several buttons left open at the neckline and a dark blue jacket. “Oh, Lukas!” I tear up at the sight of him.

  “No tears, babe. Are you ready? Riley will drive us. Mom and Brittney have been collaborating since early this morning. Will you eat something on the way to get the license?”

  A soft kiss falls on my lips. Anything for you, my love. I opt for fruit and wat
er on the drive to the courthouse to purchase the marriage license. Lukas works his powers of persuasion on the staff who agree to visit me in the SUV for the required information. We return to the condo for the ceremony.

  The entire Knight clan and Brittney have arrived. A catered meal and wedding cake, no doubt courtesy of Dot, have arrived during our absence.


  “I’m the luckiest woman in the world.” Then it hits me. We have no wedding rings, not that it matters. I belong to Lukas just as rainbows belong in the sky. “What about wedding rings?”

  Lukas pulls a box from his hip pocket. “I’ve had these since you agreed to marry me the first time. I hope they meet with your approval. I had them engraved.”

  Two simple gold wedding bands lie inside the box. I take the smaller one and read the inscription: Sarah, I am forever your Knight. Lukas

  Tears run down my face at the simple yet passionate declaration of love and devotion. Lukas pulls me into his arms, a finger catching the tears as they fall. “No tears, babe, please?”

  “Happy tears, Lukas.”

  A pastor and family friend arrive just in time to perform the ceremony. Brittney presses the power button on Lukas’s sound system. It thrills me to hear a string quartet playing Canon in D Major. She has worked her magic with music for the wedding.

  I hold back tears as Lukas and I exchange traditional wedding vows and rings. Then, I am in his arms, trying to catch my breath as he kisses me with so much tenderness and love that I am breathless when the kiss ends. The next song that plays is I Choose You. It brings a mixture of tears and fond memories of our first cup of coffee at the diner, our first kiss, and our first words of love. Nothing could be more perfect.

  The magical day ends as exhaustion overwhelms me once again. I fall asleep in Lukas’s arms for the first time as his wife. The idyllic night ends too soon with a pounding on the bedroom door. The sun is barely peeking over the horizon.

  Lukas swears before opening the door. Morgan glances from Lukas to me, “Lukas, Sarah, I’m so sorry for barging in like this but you have to know. They released Roman from jail on bail an hour ago.”


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